  Wed Jan 13 13:26:30 2016 -0800
Heavy refactoring to the .html output, now all javascript is in the file d3.dendrograms.js, refs# 16216

diff --git src/hg/expMatrixToJson/expMatrixToJson.c src/hg/expMatrixToJson/expMatrixToJson.c
index 0bed5b1..742feff 100644
--- src/hg/expMatrixToJson/expMatrixToJson.c
+++ src/hg/expMatrixToJson/expMatrixToJson.c
@@ -1,679 +1,519 @@
 /* expData -  Takes in an expression matrix and clusters it using a hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm. The output defaults to a hierarchichal .json format, with two additional options. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "memalloc.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "expData.h"
 #include "sqlList.h"
 #include "hacTree.h"
 #include "rainbow.h" 
 boolean clCSV = FALSE; // Converts the comma separated matrix into a tab based file. 
 boolean clMultiThreads = FALSE; // Allows the user to run the program with multiple threads, default is off. 
 int clThreads = 10; // The number of threads to run with the multiThreads option
 int clMemLim = 4; // The amount of memeory the program can use, read in Gigabytes. 
 float clLongest = 0;  // Used to normalize link distances in rlinkJson.
 char* clDescFile = NULL; // The user can provide a description file 
 char* clAttributeTable = NULL; // The user can provide an attributes table... this may get removed soon.  
 int nodeCount; //The number of nodes. 
+int internalNodes = 0; 
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
     "expMatrixToJson -  Takes in an expression matrix and outputs a binary tree clustering the data.\n"
     "			The tree is output as a .json file,  a .html file is generated to view the \n"
     "			tree.  The files are named using the output argument (ex output.json, output.html).\n"
     "   expMatrixToJson [options] matrix output\n"
     "    -multiThreads      The program will run on multiple threads. \n"
     "    -CSV               The input matrix is in .csv format. \n"
     "    -threads=int       Sets the thread count for the multiThreads option, default is 10 \n"
     "    -memLim=int        Sets the amount of memeory the program can use before aborting. The default is 4G. \n"
     "    -verbose=2         Show basic run stats. \n"
     "    -verbose=3         Show all run stats. Very ugly, avoid at all costs. \n" 
     "    -descFile=string   The user is providing a description file. The description file must provide a \n"
     "                       description for each cell line in the expression matrix. There should be one description per \n" 
     "                       line, starting on the left side of the expression matrix. The description will appear over a \n" 
     "                       leaf node when hovered over.\n"
 /* Command line validation table. */
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
     {"multiThreads", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {"threads", OPTION_INT},
     {"memLim", OPTION_INT},
     {"descFile", OPTION_STRING},
     {"attributeTable", OPTION_STRING},
     {NULL, 0},
 struct bioExpVector
 /* Contains expression information for a biosample on many genes. */
     struct bioExpVector *next;
     char *name;	    // name of biosample.
     char *desc;	    // description of biosample. 
     int count;	    // Number of genes we have data for.
     double *vector;   //  An array allocated dynamically.
     struct rgbColor color;  // Color for this one
     int children;   // Number of bioExpVectors used to build the current 
 double stringToDouble(char *s)
 /* Convert string to a double.  Assumes all of string is number
  * and aborts on an error. Errors on 'nan'*/
     char* end;
     double val = strtod(s, &end);
     if (val != val) errAbort("A value of %f was encountered. Please change this value then re run the program.", val); 
     if ((end == s) || (*end != '\0'))
 	errAbort("invalid double: %s", s);
     return val;
 struct bioExpVector *bioExpVectorListFromFile(char *matrixFile)
 /* Read a tab-delimited file and return list of bioExpVectors */
     int vectorSize = 0;
     struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(matrixFile, TRUE);
     char *line, **row = NULL;
     struct bioExpVector *list = NULL, *el;
     while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
 	if (vectorSize == 0)
 	    // Detect first row.
