  Thu Oct 15 11:36:17 2015 -0700
fixup gcc warnings for -Wunused-but-set-variable refs #16121

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/sampleTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/sampleTracks.c
index cd9603b..565aeec 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/sampleTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/sampleTracks.c
@@ -1,939 +1,932 @@
 /* sampleTracks - Ryan Weber's wiggle tracks. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "sample.h"
 int sampleUpdateY( char *name, char *nextName, int lineHeight )
 /* only increment height when name root (minus the period if
  * there is one) is different from previous one.
   *This assumes that the entries are sorted by name as they would
   *be if loaded by hgLoadSample*/
 int ret;
 char *tempstr = NULL;
 char *tempstr2 = NULL;
 tempstr = cloneString( name );
 if( strstr( name, "." ) != NULL )
    strtok( tempstr, "." );
 tempstr2 = cloneString( nextName );
 if( strstr( nextName, "." ) != NULL )
    strtok( tempstr2, "." );
 if( !sameString( tempstr, tempstr2 )) 
    ret = lineHeight; 
    ret = 0;
 void samplePrintYAxisLabel( struct hvGfx *hvg, int y, struct track *track, char *labelString,
         double min0, double max0 )
 /*print a label for a horizontal y-axis line*/
 double tmp;
 int fontHeight = tl.fontHeight;
 double ymin = y - (track->heightPer / 2) + fontHeight;
 int itemHeight0 = track->itemHeight(track, track->items);
 int inWid = insideX-gfxBorder*3;
 tmp = -whichSampleBin( atof(labelString), min0, max0, 1000 );
 tmp = (int)((double)ymin+((double)tmp)*(double)track->heightPer/1000.0+(double)track->heightPer)-fontHeight/2.0;
 if( !withCenterLabels ) tmp -= fontHeight;
 hvGfxTextRight(hvg, gfxBorder, tmp, inWid-1, itemHeight0, track->ixColor, tl.font, labelString );
 static int sampleTotalHeight(struct track *tg, 
 	enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Wiggle track will use this to figure out the height they use
 as defined in the cart */
 struct slList *item;
 int lines = 0;
 int heightFromCart;
 char o1[128];
 safef( o1, 128, "%s.heightPer", tg->track);
 heightFromCart = atoi(cartUsualString(cart, o1, "50"));
 tg->lineHeight = max(tl.fontHeight+1, heightFromCart);
 tg->heightPer = tg->lineHeight - 1;
 switch (vis)
     case tvFull:
 	lines = 1;
 	for (item = tg->items; item != NULL; item = item->next)
 	    if( item->next != NULL )
 		if( sampleUpdateY( tg->itemName(tg, item), tg->itemName(tg, item->next), 1 ))
 	tg->height = lines * tg->lineHeight;
     case tvPack:
     case tvSquish:
         errAbort("Sorry can't handle pack in sampleTotalHeight (%s)", tg->track);
     case tvDense:
 	tg->height = tg->lineHeight;
 return tg->height;
 int consTotalHeight(struct track *tg, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Human/mouse conservation total height. */
 if( vis == tvDense )
     return tg->height = tg->lineHeight = 10;
     return sampleTotalHeight(tg, vis); 
 struct linkedFeatures *lfFromSample(struct sample *sample)
 /* Return a linked feature from a full sample (wiggle) track. */
