987241ea99c99b93aea51bb63bdf579f927e9d2b kent Wed Oct 7 13:46:09 2015 -0700 Fixing copyright on some old essentially public domain files. diff --git src/inc/cda.h src/inc/cda.h index 049c1f0..f8587dc 100644 --- src/inc/cda.h +++ src/inc/cda.h @@ -1,104 +1,102 @@ -/***************************************************************************** - * Copyright (C) 2000 Jim Kent. This source code may be freely used * - * for personal, academic, and non-profit purposes. Commercial use * - * permitted only by explicit agreement with Jim Kent (jim_kent@pacbell.net) * - *****************************************************************************/ /* cda.h - cDNA Alignment structure. This stores all the info except - * the bases themselves on an cDNA alignment. */ + * the bases themselves on an cDNA alignment. + * + * This file is copyright 2000 Jim Kent, but license is hereby + * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */ #ifndef CDA_H #define CDA_H #ifndef MEMGFX_H #include "memgfx.h" #endif #ifndef FUZZYFIND_H #include "fuzzyFind.h" #endif struct cdaBlock { int nStart, nEnd; /* Start and end position in cDNA. */ int hStart, hEnd; /* Start and end position on chromosome. */ UBYTE startGood, endGood; /* Number of bases matching perfectly on end */ UBYTE midScore; /* 0-255 255 is perfect. */ }; struct cdaAli { struct cdaAli *next; char *name; int baseCount; short milliScore; /* Score 0-1000 */ bits16 chromIx; /* On disk as just a UBYTE */ char strand; /* Strand of chromosome cDNA aligns with + or - */ char direction; /* Direction of cDNA relative to transcription + or - */ UBYTE isEmbryonic; UBYTE hasIntrons; int orientation; /* +1 or -1 depending on whether *clone* is + or - WRT chrom . */ /* New and perhaps not always respected. */ int chromStart, chromEnd; short blockCount; /* Number of blocks. */ struct cdaBlock *blocks; /* Dynamically allocated array. */ }; boolean cdaCloneIsReverse(struct cdaAli *cda); /* Returns TRUE if clone (.3/.5 pair) aligns on reverse strand. */ char cdaCloneStrand(struct cdaAli *cda); /* Return '+' or '-' depending on the strand that clone (.3/.5 pair) aligns on. */ char cdaDirChar(struct cdaAli *cda, char chromStrand); /* Return '>' or '<' or ' ' depending whether cDNA is going same, opposite, or * unknown alignment as the chromosome strand. */ char *cdaLoadString(FILE *f); /* Load in a string from CDA file. */ void cdaReadBlock(FILE *f, struct cdaBlock *block); /* Read one block from cda file. */ FILE *cdaOpenVerify(char *fileName); /* Call this to open file and verify signature, then call cdaLoadOne * which returns NULL at EOF. This file type is created by binGood.exe. */ struct cdaAli *cdaLoadOne(FILE *f); /* Load one cdaAli from file. Assumes file pointer is correctly positioned. * either by cdaOpenVerify or a previous cdaLoadOne. Returns NULL at EOF. */ void cdaFixChromStartEnd(struct cdaAli *cda); /* Loop through blocks and figure out and fill in chromStart * and chromEnd. */ void cdaCoalesceBlocks(struct cdaAli *ca); /* Coalesce blocks separated by small amounts of noise. */ void cdaCoalesceFast(struct cdaAli *ca); /* Coalesce blocks as above, but don't update the score. */ void cdaShowAlignmentTrack(struct memGfx *mg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height, Color goodColor, Color badColor, int dnaSize, int dnaOffset, struct cdaAli *cda, char repeatChar); /* Draw alignment on a horizontal track of picture. */ void cdaRcOne(struct cdaAli *cda, int dnaStart, int baseCount); /* Reverse complement one cda. DnaStart is typically display window start. */ void cdaRcList(struct cdaAli *cdaList, int dnaStart, int baseCount); /* Reverse complement cda list. */ void cdaFreeAli(struct cdaAli *ca); /* Free a single cdaAli. */ void cdaFreeAliList(struct cdaAli **pList); /* Free list of cdaAli. */ struct cdaAli *cdaAliFromFfAli(struct ffAli *aliList, DNA *needle, int needleSize, DNA *hay, int haySize, boolean isRc); /* Convert from ffAli to cdaAli format. */ void cdaWrite(char *fileName, struct cdaAli *cdaList); /* Write out a cdaList to a cda file. */ #endif /* CDA_H */