  Wed Oct 7 13:46:09 2015 -0700
Fixing copyright on some old essentially public domain files.

diff --git src/inc/fuzzyFind.h src/inc/fuzzyFind.h
index c54ee8a..64a732f 100644
--- src/inc/fuzzyFind.h
+++ src/inc/fuzzyFind.h
@@ -1,260 +1,258 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Jim Kent.  This source code may be freely used         *
- * for personal, academic, and non-profit purposes.  Commercial use          *
- * permitted only by explicit agreement with Jim Kent (jim_kent@pacbell.net) *
- *****************************************************************************/
+/* This file is copyright 2000 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
+ * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 /* fuzzyFind.h - This is the interface to the fuzzyFind
  * DNA sequence aligner.  This just returns a single
  * alignment - the one the algorithm thinks is best.
  * The algorithm is heuristic, but pretty good.  (See
  * comments in the fuzzyFind.c file for more details.) It
  * is not good for finding distant homologies, but it
  * will fairly reliably align a somewhat noisy cDNA
  * sequence with genomic sequence.
  * The main data structure is the ffAli - which is
  * a node in a doubly linked list.  The finder algorithm
  * returns a pointer to the leftmost node in the list.
  * When you're done with the alignment you can dispose
  * of it via ffFreeAli.
  * The finder supports three levels of stringency.
  * Generally you're best off using "ffTight".  "ffLoose"
  * will allow for more distant matches, but at the 
  * expense of very often taking several seconds to
  * return a garbage alignment.  "ffExact" requires
  * an exact match - which is quick, but in the
  * real world not so often useful.
  * If you want to compare alignments use ffScore.
 #ifndef FUZZYFIND_H
 #define FUZZYFIND_H
 #ifndef MEMGFX_H
 #include "memgfx.h"
 #ifndef DNAUTIL_H
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #ifndef LOCALMEM_H
 #include "localmem.h"
 #ifndef ALITYPE_H
 #include "aliType.h"
 struct ffAli
 /* Node of a doubly linked list that will contain one
  * alignment. Contains information on a matching
  * set of DNA between needle and haystack. */
     struct ffAli *left;   /* Neighboring intervals. */
     struct ffAli *right;
     char *nStart, *nEnd;          /* Needle start and end. (1/2 open interval) */
     char *hStart, *hEnd;          /* Haystack start and end. */
     int startGood, endGood; /* Number that match perfectly on ends. */
 /* maximum intron size for fuzzy find functions */
 #define ffIntronMaxDefault 750000	/* Default maximum intron size */
 extern int ffIntronMax;
 void setFfIntronMax(int value);         /* change max intron size */
 void setFfExtendThroughN(boolean val);	/* Set whether or not can extend through N's. */
 /************* lib/ffAli.c routines - using alignments ************/
 void ffFreeAli(struct ffAli **pAli);
 /* Dispose of memory gotten from fuzzyFind(). */
 int ffOneIntronOrientation(struct ffAli *left, struct ffAli *right);
 /* Return 1 for GT/AG intron between left and right, -1 for CT/AC, 0 for no
  * intron. */
 int ffIntronOrientation(struct ffAli *ali);
 /* Return + for positive orientation overall, - for negative,
  * 0 if can't tell. */
 int ffScoreIntron(DNA a, DNA b, DNA y, DNA z, int orientation);
 /* Return a better score the closer an intron is to
  * consensus. Max score is 4. */
 struct ffAli *ffRightmost(struct ffAli *ff);
 /* Return rightmost block of alignment. */
 struct ffAli *ffMakeRightLinks(struct ffAli *rightMost);
 /* Given a pointer to the rightmost block in an alignment
  * which has all of the left pointers filled in, fill in
  * the right pointers and return the leftmost block. */