 struct linkedFeatures *lf;
 struct simpleFeature *sf, *sfList = NULL;
 int grayIx = grayInRange(sample->score, 0, 1000);
 int start, i;
 unsigned *X = sample->samplePosition;
 int *Y = sample->sampleHeight;
 unsigned sampleCount = sample->sampleCount;
 assert(X != NULL && Y != NULL && sampleCount > 0);
 lf->grayIx = grayIx;
 lf->name = cloneString(sample->name);
 lf->orientation = orientFromChar(sample->strand[0]);
 for (i=0; i<sampleCount; ++i)
     start = X[i] + sample->chromStart;
     sf->start = start;
     if( Y[i] < 0 )      /*hack for negative values not loading correctly*/
         sf->end = start;
     else if( Y[i] == 0 )
         sf->end = start + 1;
         sf->end = start + Y[i];
     sf->grayIx = grayIx;
     slAddHead(&sfList, sf);
 lf->components = sfList;
 lf->start = sample->chromStart;
 lf->end = sample->chromEnd;
 return lf;
 int whichSampleBin( double num, double thisMin, double thisMax, 
 	double binCount )
 /* Get bin value from num. */
 return (num - thisMin) * binCount / (thisMax - thisMin);
 double whichSampleNum( double bin, double thisMin, double thisMax, 
 	double binCount )
 /* gets range nums. from bin values*/
 return( (thisMax - thisMin) / binCount * bin + thisMin );
 int basePositionToXAxis( int base, int seqStart, int seqEnd, int
                 width, int xOff  ) 
 double scale = scaleForPixels(width);
 double x1 = round((double)((int)base-seqStart)*scale) + xOff; 
 int humMusZoomLevel( void )
 int zoom1 = 80000, zoom2 = 5000, zoom3 = 300; /* bp per data point */      
 int pixPerBase = (winEnd - winStart)/ tl.picWidth;
 if(pixPerBase >= zoom1)
 else if( pixPerBase >= zoom2 ) 
 else if(pixPerBase >= zoom3)
 static void drawWiggleHorizontalLine( struct hvGfx *hvg, 
 	double where, double min0, double max0, 
 	int binCount, int y, double hFactor, int heightPer, 
 	Color lineColor )
 /* Draws a blue horizontal line on a wiggle track at a specified
  * location based on the range and number of bins*/
 int bin;
 double y1;
 bin = -whichSampleBin( where, min0, max0, binCount);
 y1 = (int)((double)y+((double)bin)*hFactor+(double)heightPer);
 hvGfxBox(hvg, 0, y1, hvg->width, 1, lineColor);
 static void wiggleLinkedFeaturesDraw(struct track *tg, 
     int seqStart, int seqEnd,
     struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
     MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Currently this routine is adapted from Terry's 
  * linkedFeatureSeriesDraw() routine.
  * It is called for 'sample' tracks as specified in the trackDb.ra.
  * and it looks at the cart to decide whether to interpolate, fill blocks,
  * and use anti-aliasing.*/
 int i;
 struct linkedFeatures *lf;
 struct simpleFeature *sf;
 int y = yOff;
 int heightPer = tg->heightPer;
 int lineHeight = tg->lineHeight;
 int x1,x2;
 boolean isFull = (vis == tvFull);
 Color bColor = tg->ixAltColor;
 double scale = scaleForPixels(width);
 int prevX = -1;
 int gapPrevX = -1;
 double prevY = -1;
 double y1 = -1, y2;
 int ybase;
 int sampleX, sampleY; /* A sample in sample coordinates. 
                        * Sample X coordinate is chromosome coordinate.
