  Wed Oct 14 10:56:35 2015 -0700
After discussion with Hiram, removing unnecessary check

diff --git src/hg/xmlToSql/xmlToSql.c src/hg/xmlToSql/xmlToSql.c
index 1f8cc8b..1a8eb58 100644
--- src/hg/xmlToSql/xmlToSql.c
+++ src/hg/xmlToSql/xmlToSql.c
@@ -1,751 +1,750 @@
 /* xmlToSql - Convert XML dump into a fairly normalized relational database. */
 /* This file is copyright 2005 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "xap.h"
 #include "dtdParse.h"
 #include "elStat.h"
 #include "rename.h"
 #include "tables.h"
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "xmlToSql - Convert XML dump into a fairly normalized relational database\n"
   "   in the form of a directory full of tab-separated files and table\n"
   "   creation SQL.  You'll need to run autoDtd on the XML file first to\n"
   "   get the dtd and stats files.\n"
   "   xmlToSql in.xml in.dtd in.stats outDir\n"
   "   -prefix=name - A name to prefix all tables with\n"
   "   -textField=name - Name to use for text field (default 'text')\n"
   "   -maxPromoteSize=N - Maximum size (default 32) for a element that\n"
   "                       just defines a string to be promoted to a field\n"
   "                       in parent table\n"
 char *globalPrefix = "";
 char *textField = "text";
 int maxPromoteSize=32;
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"prefix", OPTION_STRING},
    {"textField", OPTION_STRING},
    {"maxPromoteSize", OPTION_STRING},
    {NULL, 0},
 void makePrimaryKey(struct table *table)
 /* Figure out primary key, using an existing field if
  * possible, otherwise making one up. */
 struct field *primaryKey = NULL, *field;
 int rowCount = table->elStat->count;
 /* First scan for an int key, which we prefer. */
 for (field = table->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
     struct attStat *att = field->attStat;
     if (att->uniqCount == rowCount && sameString(att->type, "int"))
 	primaryKey = field;
 /* If no int key, try for a short string key */
 if (primaryKey == NULL)
     for (field = table->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
 	struct attStat *att = field->attStat;
 	if (att->uniqCount == rowCount && sameString(att->type, "string")
 	    && att->maxLen <= 12 && !sameString(field->name, textField))
 	    primaryKey = field;
 /* If still no key, we have to make one up */
 if (primaryKey == NULL)
     char *fieldName = renameUnique(table->fieldMixedHash, "id");
     primaryKey = addFieldToTable(table, fieldName, fieldName,
     	NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, textField);
     table->madeUpPrimary = TRUE;
 table->primaryKey = primaryKey;
 primaryKey->isPrimaryKey = TRUE;
 boolean attIsString(struct attStat *att)
 /* Return TRUE if att is of string type. */
 return sameString(att->type, "string");
 struct table *elsIntoTables(struct elStat *elList, struct hash *dtdHash)
 /* Create table and field data structures from element/attribute
  * data structures. */
 struct elStat *el;
 struct attStat *att;
 struct table *tableList = NULL, *table;
 struct field *field = NULL;
 for (el = elList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     struct dtdElement *dtdElement = hashFindVal(dtdHash, el->name);
     int attCount = 0;
     if (dtdElement == NULL)
         errAbort("Element %s is in .stats but not in .dtd file", el->name);
     table = tableNew(dtdElement->mixedCaseName, el, dtdElement);
     for (att = el->attList; att != NULL; att = att->next)
 	char *name = att->name;
 	char *mixedName = NULL;
 	if (sameString(name, "<text>"))
 	    name = mixedName = textField;
 	    struct dtdAttribute *dtdAtt = findDtdAttribute(dtdElement, name);
 	    if (dtdAtt == NULL)
 		errAbort("Element %s attribute %s is in .stats but not in .dtd file", 
 			el->name, name);
 	    mixedName = dtdAtt->mixedCaseName;
 	field = addFieldToTable(table, name, mixedName, att, 
 		FALSE, TRUE, attIsString(att), textField);
 	attCount += 1;
     /* If the table is real simple we'll just promote it */
     if (attCount == 1 && sameString(field->name, textField) 
       && (field->attStat->maxLen < maxPromoteSize || !field->isString))
