  Wed Apr 8 13:05:43 2015 -0700
allow for different names for the sessionDb and userDb tables

diff --git src/hg/lib/cartDb.c src/hg/lib/cartDb.c
index 6b28608..e6c0341 100644
--- src/hg/lib/cartDb.c
+++ src/hg/lib/cartDb.c
@@ -1,459 +1,479 @@
 /* cartDb.c was originally generated by the autoSql program, which also 
  * generated cartDb.h and cartDb.sql.  This module links the database and
  * the RAM representation of objects. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
  * autoupgrade of the userDb and sessionDb tables
  *   alter table userDb    add column sessionKey varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
  *   alter table sessionDb add column sessionKey varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "base64.h"
 #include "cartDb.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "errCatch.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include <sys/time.h>
 extern DbConnector cartDefaultConnector;
 extern DbDisconnect cartDefaultDisconnector;
 static boolean userDbInitialized = FALSE;
 static boolean sessionDbInitialized = FALSE;
 struct dyString *dyUpgradeError = NULL;
 boolean cartDbHasSessionKey(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table)
 /* Check to see if the table has the sessionKey field */
 static boolean userDbHasSessionKey = FALSE;
 static boolean sessionDbHasSessionKey = FALSE;
-if (sameString(table, "userDb"))
+if (sameString(table, userDbTable()))
     if (!userDbInitialized)
 	userDbInitialized = TRUE;
 	if (sqlFieldIndex(conn, table, "sessionKey") >= 0)
 	    userDbHasSessionKey = TRUE;
     return userDbHasSessionKey;
-else if (sameString(table, "sessionDb"))
+else if (sameString(table, sessionDbTable()))
     if (!sessionDbInitialized)
 	sessionDbInitialized = TRUE;
 	if (sqlFieldIndex(conn, table, "sessionKey") >= 0)
 	    sessionDbHasSessionKey = TRUE;
     return sessionDbHasSessionKey;
     errAbort("Unknown table %s", table);
 return FALSE;
 static char *makeResultName(char *tableName, char *path)
 /* return path in trash for corresponding autoupgrade result file */
 safef(path, AUTOUPGRPATHSIZE, "../trash/AUTO_UPGRADE_RESULT_%s", tableName);
 return cloneString(path);
 static boolean checkAutoUpgradeTableResultTimeIsOld(char *tableName)
 /* Has enough time passed since the last upgrade check? 
  * The idea is to only check once every few minutes
  * rather than each time the CGI runs. */
 makeResultName(tableName, path);
 if (!fileExists(path))
     return TRUE;  // If there is no result yet we should test and make one
 struct timeval rawtime;
 gettimeofday( &rawtime, NULL );
 time_t now = rawtime.tv_sec;
 time_t fMT = fileModTime(path);
 double diff = difftime(now, fMT);
 if (diff > (3 * 60))  // 3 minutes in seconds
     return TRUE;  // The result is old we should test it again in case situation changed
 return FALSE;
 static char * readAutoUpgradeTableResult(char *tableName)
 /* Read table upgrade result */
 char *result = NULL;
 makeResultName(tableName, path);
 if (!fileExists(path))
     return NULL;  // There is no result yet
 readInGulp(path, &result, NULL);
 return result;
 static void writeAutoUpgradeTableResult(char *tableName, char *result)
 /* Write table upgrade result */
 makeResultName(tableName, path);
 writeGulp(path, result, strlen(result));
 void autoUpgradeTableAddSessionKey(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *tableName)
 /* Try to upgrade the table by adding sessionKey field
  * in a safe way handling success failures and retries
  * with multiple CGIs running. */
 boolean testAgain = checkAutoUpgradeTableResultTimeIsOld(tableName);
 if (testAgain)
     // Get the advisory lock for this table
     // This prevents multiple CGI processes from trying to upgrade simultaneously
     char lockName[256];
     safef(lockName, sizeof lockName, "AUTO_UPGRADE_%s", tableName);
     sqlGetLock(conn, lockName);
     // Make sure that the table has not been already upgraded by some earlier process.
     // We do not want to upgrade more than once.
     if (sqlFieldIndex(conn, tableName, "sessionKey") == -1)
 	char result[4096];
 	// Put a catch around the table upgrade attempt,
 	// both to allow us to continue if it fails,
 	// and to catch the error message and save it in the results file
 	struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 	if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
 	    char query[256];
 	    sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "alter table %s add column sessionKey varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''", tableName);
 	    sqlUpdate(conn, query);
 	if (errCatch->gotError)
 	    safef(result, sizeof result, "AUTOUPGRADE FAILED\n%s", errCatch->message->string);
 	    safef(result, sizeof result, "OK\n");
 	writeAutoUpgradeTableResult(tableName, result);
     // Release the advisory lock for this table
     sqlReleaseLock(conn, lockName);
     {  // in the interests of speed, just use the old result
     char *oldResult = readAutoUpgradeTableResult(tableName);
     if (oldResult)
 	if (startsWith("AUTOUPGRADE FAILED", oldResult))
 	    // cannot do this here since it is too early and the warn handler does not work right
 	    // it ends up writing html and javascript before the cookie and response header have even been finished.
