  Fri May 22 15:59:17 2015 -0700
hgIntegrator: instead of comma-separated lists of wiggle values that get
quite long for large regions, output the average of values in a region.
I got a couple requests for this at the Biology of Genomes poster session.
refs #14579

diff --git src/lib/annoFormatTab.c src/lib/annoFormatTab.c
index d6683ce..dde5d8f 100644
--- src/lib/annoFormatTab.c
+++ src/lib/annoFormatTab.c
@@ -1,290 +1,290 @@
 /* annoFormatTab -- collect fields from all inputs and print them out, tab-separated. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "annoFormatTab.h"
 #include "annoGratorQuery.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 struct annoFormatTab
     struct annoFormatter formatter;     // External interface
     char *fileName;                     // Output file name, can be "stdout"
     FILE *f;                            // Output file handle
     struct hash *columnVis;             // Hash of columns that have been explicitly selected
                                         // or deselected by user.
     boolean needHeader;			// TRUE if we should print out the header
 static void makeFullColumnName(char *fullName, size_t size, char *sourceName, char *colName)
 /* If sourceName is non-empty, make fullName sourceName.colName, otherwise just colName. */
 if (isNotEmpty(sourceName))
     safef(fullName, size, "%s.%s", sourceName, colName);
     safecpy(fullName, size, colName);
 void annoFormatTabSetColumnVis(struct annoFormatter *vSelf, char *sourceName, char *colName,
                                boolean enabled)
 /* Explicitly include or exclude column in output.  sourceName must be the same
  * as the corresponding annoStreamer source's name. */
 struct annoFormatTab *self = (struct annoFormatTab *)vSelf;
 if (! self->columnVis)
     self->columnVis = hashNew(0);
 char fullName[PATH_LEN];
 makeFullColumnName(fullName, sizeof(fullName), sourceName, colName);
 hashAddInt(self->columnVis, fullName, enabled);
 static boolean columnIsIncluded(struct annoFormatTab *self, char *sourceName, char *colName)
 // Return TRUE if column has not been explicitly deselected.
 if (self->columnVis)
     char fullName[PATH_LEN];
     makeFullColumnName(fullName, sizeof(fullName), sourceName, colName);
     int vis = hashIntValDefault(self->columnVis, fullName, 1);
     if (vis == 0)
         return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 static void printHeaderColumns(struct annoFormatTab *self, struct annoStreamer *source,
                                boolean isFirst)
 /* Print names of included columns from this source. */
 FILE *f = self->f;
 char *sourceName = source->name;
 char fullName[PATH_LEN];
 if (source->rowType == arWig)
     // Fudge in the row's chrom, start, end as output columns even though they're not in autoSql
     if (isFirst)
         makeFullColumnName(fullName, sizeof(fullName), sourceName, "chrom");
         fprintf(f, "#%s", fullName);
 	isFirst = FALSE;
     makeFullColumnName(fullName, sizeof(fullName), sourceName, "start");
     fprintf(f, "\t%s", fullName);
     makeFullColumnName(fullName, sizeof(fullName), sourceName, "end");
     fprintf(f, "\t%s", fullName);
 struct asColumn *col;
 int i;
 for (col = source->asObj->columnList, i = 0;  col != NULL;  col = col->next, i++)
     if (columnIsIncluded(self, sourceName, col->name))
         if (isFirst)
             fputc('#', f);
             isFirst = FALSE;
             fputc('\t', f);
         makeFullColumnName(fullName, sizeof(fullName), sourceName, col->name);
         fputs(fullName, f);
 static void aftInitialize(struct annoFormatter *vSelf, struct annoStreamer *primary,
 			  struct annoStreamer *integrators)
 /* Print header, regardless of whether we get any data after this. */
 struct annoFormatTab *self = (struct annoFormatTab *)vSelf;
 if (self->needHeader)
     char *primaryHeader = primary->getHeader(primary);
     if (isNotEmpty(primaryHeader))
 	fprintf(self->f, "# Header from primary input:\n%s", primaryHeader);
     printHeaderColumns(self, primary, TRUE);
     struct annoStreamer *grator;
     for (grator = integrators;  grator != NULL;  grator = grator->next)
 	printHeaderColumns(self, grator, FALSE);
     fputc('\n', self->f);
     self->needHeader = FALSE;
 static double wigRowAvg(struct annoRow *row)
 /* Return the average value of floats in row->data. */
 float *vector = row->data;
 int len = row->end - row->start;
 double sum = 0.0;
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < len;  i++)
     sum += vector[i];
 return sum / (double)len;
 static char **wordsFromWigRowAvg(struct annoRow *row)
 /* Return an array of strings with a single string containing the average of values in row. */
 double avg = wigRowAvg(row);
 char **words;
 AllocArray(words, 1);
 char avgStr[32];
 safef(avgStr, sizeof(avgStr), "%lf", avg);
 words[0] = cloneString(avgStr);
 return words;
 static char **wordsFromWigRowVals(struct annoRow *row)
 /* Return an array of strings with a single string containing comma-sep per-base wiggle values. */
 float *vector = row->data;
 int len = row->end - row->start;
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(10*len);
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < len;  i++)
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%g,", vector[i]);
 char **words;
 AllocArray(words, 1);
 words[0] = dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
 return words;
 static char **wordsFromRow(struct annoRow *row, struct annoStreamer *source,
 			   boolean *retFreeWhenDone)
 /* If source->rowType is arWords, return its words.  Otherwise translate row->data into words. */
 if (row == NULL)
     return NULL;
 boolean freeWhenDone = FALSE;
 char **words = NULL;
 if (source->rowType == arWords)
     words = row->data;
 else if (source->rowType == arWig)
     freeWhenDone = TRUE;
     //#*** config options: avg? more stats? list of values?
