  Wed May 20 11:10:30 2015 -0700
The binary tree is now a weighted binary tree

diff --git src/hg/expMatrixToJson/expMatrixToJson.c src/hg/expMatrixToJson/expMatrixToJson.c
index aebf139..c977304 100644
--- src/hg/expMatrixToJson/expMatrixToJson.c
+++ src/hg/expMatrixToJson/expMatrixToJson.c
@@ -1,499 +1,497 @@
 /* expData -  Takes in GNF expression data, organizes it using a hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm. The output defaults to a hierarchichal .json format, with two additional options. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "expData.h"
 #include "sqlList.h"
 #include "hacTree.h"
 #include "rainbow.h" 
 /* Visually the nodes will be assigned a color corresponding to a range of sizes. 
  * This constant dictates how many colors will be displayed (1-20).  */
 int clCgConstant = 20;
 /* A normalizing constant for the distances, this corresponds to 
  * the size of the nodes in the standard output and the link distance in the forceLayout output*/
 int clThreads = 10; // The number of threads to run with the multiThreads option
 int clNormConstant = 20; 
 boolean clForceLayout = FALSE; // Prints the data in .json format for d3 force layout visualizations
 int target = 0;  // Used for the target value in rlinkJson.
 float longest = 0;  // Used to normalize link distances in rlinkJson.
 char* clHacTree = "fromItems";
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "expData -  Takes in a relational database and outputs expression information.\n"
   "Standard output is .json format intended for d3 hierarchical displays. \n"
   "   expData matrix biosamples output\n"
   "   -forceLayout = bool Prints the output in .json format for d3 forceLayouts\n"
   "   -normConstant = int Normalizing constant for d3, default is 20. For forceLayout 100 is reccomended \n"
   "   -cgConstant = int Defines the number of possible colors for nodes, 1 - 20 \n"
   "   -threads = int Sets the thread count for the multiThreads option, default is 10 \n"
   "   -hacTree = Dictates how the tree is generated;  multiThreads or costlyMerges or fromItems. fromItems is default \n"
 /* Command line validation table. */
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"normConstant", OPTION_INT},
    {"cgConstant", OPTION_INT},
    {"threads", OPTION_INT},
    {"structuredOutput", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"forceLayout", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"hacTree", OPTION_STRING},
    {NULL, 0},
 struct jsonNodeLine
 /* Stores the information for a single json node line */
     struct jsonNodeLine *next;
     char* name;		// the source for a given link
     double distance;	// the distance for a given link
 struct jsonLinkLine
 /* Stores the information for a single json link line */
     struct jsonLinkLine *next;
     int source;		// the source for a given link
     int target;		// the target for a given link
     double distance;	// the distance for a given link
 struct bioExpVector
 /* Contains expression information for a biosample on many genes. */
     struct bioExpVector *next;
     char *name;	    // name of biosample.
     int count;	    // Number of genes we have data for.
     double *vector;   //  An array allocated dynamically.
     struct rgbColor color;  // Color for this one
     int children;   // Number of bioExpVectors used to build the current 
 struct bioExpVector *bioExpVectorListFromFile(char *matrixFile)
 // Read a tab-delimited file and return list of bioExpVector.
 int vectorSize = 0;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(matrixFile, TRUE);
 char *line, **row = NULL;
 struct bioExpVector *list = NULL, *el;
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))    
     if (vectorSize == 0)
 	// Detect first row.