 		       * Sample Y coordinate is usually 0-1000 */
 int binCount = 1.0/tg->scaleRange;   /* Maximum sample Y coordinate. */
 int bin;	      /* Sample Y coordinates are first converted to
                        * bin coordinates, and then to pixels.  I'm not
 		       * totally sure why.  */
 int currentX, currentXEnd, currentWidth;
 int leftSide, rightSide;
 int noZoom = 1;
 enum wiggleOptEnum wiggleType;
 char *interpolate = NULL;
-char *aa = NULL; 
-boolean antiAlias = FALSE;
 int fill; 
 int lineGapSize;
 double min0, max0;
 char o1[128]; /* Option 1 - linear interp */
 char o2[128]; /* Option 2 - anti alias */
 char o3[128]; /* Option 3 - fill */
 char o4[128]; /* Option 4 - minimum vertical range cutoff of plot */	
 char o5[128]; /* Option 5 - maximum vertical range cutoff of plot */
 char o6[128]; /* Option 6 - max gap where interpolation is still done */
 char cartStr[64];
 char *fillStr;
 double hFactor;
 double minRange, maxRange;
 double minRangeCutoff, maxRangeCutoff;
 Color gridColor = hvGfxFindRgb(hvg, &guidelineColor); /* for horizontal lines*/
 if(lf==NULL) return;
 //take care of cart options
 safef( o1, 128,"%s.linear.interp", tg->track);
 safef( o2, 128, "%s.anti.alias", tg->track);
 safef( o3, 128,"%s.fill", tg->track);
 safef( o4, 128,"%s.min.cutoff", tg->track);
 safef( o5, 128,"%s.max.cutoff", tg->track);
 safef( o6, 128,"%s.interp.gap", tg->track);
 interpolate = cartUsualString(cart, o1, "Linear Interpolation");
 wiggleType = wiggleStringToEnum(interpolate);
-aa = cartUsualString(cart, o2, "on");
-antiAlias = sameString(aa, "on");
 //don't fill gcPercent track by default (but fill others)
 if(sameString( tg->table, "pGC") && sameString(database,"zooHuman3"))
     fillStr = cartUsualString(cart, o3, "0");
     fillStr = cartUsualString(cart, o3, "1");
 fill = atoi(fillStr);
 cartSetString(cart, o3, fillStr );
 //the 0.1 is so the label doesn't get truncated with integer valued user input min
 //display range.
 minRangeCutoff = max( atof(cartUsualString(cart,o4,"0.0"))-0.1, tg->minRange );
 maxRangeCutoff = min( atof(cartUsualString(cart,o5,"1000.0"))+0.1, tg->maxRange);
 lineGapSize = atoi(cartUsualString(cart, o6, "200"));
 //update cart settings to reflect truncated range cutoff values
 cartSetString( cart, "win", "F" );
 safef( cartStr, 64, "%g", minRangeCutoff );
 cartSetString( cart, o4, cartStr );
 safef( cartStr, 64, "%g", maxRangeCutoff );
 cartSetString( cart, o5, cartStr );
 heightPer = tg->heightPer+1;
 hFactor = (double)heightPer*tg->scaleRange;
 //errAbort( "min=%g, max=%g\n", minRangeCutoff, maxRangeCutoff );
 if( sameString( tg->table, "zoo" ) || sameString( tg->table, "zooNew" ) )
     binCount = binCount - 100;    //save some space at top, between each zoo species
 minRange = whichSampleBin( minRangeCutoff, tg->minRange, tg->maxRange, binCount );
 maxRange = whichSampleBin( maxRangeCutoff, tg->minRange, tg->maxRange, binCount );
 //errAbort( "(%g,%g) cutoff=(%g,%g)\n", tg->minRange, tg->maxRange, minRangeCutoff, maxRangeCutoff );
 if( sameString( tg->table, "zoo" ) || sameString( tg->table, "zooNew" ) )
     /*Always interpolate zoo track (since gaps are explicitly defined*/
     lineGapSize = -1;
 else if( tg->minRange == 0 && tg->maxRange == 8 )    //range for all L-score tracks
     if( isFull )
         min0 = whichSampleNum( minRange, tg->minRange, tg->maxRange, binCount );
         max0 = whichSampleNum( maxRange, tg->minRange, tg->maxRange,  binCount );
         for( i=1; i<=6; i++ )
             drawWiggleHorizontalLine(hvg, (double)i, min0, max0,
 	            binCount, y, hFactor, heightPer, gridColor );
 for(lf = tg->items; lf != NULL; lf = lf->next) 
     gapPrevX = -1;
     prevX = -1;
     ybase = (int)((double)y+hFactor+(double)heightPer);
     for (sf = lf->components; sf != NULL; sf = sf->next)
 	sampleX = sf->start;
 	sampleY = sf->end - sampleX;	// Stange encoding but so it is. 