         table->promoted = TRUE;
 	table->primaryKey = field;
     slAddHead(&tableList, table);
 return tableList;
 void countUsesAsChild(struct dtdElement *dtdList, struct hash *tableHash)
 /* Count up how many times each table is used as a child. */
 struct dtdElement *dtdEl;
 struct table *table;
 for (dtdEl = dtdList; dtdEl != NULL; dtdEl = dtdEl->next)
     struct dtdElChild *child;
     /* Make sure table exists in table hash - not really necessary
      * for this function, but provides a further reality check that
      * dtd and spec go together. */
     table = hashFindVal(tableHash, dtdEl->mixedCaseName);
     if (table == NULL)
         errAbort("Table %s is in .dtd but not .stat file", dtdEl->name);
     /* Loop through dtd's children and add counts. */
     for (child = dtdEl->children; child != NULL; child = child->next)
 	table = hashMustFindVal(tableHash, child->el->mixedCaseName);
 	table->usesAsChild += 1;
 static struct hash *rUniqParentLinkHash;
 void rAddParentKeys(struct dtdElement *parent, struct dtdElChild *elAsChild,
 	struct hash *tableHash, struct table **pTableList, int level)
 /* Recursively add parentKeys. */
 struct dtdElement *element = elAsChild->el;
 struct dtdElChild *child;
 struct table *table = hashMustFindVal(tableHash, element->mixedCaseName);
 struct table *parentTable = hashMustFindVal(tableHash, parent->mixedCaseName);
 struct field *field;
 char linkUniqName[256];
 int i;
 static struct dtdElChild *parentStack[256];
 if (level >= ArraySize(parentStack))
     errAbort("Recursion too deep in rAddParentKeys");
 parentStack[level] = elAsChild;
 for (i=level-1; i>= 0; i -= 1)
     if (elAsChild == parentStack[i])
         return;	/* Avoid cycling on self. */
 /* Add new field in parent. */
 safef(linkUniqName, sizeof(linkUniqName), "%s.%s", 
 	parentTable->name, table->name);
 if (!hashLookup(rUniqParentLinkHash, linkUniqName))
     hashAdd(rUniqParentLinkHash, linkUniqName, NULL);
     verbose(3, "Linking %s to parent %s\n", table->name, parentTable->name);
     if (elAsChild->copyCode == '1' || elAsChild->copyCode == '?')
 	struct fieldRef *ref;
 	char *fieldName = renameUnique(parentTable->fieldHash, element->name);
 	char *fieldMixedName = renameUnique(parentTable->fieldMixedHash, 
 	field = addFieldToTable(parentTable, 
 		    fieldName, fieldMixedName,
 		    table->primaryKey->attStat, TRUE, TRUE,
 		    table->primaryKey->isString, textField);
 	ref->field = field;
 	slAddHead(&table->parentKeys, ref);
 	/* Need to handle association here. */
 	struct table *assocTable;
 	struct assocRef *ref;
 	char joinedName[256];
 	char *assocTableName;
 	int upperAt;
 	safef(joinedName, sizeof(joinedName), "%sTo%s", parentTable->name,
 	upperAt = strlen(parentTable->name) + 2;
-  if (upperAt < strlen(joinedName))
 	joinedName[upperAt] = toupper(joinedName[upperAt]);
 	assocTableName = renameUnique(tableHash, joinedName);
 	hashAdd(tableHash, assocTableName, NULL);
 	assocTable = tableNew(assocTableName, NULL, NULL);
 	assocTable->isAssoc = TRUE;
 	addFieldToTable(assocTable, parentTable->name, parentTable->name,
 	    parentTable->primaryKey->attStat, TRUE, TRUE, 
 	    parentTable->primaryKey->isString, textField);
 	addFieldToTable(assocTable, table->name, table->name,
 	    table->primaryKey->attStat, TRUE, TRUE, 
 	    table->primaryKey->isString, textField);
 	slAddHead(pTableList, assocTable);
 	ref->assoc = assocTable;
 	ref->parent = parentTable;
 	slAddHead(&table->parentAssocs, ref);
     table->linkedParents = TRUE;
     verbose(3, "skipping link %s to parent %s\n", table->name, parentTable->name);
 for (child = element->children;  child != NULL; child = child->next)
     rAddParentKeys(element, child, tableHash, pTableList, level+1);
 void addParentKeys(struct dtdElement *dtdRoot, struct hash *tableHash,
 	struct table **pTableList)
 /* Use dtd to guide creation of field->parentKeys  */
 struct dtdElChild *topLevel;
 rUniqParentLinkHash = newHash(0);
 for (topLevel = dtdRoot->children; topLevel != NULL; topLevel = topLevel->next)
     struct dtdElement *mainIterator = topLevel->el;
