  Thu Feb 4 14:57:18 2016 -0800
first pass as display of metadata for NCBI RefSeq track, needs improvement refs #13673

diff --git src/hg/lib/ncbiRefSeqLink.as src/hg/lib/ncbiRefSeqLink.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0908f32
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/lib/ncbiRefSeqLink.as
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+table ncbiRefSeqLink
+"Metadata for NCBI RefSeq tracks"
+    (
+    string id;                  "id for this gene or curated item"
+    string status;              "Inferrred, Model, Predicted, Provisional, Reviewed, Validated, Unknown"
+    string name;                "gene name"
+    string product;		"product"
+    string mrnaAcc;             "transcript_id"
+    string protAcc;             "protein_id"
+    string locusLinkId;         "locus link identifier, from Dbxref"
+    string omimId;              "omim identifier, from Dbxref"
+    string hgnc;                "HGNC identifier, from Dbxref"
+    string genbank;             "genbank identifier from Dbxref"
+    string pseudo;              "'true' if pseudo gene, or n/a"
+    string gbkey;               "genbank key: Gene, mRNA, ncRNA, rRNA, tRNA, etc..."
+    string source;              "source: RefSeq, tRNAscan-SE, Gnomon, Curated Genomic, BestRefSeq"
+    string gene_biotype;        "bio type: protein_coding, pseudogene, C_region, J_segment_pseudogene, other"
+    string gene_synonym;        "list of synonym names"
+    string ncrna_class;         "type of RNA: miRNA, lncRNA, snoRNA, etc..."
+    string note;                "other notes from genbank record"
+    lstring description;        "description from rna gbff record via gbProcess"
+    )