  Mon May 11 12:10:34 2015 -0700
Cleanup hub check code and add new data structs to prep for hub versioning. refs #10015

diff --git src/hg/lib/trackHubCheck.c src/hg/lib/trackHubCheck.c
index 07a8110..ec5c23a 100644
--- src/hg/lib/trackHubCheck.c
+++ src/hg/lib/trackHubCheck.c
@@ -1,66 +1,63 @@
 #include "common.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "bigWig.h"
 #include "bigBed.h"
 #include "errCatch.h"
 #include "vcf.h"
 #include "hgBam.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
+#include "htmlPage.h"
 #include "trackHub.h"
 #ifdef USE_HAL
 #include "halBlockViz.h"
-static int hubCheckTrack(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackHubGenome *genome, 
-    struct trackDb *tdb, struct dyString *errors, FILE *searchFp)
-/* Make sure that track is ok. */
+static int hubCheckTrackSettings(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackHubGenome *genome, 
+                                struct trackDb *tdb, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options,
+                                struct dyString *errors)
+/* Check trackDb settings are valid to spec */
+//char *version = hashFindVal(hub->settings, "version");
+//char *level = hashFindVal(hub->settings, "level");
 int retVal = 0;
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
-#ifdef NOTNOW   // at the moment we're not getting text from the HTML
-    if (searchFp != NULL)
-	{
-	addOneDescription(genome->trackDbFile, tdb);
-	if (tdb->html != NULL)
+    }
+if (errCatch->gotError)
-	    char *stripHtml =htmlTextStripTags(tdb->html);
-	    strSwapChar(stripHtml, '\n', ' ');
-	    strSwapChar(stripHtml, '\t', ' ');
-	    strSwapChar(stripHtml, '\r', ' ');
-	    strSwapChar(stripHtml, ')', ' ');
-	    strSwapChar(stripHtml, '(', ' ');
-	    strSwapChar(stripHtml, '[', ' ');
-	    strSwapChar(stripHtml, ']', ' ');
-	    fprintf(searchFp, "%s.%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",hub->url, tdb->track, 
-		tdb->shortLabel, tdb->longLabel, stripHtml);
+    retVal = 1;
+    dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", errCatch->message->string);
-	else
-	    fprintf(searchFp, "%s.%s\t%s\t%s\n",hub->url, tdb->track, 
-		tdb->shortLabel, tdb->longLabel);
+return retVal;
-    else 
+static int hubCheckTrackFile(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackHubGenome *genome, 
+                        struct trackDb *tdb, struct dyString *errors)
+/* Make sure that track is ok. */
+int retVal = 0;
+struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
+if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
+    {
 	char *relativeUrl = trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl");
 	if (relativeUrl != NULL)
 	    char *type = trackDbRequiredSetting(tdb, "type");
 	    char *bigDataUrl = trackHubRelativeUrl(genome->trackDbFile, relativeUrl);
 	    verbose(2, "checking %s.%s type %s at %s\n", genome->name, tdb->track, type, bigDataUrl);
 	    if (startsWithWord("bigWig", type))
 		/* Just open and close to verify file exists and is correct type. */
 		struct bbiFile *bbi = bigWigFileOpen(bigDataUrl);
 	    else if (startsWithWord("bigBed", type) || startsWithWord("bigGenePred", type))
 		/* Just open and close to verify file exists and is correct type. */
 		struct bbiFile *bbi = bigBedFileOpen(bigDataUrl);
@@ -105,111 +102,158 @@
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     retVal = 1;
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", errCatch->message->string);
 return retVal;
 static int hubCheckGenome(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackHubGenome *genome,
-    struct dyString *errors, boolean checkTracks, FILE *searchFp)
+                struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
 /* Check out genome within hub. */
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 struct trackDb *tdbList = NULL;
 int retVal = 0;
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     tdbList = trackHubTracksForGenome(hub, genome);
     trackHubPolishTrackNames(hub, tdbList);
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     retVal = 1;
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", errCatch->message->string);
-if (!checkTracks)
-    return retVal;
 struct trackDb *tdb;
 for (tdb = tdbList; tdb != NULL; tdb = tdb->next)
-    retVal |= hubCheckTrack(hub, genome, tdb, errors, searchFp);
+    {
+    retVal |= hubCheckTrackSettings(hub, genome, tdb, options, errors);
+    if (options->checkFiles)
+        retVal |= hubCheckTrackFile(hub, genome, tdb, errors);
+    }
 verbose(2, "%d tracks in %s\n", slCount(tdbList), genome->name);
 return retVal;
-int trackHubCheck(char *hubUrl, struct dyString *errors, 
-    boolean checkTracks, FILE *searchFp)
+char *trackHubVersionDefault()
+/* Return current version of trackDb settings spec for hubs */
+// TODO: get from goldenPath/help/trackDb
+    return "V1";
+struct trackHubSetting *trackHubSettingsForVersion(char *version, char *specUrl)
+/* Return list of settings with support level */
+if (version == NULL)
+    version = trackHubVersionDefault();
+if (specUrl == NULL)
+    {
+    char url[256];
+    safef(url, sizeof url, "http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/trackDbHub%s%s.html",
+        version ? "." : "", version ? version : "");
+    specUrl = url;
+    }
+struct htmlPage *page = htmlPageGet(specUrl);
+if (page == NULL)
+    errAbort("Can't open trackDb settings spec %s\n", specUrl);
+verbose(3, "Opened URL %s\n", specUrl);
+/* Retrieve specs from file url. 