 	    // warn("%s", oldResult);  
 	    // instead, save the error message for access later from select places like hgGateway
 	    if (!dyUpgradeError)
 		dyUpgradeError = dyStringNew(256);
 	    dyStringPrintf(dyUpgradeError,"%s", oldResult);
 boolean cartDbUseSessionKey()
 /* Check settings and and state to determine if sessionKey is in use */
 static boolean initialized = FALSE;
 static boolean useSessionKey = FALSE;
 if (!initialized)
     initialized = TRUE;
     char *sessionKey = cfgOption2("browser", "sessionKey");
     if (!sessionKey)
 	sessionKey = "on";  // DEFAULT but this might change to another value
     if (sameString(sessionKey, "on"))
 	useSessionKey = TRUE;
 	struct sqlConnection *conn = cartDefaultConnector();
-	boolean userDbHasSessionKey = cartDbHasSessionKey(conn, "userDb");
-	boolean sessionDbHasSessionKey = cartDbHasSessionKey(conn, "sessionDb");
+	boolean userDbHasSessionKey = cartDbHasSessionKey(conn, userDbTable());
+	boolean sessionDbHasSessionKey = cartDbHasSessionKey(conn, sessionDbTable());
 	if ( ! (userDbHasSessionKey && sessionDbHasSessionKey) )
     	    //errAbort("brower.sessionKey=on but userDb and sessionDb are missing the sessionKey field.");
 	    // AUTO-UPGRADE tables to add missing sessionKey field here.
 	    if (!userDbHasSessionKey)
-		autoUpgradeTableAddSessionKey(conn, "userDb");
+		autoUpgradeTableAddSessionKey(conn, userDbTable());
 		userDbInitialized = FALSE;
-		userDbHasSessionKey = cartDbHasSessionKey(conn, "userDb");
+		userDbHasSessionKey = cartDbHasSessionKey(conn, userDbTable());
     	    if (!sessionDbHasSessionKey)
-		autoUpgradeTableAddSessionKey(conn, "sessionDb");
+		autoUpgradeTableAddSessionKey(conn, sessionDbTable());
 		sessionDbInitialized = FALSE;
-		sessionDbHasSessionKey = cartDbHasSessionKey(conn, "sessionDb");
+		sessionDbHasSessionKey = cartDbHasSessionKey(conn, sessionDbTable());
 	    if ( ! (userDbHasSessionKey && sessionDbHasSessionKey) )
 		useSessionKey = FALSE;
     else if (sameString(sessionKey, "off"))
 	useSessionKey = FALSE;
     else if (sameString(sessionKey, "autodetect"))
 	errAbort("brower.sessionKey=autodetect has not implemented yet."); // TODO
 return useSessionKey;
 char *cartDbMakeRandomKey(int numBits)
 /* Generate base64 encoding of a random key of at least size numBits returning string to be freed when done */
 int numBytes = (numBits + 7) / 8;  // round up to nearest whole byte.
 numBytes = ((numBytes+2)/3)*3;  // round up to the nearest multiple of 3 to avoid equals-char padding in base64 output
 FILE *f = mustOpen("/dev/urandom", "r");   // open random system device for read-only access.
 char *binaryString = needMem(numBytes);
 mustRead(f, binaryString, numBytes); 
 char * result = base64Encode(binaryString, numBytes); // converts 3 binary bytes into 4 printable characters
 int len = strlen(result);
 memSwapChar(result, len, '+', 'A'); // replace + and / with characters that are URL-friendly.
 memSwapChar(result, len, '/', 'a');
 return result;
 void cartDbSecureId(char *buf, int bufSize, struct cartDb *cartDb)
 /* Return combined string of session id plus sessionKey in buf if turned on.*/
 if (cartDbUseSessionKey() && !sameString(cartDb->sessionKey,""))
     safef(buf, bufSize, "%d_%s", cartDb->id, cartDb->sessionKey);
     safef(buf, bufSize, "%d", cartDb->id);
 unsigned int cartDbParseId(char *id, char **pSessionKey)
 /* Parse out the numeric id and id_sessionKey string if present. */
 unsigned int result = 0;
 if (sameString(id,"")) // some users reported blank cookie values.