     struct dtdElChild *child;
     for (child = mainIterator->children; child != NULL; child = child->next)
 	rAddParentKeys(mainIterator, child, tableHash, pTableList, 0);
 void calcTablePosOfFields(struct table *tableList)
 /* Go through all tables and assign field positions. */
 struct table *table;
 for (table = tableList; table != NULL; table = table->next)
     int fieldIx = 0;
     struct field *field;
     for (field = table->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
 	field->tablePos = fieldIx;
 	fieldIx += 1;
 struct table *findRootTable(struct table *tableList)
 /* Find root table (looking for one that has no uses as child) */
 struct table *root = NULL, *table;
 for (table = tableList; table != NULL; table = table->next)
     if (table->usesAsChild == 0)
         if (root != NULL)
             errAbort(".dtd file has two root tables: %s and %s", 
 	      root->name, table->name);
 	root = table;
 if (root == NULL)
     errAbort("Can't find root table in dtd.  Circular linkage?");
 return root;
 /* Globals used by the streaming parser callbacks. */
 struct hash *xmlTableHash;  /* Hash of tables keyed by XML tag names */
 struct table *rootTable;    /* Highest level tag. */
 void dyStringAppendEscapedForTabFile(struct dyString *dy, char *string)
 /* Append string to dy, escaping if need be */
 char c, *s;
 boolean needsEscape = FALSE;
 s =  string;
 while ((c = *s++) != 0)
     switch (c)
        case '\\':
        case '\t':
        case '\n':
            needsEscape = TRUE;
 if (needsEscape)
     s = string;
     while ((c = *s++) != 0)
 	switch (c)
 	   case '\\':
 	      dyStringAppendN(dy, "\\\\", 2);
 	   case '\t':
 	      dyStringAppendN(dy, "\\t", 2);
 	   case '\n':
 	      dyStringAppendN(dy, "\\n", 2);
 	      dyStringAppendC(dy, c);
     dyStringAppend(dy, string);
 struct dyString *contentBuf[2*1024];
 struct dyString **contentStack = contentBuf + ArraySize(contentBuf);
 void *startHandler(struct xap *xap, char *tagName, char **atts)
 /* Called at the start of a tag after attributes are parsed. */
 struct table *table = hashFindVal(xmlTableHash, tagName);
 struct field *field;
 int i;
 contentStack -= table->fieldCount;
 if (contentStack < contentBuf)
     errAbort("Content nesting too deep, aborting from stack overflow.");
 for (i=0; i<table->fieldCount; ++i)
     struct dyString *dy;
     if ((dy = contentStack[i]) == NULL)
         contentStack[i] = dyStringNew(256);
 if (table == NULL)
     errAbort("Tag %s is in xml file but not dtd file", tagName);
 for (i=0; atts[i] != NULL; i += 2)
     char *name = atts[i], *val = atts[i+1];
     field = hashFindVal(table->fieldHash, name);
     if (field == NULL)
         errAbort("Attribute %s of tag %s not in dtd", name, tagName);
     dyStringAppendEscapedForTabFile(contentStack[field->tablePos], val);
 return table;
 struct assoc
 /* List of associations we can't write until we know
  * our key. */
     struct assoc *next;
     FILE *f;		/* File to write to. */
     char *childKey;	/* Key in child (allocated here). */
 struct assoc *assocNew(FILE *f, char *childKey)
 /* Create new association. */
 struct assoc *assoc;
 assoc->f = f;
 assoc->childKey = cloneString(childKey);
 return assoc;
 void assocFreeList(struct assoc **pList)
 /* Free up list of associations. */
 struct assoc *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 void endHandler(struct xap *xap, char *name)
 /* Called at end of a tag */
 struct table *table = xap->stack->object;
 struct table *parentTable = xap->stack[1].object;
 struct field *field;
 struct fieldRef *fieldRef;
 struct assocRef *assocRef;
 char *text = skipLeadingSpaces(xap->stack->text->string);
 char *primaryKeyVal = NULL;
 struct assoc *assoc;
 static struct dyString *uniq = NULL;
 if (table->promoted)	/* Simple case - copy text to parent table. */
     for (fieldRef = table->parentKeys; fieldRef != NULL; fieldRef = fieldRef->next)
 	field = fieldRef->field;
 	if (field->table == parentTable)
 	    struct dyString **parentContent = contentStack + table->fieldCount;
 	    struct dyString *dy = parentContent[field->tablePos];
