  Wed Dec 9 20:00:48 2015 -0800
oops fix spelling of chromosome

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
index 7434189..d5bc9c5 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
@@ -600,31 +600,31 @@
         safef(startBand, buffSize, "%s", cb->name);
     /* End is > rather than >= due to odditiy in the
        cytoband track where the starts and ends of two
        bands overlaps by one. */
     if (winEnd >  cb->chromStart
     &&  winEnd <= cb->chromEnd)
         safef(endBand, buffSize, "%s", cb->name);
 boolean makeChromIdeoImage(struct track **pTrackList, char *psOutput,
                         struct tempName *ideoTn)
-/* Make an ideogram image of the chromsome and our position in it.  If the
+/* Make an ideogram image of the chromosome and our position in it.  If the
  * ideoTn parameter is not NULL, it is filled in if the ideogram is created. */
 struct track *ideoTrack = NULL;
 MgFont *font = tl.font;
 char *mapName = "ideoMap";
 struct hvGfx *hvg;
 boolean doIdeo = TRUE;
 int ideoWidth = round(.8 *tl.picWidth);
 int ideoHeight = 0;
 int textWidth = 0;
 struct tempName pngTn;
 boolean nukeIdeoFromList = FALSE;
 if (ideoTn == NULL)
     ideoTn = &pngTn;   // not returning value
@@ -2642,31 +2642,31 @@
     if (w->winStart < last->winEnd)
 	errAbort("windowsSpanPosition: expected all windows to be ascending non-overlapping, found %d < %d", w->winStart, last->winEnd);
 int end = w->winEnd;
 safef(buf, sizeof buf, "%s:%d-%d", chromName, start+1, end);
 return cloneString(buf);
 void padVirtRegions(int windowPadding)
 /* Pad virt regions with windowPadding bases
  * NOTE a simple padding would not worry about merging or order. Just expand the beginning and end of each region.
  * NOTE this assumes that the regions are in order, but tolerates hiccups in order.
- * DONE make it handle multiple chromsomes
+ * DONE make it handle multiple chromosomes
  * TODO what about just modifying the original list directly? 
  * I do not know if this is handling merging correctly. 
  * DONE Maybe I should just add the padding directly into the exon-fetch-merge code.
  * I have looked at that earlier, and it should work easily.
  * It might also have the advantage of not having to create a duplicate list?
  * TODO how do I test that the output is correct. 
  *  if the input has ordered non-duplicate regions, then the output should be likewise.
  * */
 int regionCount = 0;
 long regionBases=0;
 struct virtRegion *virtRegion, *lastVirtRegion = NULL;
@@ -7853,31 +7853,31 @@
             hPrintf("&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='background-color:yellow;'>"
                     "<A HREF='%s' TARGET=_BLANK><EM><B>%s</EM></B></A></span>\n",
                     survey, surveyLabel ? surveyLabel : "Take survey");
 // TODO GALT  how to handle ideos?
 boolean nukeIdeoFromList = FALSE;
     if (window == windows) // first window
-	/* Make chromsome ideogram gif and map. */
+	/* Make chromosome ideogram gif and map. */
 	nukeIdeoFromList = makeChromIdeoImage(&trackList, psOutput, ideoTn);  
 	window->trackList = trackList;  // the variable may have been updated.
 	// TODO make this not just be centered over the entire image,
 	// but rather centered over the individual chromosome.
 	// notice that it modifies trackList, and visibility settings potentially need parallelization for windows
 	// TODO should be more than this. But at least this makes the same trackList mods to the other windows.
 	if (nukeIdeoFromList)
 	    struct track *ideoTrack = chromIdeoTrack(window->trackList);
 	    if (ideoTrack)
 		slRemoveEl(&window->trackList, ideoTrack);