  Wed Oct 7 13:46:09 2015 -0700
Fixing copyright on some old essentially public domain files.

diff --git src/inc/hgap.h src/inc/hgap.h
index 4af14b7..b639649 100644
--- src/inc/hgap.h
+++ src/inc/hgap.h
@@ -1,233 +1,232 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Jim Kent.  This source code may be freely used         *
- * for personal, academic, and non-profit purposes.  Commercial use          *
- * permitted only by explicit agreement with Jim Kent (jim_kent@pacbell.net) *
- *****************************************************************************/
-/* HGAP - Human Genome Annotation Project database. */
+/* HGAP - Human Genome Annotation Project database. 
+ *
+ * This file is copyright 2000 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
+ * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #ifndef HGAP_H
 #define HGAP_H
 #ifndef DNASEQ_H
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #ifndef UNFIN_H
 #include "unfin.h"
 #ifndef JKSQL_H
 #include "jksql.h"
 typedef unsigned int HGID;	/* A database ID. */
 void hgSetDb(char *dbName);
 /* Set the database name. */
 char *hgGetDb();
 /* Return the current database name. */
 struct sqlConnection *hgAllocConn();
 /* Get free connection if possible. If not allocate a new one. */
 struct sqlConnection *hgFreeConn(struct sqlConnection **pConn);
 /* Put back connection for reuse. */
 HGID hgIdQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query);
 /* Return first field of first table as HGID. 0 return ok. */
 HGID hgRealIdQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query);
 /* Return first field of first table as HGID- abort if 0. */
 struct sqlConnection *hgStartUpdate();
 /* Get a connection for an update.  (Starts allocating id's) */
 void hgEndUpdate(struct sqlConnection **pConn, char *comment, ...);
 /* Finish up connection with a printf format comment. */
 HGID hgNextId();
 /* Get next unique id.  (Should only be called after hgStartUpdate). */
 FILE *hgCreateTabFile(char *tableName);
 /* Open a tab file with name corresponding to tableName.  This
  * may just be fclosed when done. (Currently just makes
  * tableName.tab in the current directory.) */
 void hgLoadTabFile(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *tableName);
 /* Load tab delimited file corresponding to tableName. 
  * Should only be used after hgCreatTabFile, and only after
  * file closed. */
 /* Various constants used. */
     hgContigPad = 800,	  /* Number of N's between contigs. */
 struct hgBac
 /* This represents a sequenced clone (BAC/PAC/cosmid) */
     struct hgBac *next;	      /* Next in list. */
     struct hgNest *nest;      /* Coordinate space. */
     HGID id;		      /* HGAP ID. */
     char name[16];            /* GenBank accession. */
     int contigCount;          /* Number of contigs. */
     struct hgContig *contigs; /* Contig list. */
 struct hgContig
 /* This represents a contig within a BAC. */
     struct hgContig *next;    /* Next in list. */
     struct hgNest *nest;      /* Coordinate space. */
     HGID id;		      /* HGAP ID. */
     char name[20];            /* Name like AC000007.24 */
     struct hgBac *bac;        /* Bac this is in. */
     int ix;                   /* Contig index. */
     int submitOffset;         /* Position in genBank submission. */
     int size;                 /* Size in bases. */
 struct hgNest
 /* This structure describes the contig tree
  * chromosomes->chromosome contigs->bacs->
  * bac contigs.  */
     struct hgNest *next;	/* Pointer to next sibling. */
     struct hgNest *children;	/* Children. */
     struct hgNest *parent;      /* Parent if any. */
     HGID id;		        /* HGAP ID. */
     int orientation;            /* +1 or -1 relative to parent. */
     int offset;			/* Offset relative to parent. */
     int size;                   /* Size in bases. */
     struct hgContig *contig;    /* Associated contig if any. */
 struct hgBac *hgGetBac(char *acc);
 /* Load BAC with given accession into memory. Don't free this, it's
  * managed by system. */
 struct hgContig *hgGetContig(char *acc, int contigIx);
 /* Get contig.  contigIx is position in submission, not position in
  * ordering. */
 struct dnaSeq *hgContigSeq(struct hgContig *contig);
 /* Return DNA associated with contig. */
 struct dnaSeq *hgRnaSeq(char *acc);
 /* Return sequence for RNA. */
 void hgRnaSeqAndId(char *acc, struct dnaSeq **retSeq, HGID *retId);
 /* Return sequence for RNA and it's database ID. */
 struct dnaSeq *hgBacOrderedSeq(struct hgBac *bac);
 /* Return DNA associated with BAC including NNN's between
  * contigs in ordered coordinates. */
 struct dnaSeq *hgBacSubmittedSeq(char *acc);
 /* Returns DNA associated with BAC in submitted ordering
  * and coordinates. */
 struct dnaSeq *hgBacContigSeq(char *acc);
 /* Returns list of sequences, one for each contig in BAC. */
 int hgOffset(struct hgNest *source, int offset, struct hgNest *dest);
 /* Translate offset from source to destination coordinate space.
