  Fri Nov 6 14:47:15 2015 -0800
a very basic instrumentation of UDC  (no redmine)

diff --git src/lib/udc.c src/lib/udc.c
index 148b0d4..b0d078f 100644
--- src/lib/udc.c
+++ src/lib/udc.c
@@ -26,30 +26,31 @@
 #include <sys/file.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "bits.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "sig.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "udc.h"
 #include "hex.h"
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <openssl/sha.h>
+FILE *udcLogStream = NULL;
 #define udcBlockSize (8*1024)
 /* All fetch requests are rounded up to block size. */
 #define udcMaxBytesPerRemoteFetch (udcBlockSize * 32)
 /* Very large remote reads are broken down into chunks this size. */
 struct connInfo
 /* Socket descriptor and associated info, for keeping net connections open. */
     int socket;                 /* Socket descriptor for data connection (or 0). */
     bits64 offset;		/* Current file offset of socket. */
     int ctrlSocket;             /* (FTP only) Control socket descriptor or 0. */
     char *redirUrl;             /* (HTTP(S) only) use redirected url */
@@ -65,53 +66,62 @@
     bits64 size;	/* Remote file size */
     struct connInfo ci; /* Connection info for open net connection */
 typedef boolean (*UdcInfoCallback)(char *url, struct udcRemoteFileInfo *retInfo);
 /* Type for callback function that fetches file timestamp and size. */
 struct udcProtocol
 /* Something to handle a communications protocol like http, https, ftp, local file i/o, etc. */
     struct udcProtocol *next;	/* Next in list */
     UdcDataCallback fetchData;	/* Data fetcher */
     UdcInfoCallback fetchInfo;	/* Timestamp & size fetcher */
+struct ioStats
+/* Statistics concerning reads and seeks. */
+    {
+    bits64 numSeeks;
+    bits64 numReads;
+    bits64 bytesRead;
+    };
 struct udcFile
 /* A file handle for our caching system. */
     struct udcFile *next;	/* Next in list. */
     char *url;			/* Name of file - includes protocol */
     char *protocol;		/* The URL up to the first colon.  http: etc. */
     struct udcProtocol *prot;	/* Protocol specific data and methods. */
     time_t updateTime;		/* Last modified timestamp. */
     bits64 size;		/* Size of file. */
     bits64 offset;		/* Current offset in file. */
     char *cacheDir;		/* Directory for cached file parts. */
     char *bitmapFileName;	/* Name of bitmap file. */
     char *sparseFileName;	/* Name of sparse data file. */
     char *redirFileName;	/* Name of redir file. */
     int fdSparse;		/* File descriptor for sparse data file. */
     boolean sparseReadAhead;    /* Read-ahead has something in the buffer */
     char *sparseReadAheadBuf;   /* Read-ahead buffer, if any */
     bits64 sparseRAOffset;      /* Read-ahead buffer offset */
     struct udcBitmap *bits;     /* udcBitMap */
     bits64 startData;		/* Start of area in file we know to have data. */
     bits64 endData;		/* End of area in file we know to have data. */
     bits32 bitmapVersion;	/* Version of associated bitmap we were opened with. */
     struct connInfo connInfo;   /* Connection info for open net connection. */
+    struct ioStats ioStats;     /* Statistics on file access. */
 struct udcBitmap
 /* The control structure including the bitmap of blocks that are cached. */
     struct udcBitmap *next;	/* Next in list. */
     bits32 blockSize;		/* Number of bytes per block of file. */
     bits64 remoteUpdate;	/* Remote last update time. */
     bits64 fileSize;		/* File size */
     bits32 version;		/* Version - increments each time cache is stale. */
     bits64 localUpdate;		/* Time we last fetched new data into cache. */
     bits64 localAccess;		/* Time we last accessed data. */
     boolean isSwapped;		/* If true need to swap all bytes on read. */
     int fd;			/* File descriptor for file with current block. */
@@ -949,30 +959,32 @@
 struct udcFile *udcFileMayOpen(char *url, char *cacheDir)
 /* Open up a cached file. cacheDir may be null in which case udcDefaultDir() will be
  * used.  Return NULL if file doesn't exist. 
  * Caching is inactive if defaultDir is NULL or the protocol is "transparent".
