  Fri Dec 4 08:59:38 2015 -0800
Add dbNSFP v3.1a (including VEST scores) to hg38 for hgVai.
Add hgVai options for adding in transcript status info: GENCODE tags
when applicable, knownCanonical for knownGene, refSeqStatus for refGene.
refs #16502, #16503

diff --git src/hg/inc/jksql.h src/hg/inc/jksql.h
index 8013870..aab0e5b 100644
--- src/hg/inc/jksql.h
+++ src/hg/inc/jksql.h
@@ -703,30 +703,32 @@
 /* VarArgs Printf to end of dyString after scanning string parameters for illegal sql chars.
  * Strings inside quotes are automatically escaped.
  * NOSLQINJ tag is NOT added to beginning since it is assumed to be just a fragment of
  * the entire sql string. */
 void sqlDyStringPrintfFrag(struct dyString *ds, char *format, ...)
 /* Printf to end of dyString after scanning string parameters for illegal sql chars.
  * Strings inside quotes are automatically escaped.
  * NOSLQINJ tag is NOT added to beginning since it is assumed to be just a fragment of
  * the entire sql string. */
 #ifdef __GNUC__
 __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
 void sqlDyStringAppend(struct dyString *ds, char *string);
 /* Append zero terminated string to end of dyString.
  * Adds the NOSQLINJ prefix if dy string is empty. */
 struct dyString *sqlDyStringCreate(char *format, ...)
 /* Create a dyString with a printf style initial content
  * Adds the NOSQLINJ prefix. */
 #ifdef __GNUC__
 __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
 void sqlCheckError(char *format, ...)
 /* A sql injection error has occurred. Check for settings and respond
  * as appropriate with error, warning, logOnly, ignore, dumpstack.