 					// It is to deal with the fact that
 					// for a BED: sf->end = sf->start + length
 					// but in our case length = height (or y-value)
 					// so to recover height we take
 					// height = sf->end - sf->start.
 					// Otherwise another sf variable would 
 					// be needed.
 	/*mapping or sequencing gap*/
 	if (sampleY == 0)
 	    bin = -whichSampleBin( (int)((maxRange - minRange)/5.0+minRange), 
 	    	minRange, maxRange, binCount );
 	    y1 = (int)((double)y+((double)bin)* hFactor+(double)heightPer);
 	    if( gapPrevX >= 0 )
 		drawScaledBox(hvg, sampleX, gapPrevX, scale, 
 			xOff, (int)y1, (int)(.10*heightPer), shadesOfGray[2]);
 	    gapPrevX = sampleX;
 	    prevX = -1; /*connect next point with gray bar too*/
 	if (sampleY > maxRange)
 	    sampleY = maxRange;
 	if (sampleY < minRange)
 	    sampleY = minRange;
 	bin = -whichSampleBin( sampleY, minRange, maxRange, binCount );
 	x1 = round((double)(sampleX-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 	y1 = (int)((double)y+((double)bin)* hFactor+(double)heightPer);
 	if (prevX > 0)
 	    y2 = prevY;
 	    x2 = round((double)(prevX-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 	    if( wiggleType == wiggleLinearInterpolation ) 
 	    /*connect samples*/
 		if( lineGapSize < 0 || prevX - sampleX <= lineGapSize )   
 		    /*don't interpolate over large gaps*/
 		    if (fill)
 			hvGfxFillUnder(hvg, x1,y1, x2,y2, ybase, bColor);
 			hvGfxLine(hvg, x1,y1, x2,y2, color);
 	//if( x1 < 0 || x1 > tl.picWidth )
 	//printf("x1 = %d, sampleX=%d, winStart = %d\n<br>", x1, sampleX, winStart );
 	if( x1 >= 0 && x1 <= tl.picWidth )
 	/* Draw the points themselves*/
 	drawScaledBox(hvg, sampleX, sampleX+1, scale, xOff, (int)y1-1, 3, color);
 	if( fill )
 		drawScaledBox(hvg, sampleX, sampleX+1, scale, xOff, (int)y1+2, 
 			      ybase-y1-2, bColor);
 	prevX = gapPrevX = sampleX;
 	prevY = y1;
     leftSide = max( tg->itemStart(tg,lf), winStart );
     rightSide = min(  tg->itemEnd(tg,lf), winEnd );
     currentX =  round((double)((int)leftSide-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
     currentXEnd =  round((double)((int)rightSide-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
     currentWidth = currentXEnd - currentX;
     if( noZoom && isFull )
 	mapBoxHc(hvg, lf->start, lf->end, currentX ,y, currentWidth,
 	    heightPer, tg->track, tg->mapItemName(tg, lf), tg->itemName(tg, lf));
 	if( lf->next != NULL )
 	    y += sampleUpdateY( lf->name, lf->next->name, lineHeight );
 	    y += lineHeight;
 struct track *sortGroupList = NULL; /* Used temporarily for sample sorting. */
 int lfNamePositionCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare based on name, then chromStart, used for
    sorting sample based tracks. */
 const struct linkedFeatures *a = *((struct linkedFeatures **)va);
 const struct linkedFeatures *b = *((struct linkedFeatures **)vb);
 int dif;
 char *tgName = NULL;
 if(sortGroupList != NULL)
     tgName = sortGroupList->shortLabel;