 	    vectorSize = chopByWhite(line, NULL, 0);  // counting up
 	    AllocArray(row, vectorSize);
 	AllocArray(el->vector, vectorSize);
 	el->count = chopByWhite(line, row, vectorSize);
 	assert(el->count == vectorSize);
 	int i;
 	for (i = 0; i < el->count; ++i)
 	    el->vector[i] = stringToDouble(row[i]);
 	el->children = 1;
 	slAddHead(&list, el);
     return list;
 int fillInNames(struct bioExpVector *list, char *nameFile)
 /* Fill in name field from file. */
     struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(nameFile, TRUE);
     char *line;
     struct bioExpVector *el = list;
     int maxSize = 0 ; 
     while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
 	if (el == NULL)
 	    warn("More names than items in list");
 	char *fields[2];
 	if (strlen(line) > maxSize) maxSize = strlen(line); 
 	int fieldCount = chopTabs(line, fields);
 	if (fieldCount >= 1)
 	   el->name = cloneString(fields[0]);
 	   if (fieldCount >= 2)
 	       el->desc = cloneString(fields[1]);
 	       el->desc = cloneString("0");
 	el = el->next;
     if (el != NULL)
 	errAbort("More items in matrix file than %s", nameFile);
     return maxSize; 
 static void rAddLeaf(struct hacTree *tree, struct slRef **pList)
 /* Recursively add leaf to list */
     if (tree->left == NULL && tree->right == NULL)
 	refAdd(pList, tree->itemOrCluster);
 	rAddLeaf(tree->left, pList);
 	rAddLeaf(tree->right, pList);
 struct slRef *getOrderedLeafList(struct hacTree *tree)
 /* Return list of references to bioExpVectors from leaf nodes
  * ordered by position in hacTree */
     struct slRef *leafList = NULL;
     rAddLeaf(tree, &leafList);
     return leafList;
 static void rPrintHierarchicalJson(FILE *f, struct hacTree *tree, int level, double distance)
 /* Recursively prints out the elements of the hierarchical .json file. */
     struct bioExpVector *bio = (struct bioExpVector *)tree->itemOrCluster;
     char *tissue = bio->name;
     struct rgbColor colors = bio->color;
     if (tree->childDistance > clLongest)
 	/* In practice the first distance will be the longest, and is used for normalization. */ 
 	clLongest = tree->childDistance;
     int i;
     for (i = 0;  i < level;  i++)
 	fputc(' ', f); // correct spacing for .json format
+    // *****LEAVES*****
     if (tree->left == NULL && tree->right == NULL)
 	// Print the leaf nodes
-    if (bio->desc)
-	fprintf(f, "{\"name\":\"%s\",\"length\":%f,\"distance\":\"%s\",\"colorGroup\":\"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\"}", tissue, (tree->parent->childDistance*tree->parent->childDistance)  /1000, bio->desc, colors.r, colors.g, colors.b); 
-    else
-	fprintf(f, "{\"name\":\"%s\",\"length\":%f,\"distance\":\"%s\",\"colorGroup\":\"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\"}", tissue, tree->parent->childDistance, " ", colors.r, colors.g, colors.b); 
+	fprintf(f, "{\"name\":\"%s\",\"kids\":\"0\",\"length\":\"%f\",\"colorGroup\":\"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\"}",
+			    tissue, tree->parent->childDistance, colors.r, colors.g, colors.b); 
     else if (tree->left == NULL || tree->right == NULL)
 	errAbort("\nHow did we get a node with one NULL kid??");
-// Prints out the node object and opens a new children block.