 void ffCountGoodEnds(struct ffAli *aliList);
 /* Fill in the goodEnd and badEnd scores. */
 int ffAliCount(struct ffAli *d);
 /* How many blocks in alignment? */
 struct ffAli *ffAliFromSym(int symCount, char *nSym, char *hSym,
 	struct lm *lm, char *nStart, char *hStart);
 /* Convert symbol representation of alignments (letters plus '-')
  * to ffAli representation.  If lm is nonNULL, ffAli result 
  * will be lmAlloced, else it will be needMemed. This routine
  * depends on nSym/hSym being zero terminated. */
 /************* lib/ffScore.c routines - scoring alignments ************/
 int ffScoreMatch(DNA *a, DNA *b, int size);
 /* Compare two pieces of DNA base by base. Total mismatches are
  * subtracted from total matches and returned as score. 'N's 
  * neither hurt nor help score. */
 int ffScoreCdna(struct ffAli *ali);
 /* Return score of alignment.  A perfect alignment score will
  * be the number of bases in needle. */
 int ffScore(struct ffAli *ali, enum ffStringency stringency);
 /* Score DNA based alignment. */
 int ffScoreProtein(struct ffAli *ali, enum ffStringency stringency);
 /* Figure out overall score of protein alignment. */
 int ffScoreSomething(struct ffAli *ali, enum ffStringency stringency,
    boolean isProt);
 /* Score any alignment. */
 int ffScoreSomeAlis(struct ffAli *ali, int count, enum ffStringency stringency);
 /* Figure out score of count consecutive alis. */
 int ffCalcGapPenalty(int hGap, int nGap, enum ffStringency stringency);
 /* Return gap penalty for given h and n gaps. */
 int ffCalcCdnaGapPenalty(int hGap, int nGap);
 /* Return gap penalty for given h and n gaps in cDNA. */
 int ffGapPenalty(struct ffAli *ali, struct ffAli *right, enum ffStringency stringency);
 /* Calculate gap penaltly for alignment. */
 int ffCdnaGapPenalty(struct ffAli *ali, struct ffAli *right);
 /* Calculate gap penaltly for cdna alignment. */
 /************* jkOwnLib/ffAliHelp -helpers for alignment producers. ****************/
 boolean ffSlideIntrons(struct ffAli *ali);
 /* Slide introns (or spaces between aligned blocks)
  * to match consensus.  Return TRUE if any slid. */
 boolean ffSlideOrientedIntrons(struct ffAli *ali, int orient);
 /* Slide introns (or spaces between aligned blocks)
  * to match consensus on given strand (usually from ffIntronOrientation). */
 struct ffAli *ffRemoveEmptyAlis(struct ffAli *ali, boolean doFree);
 /* Remove empty blocks from list. Optionally free empties too. */
 struct ffAli *ffMergeHayOverlaps(struct ffAli *ali);
 /* Remove overlaps in haystack that perfectly abut in needle.
  * These are transformed into perfectly abutting haystacks
  * that have a gap in the needle. */
 struct ffAli *ffMergeNeedleAlis(struct ffAli *ali, boolean doFree);
 /* Remove overlapping areas needle in alignment. Assumes ali is sorted on
  * ascending nStart field. Also merge perfectly abutting neighbors.*/
 void ffExpandExactRight(struct ffAli *ali, DNA *needleEnd, DNA *hayEnd);
 /* Expand aligned segment to right as far as can exactly. */
 void ffExpandExactLeft(struct ffAli *ali, DNA *needleStart, DNA *hayStart);
 /* Expand aligned segment to left as far as can exactly. */
 struct ffAli *ffMergeClose(struct ffAli *aliList, 
 	DNA *needleStart, DNA *hayStart);
 /* Remove overlapping areas needle in alignment. Assumes ali is sorted on
  * ascending nStart field. Also merge perfectly abutting neighbors or
  * ones that could be merged at the expense of just a few mismatches.*/
 void ffAliSort(struct ffAli **pList, 
 	int (*compare )(const void *elem1,  const void *elem2));
 /* Sort a doubly linked list of ffAlis. */
 void ffCat(struct ffAli **pA, struct ffAli **pB);
 /* Concatenate B to the end of A. Eat up second list
  * in process. */