 	    if (!field->isString && text[0] == 0)
 	        text = "0";
 	    dyStringAppend(dy, text);
     if (text[0] != 0)
 	field = hashFindVal(table->fieldHash, textField);
 	if (field == NULL)
 	    errAbort("No text for %s expected in dtd", table->name);
 	dyStringAppendEscapedForTabFile(contentStack[field->tablePos], text);
     /* Construct uniq string from fields, etc. */
     if (uniq == NULL)
 	uniq = dyStringNew(0);
     for (field = table->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
 	if (!(field->isPrimaryKey  && field->isMadeUpKey))
 	    struct dyString *dy = contentStack[field->tablePos];
 	    if (dy->stringSize == 0 && !field->isString)
 		dyStringAppendC(dy, '0');
 	    dyStringAppendN(uniq, dy->string, dy->stringSize);
 	    dyStringAppendC(uniq, '\t');
     for (assoc = table->assocList; assoc != NULL; assoc = assoc->next)
 	dyStringPrintf(uniq, "%p\t%s\t", assoc->f, assoc->childKey);
     primaryKeyVal = hashFindVal(table->uniqHash, uniq->string);
     if (primaryKeyVal == NULL)
 	struct dyString *priDy = contentStack[table->primaryKey->tablePos];
 	if (table->madeUpPrimary)
 	    table->lastId += 1;
 	    dyStringPrintf(priDy, "%d", table->lastId);
 	primaryKeyVal = priDy->string;
 	for (field = table->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
 	    struct dyString *dy = contentStack[field->tablePos];
 	    fprintf(table->tabFile, "%s", dy->string);
 	    if (field->next != NULL)
 	       fprintf(table->tabFile, "\t");
 	fprintf(table->tabFile, "\n");
 	hashAdd(table->uniqHash, uniq->string, cloneString(primaryKeyVal));
     for (fieldRef = table->parentKeys; fieldRef != NULL; fieldRef = fieldRef->next)
 	field = fieldRef->field;
 	if (field->table == parentTable)
 	    struct dyString **parentContent = contentStack + table->fieldCount;
 	    struct dyString *dy = parentContent[field->tablePos];
 	    dyStringAppend(dy, primaryKeyVal);
     for (assocRef = table->parentAssocs; assocRef != NULL; 
 	    assocRef = assocRef->next)
 	if (assocRef->parent == parentTable)
 	    assoc = assocNew(assocRef->assoc->tabFile,
 	    slAddHead(&parentTable->assocList, assoc);
     for (assoc = table->assocList; assoc != NULL; assoc = assoc->next)
 	fprintf(assoc->f, "%s\t%s\n", primaryKeyVal, assoc->childKey);
 contentStack += table->fieldCount;
 void printType(FILE *f, struct attStat *att)
 /* Print out a good SQL type for attribute */
 char *type = att->type;
 int len = att->maxLen;
 if (sameString(type, "int"))
     if (len <= 1)
         fprintf(f, "tinyint");
     else if (len <= 3)
         fprintf(f, "smallint");
     else if (len <= 9)
         fprintf(f, "int");
         fprintf(f, "bigint");
 else if (sameString(type, "string"))
     if (len <= 64)
         fprintf(f, "varchar(255)");
         fprintf(f, "longtext");
     fprintf(f, "%s", type);
 void writeCreateSql(char *fileName, struct table *table)
 /* Write out table definition. */
 FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
 struct field *field;
 fprintf(f, "CREATE TABLE %s (\n", table->name);
 for (field = table->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
     struct attStat *att = field->attStat;
     fprintf(f, "    %s ", field->mixedCaseName);
     if (att == NULL)
         fprintf(f, "int");
 	printType(f, att);
     fprintf(f, " not null,");
     fprintf(f, "\n");
 if (table->isAssoc)
     for (field = table->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
 	if (field->isString)
 	    fprintf(f, "    INDEX(%s(12))", field->mixedCaseName);
 	    fprintf(f, "    INDEX(%s)", field->mixedCaseName);
 	if (field->next != NULL)
 	    fprintf(f, ",");
 	fprintf(f, "\n");
     struct field *primaryKey = table->primaryKey;
     if (primaryKey->isString)
 	fprintf(f, "    PRIMARY KEY(%s(12))\n", table->primaryKey->mixedCaseName);
 	fprintf(f, "    PRIMARY KEY(%s)\n", table->primaryKey->mixedCaseName);
 fprintf(f, ");\n");
 void dtdRenameMixedCase(struct dtdElement *dtdList)
 /* Rename mixed case names in dtd to avoid conflicts with
  * C and SQL.  Likely will migrate this into dtdParse soon. */
