  Wed Sep 2 02:33:06 2015 -0700
Removing the 'send to' menu and replacing it with a javascript-based
dialog that closes itself. Also fixing a small bug with the / key on
firefox for the shortcuts. refs #15113

diff --git src/hg/js/README src/hg/js/README
index d9f717e..23c1937 100644
--- src/hg/js/README
+++ src/hg/js/README
@@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
 The js directory should hold all referenced javascript files for normal browser CGIs.
 The contents include the versions of jQuery package files mostly unmodified by UCSC,
 as well as several that are specific to the browser.  Files should be named for the
 CGI or the library that uses them:
    hgTracks.js  included by hgTracks CGI.
    hui.js       included by hui.c library code.
    utils.js     common utilities included by multiple CGIs.
+The "make top" target does a quick lint + copying of the main .js files. It's a lot faster
+than "make" alone. Use this for small modifications.
 The "make alpha", "make beta", and "make install" commands will place all files in
 JS_FILES and STATIC_FILES in apache/htdocs/js/.  "make user" will place both sets in
 apache/htdocs-{user}/js if it exists, and otherwise will place both sets in
 apache/htdocs/js/{user}.  Static documents are hardcoded to look in /js, not /js/{user},
 so any changes placed in /js/{user} will be ignored by static documents.  If you want to
 modify those files and see the changes, you need to either have your own htdocs directory
 or test your changes on "make alpha".
 In order to avoid caching errors by client browsers, the CGIs reference these files by
 symlinks that contain the timestamps of the files.  The symlinks are created by this
 makefile, which runs cpAndLinkToResourceFiles.pl on the JS_FILES list.
 In order to test changes to javascript files on an hgwdev-$USER vhost, the setting
 browser.documentRoot must be added to the hg.conf file of that browser.