  Thu Oct 15 16:00:38 2015 -0700
fixup gcc warnings for -Wunused-but-set-variable refs #16121

diff --git src/utils/ccCp/ccCp.c src/utils/ccCp/ccCp.c
index fb97351..c0ed725 100644
--- src/utils/ccCp/ccCp.c
+++ src/utils/ccCp/ccCp.c
@@ -1,443 +1,440 @@
 /* ccCp - copy file to the cluster efficiently.  Uses child process
  * tracking mechanism. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "dlist.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 int crossSwitchMax = 40;		/* Max copies between switches at once. */
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
 "ccCp - copy a file to cluster."
 "   ccCp sourceFile destFile [hostList]\n"
 "This will copy sourceFile to destFile for all machines in\n"
 "    -crossMax=N (default %d) - maximum copies across switches\n"
 "   ccCp h.zip /var/tmp/h.zip newHosts"
 	, crossSwitchMax);
 enum 	/* Constants. */
     maxErrCount = 3,	/* Max number of errors before giving up. */
 struct netSwitch
 /* Keep track of a network switch. */
     struct netSwitch *next;	/* Next switch. */
     char *name;			/* Switch name. */
     int machCount;              /* Number of machines on this switch. */
     struct machine *machList;	/* The machines this is hooked to. */
 struct machine
 /* Keep track of one machine in cluster. */
     struct machine *next;
     char *name;		/* Name (like cc08) */
     struct netSwitch *netSwitch;  /* Which switch this is on. */
     int errCount;       /* Number of times have gotten error. */
     int pid;            /* Process ID if copying. */
     int status;         /* Status. */
     struct dlNode *sourceNode; /* Source node in copy. */
 int crossSwitchCount = 0;	/* Current copies between switches. */
 boolean matchMaker(struct dlList *finList, struct dlList *toDoList, 
 	struct dlNode **retSourceNode, struct dlNode **retDestNode)
 /* Find a copy to make from the finished list to the toDo list. */
 struct dlNode *sourceNode, *destNode = NULL;
 struct machine *source, *dest;
 bool gotIt = FALSE;
 for (sourceNode = finList->head; sourceNode->next != NULL; sourceNode = sourceNode->next)
     source = sourceNode->val;
     for (destNode = toDoList->head; destNode->next != NULL; destNode = destNode->next)
 	dest = destNode->val;
 	if (dest->netSwitch == source->netSwitch)
 	    gotIt = TRUE;
 	if (crossSwitchCount < crossSwitchMax)
 	    gotIt = TRUE;
     if (gotIt)
 if (!gotIt)
     return FALSE;
 *retSourceNode = sourceNode;
 *retDestNode = destNode;
 //uglyf("Matched (%s %s) and (%s %s) cross %d\n",
 //	source->name, source->netSwitch->name,
 //	dest->name, dest->netSwitch->name, crossSwitchCount);
 return TRUE;
 struct netSwitch *findSwitch(struct netSwitch *nsList, char *name)
 /* Return matching switch or NULL if none. */
 struct netSwitch *ns;
 for (ns = nsList; ns != NULL; ns = ns->next)
     if (sameString(ns->name, name))
 	return ns;
 return NULL;
 int netSwitchCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two netSwitchs to sort with most nodes first. */
 const struct netSwitch *a = *((struct netSwitch **)va);
 const struct netSwitch *b = *((struct netSwitch **)vb);
 return b->machCount - a->machCount;
 char *fullPathName(char *relName)
 /* Return full version of path name. */
 char firstChar = relName[0];
 char fullPath[512];
 char dir[512];
 if (firstChar == '/' || firstChar == '~')
     return cloneString(relName);
 if (getcwd(dir, sizeof(dir)) == NULL)
     errAbort("fullPathName: getcwd failed!");
 sprintf(fullPath, "%s/%s", dir, relName);
 return cloneString(fullPath);
 struct machine *shuffleSwitches(struct netSwitch *nsList)