 int ffCmpHitsHayFirst(const void *va, const void *vb);
 /* Compare function to sort hit array by ascending
  * target offset followed by ascending query offset. */
 int ffCmpHitsNeedleFirst(const void *va, const void *vb);
 /* Compare function to sort hit array by ascending
  * query offset followed by ascending target offset. */
 /************* jkOwnLib/fuzzyFind - old local cDNA alignment. ****************/
 struct ffAli *ffFind(DNA *needleStart, DNA *needleEnd, DNA *hayStart, DNA *hayEnd,
     enum ffStringency stringency);
 /* Return an alignment of needle in haystack. (Returns left end of doubly
  * linked alignment list.) The input DNA is all expected to be lower case
  * characters - a, c, g, t, or n. */
 boolean ffFindEitherStrand(DNA *needle, DNA *haystack, enum ffStringency stringency,
     struct ffAli **pAli, boolean *pRcNeedle);
 /* Return TRUE if find an alignment using needle, or reverse complement of 
  * needle to search haystack. DNA must be lower case. Needle and haystack
  * are zero terminated. */
 boolean ffFindEitherStrandN(DNA *needle, int needleSize, DNA *haystack, int haySize,
     enum ffStringency stringency, struct ffAli **pAli, boolean *pRcNeedle);
 /* Return TRUE if find an alignment using needle, or reverse complement of 
  * needle to search haystack. DNA must be lower case. */
 boolean ffFindAndScore(DNA *needle, int needleSize, DNA *haystack, int haySize,
     enum ffStringency stringency, struct ffAli **pAli, boolean *pRcNeedle, int *pScore);
 /* Return TRUE if find an alignment using needle, or reverse complement of 
  * needle to search haystack. DNA must be lower case. If pScore is non-NULL returns
  * score of alignment. */
 /************* lib/fuzzyShow - display alignments. ****************/
 void ffShowSideBySide(FILE *f, struct ffAli *leftAli, DNA *needle, int needleNumOffset,
 		      DNA *haystack, int hayNumOffset, int haySize, int hayOffStart, int hayOffEnd,
 		      int blockMaxGap, boolean rcHaystack, boolean initialNewline);
 /* Print HTML side-by-side alignment of needle and haystack (no title or labels) to f.
  * {hay,needle}NumOffset are the coords at which the DNA sequence begins.
  * hayOff{Start,End} are the range of coords *relative to hayNumOffset* to which the 
  * alignment display will be clipped -- pass in {0,haySize} for no clipping. */
 int ffShAliPart(FILE *f, struct ffAli *aliList, 
     char *needleName, DNA *needle, int needleSize, int needleNumOffset,
     char *haystackName, DNA *haystack, int haySize, int hayNumOffset,
     int blockMaxGap, boolean rcNeedle, boolean rcHaystack,
     boolean showJumpTable, 
     boolean showNeedle, boolean showHaystack,
     boolean showSideBySide, boolean upcMatch,
     int cdsS, int cdsE, int hayPartS, int hayPartE);
 /* Display parts of alignment on html page.  If hayPartS..hayPartE is a 
  * smaller subrange of the alignment, highlight that part of the alignment 
  * in both needle and haystack with underline & bold, and show only that 
  * part of the haystack (plus padding).  Returns number of blocks (after
  * merging blocks separated by blockMaxGap or less). */
 int ffShAli(FILE *f, struct ffAli *aliList, 
     char *needleName, DNA *needle, int needleSize, int needleNumOffset,
     char *haystackName, DNA *haystack, int haySize, int hayNumOffset,
     int blockMaxGap,
     boolean rcNeedle);
 /* Display alignment on html page.  Returns number of blocks (after
  * merging blocks separated by blockMaxGap or less). */
 void ffShowAli(struct ffAli *aliList, 
     char *needleName, DNA *needle, int needleNumOffset,
     char *haystackName, DNA *haystack, int hayNumOffset,
     boolean rcNeedle);
 /* Display alignment on html page to stdout. */
 #endif /* FUZZYFIND_H */