7220331d99c960562d2dbd5b293bf0002827043a max Sat May 16 08:06:42 2015 -0700 add a hg.conf option that makes sure that errAbort messages are always shown to the user, even when they are before a Content-type, refs #15332 diff --git src/hg/lib/web.c src/hg/lib/web.c index a807c7e..25e276f 100644 --- src/hg/lib/web.c +++ src/hg/lib/web.c @@ -229,30 +229,31 @@ char *menuStr = menuBar(theCart, db); if(menuStr) { puts(menuStr); } if(!skipSectionHeader) /* this HTML must be in calling code if skipSectionHeader is TRUE */ { webFirstSection(textOutBuf); }; webPushErrHandlers(); /* set the flag */ webHeadAlreadyOutputed = TRUE; +errAbortSetDoContentType(FALSE); } /* static void webStartWrapperDetailedInternal() */ void webStartWrapperDetailedArgs(struct cart *theCart, char *db, char *headerText, char *format, va_list args, boolean withHttpHeader, boolean withLogo, boolean skipSectionHeader, boolean withHtmlHeader) /* output a CGI and HTML header with the given title in printf format */ { char textOutBuf[1024]; va_list argscp; va_copy(argscp,args); vasafef(textOutBuf, sizeof(textOutBuf), format, argscp); va_end(argscp); webStartWrapperDetailedInternal(theCart, db, headerText, textOutBuf,