 	vectorSize = chopByWhite(line, NULL, 0);  // counting up
 	AllocArray(row, vectorSize);
     AllocArray(el->vector, vectorSize);
     el->count = chopByWhite(line, row, vectorSize);
 //    assert(el->count == vectorSize);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < el->count; ++i)
 	el->vector[i] = sqlDouble(row[i]);
 	el->children = 1;
     slAddHead(&list, el);
 return list;
 void fillInNames(struct bioExpVector *list, char *nameFile)
 /* Fill in name field from file. */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(nameFile, TRUE);
 char *line;
 struct bioExpVector *el = list;
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
      if (el == NULL)
          warn("More names than items in list");
      el->name = cloneString(line);
      el = el->next;
 void printJsonNodeLine(FILE *f, struct jsonNodeLine *node)
 fprintf(f,"    %s\"%s\"%s\"%s\"%s", "{","name", ":", node->name, ",");
 fprintf(f,"\"%s\"%s%0.31f%s\n", "y", ":" , node->distance, "},");
 void printEndJsonNodeLine(FILE *f, struct jsonNodeLine *node)
 fprintf(f,"    %s\"%s\"%s\"%s\"%s", "{","name", ":", node->name, ",");
 fprintf(f,"\"%s\"%s%0.31f%s\n", "y", ":" , node->distance, "}");
 void printJsonLinkLine(FILE *f, struct jsonLinkLine *links)
 /* Prints out a single json link line */
 fprintf(f,"    %s\"%s\"%s%d%s", "{","source", ":", links->source, ",");
 fprintf(f,"\"%s\"%s%d%s", "target", ":" , links->target, ",");  
 fprintf(f,"\"%s\"%s%0.31f%s\n", "distance", ":" , links->distance , "},");  
 void printEndJsonLinkLine(FILE *f, struct jsonLinkLine *links)
 /* Prints out a single json link line */
 fprintf(f,"    %s\"%s\"%s%d%s", "{","source", ":", links->source, ",");
 fprintf(f,"\"%s\"%s%d%s", "target", ":" , links->target, ",");  
 fprintf(f,"\"%s\"%s%0.31f%s\n", "distance", ":" , links->distance , "}");  
 void rPrintNodes(FILE *f, struct hacTree *tree, struct jsonNodeLine *nodes)
 // Recursively adds the node information to a linked list
 char *tissue = ((struct bioExpVector *)(tree->itemOrCluster))->name;
 if (tree->childDistance != 0) 
     // If the current object is a node then we assign no name.
     struct jsonNodeLine *nNode;
     nNode->name = " ";
     nNode->distance = tree->childDistance;
     slAddHead(nodes, nNode); // add the node
 else {
     // Otherwise the current object is a leaf, and the tissue name is printed. 
     struct jsonNodeLine *lNode;
     lNode->name = tissue;
     lNode->distance = tree->childDistance;
     slAddHead(nodes, lNode); // add the node
 if (tree->left == NULL && tree->right == NULL)
     // Stop at the last element
 else if (tree->left == NULL || tree->right == NULL)
     errAbort("\nHow did we get a node with one NULL kid??");
 rPrintNodes(f, tree->left, nodes);
 rPrintNodes(f, tree->right, nodes);
 void rPrintLinks(int normConstant, FILE *f, struct hacTree *tree, int source, struct jsonLinkLine *links)
 // Recursively loadslist->children = 0 ;  the link information into a linked list
 if (tree->childDistance > longest)
     // the first distance will be the longest, and is used for normalization
     longest = tree->childDistance;
 if (tree->left == NULL && tree->right == NULL)
     // Stop at the last element
 else if (tree->left == NULL || tree->right == NULL)
     errAbort("\nHow did we get a node with one NULL kid??");
 // Left recursion.
 struct jsonLinkLine *lLink;
 lLink->source = target - 1;	 // The source and target are always ofset by 1. 
 lLink->target = target;
 lLink->distance = normConstant*(tree->childDistance/longest);	//Calculates the link distance
 source = target;		// Prepares the source for the right recursion. 
 slAddHead(links, lLink); 	// Add the link
 rPrintLinks(normConstant,f, tree->left, source, links);
 // Right recursion.
 struct jsonLinkLine *rLink;
 rLink->source = source - 1;	// The source is dependent on the last target of the left recursion
 rLink->target = target;	
 rLink->distance = normConstant*(tree->childDistance/longest);
 slAddHead(links, rLink);		// Add the link
 rPrintLinks(normConstant,f, tree->right, ++source, links);
 void printForceLayoutJson(int normConstant, FILE *f, struct hacTree *tree)
 // Prints the hacTree into a .json file format for d3 forceLayout visualizations.
