  Mon Jun 29 14:54:07 2015 -0700
Updating pubsBlat.as to reflect current pubsBlat table, and adding
pubsBlat2.as to reflect Max's newer schema with more extra fields.
refs #15610

diff --git src/hg/lib/pubsBlat2.as src/hg/lib/pubsBlat2.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e492eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/lib/pubsBlat2.as
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+table pubsBlat2
+"publications blat feature table, in bed12+ format"
+    (
+    string chrom;         "chromosome"
+    int chromStart;       "start position on chromosome"
+    int chromEnd;         "end position on chromosome"
+    string name;          "internal articleId, article that matches here"
+    int score;            "score of feature"
+    char[1] strand;       "strand of feature"
+    int thickStart;       "start of exons"
+    int thickEnd;         "end of exons"
+    int reserved;         "no clue"
+    int blockCount;       "number of blocks"
+    lstring blockSizes;   "size of blocks"
+    lstring chromStarts;  "A comma-separated list of block starts"
+    string tSeqTypes;     "comma-seq list of matching sequence db (g=genome, p=protein, c=cDNA)"
+    lstring seqIds;       "comma-separated list of matching seqIds"
+    lstring seqRanges;    "ranges start-end on sequence that matched, one for each seqId"
+    string publisher;     "publisher of article, for hgTracks feature filter"
+    string pmid;          "PMID of article, for annoGrator output, avoids table join"
+    string doi;           "doi of article, for annoGrator output, avoids table join"
+    string issn;          "issn of journal"
+    string journal;       "name of journal"
+    string title;         "title of article, for genome browser mouseover"
+    string firstAuthor;   "first author family name of article, for genome browser"
+    string year;          "year of article, for genome browser"
+    string impact;        "impact factor of journal, for genome browser coloring, derived from official impact factors: max impact is 25, value is scaled to 0-255"
+    string classes;       "classes assigned to journal article, for genome browser coloring"
+    string locus;         "closest gene symbols, one or two, comma-separated"
+    )