  * Destination has to be an ancestor (or the same) as source. */
 /* The following is a series of nested structures for
  * describing a range of DNA. The later structures include
  * the first fields of the earlier ones.  Routines that
  * work on the earlier structures will also work on
  * the later.  This is a crude but effective form of single 
  * inheritance. */
 struct hgRange
 /* Just start/end locations somewhere... */
     struct hgRange *next; /* Next in list. */
     int tStart, tEnd;	  /* Position in target or only sequence tStart <= x < tEnd */
 int hgCmpTStart(const void *va, const void *vb);
 /* Compare function to sort by tStart, then by tEnd. */
 struct hgHit
 /* A simple hit - an interesting range of a sequence. */
     struct hgHit *next;   /* Next in list. */
     int tStart, tEnd;	  /* Position in target or only sequence tStart <= x < tEnd */
     int tOrientation;	  /* +1 or -1 orientation. */
     char *target;	  /* Name of target seq. (Not allocated here.) */
 int hgCmpTarget(const void *va, const void *vb);
 /* Compare function to sort by target, orientaation, tStart, then tEnd. */
 struct hgScoredHit
 /* A hit with a log odds score. */
     struct hgScoredHit *next;
     int tStart, tEnd;	  /* Position in target or only sequence tStart <= x < tEnd */
     int tOrientation;	  /* +1 or -1 orientation. */
     char *target;	  /* Name of target seq. (Not allocated here.) */
     int logOdds;          /* Log odds style score - scaled x 1000. */
 int hgCmpScore(const void *va, const void *vb);
 /* Compare function to sort logOdds score. */
 struct hgAliHit
 /* A hit representing an alignment between two sequences without inserts. */
     struct hgAliHit *next;
     int tStart, tEnd;	  /* Position in target or only sequence tStart <= x < tEnd */
     int tOrientation;	  /* +1 or -1 orientation. */
     char *target;	  /* Name of target seq. (Not allocated here.) */
     int logOdds;          /* Log odds style score - scaled x 1000. */
     int qStart, qEnd;     /* Position in query sequence. */
     int qOrientation;	  /* +1 or -1 query orientation. */
     char *query;	  /* Name of query seq. (Not allocated here.) */
 int hgCmpQStart(const void *va, const void *vb);
 /* Compare function to sort by qStart, then by qEnd. */
 int hgCmpQuery(const void *va, const void *vb);
 /* Compare function to sort by query, orientation, qStart, then qEnd. */
 struct hgBoundedHit
 /* An alignment hit that can have soft or hard edges. */
     struct hgBoundedHit *next;
     int tStart, tEnd;	  /* Position in target or only sequence tStart <= x < tEnd */
     int tOrientation;	  /* +1 or -1 orientation. */
     char *target;	  /* Name of target seq. (Not allocated here.) */
     int logOdds;          /* Log odds style score - scaled x 1000. */
     int qStart, qEnd;     /* Position in query sequence. */
     int qOrientation;	  /* +1 or -1 query orientation. */
     char *query;	  /* Name of query seq. (Not allocated here.) */
     bool hardStart;       /* Start position known */
     bool hardEnd;         /* End position known */
 struct hgAlignment
 /* An alignment with gaps. */
     struct hgAlignment *next;
     int tStart, tEnd;	  /* Position in target or only sequence tStart <= x < tEnd */
     int tOrientation;	  /* +1 or -1 orientation. */
     char *target;	  /* Name of target seq. (Not allocated here.) */
     int logOdds;          /* Log odds style score - scaled x 1000. */
     int qStart, qEnd;     /* Position in query sequence. */
     int qOrientation;     /* +1 or -1 orientation. */
     bool hardStart;       /* Start position known */
     bool hardEnd;         /* End position known */
     struct hgBoundedHit *hitList;  /*  Subalignments. */
 #endif /* HGAP_H */