 // Basic json template for d3 visualizations
 fprintf(f,"%s\n", "{");
 fprintf(f,"  \"%s\"%s\n", "nodes", ":[" );
 // Print the nodes
 struct jsonNodeLine *nodes;
 rPrintNodes(f, tree, nodes);
 int nodeCount = slCount(nodes);
 int j;
 for (j = 0; j < nodeCount -1; ++j)
    // iterate through the linked nodelist printing nodes
    if (j == nodeCount - 2)
        printEndJsonNodeLine(f, nodes);
        printJsonNodeLine(f, nodes);
        nodes = nodes -> next;
 fprintf(f,  "%s\n", "],");
 fprintf(f,  "\"%s\"%s\n", "links", ":[" );
 // Print the links
 struct jsonLinkLine *links;
 rPrintLinks(normConstant,f,tree, 0, links);
 int linkCount = slCount(links);
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i< linkCount -1; ++i)
    // iterate through the linked linklist printing links
    if (i == linkCount - 2)
        printEndJsonLinkLine(f, links);
        printJsonLinkLine(f, links);
        links = links -> next;
 fprintf(f,"  %s\n", "]");
 fprintf(f,"%s\n", "}");
 static void rAddLeaf(struct hacTree *tree, struct slRef **pList)
 /* Recursively add leaf to list */
 if (tree->left == NULL && tree->right == NULL)
     refAdd(pList, tree->itemOrCluster);
     rAddLeaf(tree->left, pList);
     rAddLeaf(tree->right, pList);
 struct slRef *getOrderedLeafList(struct hacTree *tree)
 /* Return list of references to bioExpVectors from leaf nodes
  * ordered by position in hacTree */
 struct slRef *leafList = NULL;
 rAddLeaf(tree, &leafList);
 return leafList;
 static void rPrintHierarchicalJson(FILE *f, struct hacTree *tree, int level, double distance,
 		int normConstant, int cgConstant)
 /* Recursively prints out the elements of the hierarchical .json file. */
 struct bioExpVector *bio = (struct bioExpVector *)tree->itemOrCluster;
 char *tissue = bio->name;
 struct rgbColor colors = bio->color;
 if (tree->childDistance > longest)
     // the first distance will be the longest, and is used for normalization
     longest = tree->childDistance;
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < level;  i++)
     fputc(' ', f); // correct spacing for .json format
 if (tree->left == NULL && tree->right == NULL)
     // Prints out the leaf objects
  //   fprintf(f, "{\"name\": \"%s\",\"similarity\": %f,\"linkGroup\": \" \"", tissue, distance);
     fprintf(f, "{\"%s\"%s \"%s\"%s\"%s\"%s %f %s\"%s\"%s \"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\"}", "name", ":", tissue, ", ",
     		"similarity", ":", distance, "," , "colorGroup", ":", colors.r, colors.g, colors.b);
 else if (tree->left == NULL || tree->right == NULL)
     errAbort("\nHow did we get a node with one NULL kid??");
 // Prints out the node object and opens a new children block
 fprintf(f, "{\"%s\"%s \"%s\"%s", "name", ":", " ", ",");
 fprintf(f, "\"colorGroup\": \"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\",", colors.r, colors.g, colors.b );
 fprintf(f, "\"%s\"%s \"%f\"%s\n", "distance", ":", normConstant * (tree->childDistance/longest), ",");
 for (i = 0;  i < level + 1;  i++)
     fputc(' ', f);
 fprintf(f, "\"%s\"%s\n", "children", ": [");
 distance = tree->childDistance/longest; 
 rPrintHierarchicalJson(f, tree->left, level+1, distance, normConstant, cgConstant);
 fputs(",\n", f);
 rPrintHierarchicalJson(f, tree->right, level+1, distance, normConstant, cgConstant);
 fputc('\n', f);
 // Closes the children block for node objects
 for (i=0;  i < level + 1;  i++)
     fputc(' ', f);
 fputs("]\n", f);
 for (i = 0;  i < level;  i++)
     fputc(' ', f);
 fputs("}", f);
 void printHierarchicalJson(FILE *f, struct hacTree *tree, int normConstant, int cgConstant)
 /* Prints out the binary tree into .json format intended for d3
  * hierarchical layouts */
 if (tree == NULL)
     fputs("Empty tree.\n", f);
 double distance = 0;
 rPrintHierarchicalJson(f, tree, 0, distance, normConstant, cgConstant);
 fputc('\n', f);
 double slBioExpVectorDistance(const struct slList *item1, const struct slList *item2, void *extraData)
 /* Return the absolute difference between the two kids' values. 
  * Designed for HAC tree use*/
 verbose(1,"Calculating Distance...\n");
 const struct bioExpVector *kid1 = (const struct bioExpVector *)item1;
 const struct bioExpVector *kid2 = (const struct bioExpVector *)item2;
 int j;
 double diff = 0, sum = 0;
-float kid1Weight = 0.0, kid2Weight = 0.0; 
+//float kid1Weight = 0.0, kid2Weight = 0.0; 
+float kid1Weight = kid1->children / (float)(kid1->children + kid2->children);
+float kid2Weight = kid2->children / (float)(kid1->children + kid2->children);
+//printf("Kid1 weight is %f kid2 weight is %f \n", kid1Weight, kid2Weight);
 //uglyAbort("%f %f\n", kid1Weight, kid2Weight);
 for (j = 0; j < kid1->count; ++j)
-    kid1Weight = kid1->children / (float)(kid1->children + kid2->children);
-    kid2Weight = kid2->children / (float)(kid1->children + kid2->children);
     diff = (kid1Weight*kid1->vector[j]) - (kid2Weight*kid2->vector[j]);
     sum += (diff * diff);
 return sqrt(sum);
 struct slList *slBioExpVectorMerge(const struct slList *item1, const struct slList *item2,
 				void *unusedExtraData)
 /* Make a new slPair where the name is the children names concattenated and the 
  * value is the average of kids' values.
