  Fri Dec 4 08:59:38 2015 -0800
Add dbNSFP v3.1a (including VEST scores) to hg38 for hgVai.
Add hgVai options for adding in transcript status info: GENCODE tags
when applicable, knownCanonical for knownGene, refSeqStatus for refGene.
refs #16502, #16503

diff --git src/hg/lib/dbNsfpVest.as src/hg/lib/dbNsfpVest.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..809dbf2
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/lib/dbNsfpVest.as
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+table dbNsfpVest
+"VEST scores provided by dbNSFP (http://dbnsfp.houstonbioinformatics.org/)"
+    (
+    string chrom;      "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold"
+    uint   chromStart; "Start position in chromosome"
+    uint   chromEnd;   "End position in chromosome"
+    enum('A','C','G','T','.') refAl;  "Allele found in reference assembly"
+    lstring ensTxId;   "Ensembl transcript ID(s)"
+    lstring vestTxId;  "ID of transcript on which VEST prediction was made"
+    enum('A','C','G','T') altAl1;     "Alternate allele #1"
+    lstring var1;                     "Protein change(s) caused by altAl1"
+    lstring score1;                   "VEST score(s) for altAl1, or '.' if n/a"
+    enum('A','C','G','T') altAl2;     "Alternate allele #2"
+    lstring var2;                     "Protein change(s) caused by altAl2"
+    lstring score2;                   "VEST score(s) for altAl2, or '.' if n/a"
+    enum('A','C','G','T') altAl3;     "Alternate allele #3"
+    lstring var3;                     "Protein change(s) caused by altAl3"
+    lstring score3;                   "VEST score(s) for altAl3, or '.' if n/a"
+    )