  Sat May 16 08:06:42 2015 -0700
add a hg.conf option that makes sure that errAbort messages are always
shown to the user, even when they are before a Content-type, refs #15332

diff --git src/lib/errAbort.c src/lib/errAbort.c
index 961fe56..860bcab 100644
--- src/lib/errAbort.c
+++ src/lib/errAbort.c
@@ -1,377 +1,396 @@
 /* errAbort.c - our error handler.
  * This maintains two stacks - a warning message printer
  * stack, and a "abort handler" stack.
  * Note that the abort function always calls the warn handler first.
  * This is so that the message gets sent.
  * By default the warnings will go to stderr, and
  * aborts will exit the program.  You can push a
  * function on to the appropriate stack to change
  * this behavior.  The top function on the stack
  * gets called.
  * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 // developer: this include is for an occasionally useful means of getting stack info without
 // crashing
 // however, it is not supported on cygwin.  Conditionally compile this in when desired.
 #include <execinfo.h>
 #endif///def BACKTRACE_EXISTS
 #include <pthread.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "errAbort.h"
+// errAbort can optionally print a Content-type line and copy errors to stdout, so 
+// error messages don't lead to a 500 error but are shown in the web browser
+// directly. 
+static boolean doContentType = FALSE;
 #define maxWarnHandlers 20
 #define maxAbortHandlers 12
 struct perThreadAbortVars
 /* per thread variables for abort and warn */
     boolean debugPushPopErr;        // generate stack dump on push/pop error
     boolean errAbortInProgress;     /* Flag to indicate that an error abort is in progress.
                                       * Needed so that a warn handler can tell if it's really
                                       * being called because of a warning or an error. */
     WarnHandler warnArray[maxWarnHandlers];
     int warnIx;
     AbortHandler abortArray[maxAbortHandlers];
     int abortIx;
 static struct perThreadAbortVars *getThreadVars();  // forward declaration
 static void defaultVaWarn(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Default error message handler. */
 if (format != NULL) {
+    if (doContentType)
+        {
+        puts("Content-type: text/html\n");
+        puts("Error: ");
+        vfprintf(stdout, format, args);
+        fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+        fflush(stdout);
+        }
     vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 static void silentVaWarn(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Warning handler that just hides it.  Useful sometimes when high level code
  * expects low level code may fail (as in finding a file on the net) but doesn't
  * want user to be bothered about it. */
 void vaWarn(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Call top of warning stack to issue warning. */
 struct perThreadAbortVars *ptav = getThreadVars();
 ptav->warnArray[ptav->warnIx](format, args);
 void warn(char *format, ...)
 /* Issue a warning message. */
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 vaWarn(format, args);
 void warnWithBackTrace(char *format, ...)
 /* Issue a warning message and append backtrace. */
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 struct dyString *dy = newDyString(255);
 dyStringAppend(dy, format);
 #define STACK_LIMIT 20
 char **strings = NULL;
 int count = 0;
 // developer: this is an occasionally useful means of getting stack info without crashing
 // however, it is not supported on cygwin.  Conditionally compile this in when desired.
 // The define is at top to include execinfo.h
 void *buffer[STACK_LIMIT];
 count = backtrace(buffer, STACK_LIMIT);
 strings = backtrace_symbols(buffer, count);
 #endif///def BACKTRACE_EXISTS
 if (strings == NULL)
     dyStringAppend(dy,"\nno backtrace_symbols available in errabort::warnWithBackTrace().");
     int ix = 1;
     dyStringAppend(dy,"\nBACKTRACE (use on cmdLine):");
     if (strings[1] != NULL)
         strSwapChar(strings[1],' ','\0');
         dyStringPrintf(dy,"\naddr2line -Cfise %s",strings[1]);
         strings[1] += strlen(strings[1]) + 1;
     for (; ix < count && strings[ix] != NULL; ix++)
         strings[ix] = skipBeyondDelimit(strings[ix],'[');
         dyStringPrintf(dy," %s",strings[ix]);
 vaWarn(dyStringCannibalize(&dy), args);
 void errnoWarn(char *format, ...)