     for (i = 0;  i < level + 1;  i++)
 	fputc(' ', f);
     distance = tree->childDistance/clLongest;
-double temp = 0; 
+    double length = 0; 
     if (tree->parent != NULL)
-    temp = tree->parent->childDistance;
+	length = tree->parent->childDistance;
-fprintf(f, "{\"name\": \" \", \"longestDistance\":\"%f\", \"tpmDistance\": \"%f\", \"length\": %f,  \"colorGroup\": \"rgb(%i,"
-	    "%i,%i)\",",clLongest,tree->childDistance, temp*temp/1000, colors.r,colors.g,colors.b);
+    // *****NODES*****
+    ++internalNodes; 
+    fprintf(f, "{\"name\":\" \", \"number\":\"%i\", \"kids\":\"%i\", \"tpmDistance\": \"%f\", \"length\": \"%f\",  \"colorGroup\": \"rgb(%i,"
+			"%i,%i)\",",internalNodes,  bio->children , tree->childDistance, length, colors.r,colors.g,colors.b);
     if (distance != distance) distance = 0;
-//fprintf(f, "\"%s\"%s \"%f\"%s\n", "distance", ":", 100*distance, ",");
     struct rgbColor wTB; 
     struct rgbColor wTBsqrt; 
     struct rgbColor wTBquad; 
     if (distance == 0) {
 	wTB = whiteToBlackRainbowAtPos(0);
 	wTBsqrt = whiteToBlackRainbowAtPos(0);
 	wTBquad = whiteToBlackRainbowAtPos(0);
     else  {
 	wTB = whiteToBlackRainbowAtPos(distance*.95);
 	wTBsqrt = whiteToBlackRainbowAtPos(sqrt(distance*.95));
 	wTBquad = whiteToBlackRainbowAtPos(sqrt(sqrt(distance*.95)));
-fprintf(f, "\"distance\": \"%f\", \"whiteToBlack\":\"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\", \"whiteTo", distance, wTB.r, wTB.g, wTB.b); 
-fprintf(f, "BlackSqrt\":\"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\", \"whiteToBlackQuad\":\"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\",\n", wTBsqrt.r, wTBsqrt.g, wTBsqrt.b, wTBquad.r, wTBquad.g, wTBquad.b);
+    fprintf(f, "\"normalizedDistance\": \"%f\", \"whiteToBlack\":\"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\", \"whiteTo", 
+			distance, wTB.r, wTB.g, wTB.b); 
+    fprintf(f, "BlackSqrt\":\"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\", \"whiteToBlackQuad\":\"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\",\n",
+			wTBsqrt.r, wTBsqrt.g, wTBsqrt.b, wTBquad.r, wTBquad.g, wTBquad.b);
     for (i = 0;  i < level + 1;  i++)
 	fputc(' ', f);
     fprintf(f, "\"children\":[\n");
     rPrintHierarchicalJson(f, tree->left, level+1, distance);
     fputs(",\n", f);
     rPrintHierarchicalJson(f, tree->right, level+1, distance);
     fputc('\n', f);
     // Closes the children block for node objects
     for (i=0;  i < level + 1;  i++)
 	fputc(' ', f);
     fputs("]\n", f);
     for (i = 0;  i < level;  i++)
 	fputc(' ', f);
     fputs("}", f);
 void printHierarchicalJson(FILE *f, struct hacTree *tree)
 /* Prints out the binary tree into .json format intended for d3
  * hierarchical layouts */
     if (tree == NULL)
 	fputs("Empty tree.\n", f);
     double distance = 0;
     rPrintHierarchicalJson(f, tree, 0, distance);
     fputc('\n', f);
 double slBioExpVectorDistance(const struct slList *item1, const struct slList *item2, void *extraData)
 /* Return the absolute difference between the two kids' values. Weight based on how many nodes have been merged
  * to create the current node.  Designed for HAC tree use*/
     verbose(3,"Calculating Distance...\n");
     const struct bioExpVector *kid1 = (const struct bioExpVector *)item1;
     const struct bioExpVector *kid2 = (const struct bioExpVector *)item2;
     int j;
     double diff = 0, sum = 0;
     for (j = 0; j < kid1->count; ++j)
 	diff = kid1->vector[j] - kid2->vector[j]; 
 	sum += (diff * diff);
     return sqrt(sum);
 struct slList *slBioExpVectorMerge(const struct slList *item1, const struct slList *item2,
 				void *unusedExtraData)
 /* Make a new slPair where the name is the children names concattenated and the 
  * value is the average of kids' values.
