  Wed Jan 27 10:37:05 2016 -0800
Adding a plausible but as yet untested basic graphic function to copy part of an image to another part.  It is surrounded with ifdefs, this mgBlit function, so not actually compiled.

diff --git src/lib/memgfx.c src/lib/memgfx.c
index aa23c41..9d28f34 100644
--- src/lib/memgfx.c
+++ src/lib/memgfx.c
@@ -642,34 +642,53 @@
     *dx = dest->clipMinX;
 if ((over = dest->clipMinY - *dy) > 0)
     *h -= over;
     *sy += over;
     *dy = dest->clipMinY;
 if ((over = *w + *dx - dest->clipMaxX) > 0)
     *w -= over; 
 if ((over = *h + *dy - dest->clipMaxY) > 0)
     *h -= over;
 return (*h > 0 && *w > 0);
+#ifdef SOON /* Simple but as yet untested blit function. */
+void mgBlit(int width, int height, 
+    struct memGfx *source, int sourceX, int sourceY,
+    struct memGfx *dest, int destX, int destY)
+/* Copy pixels in a rectangle from source to destination */
+if (!mgClipForBlit(&width, &height, &sourceX, &sourceY, dest, &destX, &destY))
+    return;
+while (--height >= 0)
+    {
+    Color *dLine = _mgPixAdr(dest,destX,destY++);
+    Color *sLine = _mgPixAdr(source,sourceX,sourceY++);
+    memcpy(dLine, sLine, width * sizeof(Color));
+    }
+#endif /* SOON */
 void mgTextBlit(int width, int height, int bitX, int bitY,
 	unsigned char *bitData, int bitDataRowBytes, 
 	struct memGfx *dest, int destX, int destY, 
 	Color color, Color backgroundColor)
+/* Copy pixels from a bit-a-pixel source to a fully colored destination
+ * within rectangle */
 UBYTE *inLine;
 Color *outLine;
 UBYTE inLineBit;
 if (!mgClipForBlit(&width, &height, &bitX, &bitY, dest, &destX, &destY))
 inLine = bitData + (bitX>>3) + bitY * bitDataRowBytes;
 inLineBit = (0x80 >> (bitX&7));
 outLine = _mgPixAdr(dest,destX,destY);
 while (--height >= 0)
     UBYTE *in = inLine;
     Color *out = outLine;