  * Designed for HAC tree use*/
 const struct bioExpVector *kid1 = (const struct bioExpVector *)item1;
 const struct bioExpVector *kid2 = (const struct bioExpVector *)item2;
 struct bioExpVector *el;
 AllocArray(el->vector, kid1->count);
 el->count = kid1->count; 
 el->name = catTwoStrings(kid1->name, kid2->name);
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i < el->count; ++i)
     el->vector[i] = (kid1->vector[i] + kid2->vector[i])/2;
-el->children += 2; 
+el->children = kid1->children + kid2->children; 
 return (struct slList *)(el);
 void colorLeaves(struct slRef *leafList)
 /* Assign colors of rainbow to leaves. */
 /* Loop through list once to figure out total, since we need to
  * normalize */
 double total = 0;
 double purplePos = 0.80;
 struct slRef *el, *nextEl;
 for (el = leafList; el != NULL; el = nextEl)
    nextEl = el->next;
    if (nextEl == NULL)
    struct bioExpVector *bio1 = el->val;
    struct bioExpVector *bio2 = nextEl->val;
    double distance = slBioExpVectorDistance((struct slList *)bio1, (struct slList *)bio2, NULL);
    total += distance;
 /* Loop through list a second time to generate actual colors. */
 double soFar = 0;
 for (el = leafList; el != NULL; el = nextEl)
    nextEl = el->next;
    if (nextEl == NULL)
    struct bioExpVector *bio1 = el->val;
    struct bioExpVector *bio2 = nextEl->val;
    double distance = slBioExpVectorDistance((struct slList *)bio1, (struct slList *)bio2, NULL);
    soFar += distance;
    double normalized = soFar/total;
-//   uglyAbort("Inside the for loop %f  Mazui! %f %f \n ", normalized, soFar, total);
    bio2->color = saturatedRainbowAtPos(normalized * purplePos);
-//   uglyAbort("At the end of the first pass in the for loop");
-//uglyAbort("Two for loops, this is after the second" ); 
 /* Set first color to correspond to 0, since not set in above loop */
 struct bioExpVector *bio = leafList->val;
 bio->color = saturatedRainbowAtPos(0);
 void expData(char *matrixFile, char *nameFile, char *outFile, bool forceLayout, int normConstant, int cgConstant)
 /* Read matrix and names into a list of bioExpVectors, run hacTree to
  * associate them, and write output. */
 struct bioExpVector *list = bioExpVectorListFromFile(matrixFile);
 FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile,"w");
 struct lm *localMem = lmInit(0);
 fillInNames(list, nameFile);
 struct hacTree *clusters = NULL;
 if (sameString(clHacTree, "multiThreads"))
     clusters = hacTreeMultiThread(clThreads, (struct slList *)list, localMem,
   					    slBioExpVectorDistance, slBioExpVectorMerge, NULL, NULL);
 /*else if (sameString(clHacTree, "costlyMerges"))
     clusters = hacTreeForCostlyMerges((struct slList *)list, localMem,
 						slBioExpVectorDistance, slBioExpVectorMerge, NULL);
 else if (sameString(clHacTree, "fromItems"))
     clusters = hacTreeFromItems((struct slList *)list, localMem,
 						slBioExpVectorDistance, slBioExpVectorMerge, NULL, NULL);
     uglyAbort("Unrecognized input option: %s", clHacTree);
 //uglyAbort("Made it through the binary tree generation");
 struct slRef *orderedList = getOrderedLeafList(clusters);
 if (forceLayout)
 if (!clForceLayout)
     printHierarchicalJson(f, clusters, normConstant, cgConstant);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 clForceLayout = optionExists("forceLayout");
 clNormConstant = optionInt("normConstant", clNormConstant);
 clCgConstant = optionInt("cgConstant", clCgConstant);
 clThreads = optionInt("threads", clThreads);
 clHacTree = optionVal("hacTree", clHacTree);
 if (argc != 4)
 expData(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], clForceLayout, clNormConstant, clCgConstant);
 return 0;