  Thu Dec 10 21:16:39 2015 -0800
Corrected the description of knownCanonical for hg38 as suggested by Matt
and fixed missing-geneSymbol bug found by Matt -- thanks!
refs #16502

diff --git src/hg/hgVai/hgVai.c src/hg/hgVai/hgVai.c
index c4c19a4..52c5d84 100644
--- src/hg/hgVai/hgVai.c
+++ src/hg/hgVai/hgVai.c
@@ -27,31 +27,33 @@
 #include "bigGenePred.h"
 #include "udc.h"
 #include "knetUdc.h"
 #include "md5.h"
 #include "regexHelper.h"
 #include "hAnno.h"
 #include "annoGratorQuery.h"
 #include "annoGratorGpVar.h"
 #include "annoFormatVep.h"
 #include "annoStreamBigBed.h"
 #include "annoStreamDb.h"
 #include "libifyMe.h"
 #define GENCODE_TAG_DOC_URL "\"http://www.gencodegenes.org/gencode_tags.html\""
+#define GENCODE_BASIC_DOC_URL "\"http://www.gencodegenes.org/faq.html\""
 #define REFSEQ_STATUS_DOC_URL "\"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK21091/table/ch18.T.refseq_status_codes\""
+#define APPRIS_DOC_URL "\"http://appris.bioinfo.cnio.es/#/help/database\""
 /* Global Variables */
 struct cart *cart;		/* CGI and other variables */
 struct hash *oldVars = NULL;	/* The cart before new cgi stuff added. */
 char *genome = NULL;		/* Name of genome - mouse, human, etc. */
 char *database = NULL;		/* Current genome database - hg17, mm5, etc. */
 char *regionType = NULL;	/* genome, ENCODE pilot regions, or specific position range. */
 struct grp *fullGroupList = NULL;	/* List of all groups. */
 struct trackDb *fullTrackList = NULL;	/* List of all tracks in database. */
 static struct pipeline *compressPipeline = (struct pipeline *)NULL;
 // Null terminated list of CGI Variables we don't want to save permanently:
 char *excludeVars[] = {"Submit", "submit", "hgva_startQuery", NULL,};
@@ -427,38 +429,54 @@
     *retGroupRefList = groupRefList;
 boolean isVariantCustomTrack(struct trackDb *tdb, void *filterData)
 /* This is a TdbFilterFunction to get custom or hub tracks with type pgSnp or vcf(Tabix). */
 return ((sameString(tdb->grp, "user") || isHubTrack(tdb->track)) &&
 	(sameString(tdb->type, "pgSnp") || startsWith("vcf", tdb->type)));
 // Function prototype to avoid shuffling code around:
 char *findLatestSnpTable(char *suffix);
 /* Return the name of the 'snp1__<suffix>' table with the highest build number, if any. */
-void selectVariants(struct slRef *varGroupList, struct slRef *varTrackList)
+void selectVariants()
 /* Offer selection of user's variant custom tracks, example variants, pasted input etc. */
+#define PGSNP_OR_VCF "<A HREF='../FAQ/FAQformat.html#format10' TARGET=_BLANK>pgSnp</A> or " \
+       "<A HREF='../goldenPath/help/vcf.html' TARGET=_BLANK>VCF</A>"
 printf("<div class='sectionLiteHeader'>Select Variants</div>\n");
+/* Check for variant custom tracks.  If there are none, tell the user that they should add one. */
+struct slRef *varTrackList = NULL, *varGroupList = NULL;
+tdbFilterGroupTrack(fullTrackList, fullGroupList, isVariantCustomTrack, NULL,
+		    &varGroupList, &varTrackList);
+if (varTrackList == NULL)
+    {
+    printf("Your session doesn't have any custom tracks or hub tracks in " PGSNP_OR_VCF
+           " format.\n");
+    hOnClickButton("document.customTrackForm.submit(); return false;",
+                   "add pgSNP or VCF custom track");
+    puts("<BR>");
+    }
+else if (slCount(varTrackList) > 1)
+    {
     printf("If you have more than one custom track or hub track in "
-       "<A HREF='../FAQ/FAQformat.html#format10' TARGET=_BLANK>pgSnp</A> or "
-       "<A HREF='../goldenPath/help/vcf.html' TARGET=_BLANK>VCF</A> format, "
-       "please select the one you wish to annotate:<BR>\n");
+           PGSNP_OR_VCF " format, please select the one you wish to annotate:<BR>\n");
+    }
 printf("<B>variants: </B>");
 printf("<SELECT ID='hgva_variantTrack' NAME='hgva_variantTrack' "
 char *selected = cartUsualString(cart, "hgva_variantTrack", "");
 struct slRef *ref;
 for (ref = varTrackList;  ref != NULL;  ref = ref->next)
     struct trackDb *tdb = ref->val;
     printOption(tdb->track, selected, tdb->longLabel);
 printOption(hgvaSampleVariants, selected, hgvaSampleVariantsLabel);
 boolean hasSnps = (findLatestSnpTable(NULL) != NULL);
 if (hasSnps)
     printOption(hgvaUseVariantIds, selected, hgvaVariantIdsLabel);
@@ -870,43 +888,48 @@
     if (versionList != NULL)
         if (hTableExists(database, "ensGene"))
             maybeEnsGene = "ensGene";
         versions = slNameListToString(versionList, ' ');
