  Wed Oct 7 13:46:09 2015 -0700
Fixing copyright on some old essentially public domain files.

diff --git src/inc/sig.h src/inc/sig.h
index 881cdde..27efbf7 100644
--- src/inc/sig.h
+++ src/inc/sig.h
@@ -1,101 +1,100 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Jim Kent.  This source code may be freely used         *
- * for personal, academic, and non-profit purposes.  Commercial use          *
- * permitted only by explicit agreement with Jim Kent (jim_kent@pacbell.net) *
- *****************************************************************************/
-/* Sig.h - signatures that start various binary files. */
+/* Sig.h - signatures that start various binary files. 
+ *
+ * This file is copyright 2000 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
+ * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #ifndef SIG_H
 #define SIG_H
 #define aliSig 0xCDAB8245
 /* Binary alignment file. */
 #define alxSig 0xA1B1C1D3
 /* Index into binary alignment file, sorted by start base offset. */
 #define pgoSig 0x690
 /* Index into GDF file, sorted by start base offset. Signature is 32 bit. */
 #define cdoSig 0xCD01
 /* Index into c2g text file, sorted by start base offset. 32 bit signature. */
 #define xaoSig 0xA0B0C0D0
 /* Index into xeno alignment, sorted by start base offset.  32 bit signature. */
 #define glSig 0xF1E2D3C4
 /* Binary gene file, sorted by chromosome and then starting offset. */
 /* IX sig is int ixSig[4] = {0x693F8ED1, 0x7EDA1C32, 0x4BA58983, 0x277CB89C,};
  * These are made by snofMake, and are indexes sorted by name. */
 /* XI - same as IX but on big-endian (or is it little-endian) archetectures. */
 #define nt4Signature 0x12345678
 /* Signature at the beginning of an nt4 file - 2 bit a nucleotide binary file. */
 #define lm2Signature 0x12131416
 /* Signature at the beginning of a lm2 file - a 2nd order markov model for nucleotides. */
 #define oocSig 0x584155f2
 /* Signature of file that contains over-represented oligomers for patSpace
  * algorithm. */
 #define oocSigSwapped 0xf2554158
 /* Signature of file that contains over-represented oligomers for patSpace
  * algorithm. */
 #define fofSig 0x13410da8
 /* Signature into fof type index file (that can index multiple external files). */
 #define nibSig 0x6BE93D3A
 /* Signature into nib file (4 bits per nucleotide DNA file) */
 #define qacSig 0x32b67998
 /* Signature of qac file (compressed quality file) */
 #define caqSig 0x9879b632
 /* Signature of byte-swapped qac file. */
 #define twoBitSig 0x1A412743
 /* Signature into 2bit file (2 bits per nucleotide DNA file) plus
  * information on N and masked bases. */
 #define twoBitSwapSig 0x4327411A
 /* Signature of byte-swapped two-bit file. */
 #define chromGraphSig 0x4528421C
 /* Signature of chromGraph binary data file */
 #define chromGraphSwapSig 0x1C422845
 /* Signature of byte-swapped chromGraph binary data file */
 #define genomeRangeTreeSig     0xf7fb8104
 /* Signature of genomeRangeTree binary data file */
 #define genomeRangeTreeSwapSig 0x0481fbf7
 /* Signature of genomeRangeTree binary data file */
 #define bptSig 0x78CA8C91
 /* Signature of generic b+ tree index file. */
 #define bptSwapped 0x918CCA78
 /* Signature of generic b+ tree index file. */
 #define cirTreeSig 0x2468ACE0
 /* Signature of a chromosome id r-tree index file. */
 #define crTreeSig 0x2369ADE1
 /* Signature of a chromosome r-tree index file. */
 #define bigWigSig 0x888FFC26
 /* Signature for a big wig file. */
 #define bigBedSig 0x8789F2EB
 /* Signature for a big bed file. */
 #define udcBitmapSig 0x4187E2F6
 /* Signature for a url data cache bitmap file. */
 #endif /* SIG_H */