 /* Return machine list that is shuffled from switch to switch. */
 struct netSwitch *ns;
 struct machine *machList = NULL, *mach;
 bool gotAny = TRUE;
 int iteration = 0;
 int machineIx;
 while (gotAny)
     machineIx = 0;
     gotAny = FALSE;
     for (ns = nsList; ns != NULL; ns = ns->next)
 	if (ns->machList != NULL)
 	    mach = ns->machList;
 	    ns->machList = mach->next;
 	    slAddHead(&machList, mach);
 	    gotAny = TRUE;
 	    if (machineIx >= iteration)	  /* Seed biggest switches first. */
 return machList;
 void readHosts(char *hostList, struct machine **retMachineList, struct netSwitch **retNsList)
 /* Create list of all machines from hostList. */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(hostList, TRUE);
 struct machine *machList = NULL, *mach;
 struct netSwitch *nsList = NULL, *ns;
 char *line, *words[4];
 int lineSize, wordCount;
 char *switchName;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, &lineSize))
     if (line[0] == '#')
     wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
     if (wordCount < 1 || wordCount > 2)
 	errAbort("Expecting one or two words line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     mach->name = cloneString(words[0]);
     if (wordCount > 1)
 	switchName = words[1];
     	switchName = "1";
     if ((ns = findSwitch(nsList, switchName)) == NULL)
 	ns->name = cloneString(switchName);
 	slAddHead(&nsList, ns);
     mach->netSwitch = ns;
     ns->machCount += 1;
     slAddHead(&ns->machList, mach);
 for (ns = nsList; ns != NULL; ns = ns->next)
 slSort(&nsList, netSwitchCmp);
 machList = shuffleSwitches(nsList);
 *retMachineList = machList;
 *retNsList = nsList;
 void dlAddMiddle(struct dlList *list, struct dlNode *node)
 /* Add node to approximate middle of list. */
 int listSize = dlCount(list);
 int midPos = listSize/2;
 if (midPos <= 0)
     dlAddTail(list, node);
     struct dlNode *ln = list->head;
     int i;
     for (i=0; i<midPos; ++i)
 	ln = ln->next;
     dlAddAfter(ln, node);
 void startCopy(struct machine *source, struct machine *dest, char *file, 
 	char *thisHost, struct dyString *cmd)
 /* Copy file from source to dest machine by executing rcp on dest, using cmd as
  * place to put the system call command. */
 int childPid;
 if (!sameString(thisHost, dest->name))
     dyStringPrintf(cmd, "rsh %s ", dest->name);
 dyStringPrintf(cmd, "rcp %s:%s %s", source->name, file, file);
 childPid = fork();
 if (childPid)
     dest->pid = childPid;
     int err;
     err = system(cmd->string);
     if (err != 0)
 	err = -1;
 void ccCp(char *source, char *dest, char *hostList)
 /* Copy source to dest on all files in hostList. */
 time_t startTime = time(NULL);
 time_t curTime, lastTime = 0;
 struct machine *machineList = NULL;
 struct netSwitch *nsList;
 struct machine *m, *m2;
 struct dlList *toDoList = newDlList();          /* We haven't done these. */
 struct dlList *finishedList = newDlList();	/* All done here. */
 struct dlList *sourceList = newDlList();        /* These are sources for copies. */
 struct dlList *workingList = newDlList();       /* These are copying data to themselves. */
 struct dlList *errList = newDlList();           /* These are messed up 3x or more. */
-bool firstOk = FALSE;
 struct dlNode *finNode, *node, *sourceNode, *destNode;
 struct dyString *cmd = newDyString(256);
 int machineCount;
 int machinesFinished = 0;
 char *thisHost = getenv("HOST");
 off_t size;
 int goodMachines;
 double grandTotal;
 /* Get host and switch info. */
 readHosts(hostList, &machineList, &nsList);
 machineCount = slCount(machineList);