  * */
 if (cacheDir == NULL)
     cacheDir = udcDefaultDir();
 verbose(4, "udcfileOpen(%s, %s)\n", url, cacheDir);
+if (udcLogStream)
+    fprintf(udcLogStream, "Open %s\n", url);
 /* Parse out protocol.  Make it "transparent" if none specified. */
 char *protocol = NULL, *afterProtocol = NULL, *colon;
 boolean isTransparent = FALSE;
 udcParseUrl(url, &protocol, &afterProtocol, &colon);
 if (!colon)
     protocol = cloneString("transparent");
     afterProtocol = cloneString(url);
     isTransparent = TRUE;
 struct udcProtocol *prot;
 prot = udcProtocolNew(protocol);
@@ -1077,30 +1089,35 @@
 return list;
 void udcFileClose(struct udcFile **pFile)
 /* Close down cached file. */
 struct udcFile *file = *pFile;
 if (file != NULL)
+    if (udcLogStream)
+        {
+        fprintf(udcLogStream, "Close %s %lld %lld %lld\n", file->url, 
+            file->ioStats.numSeeks, file->ioStats.numReads, file->ioStats.bytesRead);
+        }
     if (file->connInfo.socket != 0)
     if (file->connInfo.ctrlSocket != 0)
     if (file->fdSparse != 0)
@@ -1383,35 +1400,37 @@
 	ok = FALSE;
 	verbose(4, "udcCachePreload version check failed %d vs %d", 
 		bits->version, file->bitmapVersion);
     if (!ok)
 return ok;
 bits64 udcRead(struct udcFile *file, void *buf, bits64 size)
 /* Read a block from file.  Return amount actually read. */
 // if not caching, just fetch the data
 if (!udcCacheEnabled() && !sameString(file->protocol, "transparent"))
     int actualSize = file->prot->fetchData(file->url, file->offset, size, buf, &(file->connInfo));
     file->offset += actualSize;
+    file->ioStats.bytesRead += actualSize;
     return actualSize;
 /* Figure out region of file we're going to read, and clip it against file size. */
 bits64 start = file->offset;
 if (start > file->size)
     return 0;
 bits64 end = start + size;
 if (end > file->size)
     end = file->size;
 size = end - start;
 char *cbuf = buf;
 /* use read-ahead buffer if present */
 bits64 bytesRead = 0;
@@ -1423,30 +1442,31 @@
     if (file->sparseReadAhead)
 	raStart = file->sparseRAOffset;
 	if (start >= raStart && start < raEnd)
 	    // copy bytes out of rabuf
 	    bits64 endInBuf = min(raEnd, end);
 	    bits64 sizeInBuf = endInBuf - start;
 	    memcpy(cbuf, file->sparseReadAheadBuf + (start-raStart), sizeInBuf);
 	    cbuf += sizeInBuf;
 	    bytesRead += sizeInBuf;
 	    start = raEnd;
 	    size -= sizeInBuf;
 	    file->offset += sizeInBuf;
+            file->ioStats.bytesRead += sizeInBuf;
 	    if (size == 0)
 	file->sparseReadAhead = FALSE;
 	mustLseek(file->fdSparse, start, SEEK_SET);
     bits64 saveEnd = end;
     if (size < READAHEADBUFSIZE)
 	file->sparseReadAhead = TRUE;
 	if (!file->sparseReadAheadBuf)
 	    file->sparseReadAheadBuf = needMem(READAHEADBUFSIZE);
 	file->sparseRAOffset = start;
@@ -1476,30 +1496,31 @@
 	 * case other code is moving around file pointer. */
 	mustLseek(file->fdSparse, start, SEEK_SET);
     if (file->sparseReadAhead)
 	mustReadFd(file->fdSparse, file->sparseReadAheadBuf, size);
 	end = saveEnd;
 	size = end - start;
 	mustReadFd(file->fdSparse, cbuf, size);
 	file->offset += size;
+        file->ioStats.bytesRead += size;
 	bytesRead += size;
 return bytesRead;
 void udcMustRead(struct udcFile *file, void *buf, bits64 size)
 /* Read a block from file.  Abort if any problem, including EOF before size is read. */
 bits64 sizeRead = udcRead(file, buf, size);
 if (sizeRead < size)
     errAbort("udc couldn't read %llu bytes from %s, did read %llu", size, file->url, sizeRead);
@@ -1648,38 +1669,40 @@
 struct lineFile *udcWrapShortLineFile(char *url, char *cacheDir, size_t maxSize)
 /* Read in entire short (up to maxSize) url into memory and wrap a line file around it.
  * The cacheDir may be null in which case udcDefaultDir() will be used.  If maxSize
  * is zero then a default value (currently 64 meg) will be used. */
 if (maxSize == 0) maxSize = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
 char *buf = udcFileReadAll(url, cacheDir, maxSize, NULL);
 return lineFileOnString(url, TRUE, buf);
 void udcSeekCur(struct udcFile *file, bits64 offset)
 /* Seek to a particular position in file. */
 file->offset += offset;
 if (udcCacheEnabled())
     mustLseek(file->fdSparse, offset, SEEK_CUR);
 void udcSeek(struct udcFile *file, bits64 offset)
 /* Seek to a particular position in file. */
 file->offset = offset;
 if (udcCacheEnabled())
     mustLseek(file->fdSparse, offset, SEEK_SET);
 bits64 udcTell(struct udcFile *file)
 /* Return current file position. */
 return file->offset;
 static long bitRealDataSize(char *fileName)
 /* Return number of real bytes indicated by bitmaps */
 struct udcBitmap *bits = udcBitmapOpen(fileName);
@@ -1825,15 +1848,20 @@
 /* return true if file is not a http or ftp file, just a local file */
 // copied from above
 char *protocol = NULL, *afterProtocol = NULL, *colon;
 udcParseUrl(url, &protocol, &afterProtocol, &colon);
 return colon==NULL;
 boolean udcExists(char *url)
 /* return true if a local or remote file exists */
 return udcFileSize(url)!=-1;
+void udcSetLog(FILE *fp)
+udcLogStream = fp;