 if(tgName != NULL)
     if(sameString(a->name, tgName) && differentString(b->name, tgName))
 	return -1;
     if(sameString(b->name, tgName) && differentString(a->name, tgName))
 	return 1;
 dif = strcmp(a->name, b->name);
 if (dif == 0)
     dif = a->start - b->start;
 return dif;
 void loadSampleIntoLinkedFeature(struct track *tg)
 /* Convert sample info in window to linked feature. */
 int maxWiggleTrackHeight = 2500;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 int rowOffset;
 struct sample *sample;
 struct linkedFeatures *lfList = NULL, *lf;
 char *hasDense = NULL;
 char *where = NULL;
 char query[256];
 /*see if we have a summary table*/
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
 	"select name from %s where name = '%s' limit 1", 
 	tg->table, tg->shortLabel);
 //errAbort( "%s", query );
 hasDense = sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, query, sizeof(query));
 /* If we're in dense mode and have a summary table load it. */
 if(tg->visibility == tvDense)
     if(hasDense != NULL)
 	sqlSafefFrag(query, sizeof(query), " name = '%s' ", tg->shortLabel);
 	where = cloneString(query);
 sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd, where, &rowOffset);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     sample = sampleLoad(row + rowOffset);
     lf = lfFromSample(sample);
     slAddHead(&lfList, lf);
 if(where != NULL)
 /* sort to bring items with common names to the same line
 but only for tracks with a summary table (with name=shortLabel) in
 dense mode*/
 if( hasDense != NULL )
     sortGroupList = tg; /* used to put track name at top of sorted list. */
     slSort(&lfList, lfNamePositionCmp);
     sortGroupList = NULL;
 tg->items = lfList;
 /*turn off full mode if there are too many rows or each row is too
  * large. A total of maxWiggleTrackHeight is allowed for number of
  * rows times the rowHeight*/
 if( tg->visibility == tvFull && sampleTotalHeight( tg, tvFull ) > maxWiggleTrackHeight  )
     tg->limitedVisSet = TRUE;
     tg->limitedVis = tvDense;
 void sampleLinkedFeaturesMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* Fill in track methods for 'sample' tracks. */
 tg->drawItems = wiggleLinkedFeaturesDraw;
 tg->totalHeight = sampleTotalHeight;
 tg->itemHeight = tgFixedItemHeight;
 void sampleMethods(struct track *track, struct trackDb *tdb, int wordCount, char *words[])
 /* Load up methods for a generic sample type track. */
 track->scaleRange = 0.001;
 track->minRange = 0.0;
 track->maxRange = 1000.0;
 if (wordCount > 1)     /*sample minRange maxRange*/
     track->minRange = atof(words[1]);
 if (wordCount > 2)
     track->maxRange = atof(words[2]);
 if (wordCount > 3)
     track->scaleRange = atof(words[3]);
 track->bedSize = 9;
 track->subType = lfSubSample;     /*make subType be "sample" (=2)*/
 track->loadItems = loadSampleIntoLinkedFeature;
 void loadHumMusL(struct track *tg)
 /* Load humMusL track with 2 zoom levels and one normal level. 