  * Designed for HAC tree use*/
     const struct bioExpVector *kid1 = (const struct bioExpVector *)item1;
     const struct bioExpVector *kid2 = (const struct bioExpVector *)item2;
     float kid1Weight = kid1->children / (float)(kid1->children + kid2->children);
     float kid2Weight = kid2->children / (float)(kid1->children + kid2->children);
     struct bioExpVector *el;
     AllocArray(el->vector, kid1->count);
     assert(kid1->count == kid2->count);
     el->count = kid1->count; 
     el->name = catTwoStrings(kid1->name, kid2->name);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < el->count; ++i)
 	el->vector[i] = (kid1Weight*kid1->vector[i] + kid2Weight*kid2->vector[i]);
     el->children = kid1->children + kid2->children;
     return (struct slList *)(el);
 void colorLeaves(struct slRef *leafList)
 /* Assign colors of rainbow to leaves. */
     float total = 0.0;
     //double purplePos = 0.80;
     struct slRef *el, *nextEl;
     /* Loop through list once to figure out total, since we need to normalize */
     for (el = leafList; el != NULL; el = nextEl)
 	nextEl = el->next;
 	if (nextEl == NULL)
 	struct bioExpVector *bio1 = el->val;
 	struct bioExpVector *bio2 = nextEl->val;
 	double distance = slBioExpVectorDistance((struct slList *)bio1, (struct slList *)bio2, NULL);
 	if (distance != distance ) distance = 0;
 	total += distance;
     if (total == 0) errAbort("There doesn't seem to be any difference between these matrix columns. Aborting."); 
     double soFar = 0;
     /* Loop through list a second time to generate actual colors. */
     bool firstLine = TRUE; 
     for (el = leafList; el != NULL; el = nextEl)
 	nextEl = el->next;
 	if (nextEl == NULL)
 	struct bioExpVector *bio1 = el->val;
 	struct bioExpVector *bio2 = nextEl->val;
 	double distance = slBioExpVectorDistance((struct slList *)bio1, (struct slList *)bio2, NULL);
 	if (firstLine) 
 	    double normalized = distance/total; 
 	    bio1->color = whiteToBlackRainbowAtPos(normalized); 
 	    firstLine = FALSE;
 	//if (distance != distance ) distance = 0 ;
 	//soFar += distance;
 	//double normalized = soFar/total;
 	double normalized = distance/total; 
 	if (normalized * 100 >= .95) bio2->color = whiteToBlackRainbowAtPos(.95);
 	else bio2->color = whiteToBlackRainbowAtPos(normalized*100); 
 	//bio2->color = saturatedRainbowAtPos(distance);
 	soFar += normalized;     
     /* Set first color to correspond to 0, since not set in above loop */
-//struct bioExpVector *bio = leafList->val;
+    struct bioExpVector *bio = leafList->val;
     //bio->color = saturatedRainbowAtPos(0);
-//bio->color = whiteToBlackRainbowAtPos(0.0);
+    bio->color = whiteToBlackRainbowAtPos(.95);
 void convertInput(char *expMatrix, char *descFile, bool csv)
 /* Takes in a expression matrix and makes the inputs that this program will use. 
  * Namely a transposed table with the first column removed.  Makes use of system calls
  * to use cut, sed, kent utility rowsToCols, and paste (for descFile option). */
     char cmd1[1024], cmd2[1024];
     if (csv)
 	/* A sed one liner will convert comma separated values into a tab separated values*/ 
 	char cmd3[1024]; 
 	safef(cmd3, 1024, "sed -i 's/,/\\t/g' %s ",expMatrix);  
 	verbose(2,"%s\n", cmd3);
     safef(cmd1, 1024, "cat %s | sed '1d' | rowsToCols stdin %s.transposedMatrix", expMatrix, expMatrix); 
     /* Exp matrices are X axis of cell lines and Y axis of transcripts. This causes long Y axis and short
      * X axis, which are not handled well in C.  The matrix is transposed to get around this issue. */ 
     verbose(2,"%s\n", cmd1);
     /* Pull out the cell names, and store them in a separate file. This allows the actual data matrix to 
      * have the first row identify the transcript, then all following rows contain only expression values.
