  Tue Dec 8 21:52:59 2015 -0800
Multi-region (exonMostly). This work allows people to look at virtual chromosomes from a list of regions and then navigate and perform all of the usual functions on it.

diff --git src/inc/udc.h src/inc/udc.h
index ae3e026..9ca5f24 100644
--- src/inc/udc.h
+++ src/inc/udc.h
@@ -125,46 +125,50 @@
 /* Prefix used by convention to indicate a file should be accessed via udc.  This is
  * followed by the local path name or a url, so in common practice you see things like:
  *     udc:http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg18/tracks/someTrack.bb */
 struct slName *udcFileCacheFiles(char *url, char *cacheDir);
 /* Return low-level list of files used in cache. */
 char *udcPathToUrl(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, char *cacheDir);
 /* Translate path into an URL, store in buf, return pointer to buf if successful
  * and NULL if not. */
 long long int udcSizeFromCache(char *url, char *cacheDir);
 /* Look up the file size from the local cache bitmap file, or -1 if there
  * is no cache for url. */
+time_t udcTimeFromCache(char *url, char *cacheDir);
+/* Look up the file datetime from the local cache bitmap file, or 0 if there
+ * is no cache for url. */
 unsigned long udcCacheAge(char *url, char *cacheDir);
 /* Return the age in seconds of the oldest cache file.  If a cache file is
  * missing, return the current time (seconds since the epoch). */
 int udcCacheTimeout();
 /* Get cache timeout (if local cache files are newer than this many seconds,
  * we won't ping the remote server to check the file size and update time). */
 void udcSetCacheTimeout(int timeout);
 /* Set cache timeout (if local cache files are newer than this many seconds,
  * we won't ping the remote server to check the file size and update time). */
 time_t udcUpdateTime(struct udcFile *udc);
 /* return udc->updateTime */
 boolean udcFastReadString(struct udcFile *f, char buf[256]);
 /* Read a string into buffer, which must be long enough
  * to hold it.  String is in 'writeString' format. */
 off_t udcFileSize(char *url);
-/* fetch remote or loca file size from given URL or path */
+/* fetch remote or local file size from given URL or path */
 boolean udcExists(char *url);
 /* return true if a remote or local file exists */
 boolean udcIsLocal(char *url);
 /* return true if url is not a http or ftp file, just a normal local file path */
 void udcSetLog(FILE *fp);
 /* Tell UDC where to log its statistics. */
 #endif /* UDC_H */