  * Also used for loading the musHumL track (called Human Cons) 
  * on the mouse browser. It decides which of 4 tables to
  * load based on how large of a window the user is looking at*/
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 int rowOffset;
 struct sample *sample;
 struct linkedFeatures *lfList = NULL, *lf;
 char *hasDense = NULL;
 char *where = NULL;
 char tableName[256];
 int z;
-float pixPerBase = 0;
 if(tl.picWidth == 0)
     errAbort("hgTracks.c::loadHumMusL() - can't have pixel width of 0");
-pixPerBase = (winEnd - winStart)/ tl.picWidth;
 /* Determine zoom level. */
  if (!strstr(tg->table,"HMRConservation"))
    z = humMusZoomLevel();
  else z=0;
 if(z == 1 )
     safef(tableName, sizeof(tableName), "%s_%s", "zoom1",
 else if( z == 2)
     safef(tableName, sizeof(tableName), "%s_%s", "zoom50",
 else if(z == 3)
     safef(tableName, sizeof(tableName), "%s_%s",
 	    "zoom2500", tg->table);
     safef(tableName, sizeof(tableName), "%s", tg->table);
 //printf("(%s)", tableName );
 sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tableName, chromName, winStart, winEnd,
     where, &rowOffset);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     sample = sampleLoad(row+rowOffset);
     lf = lfFromSample(sample);
     slAddHead(&lfList, lf);
 if(where != NULL)
 /* sort to bring items with common names to the same line
    but only for tracks with a summary table (with name=shortLabel)
    dense mode*/
 if( hasDense != NULL )
     sortGroupList = tg; /* used to put track name at
 	                 * top of sorted list. */
     slSort(&lfList, lfNamePositionCmp);
     sortGroupList = NULL;
 tg->items = lfList;
 void humMusLMethods( struct track *tg )
 /* Overide the humMusL load function to look for zoomed out tracks. */
 tg->loadItems = loadHumMusL;
 tg->totalHeight = consTotalHeight;
 struct hash *zooSpeciesHash = NULL;
 void zooSpeciesHashInit()
 /* Function to init list of zoo species */
 char *name = NULL;
 char *val = NULL;
 if (zooSpeciesHash != NULL)
 zooSpeciesHash = hashNew(6);
 name = cloneString("Human");
 val = cloneString("1");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 cartSetBoolean( cart, "zooSpecies.Human", TRUE );
 name = cloneString("Chimpanzee");
 val = cloneString("2");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Baboon");
 val = cloneString("3");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Orangutan");
 val = cloneString("4");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Macaque");
 val = cloneString("5");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Vervet");
 val = cloneString("6");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Lemur");
 val = cloneString("7");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Cat");
 val = cloneString("8");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Dog");
 val = cloneString("9");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Cow");
 val = cloneString("10");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Pig");
 val = cloneString("11");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Horse");
 val = cloneString("12");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Rabbit");
 val = cloneString("13");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Hedgehog");
 val = cloneString("14");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("ajBat");
 val = cloneString("15");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("cpBat");
 val = cloneString("16");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Rat");
 val = cloneString("17");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Mouse");
 val = cloneString("18");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Platypus");
 val = cloneString("19");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Opossum");
 val = cloneString("20");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Dunnart");
 val = cloneString("21");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Chicken");
 val = cloneString("22");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Fugu");
 val = cloneString("23");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Tetraodon");
 val = cloneString("24");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 name = cloneString("Zebrafish");
 val = cloneString("25");
 hashAdd(zooSpeciesHash, name, val);
 int lfZooCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare based on name, then chromStart, used for
    sorting sample based tracks. */
 struct linkedFeatures *a = *((struct linkedFeatures **)va);
 struct linkedFeatures *b = *((struct linkedFeatures **)vb);
 char *aVal =  hashFindVal(zooSpeciesHash, a->name);
 char *bVal =  hashFindVal(zooSpeciesHash, b->name);
 int aV = atoi(aVal);