      * By removing the name before hand the computation was made faster and easier. */ 
     if (descFile) 
 	char cmd3[1024]; 
 	safef(cmd2, 1024, "rowsToCols %s stdout | cut -f1 | sed \'1d\' > %s.cellNamesTemp", expMatrix, expMatrix); 
 	safef(cmd3, 1024, "paste %s.cellNamesTemp %s > %s.cellNames", expMatrix, descFile, expMatrix);
 	verbose(2,"%s\n", cmd2); 
 	verbose(2,"%s\n", cmd3); 
 	safef(cmd2, 1024, "rowsToCols %s stdout | cut -f1 | sed \'1d\' > %s.cellNames", expMatrix, expMatrix);  
 	verbose(2,"%s\n", cmd2); 
 void generateHtml(FILE *outputFile, int nameSize, char* jsonFile)
 // Generates a new .html file for the dendrogram. Will do some size calculations as well. 
     char *pageName = cloneString(jsonFile);
     int textSize = 12 - log(nodeCount);  
     int radius = 540 + 270*log10(nodeCount);  
+    int width = 10 * nodeCount; 
+    int height = 10 * nodeCount; 
     int labelLength = 10+nameSize*(15-textSize);
     if (labelLength > 100) labelLength = 100;
     fprintf(outputFile,"<!DOCTYPE html>\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"<title>%s</title>\n", pageName); 
-// CSS styles
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t.node circle{fill: #ff f; stroke: steelblue; stroke-width: .25px;}\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t.node{font: %ipx sans-serif;}\n", textSize);
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t.link{fill: none; stroke: #ccc; st roke-width: 1.5px;}\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t.selectedLink{fill: none; stroke: #ccc; stroke-width: 3.0px;}\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t.selected{fill: red;}\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t.legend{font-size: 12px;}\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\trect{stroke-width: 2;}\n");
-// Start body
-// Scripts
+    fprintf(outputFile,"<head>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"<title>New dendrogram tests</title>\n"); 
     fprintf(outputFile,"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css\">\n"); 
     fprintf(outputFile,"<script src=\"https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js\"></script>\n"); 
     fprintf(outputFile,"<script src=\"http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/js/bootstrap.min.js\"></script>\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"<script src=\"http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js\"></script>\n");
-// Adding dropdowns...
-fprintf(outputFile,"<div class = \"dropdown\">\n\t<ul style=\"list-style-type:none;display:inline-flex\">\n"); 
-// Inner nodes
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t<li class=\"dropdown\">\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<button class=\"btn btn-default dropdown-toggle\" type=\"button\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\"> Inner nodes\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<span class=\"caret\"</span></button>\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\">\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\t<li><button onclick=\"nodeColors(0)\">tpm distance</button></li>\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\t<li><button onclick=\"nodeColors(1)\">sqrt tpm distance</button></li>\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\t<li><button onclick=\"nodeColors(2)\">quad rt tpm distance</button></li>\n"); 
-// Inner leaves
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t<li class=\"dropdown\">\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<button class=\"btn btn-default dropdown-toggle\" type=\"button\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\"> Inner leaves\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<span class=\"caret\"</span></button>\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\">\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"<! Identifier  >\n"); 
-// Middle leaves
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t<li class=\"dropdown\">\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<button class=\"btn btn-default dropdown-toggle\" type=\"button\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\"> Middle leaves\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<span class=\"caret\"</span></button>\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\">\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"<! Identifier  >\n"); 
-// Outer leaves
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t<li class=\"dropdown\">\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<button class=\"btn btn-default dropdown-toggle\" type=\"button\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\"> Outer leaves\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<span class=\"caret\"</span></button>\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\">\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"<! Identifier  >\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"<div id=\"graph\"></div>\n");
-// Div the graph
+    fprintf(outputFile,"<script src=\"http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"<script src=\"d3.dendrograms1.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"<div class = \"dropdown\">\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	<div id = dropdown>\n");  
+    fprintf(outputFile,"</div>\n");
-// Global variables and stuffs
