  Fri Jun 26 17:18:55 2015 -0700
Oops, using sizeof instead of ArraySize was causing a SEGV when pasting
bogus text with more than 5 words per line into the user regions box.

diff --git src/hg/lib/userRegions.c src/hg/lib/userRegions.c
index 5a335e9..6795cd0 100644
--- src/hg/lib/userRegions.c
+++ src/hg/lib/userRegions.c
@@ -1,202 +1,202 @@
 /* userRegions: parse user regions entered as BED3, BED4 or chr:start-end
  * optionally followed by name. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2015 The Regents of the University of California
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "trashDir.h"
 #include "userRegions.h"
 static boolean illegalCoordinate(char *db, char *chrom, int start, int end, char *line, int lineIx,
                                  struct dyString *dyWarn)
 /* verify start and end are legal for this chrom */
 int maxEnd = hChromSize(db, chrom);
 if (start < 0)
     dyStringPrintf(dyWarn, "line %d: '%s': chromStart (%d) less than zero\n",
                    lineIx, line, start);
     return TRUE;
 if (end > maxEnd)
     dyStringPrintf(dyWarn, "line %d: '%s': chromEnd (%d) greater than chrom length (%s:%d)\n",
                    lineIx, line, end, chrom, maxEnd);
     return TRUE;
 if (start > end)
     dyStringPrintf(dyWarn, "line %d: '%s': chromStart (%d) greater than chromEnd (%d)\n",
                    lineIx, line, start, end);
     return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static struct bed4 *parseRegionInput(char *db, char *inputString, int maxRegions, int maxErrs,
                                      struct dyString *dyWarn)
 /* scan the user region definition, turn into a bed list */
 int regionCount = 0;
 int errCount = 0;
 struct bed4 *bedList = NULL;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOnString("userData", TRUE, inputString);
 char *line = NULL;
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     char *chromName = NULL;
     int chromStart = 0;
     int chromEnd = 0;
     char *regionName = NULL;
     // Chop a copy of line so we can display line if there's an error.
     char copy[strlen(line)+1];
     safecpy(copy, sizeof(copy), line);
     char *words[5];
-    int wordCount = chopByWhite(copy, words, sizeof(words));
+    int wordCount = chopByWhite(copy, words, ArraySize(words));
     boolean badFormat = FALSE;
     boolean gotError = FALSE;
     /*	might be something of the form: chrom:start-end optionalRegionName */
     if (((1 == wordCount) || (2 == wordCount)) &&
 	    hgParseChromRange(NULL, words[0], &chromName,
 		&chromStart, &chromEnd))
 	if (2 == wordCount)
 	    regionName = cloneString(words[1]);
     else if (!((3 == wordCount) || (4 == wordCount)))
 	dyStringPrintf(dyWarn, "line %d: '%s': "
                        "unrecognized format.  Please enter 3- or 4-column BED or "
                        "a chr:start-end position range optionally followed by a name.\n",
                        lf->lineIx, line);
         badFormat = TRUE;
         gotError = TRUE;
 	chromName = words[0];
         // Make sure chromStart and chromEnd are numbers
         if (!isNumericString(words[1]))
             dyStringPrintf(dyWarn, "line %d: '%s': chromStart must be a number but is '%s'\n",
                            lf->lineIx, line, words[1]);
             gotError = TRUE;
         if (!isNumericString(words[2]))
             dyStringPrintf(dyWarn, "line %d: '%s': chromEnd must be a number but is '%s'\n",
                            lf->lineIx, line, words[2]);
             gotError = TRUE;
         if (! gotError)
             chromStart = atoi(words[1]);
             chromEnd = atoi(words[2]);
             if (wordCount > 3)
                 regionName = cloneString(words[3]);
     char *officialChromName = chromName ? hgOfficialChromName(db, chromName) : NULL;
     if (! badFormat)
         if (NULL == officialChromName)
                            "line %d: '%s': chrom name '%s' not recognized in this assembly\n",
                            lf->lineIx, line, chromName ? chromName : words[0]);
             gotError = TRUE;
         else if (illegalCoordinate(db, officialChromName, chromStart, chromEnd, line, lf->lineIx,
             gotError = TRUE;
     if (gotError)
         if (errCount > maxErrs && maxErrs > 0)
             dyStringPrintf(dyWarn, "Exceeded maximum number of errors (%d), quitting\n", maxErrs);
     if (regionCount > maxRegions && maxRegions > 0)
                        "line %d: limit of %d region definitions exceeded, skipping the rest\n",
                        lf->lineIx, maxRegions);
     struct bed4 *bedEl = bed4New(officialChromName, chromStart, chromEnd, regionName);
     slAddHead(&bedList, bedEl);
 // Keep regions in same order as user entered them:
 return (bedList);
 char *userRegionsParse(char *db, char *regionsText, int maxRegions, int maxErrs,
                        int *retRegionCount, char **retWarnText)
 /* Parse user regions entered as BED3, BED4 or chr:start-end optionally followed by name.
  * Return name of trash file containing BED for parsed regions if regionsText contains
  * valid regions; otherwise NULL.
  * If maxRegions <= 0, it is ignored; likewise for maxErrs.
  * If retRegionCount is non-NULL, it will be set to the number of valid parsed regions
  * in the trash file.
  * If retWarnText is non-NULL, it will be set to a string containing warning and error
  * messages encountered while parsing input. */
 char *trashFileName = NULL;
 if (isNotEmpty(regionsText))
     char *copy = cloneString(regionsText);
     struct dyString *dyWarn = dyStringNew(0);
     struct bed4 *bedList = parseRegionInput(db, copy, maxRegions, maxErrs, dyWarn);
     if (retWarnText != NULL)
         if (dyWarn->stringSize > 0)
             *retWarnText = dyStringCannibalize(&dyWarn);
             *retWarnText = NULL;
     int regionCount = slCount(bedList);
     if (retRegionCount != NULL)
         *retRegionCount = regionCount;
     if (regionCount > 0)
         struct tempName tn;
         trashDirFile(&tn, "hgtData", "user", ".region");
         trashFileName = cloneString(tn.forCgi);
         FILE *f = mustOpen(trashFileName, "w");
         struct bed4 *bed;
         for (bed = bedList; bed; bed = bed->next )
             char *name = bed->name ? bed->name : "";
             fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n",
                     bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, name);
     if (retRegionCount != NULL)
         *retRegionCount = 0;
     if (retWarnText != NULL)
         *retWarnText = NULL;
 return trashFileName;