     boolean isVisible = (sameString(geneTrack, maybeKnownGene) ||
                          sameString(geneTrack, maybeEnsGene) ||
                          sameString(geneTrack, maybeRefGene) ||
                          isGencodeWithVersion(geneTrack, versionList));
     somethingIsVisible |= isVisible;
     printf("<div class=\"txStatus %s %s %s %s\" style=\"display: %s;\">",
            maybeKnownGene, maybeRefGene, maybeEnsGene, versions,
            isVisible ? "block" : "none");
     cartMakeCheckBox(cart, "hgva_txStatus_gencode", FALSE);
-    puts("Include the <A HREF=" GENCODE_TAG_DOC_URL " "
-         "TARGET=_BLANK>GENCODE tags</A> for each transcript (if available).<BR>");
+    puts("Include the <A HREF=" GENCODE_TAG_DOC_URL " TARGET=_BLANK>GENCODE tags</A> (if any) "
+         "associated with each transcript.<BR>");
 if (hTableExists(database, "knownGene") && hTableExists(database, "knownCanonical"))
     boolean isVisible = sameString(geneTrack, "knownGene");
     somethingIsVisible |= isVisible;
     printf("<div class=\"txStatus knownGene\" style=\"display: %s;\">",
            isVisible ? "block" : "none");
     cartMakeCheckBox(cart, "hgva_txStatus_knownCanonical", FALSE);
-    puts("Indicate whether each UCSC Genes transcript is 'canonical' (generally the longest "
-         "isoform of a gene).<BR>");
+    char *desc = hTableExists(database, "knownToTag") ?
+        "based on <A HREF=" APPRIS_DOC_URL " TARGET=_BLANK>"
+        "APPRIS</A> status or inclusion in "
+        "principal &gt; alternative &gt; basic &gt; longest isoform" :
+        "generally the longest isoform of a gene";
+    printf("Indicate whether each transcript is 'canonical' (%s).<BR>\n", desc);
 if (hTableExists(database, "refGene") && hTableExists(database, "refSeqStatus"))
     boolean isVisible = sameString(geneTrack, "refGene");
     somethingIsVisible |= isVisible;
     printf("<div class=\"txStatus refGene\" style=\"display: %s;\">",
            isVisible ? "block" : "none");
     cartMakeCheckBox(cart, "hgva_txStatus_refSeqStatus", FALSE);
     puts("Include the "
          "<A HREF=" REFSEQ_STATUS_DOC_URL " "
          "TARGET=_BLANK>RefSeq status</A> of each transcript.<BR>");
 printf("<div class=\"noTxStatus\" style=\"display: %s;\">",
@@ -1248,38 +1271,33 @@
 void doMainPage()
 /* Print out initial HTML of control page. */
 boolean alreadyAgreed = cartUsualBoolean(cart, "hgva_agreedToDisclaimer", FALSE);
        "$(document).ready(function() { hgva.disclaimer.init(%s, hgva.userClickedAgree); });\n"
        "</script>\n", alreadyAgreed ? "true" : "false");
-/* Check for variant custom tracks.  If there are none, tell user they need to
- * upload at least one. */
-struct slRef *varTrackList = NULL, *varGroupList = NULL;
-tdbFilterGroupTrack(fullTrackList, fullGroupList, isVariantCustomTrack, NULL,
-		    &varGroupList, &varTrackList);
 // Make wrapper table for collapsible sections:
-selectVariants(varGroupList, varTrackList);
 char *geneTrack = selectGenes();
 if (geneTrack != NULL)
 webNewSection("Using the Variant Annotation Integrator");
 webIncludeHelpFile("hgVaiHelpText", FALSE);
@@ -2426,31 +2444,31 @@
                                              struct joinerDtf *txStatusExtras)
 /* Add VAI-specific config options, if applicable. */
 struct jsonElement *config = NULL;
 char *track = tdb->track;
 struct dyString *dyConfig = dyStringCreate("{ \"naForMissing\": false,"
                                            "  \"relatedTables\": [ ");
 boolean isFirst = TRUE;
 // If track is sql-based knownGene and we have kgXref, then add kgXref.geneSymbol after
 // the columns of knownGene.
 if (sameString(track, "knownGene") &&
     !isCustomTrack(track) && !isHubTrack(track) &&
     !trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl") &&
     hTableExists(db, "kgXref"))
-    configAddTableField(dyConfig, ".kgXref", "geneSymbol", &isFirst);
+    configAddTableField(dyConfig, "kgXref", "geneSymbol", &isFirst);
 struct joinerDtf *txStatDtf;
 for (txStatDtf = txStatusExtras;  txStatDtf != NULL;  txStatDtf = txStatDtf->next)
     configAddTableField(dyConfig, txStatDtf->table, txStatDtf->field, &isFirst);
 // If any of the above apply, close the relatedTables list and config object
 // and parse into jsonElements.
 if (! isFirst)
     dyStringAppend(dyConfig, " ] }");
     config = jsonParse(dyConfig->string);
 return config;