-    boolean doAvg = FALSE;
+    boolean doAvg = TRUE;
     if (doAvg)
 	words = wordsFromWigRowAvg(row);
 	words = wordsFromWigRowVals(row);
     errAbort("annoFormatTab: unrecognized row type %d from source %s",
 	     source->rowType, source->name);
 if (retFreeWhenDone != NULL)
     *retFreeWhenDone = freeWhenDone;
 return words;
 static void printColumns(struct annoFormatTab *self, struct annoStreamer *streamer,
 			 struct annoRow *row, boolean isFirst)
 /* Print columns in streamer's row (if NULL, print the right number of empty fields). */
 FILE *f = self->f;
 char *sourceName = streamer->name;
 boolean freeWhenDone = FALSE;
 char **words = wordsFromRow(row, streamer, &freeWhenDone);
 if (streamer->rowType == arWig)
     // Fudge in the row's chrom, start, end as output columns even though they're not in autoSql
     if (isFirst)
 	if (row != NULL)
 	    fputs(row->chrom, f);
 	isFirst = FALSE;
     if (row != NULL)
 	fprintf(f, "\t%u\t%u", row->start, row->end);
 	fputs("\t\t", f);
 struct asColumn *col;
 int i;
 for (col = streamer->asObj->columnList, i = 0;  col != NULL;  col = col->next, i++)
     if (columnIsIncluded(self, sourceName, col->name))
         if (isFirst)
             isFirst = FALSE;
             fputc('\t', f);
         if (words != NULL)
             fputs((words[i] ? words[i] : ""), f);
 if (freeWhenDone)
 static void aftComment(struct annoFormatter *fSelf, char *content)
 /* Print out a comment line. */
 if (strchr(content, '\n'))
     errAbort("aftComment: no multi-line input");
 struct annoFormatTab *self = (struct annoFormatTab *)fSelf;
 fprintf(self->f, "# %s\n", content);
 static void aftFormatOne(struct annoFormatter *vSelf, struct annoStreamRows *primaryData,
 			 struct annoStreamRows *gratorData, int gratorCount)
 /* Print out tab-separated columns that we have gathered in prior calls to aftCollect,
  * and start over fresh for the next line of output. */
 struct annoFormatTab *self = (struct annoFormatTab *)vSelf;
 // Got one row from primary; what's the largest # of rows from any grator?
 int maxRows = 1;
 int iG;
 for (iG = 0;  iG < gratorCount;  iG++)
     int gratorRowCount = slCount(gratorData[iG].rowList);
     if (gratorRowCount > maxRows)
 	maxRows = gratorRowCount;
 // Print out enough rows to make sure that all grator rows are included.
 int iR;
 for (iR = 0;  iR < maxRows;  iR++)
     printColumns(self, primaryData->streamer, primaryData->rowList, TRUE);
     for (iG = 0;  iG < gratorCount;  iG++)
 	struct annoRow *gratorRow = slElementFromIx(gratorData[iG].rowList, iR);
 	printColumns(self, gratorData[iG].streamer, gratorRow, FALSE);
     fputc('\n', self->f);
 static void aftClose(struct annoFormatter **pVSelf)
 /* Close file handle, free self. */
 if (pVSelf == NULL)
 struct annoFormatTab *self = *(struct annoFormatTab **)pVSelf;
 struct annoFormatter *annoFormatTabNew(char *fileName)
 /* Return a formatter that will write its tab-separated output to fileName. */
 struct annoFormatTab *aft;
 struct annoFormatter *formatter = &(aft->formatter);
 formatter->getOptions = annoFormatterGetOptions;
 formatter->setOptions = annoFormatterSetOptions;
 formatter->initialize = aftInitialize;
 formatter->comment = aftComment;
 formatter->formatOne = aftFormatOne;
 formatter->close = aftClose;
 aft->fileName = cloneString(fileName);
 aft->f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
 aft->needHeader = TRUE;
 return (struct annoFormatter *)aft;