 /* Make sure file exists.... */
 if (!fileExists(source))
     errAbort("%s doesn't exist\n", source);
 size = fileSize(source);
 printf("Copying %s (%lld bytes) to %d machines\n", source, (unsigned long long)size, machineCount);
 /* Add everything to the to-do list. */
 for (m = machineList; m != NULL; m = m->next)
     dlAddValTail(toDoList, m);
 /* Loop through to-do list trying to do first copy. */
 for (node = toDoList->head; node->next != NULL; node = node->next)
     m = node->val;
     m = node->val;
     if (sameString(thisHost, m->name))
 	if (sameString(source, dest))
 	    /* Hey, this is too easy. */
-	    firstOk = TRUE;
 	    dyStringPrintf(cmd, "cp %s %s", source, dest);
 	dyStringPrintf(cmd, "rcp %s %s:%s", source, m->name, dest);
     if (system(cmd->string) == 0)
 	dlAddTail(finishedList, node);
-	firstOk = TRUE;
     else  /* some error in rcp */
 	warn("Problem with %s\n", cmd->string);
 	m->errCount += 1;
 /* Loop around launching child processes to copy and
  * wait for them to finish. */
 while (machinesFinished < machineCount)
     int pid;
     int status;
     /* Start all possible copies. */
     while (matchMaker(finishedList, toDoList, &sourceNode, &destNode))
 	dlAddTail(sourceList, sourceNode);
 	dlAddTail(workingList, destNode);
 	m = destNode->val;
 	m->sourceNode = sourceNode;
 	startCopy(sourceNode->val, destNode->val, dest, thisHost, cmd);
     curTime = time(NULL);
     if (curTime - lastTime >= 3)
 	printf("%d finished in %d seconds, %d in progress, %d to start, %d errors, %d total\n",
 	    dlCount(finishedList) + dlCount(sourceList), (int)(curTime - startTime),
 	    dlCount(workingList), dlCount(toDoList), dlCount(errList), machineCount);
 	lastTime = curTime;
     /* Wait for a child to finish.  Figure out which machine it is. */
     pid = wait(&status);
     finNode = NULL;
     for (node = workingList->head; node->next != NULL; node = node->next)
 	m = node->val;
 	if (m->pid == pid)
 	    finNode = node;
     if (finNode == NULL)
 	errAbort("Returned from wait on unknown child %d\n", pid);
     m = finNode->val;
     m->pid = 0;
     m2 = m->sourceNode->val;
     if (m->netSwitch != m2->netSwitch)
     dlAddTail(finishedList, m->sourceNode);
     if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0)
 	/* Good return - move self and source node to finished list. */
 	dlAddTail(finishedList, finNode);
 	/* Bad return.  Increment error count, and maybe move it to
 	 * error list. */
 	if (++m->errCount >= maxErrCount)
 	    dlAddTail(errList, finNode);
 	    fprintf(stderr, "Gave up on %s\n", m->name);
 	    dlAddMiddle(toDoList, finNode);
 	    fprintf(stderr, "Retry %d on %s\n", m->errCount, m->name);
 if (!dlEmpty(errList))
     fprintf(stderr, "errors in:");
     for (node = errList->head; node->next != NULL; node = node->next)
 	m = node->val;
 	fprintf(stderr, " %s", m->name);
     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 goodMachines = dlCount(finishedList);
 grandTotal = (double)goodMachines * (double)size;
 printf("Copied to %d of %d machines (grand total %e bytes) in %d seconds\n", 
 	goodMachines, machineCount, grandTotal, (int)(time(NULL) - startTime));
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 char *source, *dest, *hostList;
 optionHash(&argc, argv);
 crossSwitchMax = optionInt("crossMax", crossSwitchMax);
 if (argc != 3 && argc != 4)
 source = argv[1];
 dest = argv[2];
 if (argc == 4)
     hostList = argv[3];
     hostList = fullPathName(hostList);
     hostList = "/projects/compbio/experiments/hg/switchList";
 ccCp(source, dest, hostList);
 return 0;