  Mon Jul 27 16:08:54 2015 -0700
fixing typo in help msg for gfClient

diff --git src/gfClient/gfClient.c src/gfClient/gfClient.c
index 29671a7..95185d3 100644
--- src/gfClient/gfClient.c
+++ src/gfClient/gfClient.c
@@ -45,31 +45,31 @@
   "       (note these are needed by the client as well as the server)\n"
   "   in.fa is a fasta format file.  May contain multiple records\n"
   "   out.psl is where to put the output\n"
   "   -t=type       Database type. Type is one of:\n"
   "                   dna - DNA sequence\n"
   "                   prot - protein sequence\n"
   "                   dnax - DNA sequence translated in six frames to protein\n"
   "                 The default is dna.\n"
   "   -q=type       Query type. Type is one of:\n"
   "                   dna - DNA sequence\n"
   "                   rna - RNA sequence\n"
   "                   prot - protein sequence\n"
   "                   dnax - DNA sequence translated in six frames to protein\n"
   "                   rnax - DNA sequence translated in three frames to protein\n"
-  "   -prot         Synonymous with -d=prot -q=prot.\n"
+  "   -prot         Synonymous with -t=prot -q=prot.\n"
   "   -dots=N       Output a dot every N query sequences.\n"
   "   -nohead       Suppresses 5-line psl header.\n"
   "   -minScore=N   Sets minimum score.  This is twice the matches minus the \n"
   "                 mismatches minus some sort of gap penalty.  Default is 30.\n"
   "   -minIdentity=N   Sets minimum sequence identity (in percent).  Default is\n"
   "                 90 for nucleotide searches, 25 for protein or translated\n"
   "                 protein searches.\n"
   "   -out=type     Controls output file format.  Type is one of:\n"
   "                   psl - Default.  Tab-separated format without actual sequence\n"
   "                   pslx - Tab-separated format with sequence\n"
   "                   axt - blastz-associated axt format\n"
   "                   maf - multiz-associated maf format\n"
   "                   sim4 - similar to sim4 format\n"
   "                   wublast - similar to wublast format\n"
   "                   blast - similar to NCBI blast format\n"