     verbose(1, "cartDbParseId: id with empty string found.");
     if (pSessionKey)
 	*pSessionKey = NULL;
     return 0;
 char *e = strchr(id, '_');
 if (e)
     *e = 0;
 result = sqlUnsigned(id);
 if (e)
     *e = '_';
     if (pSessionKey)
 	*pSessionKey = e+1;
     if (pSessionKey)
 	*pSessionKey = NULL;
 return result;
 void cartDbStaticLoad(char **row, struct cartDb *ret)
 /* Load a row from cartDb table into ret.  The contents of ret will
  * be replaced at the next call to this function. */
 ret->id = sqlUnsigned(row[0]);
 ret->contents = row[1];
 ret->reserved = sqlSigned(row[2]);
 ret->firstUse = row[3];
 ret->lastUse = row[4];
 ret->useCount = sqlSigned(row[5]);
 if (cartDbUseSessionKey())
     ret->sessionKey = row[6];
 struct cartDb *cartDbLoad(char **row)
 /* Load a cartDb from row fetched with select * from cartDb
  * from database.  Dispose of this with cartDbFree(). */
 struct cartDb *ret;
 ret->id = sqlUnsigned(row[0]);
 ret->contents = cloneString(row[1]);
 ret->reserved = sqlSigned(row[2]);
 ret->firstUse = cloneString(row[3]);
 ret->lastUse = cloneString(row[4]);
 ret->useCount = sqlSigned(row[5]);
 if (cartDbUseSessionKey())
     ret->sessionKey = cloneString(row[6]);
 return ret;
 struct cartDb *cartDbLoadAll(char *fileName) 
 /* Load all cartDb from a tab-separated file.
  * Dispose of this with cartDbFreeList(). */
 struct cartDb *list = NULL, *el;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *row[6];
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     el = cartDbLoad(row);
     slAddHead(&list, el);
 return list;
 struct cartDb *cartDbLoadWhere(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *where)
 /* Load all cartDb from table that satisfy where clause. The
  * where clause may be NULL in which case whole table is loaded
  * Dispose of this with cartDbFreeList(). */
 struct cartDb *list = NULL, *el;
 struct dyString *query = dyStringNew(256);
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s", table);
 if (where != NULL)
     dyStringPrintf(query, " where %-s", where); // the where clause must be checked by caller for sqli
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     el = cartDbLoad(row);
     slAddHead(&list, el);
 return list;
 struct cartDb *cartDbCommaIn(char **pS, struct cartDb *ret)
 /* Create a cartDb out of a comma separated string. 
  * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will
  * return a new cartDb */
 char *s = *pS;
 if (ret == NULL)
 ret->id = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
 ret->contents = sqlStringComma(&s);
 ret->reserved = sqlSignedComma(&s);
 ret->firstUse = sqlStringComma(&s);
 ret->lastUse = sqlStringComma(&s);
 ret->useCount = sqlSignedComma(&s);
 if (cartDbUseSessionKey())
     ret->sessionKey = sqlStringComma(&s);
 *pS = s;
 return ret;
 void cartDbFree(struct cartDb **pEl)
 /* Free a single dynamically allocated cartDb such as created
  * with cartDbLoad(). */
 struct cartDb *el;
 if ((el = *pEl) == NULL) return;
 if (cartDbUseSessionKey())
 void cartDbFreeList(struct cartDb **pList)
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated cartDb's */
 struct cartDb *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 void cartDbOutput(struct cartDb *el, FILE *f, char sep, char lastSep) 
 /* Print out cartDb.  Separate fields with sep. Follow last field with lastSep. */
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 fprintf(f, "%u", el->id);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 fprintf(f, "%s", el->contents);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 fprintf(f, "%d", el->reserved);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 fprintf(f, "%s", el->firstUse);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 fprintf(f, "%s", el->lastUse);
 if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f);
 fprintf(f, "%d", el->useCount);
 if (cartDbUseSessionKey())
     fprintf(f, "%s", el->sessionKey);
+char *userDbTable()
+/* Return the name of the userDb table. */
+static char *userDbTable = NULL;
+if (userDbTable == NULL)
+    userDbTable = cfgOptionEnvDefault("HGDB_USERDBTABLE",
+	    userDbTableConfVariable, defaultUserDbTableName);
+return userDbTable;
+char *sessionDbTable()
+/* Return the name of the sessionDb table. */
+static char *sessionDbTable = NULL;
+if (sessionDbTable == NULL)
+    sessionDbTable = cfgOptionEnvDefault("HGDB_SESSIONDBTABLE",
+	    sessionDbTableConfVariable, defaultSessionDbTableName);
+return sessionDbTable;