  Thu Sep 10 16:44:05 2015 -0700
Removing release tags related to 100-way and pushing announcement, refs #14560

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
index 6479d23..7cbee33 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
@@ -27,120 +27,95 @@
           To receive announcements of new genome 
           assembly releases, new software features, updates and 
           training seminars by email, subscribe to the
           <A HREF="http://groups.google.com/a/soe.ucsc.edu/group/genome-announce?hl=en"
           TARGET=_blank>genome-announce</A> mailing list. Please see our
           <a href="http://genome.ucsc.edu/blog"
           target=_blank>blog</a> for posts about Genome Browser tools, features, projects and more.
     <!-- start news -->
+  <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>10 September 2015 &mdash;
+  100 Species Conservation Track now available on GRCh38/hg38 </b></font>
+  </p>
+  <p>
+  We are pleased to announce the release of a new Conservation track based on the human 
+  (GRCh38/hg38) assembly. This track shows multiple alignments of 100 vertebrate species and
+  measurements of evolutionary conservation using two methods (phastCons and phyloP) from the
+  PHAST package for all species. The multiple alignments were generated using multiz and other
+  tools in the UCSC/Penn State Bioinformatics comparative genomics alignment pipeline.
+  Conserved elements identified by phastCons are also displayed in this track. For more
+  details, visit the 
+  <a href="../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg38&g=cons100way">track description page</a>.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+  We would like to thank Hiram Clawson and Jonathan Casper for their efforts in creating this track.
+  </p>
+	<hr>
+	<p>
         <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>12 August 2015 &mdash;
 	New blog post:  How to share your UCSC screenthoughts </b></font>
         Do you want to save your UCSC Browser screenthoughts, or share them with a colleague,
         or make a slide for a talk, or publish them in a paper?  Saving the state of your screen
         can take two forms:  static or dynamic.  You can snap and save a picture of the screen,
         or you can share a link to an active Genome Browser.  We talk about both approaches
         <A HREF = "http://genome.ucsc.edu/blog/how-to-share-your-ucsc-screenthoughts/"
         TARGET = _BLANK>here</A>
         and discuss some of the advantages and pitfalls of each.
-	<p>
-        <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>29 June 2015 &mdash;
-	GENCODE Genes Now the Default Gene Set on the Human (GRCh38/hg38) Assembly</b></font>
-	<p>
-	In a move towards standardizing on a common gene set within the bioinformatics 
-	community, UCSC has made the decision to adopt the GENCODE set of gene models 
-	as our default gene set on the human genome assembly. Today we have released 
-	the GENCODE v22 comprehensive gene set as our default gene set on human 
-	genome assembly GRCh38 (hg38), replacing the previous default UCSC Genes set 
-	generated by UCSC. To facilitate this transition, the new gene set employs 
-	the same familiar UCSC Genes schema, using nearly all the same table names 
-	and fields that have appeared in earlier versions of the UCSC set.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	By default, the browser displays only the transcripts tagged as &quot;basic&quot; by the 
-	GENCODE Consortium. These may be found in the track labeled "GENCODE Basic" in 
-	the Genes and Gene Predictions track group. However, all the transcripts in the 
-	GENCODE comprehensive set are present in the tables, and may be viewed by 
-	adjusting the track configuration settings for the All GENCODE super-track. 
-	The most recent version of the UCSC-generated genes can still be accessed in 
-	the track &quot;Old UCSC Genes&quot;.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	The new release has 195,178 total transcripts, compared with 104,178 in the 
-	previous version. The total number of canonical genes has increased from 
-	48,424 to 49,534. Comparing the new gene set with the previous version:
-	</p>
-	<ul>
-	<li>9,459 transcripts did not change.</li>
-	<li>22,088 transcripts were not carried forward to the new version.</li>
-	<li>43,681 transcripts are "compatible" with those in the previous set, 
-	meaning that the two transcripts show consistent splicing. In most cases, 
-	the old and new transcripts differ in the lengths of their UTRs.</li>
-	<li>28,950 transcripts overlap with those in the previous set, but do not 
-	show consistent splicing (i.e., they contain overlapping introns with 
-	differing splice sites)</li>
-	</ul>
-	<p>
-	More details about the new GENCODE Basic track can be found on the
-	<a href="http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg38&g=knownGene"> 
-	GENCODE Basic track description page</a>.
-	</p>
-	<hr>
         <!-- start archives -->
-	<hr>
-        <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>12 August 2015 &mdash;
-	New blog post:  How to share your UCSC screenthoughts. </b></font>
+    <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>10 September 2015 &mdash;
+    100 Species Conservation Track now available on GRCh38/hg38 </b>:
+    </font>
+    We are pleased to announce the release of a new Conservation track based on the human
+   (GRCh38/hg38) assembly.
+    <a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#091015">Read more</a>.
+  </p>
+        <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>12 August 2015 &mdash;
+       	New blog post:  How to share your UCSC screenthoughts. </b>:
+        </font>
         We talk about saving static images and dynamic Browser sessions in a new
         <A HREF = "">blog</A> post,
         and discuss some of the advantages and pitfalls of each.
         <a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#081215">Read more</a>.
         <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>29 June 2015 &mdash;
         GENCODE Genes Now Default Gene Set on the Human (GRCh38/hg38) Assembly</b>:
         In a move towards standardizing on a common gene set within the bioinformatics 
         community, UCSC has made the decision to adopt the GENCODE set of gene models 
         as our default gene set on the human genome assembly.
         <a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#062915">Read more</a>.
         <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>26 June 2015 &mdash;
 	      New Bonobo (panPan1) Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser</b>:
 	We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the May 2012
 	assembly of bonobo, <em>Pan paniscus</em> (Max-Planck Institute panpan1, UCSC
   version panPan1).
 	<a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#062615">Read more</a>.
-        <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>12 June 2015 &mdash;
-        Data Integrator</b>: </font>
-        Have you ever wished that the Table Browser could associate your custom track items
-	with some other track, while retaining the item names from both? We have released a
-	new tool that can do just that, and more: the Data Integrator.
-	<a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#061215">Read more</a>.
-	</p>
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