 int bV = atoi(bVal);
 return aV - bV;
 void loadSampleZoo(struct track *tg)
 /* Convert sample info in window to linked feature. */
 int maxWiggleTrackHeight = 2500;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 int rowOffset;
 struct sample *sample;
 struct linkedFeatures *lfList = NULL, *lf;
 char *hasDense = NULL;
 char *where = NULL;
 char query[256];
 char option[64];
 /*see if we have a summary table*/
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select name from %s where name = '%s' limit 1", tg->table, tg->shortLabel);
 //errAbort( "%s", query );
 hasDense = sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, query, sizeof(query));
 /* If we're in dense mode and have a summary table load it. */
 if(tg->visibility == tvDense)
     if(hasDense != NULL)
 	sqlSafefFrag(query, sizeof(query), " name = '%s' ", tg->shortLabel);
 	where = cloneString(query);
 sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd, where, &rowOffset);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     sample = sampleLoad(row + rowOffset);
     lf = lfFromSample(sample);
     safef( option, sizeof(option), "zooSpecies.%s", sample->name );
     if( cartUsualBoolean(cart, option, TRUE ))
     slAddHead(&lfList, lf);
 if(where != NULL)
 /* sort to bring items with common names to the same line
  * but only for tracks with a summary table 
  * (with name=shortLabel) in dense mode */
 if( hasDense != NULL )
     sortGroupList = tg; /* used to put track name at top of sorted list. */
     slSort(&lfList, lfNamePositionCmp);
     sortGroupList = NULL;
 /* Sort in species phylogenetic order */
 slSort(&lfList, lfZooCmp);
 tg->items = lfList;
 /*turn off full mode if there are too many rows or each row is too
  * large. A total of maxWiggleTrackHeight is allowed for number of
  * rows times the rowHeight*/
 if( tg->visibility == tvFull && sampleTotalHeight( tg, tvFull ) > maxWiggleTrackHeight  )
     tg->limitedVisSet = TRUE;
     tg->limitedVis = tvDense;
 void zooMethods( struct track *tg )
 /* Overide the zoo sample type load function to look for zoomed out tracks. */
 tg->loadItems = loadSampleZoo;
 void loadAffyTranscriptome(struct track *tg)
 /* Convert sample info in window to linked feature. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 int rowOffset;
 struct sample *sample;
 struct linkedFeatures *lfList = NULL, *lf;
 char *hasDense = NULL;
 char *where = NULL;
 char query[256];
 char tableName[256];
 int zoom1 = 23924, zoom2 = 2991; /* bp per data point */
 float pixPerBase = 0;
 /* Set it up so we don't have linear interpretation.. */
 char *noLinearInterpString = wiggleEnumToString(wiggleNoInterpolation);
 cartSetString(cart, "affyTranscriptome.linear.interp", noLinearInterpString);
 if(tl.picWidth == 0)
     errAbort("hgTracks.c::loadAffyTranscriptome() - can't have pixel width of 0");
 pixPerBase = (winEnd - winStart)/ tl.picWidth;
 /* Determine zoom level. */
 if(pixPerBase >= zoom1)
     safef(tableName, sizeof(tableName), "%s_%s", "zoom1", tg->table);
 else if(pixPerBase >= zoom2)
     safef(tableName, sizeof(tableName), "%s_%s", "zoom2", tg->table);
     safef(tableName, sizeof(tableName), "%s", tg->table);
 /*see if we have a summary table*/
 if(hTableExists(database, tableName))
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select name from %s where name = '%s' limit 1",  tableName, tg->shortLabel);
     warn("<p>Couldn't find table %s<br><br>", tableName);
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select name from %s where name = '%s' limit 1",  tg->table, tg->shortLabel);
     safef(tableName, sizeof(tableName), "%s", tg->table);
 hasDense = sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, query, sizeof(query));
 /* If we're in dense mode and have a summary table load it. */
 if(tg->visibility == tvDense)
     if(hasDense != NULL)
 	sqlSafefFrag(query, sizeof(query), " name = '%s' ", tg->shortLabel);
 	where = cloneString(query);
 sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tableName, chromName, winStart, winEnd, where, &rowOffset);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     sample = sampleLoad(row+rowOffset);
     lf = lfFromSample(sample);
     slAddHead(&lfList, lf);
 if(where != NULL)
 /* sort to bring items with common names to the same line
 but only for tracks with a summary table (with name=shortLabel) in
 dense mode*/
 if( hasDense != NULL )
     sortGroupList = tg; /* used to put track name at top of sorted list. */
     slSort(&lfList, lfNamePositionCmp);
     sortGroupList = NULL;
 tg->items = lfList;
 void affyTranscriptomeMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* Overide the load function to look for zoomed out tracks. */
 tg->loadItems = loadAffyTranscriptome;