-fprintf(outputFile,"\tvar radius= %i / 2;\n", radius); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\tvar cluster=d3.layout.cluster().size([360, radius - %i]);\n", labelLength); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\tvar colors=d3.scale.category20();\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\tvar diagonal=d3.svg.diagonal.radial().projection(function(d){return [d.y, d.x / 180 * Math.PI];});\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\tvar svg=d3.select(\"#graph\") .append(\"svg\") .attr(\"width\", 150 + (radius * 2) )\n");  
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t.attr(\"height\", radius * 2) .append(\"g\") .attr(\"transform\",\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\"translate(\" + (radius + 150) + \",\" + radius + \")\");\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\tvar legendRectSize=20;\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\tvar legendSpacing=4;\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\tvar currentLegend=-1;\n");
-// Start D3 processing
-fprintf(outputFile,"\td3.json(\"%s\", function(error, root){\n", jsonFile); 
-// Variable nodes
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tvar nodes=cluster.nodes(root);\n\n"); 
-// Variable link
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tvar link=svg.selectAll(\"path.link\")\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.attr(\"class\", \"link\").on(\"click\", function(){\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\td3.select(\".selectedLink\").classed(\"selectedLink\", false);\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\td3.select(this).classed(\"selectedLink\", true);}).attr(\"d\", diagonal);\n\n");
-// Graph variables!!! These are parsed by D3 and used to generate the actual dendrogram
-// Variable internalNodes
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tvar internalNodes = svg.selectAll(\"g.internalNode\")\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.attr(\"class\", \"internalNode\").attr(\"transform\",\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\treturn \"rotate(\" + (d.x - 90) + \")translate(\" + d.y + \")\";});\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tinternalNodes.append(\"circle\").attr(\"r\", function(d){\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tif (d.name==\" \")\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\t{return 5;}\n"); //d.kids;}\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\telse{return 0;}})\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\t.style(\"fill\", function(d){\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tif (d.name==\" \")\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\t{return d.whiteToBlack;}\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\telse{return \"none\";}})\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\t.style(\"stroke\", \"steelblue\")\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\t.style(\"stroke-width\", \"1.25px\");\n\n"); 
-// Variable innerLeaves
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tvar innerLeaves = svg.selectAll(\"g.innerLeaf\")\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.attr(\"class\", \"innerLeaf\").attr(\"transform\",\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\treturn \"rotate(\" + (d.x - 90) + \")translate(\" + d.y + \")\";});\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tinnerLeaves.append(\"circle\").attr(\"r\", function(d){\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tif (d.name !==\" \")\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\t{return 5;}})\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\t.style(\"fill\", function(d){\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tif (d.name !==\" \")\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\t{return \"d.whiteToBlack\";}\n"); 
-// Variable middleLeaves
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tvar middleLeaves = svg.selectAll(\"g.middleLeaf\")\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.attr(\"class\", \"middleLeaf\").attr(\"transform\",\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\treturn \"rotate(\" + (d.x - 90) + \")translate(\" + d.y + \")\";});\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tmiddleLeaves.append(\"circle\").attr(\"r\", 5).style(\"fill\",\"none\");\n\n"); 
-// Variable outerLeaves
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tvar outerLeaves = svg.selectAll(\"g.outerLeaf\")\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.attr(\"class\", \"outerLeaf\").attr(\"transform\",\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\treturn \"rotate(\" + (d.x - 90) + \")translate(\" + d.y + \")\";});\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\touterLeaves.append(\"circle\").attr(\"r\", 5).style(\"fill\",\"none\");\n\n"); 
-// Legend variables!!! These are parsed by D3 and used to generate the legends
-// Variable innerLegend
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tvar innerLegend=svg.selectAll('.innerLegend') .data(colors.domain()) .enter()\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.append('g') .attr('class', 'innerLegend')\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.attr('transform', \n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tfunction (d, i){\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar height=legendRectSize + legendSpacing;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar offset=height * colors.domain().length / 2;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar horz=-2 * legendRectSize;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar vert=i * height - offset;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\treturn 'translate(' + horz + ',' + vert + ')';}\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tinnerLegend.append('rect') .attr('width', legendRectSize) .attr('height', legendRectSize)\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.style('fill', colors) .style('stroke', colors);\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tinnerLegend.append('text') .attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing) .text(function (d){return d;});\n\n"); 