 /* Prints error message from UNIX errno first, then does rest of warning. */
 char fbuf[512];
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 sprintf(fbuf, "%s\n%s", strerror(errno), format);
 vaWarn(fbuf, args);
 void pushWarnHandler(WarnHandler handler)
 /* Set abort handler */
 struct perThreadAbortVars *ptav = getThreadVars();
 if (ptav->warnIx >= maxWarnHandlers-1)
     if (ptav->debugPushPopErr)
         dumpStack("pushWarnHandler overflow");
     errAbort("Too many pushWarnHandlers, can only handle %d\n", maxWarnHandlers-1);
 ptav->warnArray[++ptav->warnIx] = handler;
 void popWarnHandler()
 /* Revert to old warn handler. */
 struct perThreadAbortVars *ptav = getThreadVars();
 if (ptav->warnIx <= 0)
     if (ptav->debugPushPopErr)
         dumpStack("popWarnHandler underflow");
     errAbort("Too few popWarnHandlers");
 static void defaultAbort()
 /* Default error handler exits program. */
 if ((getenv("ERRASSERT") != NULL) || (getenv("ERRABORT") != NULL))
 void noWarnAbort()
 /* Abort without message. */
 struct perThreadAbortVars *ptav = getThreadVars();
 exit(-1);               /* This is just to make compiler happy.
                          * We have already exited or longjmped by now. */
 void vaErrAbort(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Abort function, with optional (vprintf formatted) error message. */
 /* flag is needed because both errAbort and warn generate message
  * using the warn handler, however sometimes one needed to know
  * (like when logging), if it's an error or a warning.  This is far from
  * perfect, as this isn't cleared if the error handler continues,
  * as with an exception mechanism. */
 struct perThreadAbortVars *ptav = getThreadVars();
 ptav->errAbortInProgress = TRUE;
 vaWarn(format, args);
+void errAbortSetDoContentType(boolean value)
+/* change the setting of doContentType, ie. if errorAbort should print a 
+ * http Content type line. */
+doContentType = value;
 void errAbort(char *format, ...)
 /* Abort function, with optional (printf formatted) error message. */
 #ifdef COREDUMP
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 vaErrAbort(format, args);
 void errnoAbort(char *format, ...)
 /* Prints error message from UNIX errno first, then does errAbort. */
 char fbuf[512];
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 sprintf(fbuf, "%s\n%s", strerror(errno), format);
 vaErrAbort(fbuf, args);
 void pushAbortHandler(AbortHandler handler)
 /* Set abort handler */
 struct perThreadAbortVars *ptav = getThreadVars();
 if (ptav->abortIx >= maxAbortHandlers-1)
     if (ptav->debugPushPopErr)
         dumpStack("pushAbortHandler overflow");
     errAbort("Too many pushAbortHandlers, can only handle %d", maxAbortHandlers-1);
 ptav->abortArray[++ptav->abortIx] = handler;
 void popAbortHandler()
 /* Revert to old abort handler. */
 struct perThreadAbortVars *ptav = getThreadVars();
 if (ptav->abortIx <= 0)
     if (ptav->debugPushPopErr)
         dumpStack("popAbortHandler underflow");
     errAbort("Too many popAbortHandlers\n");
 static void debugAbort()
 /* Call the debugger. */
 void pushDebugAbort()
 /* Push abort handler that will invoke debugger. */
 static void warnAbortHandler(char *format, va_list args)
 /* warn handler that also aborts. */
 defaultVaWarn(format, args);
 void pushWarnAbort()
 /* Push handler that will abort on warnings. */
 void pushSilentWarnHandler()
 /* Set warning handler to be quiet.  Do a popWarnHandler to restore. */
 void errAbortDebugnPushPopErr()
 /*  generate stack dump if there is a error in the push/pop functions */
 struct perThreadAbortVars *ptav = getThreadVars();
 ptav->debugPushPopErr = TRUE;
 boolean isErrAbortInProgress() 
 /* Flag to indicate that an error abort is in progress.