+ * Settings are the first text word within a <code> element nested in * a <div> having 
+ *  attribute class="format".  The support level ('level-*') is the class value of the * <code> tag.
+ * E.g.  <div class="format"><code class="level-core">boxedConfig on</code></div> produces:
+ *      setting=boxedConfig, class=core */
+struct htmlTag *tag, *codeTag;
+struct htmlAttribute *attr, *codeAttr;
+struct trackHubSetting *spec, *specs = NULL;
+verbose(3, "Found %d tags\n", slCount(page->tags));
+int divCount = 0;
+char buf[256];
+for (tag = page->tags; tag != NULL; tag = tag->next)
+    {
+    if (differentWord(tag->name, "DIV"))
+        continue;
+    divCount++;
+    verbose(5, "<div>%s\n", tag->start);
+    for (attr = tag->attributes; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next)
+        {
+        if (differentWord(attr->name, "class") || differentWord(attr->val, "format"))
+            continue;
+        // TODO:  Look on code tags (there may be multiple after "format"
+        codeTag = tag->next;
+        verbose(5, "Found format: tag %s\n", tag->name);
+        if (differentWord(codeTag->name, "CODE"))
+            break;
+        verbose(5, "Found <code>\n");
+        for (codeAttr = codeTag->attributes; codeAttr != NULL; codeAttr = codeAttr->next)
+            {
+            verbose(5, "attr: name=%s, val=%s\n", codeAttr->name, codeAttr->val);
+            if (differentWord(codeAttr->name, "class") || !startsWith("level-", codeAttr->val))
+                break;
+            AllocVar(spec);
+            int len = min(codeTag->next->start - codeTag->end, sizeof buf - 1);
+            memcpy(buf, codeTag->end, len);
+            buf[len] = 0;
+            spec->name = cloneString(firstWordInLine(buf));
+            spec->level = chopPrefixAt(cloneString(codeAttr->val), '-');
+            // TODO: hash to pickup dupes (retain one with level, warn if multiple differ)
+            slAddHead(&specs, spec);
+            verbose(5, "spec: name=%s, level=%s\n", spec->name, spec->level);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+verbose(5, "Found %d <div>'s\n", divCount);
+return specs;
+int trackHubCheck(char *hubUrl, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
 /* hubCheck - Check a track data hub for integrity. Put errors in dyString.
  *      return 0 if hub has no errors, 1 otherwise 
  *      if checkTracks is TRUE, individual tracks are checked
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 struct trackHub *hub = NULL;
 int retVal = 0;
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     hub = trackHubOpen(hubUrl, "hub_0");
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     retVal = 1;
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", errCatch->message->string);
 if (hub == NULL)
     return 1;
 verbose(2, "hub %s\nshortLabel %s\nlongLabel %s\n", hubUrl, hub->shortLabel, hub->longLabel);
 verbose(2, "%s has %d elements\n", hub->genomesFile, slCount(hub->genomeList));
-if (searchFp != NULL)
-    {
-    struct trackHubGenome *genomeList = hub->genomeList;
-    for(; genomeList ; genomeList = genomeList->next)
-	fprintf(searchFp, "%s\t%s\n",hub->url,  trackHubSkipHubName(genomeList->name));
-    fprintf(searchFp, "%s\t%s\t%s\n",hub->url, hub->shortLabel, hub->longLabel);
-    if (hub->descriptionUrl != NULL)
-	{
-	char *html = netReadTextFileIfExists(hub->descriptionUrl);
-	char *stripHtml =htmlTextStripTags(html);
-	strSwapChar(stripHtml, '\n', ' ');
-	strSwapChar(stripHtml, '\t', ' ');
-	strSwapChar(stripHtml, '\015', ' ');
-	strSwapChar(stripHtml, ')', ' ');
-	strSwapChar(stripHtml, '(', ' ');
-	strSwapChar(stripHtml, '[', ' ');
-	strSwapChar(stripHtml, ']', ' ');
-	fprintf(searchFp, "%s\t%s\n",hub->url,  stripHtml);
-	}
-    return 0;
-    }
 struct trackHubGenome *genome;
 for (genome = hub->genomeList; genome != NULL; genome = genome->next)
-    retVal |= hubCheckGenome(hub, genome, errors, checkTracks, NULL);
+    retVal |= hubCheckGenome(hub, genome, options, errors);
 return retVal;