 struct hash *elHash = newHash(0);
 struct dtdElement *el;
 /* First rename tables if need be. */
 for (el = dtdList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     el->mixedCaseName = renameUnique(elHash, el->mixedCaseName);
     hashAdd(elHash, el->mixedCaseName, NULL);
 /* Now rename fields in tables if need be. */
 for (el = dtdList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     struct dtdAttribute *att;
     struct dtdElChild *child;
     struct hash *attHash = hashNew(8);
     /* Don't want attributes to conflict with child elements. */
     for (child = el->children; child != NULL; child = child->next)
         hashAdd(attHash, child->el->mixedCaseName, NULL);
     for (att = el->attributes; att != NULL; att = att->next)
         att->mixedCaseName = renameUnique(attHash, att->mixedCaseName);
 	hashAdd(attHash, att->mixedCaseName, NULL);
 void xmlToSql(char *xmlFileName, char *dtdFileName, char *statsFileName,
 	char *outDir)
 /* xmlToSql - Convert XML dump into a fairly normalized relational database. */
 struct elStat *elStatList = NULL;
 struct dtdElement *dtdList, *dtdEl;
 struct hash *dtdHash, *dtdMixedHash = hashNew(0);
 struct table *tableList = NULL, *table;
 struct hash *tableHash = hashNew(0);
 struct xap *xap = xapNew(startHandler, endHandler, xmlFileName);
 char outFile[PATH_LEN];
 /* Load up dtd and stats file. */
 elStatList = elStatLoadAll(statsFileName);
 verbose(2, "%d elements in %s\n", slCount(elStatList), statsFileName);
 dtdParse(dtdFileName, globalPrefix, textField,
 	&dtdList, &dtdHash);
 verbose(1, "%d elements in %s\n", dtdHash->elCount, dtdFileName);
 /* Build up hash of dtdElements keyed by mixed name rather
  * than tag name. */
 for (dtdEl = dtdList; dtdEl != NULL; dtdEl = dtdEl->next)
     hashAdd(dtdMixedHash, dtdEl->mixedCaseName, dtdEl);
 /* Create list of tables that correspond to tag types. 
  * This doesn't include any association tables we create
  * to handle lists of child elements. */
 tableList = elsIntoTables(elStatList, dtdHash);
 verbose(2, "Made tableList\n");
 /* Create hashes of the table lists - one keyed by the
  * table name, and one keyed by the tag name. */
 xmlTableHash = hashNew(0);
 for (table = tableList; table != NULL; table = table->next)
     hashAdd(tableHash, table->name, table);
     hashAdd(xmlTableHash, table->dtdElement->name, table);
 verbose(2, "Made table hashes\n");
 /* Find top level tag (which we won't actually output). */
 countUsesAsChild(dtdList, tableHash);
 verbose(2, "Past countUsesAsChild\n");
 rootTable = findRootTable(tableList);
 verbose(2, "Root table is %s\n", rootTable->name);
 /* Add stuff to support parent-child relationships. */
 addParentKeys(rootTable->dtdElement, tableHash, &tableList);
 verbose(2, "Added parent keys\n");
 /* Now that all the fields, both attributes and made up 
  * keys are in place, figure out index of field in table. */
 /* Make output directory. */
 /* Make table creation SQL files. */
 for (table = tableList; table != NULL; table = table->next)
     if (!table->promoted)
 	safef(outFile, sizeof(outFile), "%s/%s.sql", 
 	  outDir, table->name);
 	writeCreateSql(outFile, table);
 verbose(2, "Made sql table creation files\n");
 /* Set up output directory and open tab-separated files. */
 for (table = tableList; table != NULL; table = table->next)
     if (!table->promoted)
 	safef(outFile, sizeof(outFile), "%s/%s.tab", 
 	  outDir, table->name);
 	table->tabFile = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
 verbose(2, "Created output files.\n");
 /* Stream through XML adding to tab-separated files.. */
 xapParseFile(xap, xmlFileName);
 verbose(2, "Streamed through XML\n");
 /* Close down files */
 for (table = tableList; table != NULL; table = table->next)
 verbose(2, "Closed tab files\n");
 verbose(1, "All done\n");
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 globalPrefix = optionVal("prefix", globalPrefix);
 textField = optionVal("textField", textField);
 maxPromoteSize = optionInt("maxPromoteSize", maxPromoteSize);
 if (argc != 5)
 xmlToSql(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
 return 0;