string, in[i], out[i]);
- dyStringFree(&s);
- s = d;
- d = NULL;
- }
-return s;
void printItemDetailsHtml(struct trackDb *tdb, char *itemName)
/* if track has an itemDetailsHtml, retrieve and print the HTML */
char *tableName = trackDbSetting(tdb, "itemDetailsHtmlTable");
if (tableName != NULL)
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
struct itemDetailsHtml *html, *htmls;
// if the details table has chrom/start/end columns, then use these to lookup html
if (sqlColumnExists(conn, tableName, "chrom"))
char *chrom = cgiString("c");
int start = cgiInt("o");
int end = cgiInt("t");
@@ -948,117 +930,46 @@
* return itemName. */
char *sql = trackDbSetting(tdb, "idInUrlSql");
char *id = itemName;
if (sql != NULL)
char query[1024];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), sql, itemName);
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
id = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
return id;
-char* replaceInUrl(struct trackDb *tdb, char *url, char *idInUrl, boolean encode)
-/* replace $$ in url with idInUrl. Supports many other wildchards */
-struct dyString *uUrl = NULL;
-struct dyString *eUrl = NULL;
-char startString[64], endString[64];
-char begItem[64], endItem[64];
-char *ins[11], *outs[11];
-char *eItem = (encode ? cgiEncode(idInUrl) : cloneString(idInUrl));
-safef(startString, sizeof startString, "%d", winStart);
-safef(endString, sizeof endString, "%d", winEnd);
-ins[0] = "$$";
-outs[0] = idInUrl;
-ins[1] = "$T";
-outs[1] = tdb->track;
-ins[2] = "$S";
-outs[2] = seqName;
-ins[3] = "$[";
-outs[3] = startString;
-ins[4] = "$]";
-outs[4] = endString;
-ins[5] = "$s";
-outs[5] = skipChr(seqName);
-ins[6] = "$D";
-outs[6] = database;
-ins[7] = "$P"; /* for an item name of the form: prefix:suffix */
-ins[8] = "$p"; /* the P is the prefix, the p is the suffix */
-if (stringIn(":", idInUrl)) {
- char *itemClone = cloneString(idInUrl);
- char *suffix = stringIn(":", itemClone);
- char *suffixClone = cloneString(suffix+1); /* +1 skip the : */
- char *nextColon = stringIn(":", suffixClone+1);
- if (nextColon) /* terminate suffixClone suffix */
- *nextColon = '\0'; /* when next colon is present */
- *suffix = '\0'; /* terminate itemClone prefix */
- outs[7] = itemClone;
- outs[8] = suffixClone;
- /* small memory leak here for these cloned strings */
- /* not important for a one-time operation in a CGI that will exit */
-} else {
- outs[7] = idInUrl; /* otherwise, these are not expected */
- outs[8] = idInUrl; /* to be used */
-// URL may now contain item boundaries
-ins[9] = "${";
-ins[10] = "$}";
-if (cartOptionalString(cart, "o") && cartOptionalString(cart, "t"))
- {
- int itemBeg = cartIntExp(cart, "o") + 1; // Should strip any unexpected commas
- int itemEnd = cartIntExp(cart, "t");
- safef(begItem, sizeof begItem, "%d", itemBeg);
- safef(endItem, sizeof endItem, "%d", itemEnd);
- outs[9] = begItem;
- outs[10] = endItem;
- }
-else // should never be but I am unwilling to bet the farm
- {
- outs[9] = startString;
- outs[10] = endString;
- }
-uUrl = subMulti(url, ArraySize(ins), ins, outs);
-outs[0] = eItem;
-eUrl = subMulti(url, ArraySize(ins), ins, outs);
-return eUrl->string;
char* constructUrl(struct trackDb *tdb, char *urlSetting, char *idInUrl, boolean encode)
/* construct the url by replacing $$, etc in the url given by urlSetting.
* Replace $$ with itemName. */
// check the url setting prefix and get the correct url setting from trackDb
char *url;
if (sameWord(urlSetting, "url"))
url = tdb->url;
url = trackDbSetting(tdb, urlSetting);
if (url == NULL || url[0] == 0)
return NULL;
-char* eUrl = replaceInUrl(tdb, url, idInUrl, encode);
+char* eUrl = replaceInUrl(url, idInUrl, cart, database, seqName, winStart, winEnd, tdb->track, encode);
return eUrl;
void printIframe(struct trackDb *tdb, char *itemName)
/* print an iframe with the URL specified in trackDb (iframeUrl), can have
* the standard codes in it (like $$ for itemName, etc)
char* eUrl = constructUrl(tdb, "iframeUrl", itemName, FALSE);
if (eUrl==NULL)
char *iframeOptions = trackDbSettingOrDefault(tdb, "iframeOptions", "width='100%%' height='1024'");
// Resizing requires the hgcDetails pages to include a bit of javascript.
@@ -1571,31 +1482,32 @@
int nameCount;
char **idNames = getIdNameMap(tdb, col, &nameCount);
for (itemId = slIds; itemId!=NULL; itemId = itemId->next)
if (itemId != slIds)
printf(", ");
char *itemName = itemId->name;
if (idNames)
unsigned int id = sqlUnsigned(itemName);
if (id < nameCount)
itemName = idNames[sqlUnsigned(itemName)];
- char *idUrl = replaceInUrl(tdb, url, trimSpaces(itemName), TRUE);
+ char *idUrl = replaceInUrl(url, trimSpaces(itemName), cart, database, seqName, winStart,
+ winEnd, tdb->track, TRUE);
printf("%s", idUrl, itemName);
printf(" | \n");
int extraFieldsPrint(struct trackDb *tdb,struct sqlResult *sr,char **fields,int fieldCount)
// Any extra bed or bigBed fields (defined in as and occurring after N in bed N + types.
// sr may be null for bigBeds.
// Returns number of extra fields actually printed.
struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL ;
if (!trackHubDatabase(database))
conn = hAllocConnTrack(database, tdb);
@@ -10984,31 +10896,30 @@
printf(" ", imgPath);
/* add text column, if exists */
safef(textPath, sizeof(textPath), "../htdocs/geneExtra/%s.txt", geneFileBase);
if (access(textPath, R_OK) == 0)
FILE *fh = mustOpen(textPath, "r");
printf(" | ");
copyOpenFile(fh, stdout);
int gbCdnaGetVersion(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc)
/* return mrna/est version, or 0 if not available */
-// define hHasTable(db,table) hTableExists(db,table) // like hFieldExists
int ver = 0;
if (!hTableExists(database, "gbCdnaInfo"))
warn("Genbank information not shown below, the table %s.gbCdnaInfo is not installed "
"on this server. ", database);
//"The information below is a shortened version of the one shown on the "
//"UCSC site", database);
return 0;
if (hHasField(database, "gbCdnaInfo", "version"))
char query[128];