  Thu Oct 15 16:14:53 2015 -0700
Adding in the new python library structure, refs #16156

diff --git src/pyLib/common.py src/pyLib/common.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..259d5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ src/pyLib/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+This is a python module that holds common/frequently used functions (C header + C library equivalent). 
+Using these functions; consider a program named foo...
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+import common
+common.warning("This program has no function") 
+This will run the common.py function cloneProgToPath with the variable 'program'. 
+import sys, string, operator, fileinput, collections, os.path, time
+import re, argparse, math, tempfile, subprocess, getpass, inspect
+import smtplib, MySQLdb, itertools
+def dictFromTwoTabFile(fileName, hasHeader):   
+    """
+    Input:
+        fileName - a string
+        hasHeader - a bool
+    Output:
+        hash - A dict, string keys map to string values.  
+    Takes in a string that pointes to a two column file. The file is opened and parsed into a 
+    dict. If the hasHeader flag is selected then the first line is skipped.
+    """
+    hash = dict()
+    lineNum = 1 
+    for line in open(fileName,"r"):
+        if (hasHeader):
+            hasHeader = False
+            continue
+        splitLine = line.split()
+        if (hash.get(line[-1]) == None):    
+            hash.setdefault(splitLine[0], splitLine[1])
+        else: print("A duplicate name was found on line %i, please fix the file or use a "
+                        "different data structure."%(lineNum))
+        lineNum += 1
+    return hash
+def readInTable(file, keyColumn, separator): 
+    """
+    Input:
+        file - an opened file
+        keyColumn - an integer
+        separator - a string
+    Output:
+        result - A dict, string keys map to list of string values.
+    Process a table into a hash of lists. Each row in the table will be stored as a hash
+    entry, one field will act as a key. The key column indicates which values should
+    key the hash table. The remaining elements are stored in a list based on their location. 
+    """
+    result = dict()
+    firstLine = True
+    for line in file:
+        if firstLine:
+            firstLine = False
+            continue
+        splitLine = line[:-1].split(separator)
+        count = 0
+        list = []
+        for item in splitLine: 
+            list.append(item)
+        result.setdefault(splitLine[keyColumn],list)
+    return result 
+def getSQLLoginInfo():
+    """
+    Output: 
+        result - An object with three elements, host, user, password.
+    Grab the SQL login info from the users home directory hg.conf file. 
+    """
+    hst = ""
+    usr = ""
+    pw = ""
+    for line in open("/cluster/home/" + getpass.getuser() + "/.hg.conf","r"):
+        splitLine=line.split("=")
+        if (splitLine[0]== "db.host"): hst = splitLine[1][:-1]
+        if (splitLine[0]== "db.user"): usr = splitLine[1][:-1]
+        if (splitLine[0]== "db.password"): pw = splitLine[1][:-1]
+    return (hst, usr, pw)
+def sqlQuery(database, query): 
+    """
+    This is still being tested out!!! If for some reason your using this (and your not Chris Eisenhart)
+    be EXTREMELY careful. This has no Injection prevention yet, and will directly modify the table. You
+    probably aught not to be doing this...
+    """
+    loginCredentials = getSQLLoginInfo()
+    db = MySQLdb.connect(host= loginCredentials[0],user = loginCredentials[1], passwd = loginCredentials[2], db = database)
+    cur = db.cursor()
+    cur.execute(query)
+    return cur 