  * Needed so that a warn handler can tell if it's really
  * being called because of a warning or an error. */
 struct perThreadAbortVars *ptav = getThreadVars();
 return ptav->errAbortInProgress;
 static struct perThreadAbortVars *getThreadVars()
 /* Return a pointer to the perThreadAbortVars for the current pthread. */
 pthread_t pid = pthread_self(); //  pthread_t can be a pointer or a number, implementation-dependent.
 // Test for out-of-memory condition causing re-entrancy into this function that would block
 // on its own main mutex ptavMutex.  Do this by looking for its own pid.
 // Some care must be exercised in testing and comparing the threads pid against one in-use.
 // We need yet another mutex and a boolean to tell us when the pidInUse value may be safely compared to pid.
 // Use a boolean since there is no known unused value for pthread_t variable. NULL and -1 are not portable.
 static boolean pidInUseValid = FALSE;  // tells when pidInUse contains a valid pid that can be compared.
 static pthread_t pidInUse; // there is no "unused" value to which we can initialize this.
 static pthread_mutex_t pidInUseMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
 pthread_mutex_lock( &pidInUseMutex );
 // If this pid equals pidInUse, then this function has been re-entered due to severe out-of-memory error.
 // But we only compare them when pidInUseValid is TRUE.
 if (pidInUseValid && pthread_equal(pid, pidInUse)) 
     // Avoid deadlock on self by exiting immediately.
     // Use pthread_equal because directly comparing two pthread_t vars is not allowed.
     // This re-entrancy only happens when it has aborted already due to out of memory
     // which should be a rare occurrence.
     char *errMsg = "errAbort re-entered due to out-of-memory condition. Exiting.\n";
     write(STDERR_FILENO, errMsg, strlen(errMsg)); 
     exit(1);   // out of memory is a serious problem, exit immediately, but allow atexit cleanup.
 pthread_mutex_unlock( &pidInUseMutex );
 // This is the main mutex we really care about.
 // It controls access to the hash where thread-specific data is stored.
 static pthread_mutex_t ptavMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
 pthread_mutex_lock( &ptavMutex );
 // safely tell threads that pidInUse
 // is valid and correctly set and may be compared to pid
 pthread_mutex_lock( &pidInUseMutex );
 pidInUse = pthread_self();  // setting it directly to pid is not allowed.
 pidInUseValid = TRUE;
 pthread_mutex_unlock( &pidInUseMutex );
 // This means that if we crash due to out-of-memory below,
 // it will be able to detect the re-entrancy and handle it above.
 static struct hash *perThreadVars = NULL;
 if (perThreadVars == NULL)
     perThreadVars = hashNew(0);
 // convert the pid into a string for the hash key
 char pidStr[64];
 safef(pidStr, sizeof(pidStr), "%lld",  ptrToLL(pid));
 struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(perThreadVars, pidStr);
 if (hel == NULL)
     // if it is the first time, initialization the perThreadAbortVars
     struct perThreadAbortVars *ptav;
     ptav->debugPushPopErr = FALSE;
     ptav->errAbortInProgress = FALSE;
     ptav->warnIx = 0;
     ptav->warnArray[0] = defaultVaWarn;
     ptav->abortIx = 0;
     ptav->abortArray[0] = defaultAbort;
     hel = hashAdd(perThreadVars, pidStr, ptav);
 // safely tell other threads that pidInUse
 // is no longer valid and may not be compared to pid
 pthread_mutex_lock( &pidInUseMutex );
 pidInUseValid = FALSE;
 pthread_mutex_unlock( &pidInUseMutex );
 // unlock our mutex controlling the hash of thread-specific data
 pthread_mutex_unlock( &ptavMutex );
 return (struct perThreadAbortVars *)(hel->val);