  Wed Oct 7 13:46:09 2015 -0700
Fixing copyright on some old essentially public domain files.

diff --git src/inc/fof.h src/inc/fof.h
index af2d27a..6f744d9 100644
--- src/inc/fof.h
+++ src/inc/fof.h
@@ -1,82 +1,81 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Jim Kent.  This source code may be freely used         *
- * for personal, academic, and non-profit purposes.  Commercial use          *
- * permitted only by explicit agreement with Jim Kent (jim_kent@pacbell.net) *
- *****************************************************************************/
 /* fof.h - Manages a fof-type index file.  This index refers
- * to records in multiple external files. */
+ * to records in multiple external files. 
+ *
+ * This file is copyright 2000 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
+ * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 struct fofPos
 /* This holds the result of a FOF search. */
     FILE *f;              /* File. */
     bits32 offset;        /* Offset within file. */
     bits32 size;          /* Size within file. */
     int indexIx;          /* Position within index. */
     char *fileName;       /* File name. */
 struct fof *fofOpen(char *fofName, char *fofDir);
 /* Open up the named fof. fofDir may be NULL.  It should include 
  * trailing '/' if non-null. */
 void fofClose(struct fof **pFof);
 /* Close down the named fof. */
 int fofElementCount(struct fof *fof);
 /* How many names are in fof file? */
 void fofMake(char *inFiles[], int inCount, char *outName, 
     boolean (*readHeader)(FILE *inFile, void *data),
     boolean (*nextRecord)(FILE *inFile, void *data, char **rName, int *rNameLen), 
     void *data, boolean dupeOk);
 /* Make an index file
  * Inputs:
  *     inFiles - List of files that you're indexing with header read and verified.
  *     inCount - Size of file list.
  *     outName - name of index file to create
  *     readHeader - function that sets up file to read first record.  May be NULL.
  *     nextRecord - function that reads next record in file you're indexing
  *                  and returns the name of that record.  Returns FALSE at
  *                  end of file.  Can set *rNameLen to zero you want indexer
  *                  to ignore the record. 
  *     data - void pointer passed through to nextRecord.
  *     dupeOk - set to TRUE if you want dupes to not cause squawking
 boolean fofFindFirst(struct fof *fof, char *prefix, 
     int prefixSize, struct fofPos *retPos);
 /* Find first element with key starting with prefix. */
 boolean fofFind(struct fof *fof, char *name, struct fofPos *retPos);
 /* Find element corresponding with name.  Returns FALSE if no such name
  * in the index file. */
 void *fofFetch(struct fof *fof, char *name, int *retSize);
 /* Lookup element in index, allocate memory for it, and read
  * it.  Returns buffer with element in it, which should be
  * freeMem'd when done. Aborts if element isn't there. */
 char *fofFetchString(struct fof *fof, char *name, int *retSize);
 /* Lookup element in index, allocate memory for it, read it.
  * Returns zero terminated string with element in it, which 
  * should be freeMem'd when done. Aborts if element isn't there. */
 struct fofBatch
 /* A structure for doing batch FOF searches.  Client fills
  * in key and data members.  fofBatchSearch then fills in
  * file, offset, and size members.  The list on return is
  * sorted by file position for fast i/o. */
     struct fofBatch *next;  /* Next in list. */
     char *key;              /* Lookup key - filled in by client. Not allocate here. */
     void *data;             /* Data associated with key - filled in by client. */
     FILE *f;                /* File - filled in by server. */
     bits32 offset;          /* Offset in file - filled in by server. */
     bits32 size;            /* Size in file - filled in by server. */
 struct fofBatch *fofBatchFind(struct fof *fof, struct fofBatch *list);
 /* Look up all of members on list. */