  Fri Dec 11 16:20:21 2015 -0800
fixing an issue with the common.py path, refs #16156

diff --git src/utils/newPythonProg/newPythonProg.c src/utils/newPythonProg/newPythonProg.c
index 1452983..0c595d1 100644
--- src/utils/newPythonProg/newPythonProg.c
+++ src/utils/newPythonProg/newPythonProg.c
@@ -33,31 +33,31 @@
 "\n\telse echo \"# no tests directory (or perhaps no tests/makefile) in $(CURDIR)\"; fi"
 , progName, progName);
 void writeProgram(char *fileName, char *programName, char *usage)
 FILE *programFile = mustOpen(fileName, "w"); 
 // Write the python skeleton
 fprintf(programFile, "#!/usr/bin/env python2.7\n# %s\n\"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n", programName,  usage);
     "import os\nimport sys\nimport collections\nimport argparse\n"
     "# import the UCSC kent python library\n"
-    "sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pyLib'))\n"
+    "sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__))\n"
     "import common\n\n");
 fprintf(programFile, "def parseArgs(args):\n    \"\"\"\n    Parse the command line arguments.\n    \"\"\"\n    parser" 
 		    "= argparse.ArgumentParser(description = __doc__)\n    parser.add_argument (\"inpu"
 		    "tFile\",\n    help = \" The input file. \",\n    type = argparse.FileType(\"r\"))\n    ");
 fprintf(programFile, "parser.add_argument (\"outputFile\",\n    help = \" The output file. \",\n    type =" 
 		    "argparse.FileType(\"w\"))\n    if (len(sys.argv) == 1):\n        parser.print_help()\n"
 		    "        exit(1)\n    options = parser.parse_args()\n    return options\n\n"); 
 fprintf(programFile, "def main(args):\n    \"\"\"\n    Initialized options and calls other functions.\n    \"\"\"\n    "
 		    "options = parseArgs(args)\n\nif __name__ == \""
 		    "__main__\" : \n    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))"); 
 void newPythonProg(char *programName, char *usage)