-// Variable middleLegend
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tvar middleLegend=svg.selectAll('.middleLegend') .data(colors.domain()) .enter()\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.append('g') .attr('class', 'middlerLegend')\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.attr('transform', \n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tfunction (d, i){\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar height=legendRectSize + legendSpacing;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar offset=height * colors.domain().length / 2;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar horz=-2 * legendRectSize;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar vert=i * height - offset;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\treturn 'translate(' + horz + ',' + vert + ')';}\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tmiddleLegend.append('rect') .attr('width', legendRectSize) .attr('height', legendRectSize)\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.style('fill', colors) .style('stroke', colors);\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tmiddleLegend.append('text') .attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing) .text(function (d){return d;});\n\n"); 
-// Variable outerLegend
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tvar outerLegend=svg.selectAll('.outerLegend') .data(colors.domain()) .enter()\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.append('g') .attr('class', 'outerLegend')\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.attr('transform', \n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tfunction (d, i){\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar height=legendRectSize + legendSpacing;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar offset=height * colors.domain().length / 2;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar horz=-2 * legendRectSize;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tvar vert=i * height - offset;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\treturn 'translate(' + horz + ',' + vert + ')';}\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\touterLegend.append('rect') .attr('width', legendRectSize) .attr('height', legendRectSize)\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.style('fill', colors) .style('stroke', colors);\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\touterLegend.append('text') .attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing) .text(function (d){return d;});\n\n"); 
-// Function updateLegend
-fprintf(outputFile,"\tfunction updateLegend(val, layer, shift){\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tvar legend=svg.selectAll('g.'+layer+'legend').data(val);\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tlegend.enter() .append('g') .attr('class', 'legend') .attr('transform', function (d, i){\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tvar height=legendRectSize + legendSpacing;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tvar offset=height *colors.domain().length / 2;\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tvar horz=(-2 * legendRectSize) - radius - 75;\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tvar vert=-(i * height - offset);\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\treturn 'translate(' + horz + ',' + vert + ')';});\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tlegend.append('rect') .attr('width', legendRectSize) .attr('height', legendRectSize)\n");
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t.style('fill', colors) .style('stroke', colors);\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tlegend.append('text') .attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing) .text(function (d){return d;});}\n\n");
-// Function leafColors
-fprintf(outputFile,"\tfunction leafColors(val, layer, shift){\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tvar node = svg.selectAll(\"g.\" + layer + \"Leaf\")\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t.selectAll(\"circle\").style(\"fill\", function(d){\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tif (d.name !== \" \"){\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tif (val ===0) {return d3.rgb(d.colorGroup);}\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t /* Identifier */\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\telse{return 'none'}});\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tvar legend=svg.selectAll('g.' + layer + 'Legend').remove();\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tif (val >= 0) updateLegend(colors.domain(), layer);\n"); 
-// Function nodeColors
-fprintf(outputFile,"\tfunction nodeColors(val){\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\tvar node=svg.selectAll(\"g.internalNode\").selectAll(\"circle\")\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\tif (d.name === \" \"){\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tif (val==-1) return d3.rgb(d.colorGroup);\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tif (val==0) return d3.rgb(d.whiteToBlack);\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tif (val==1) return d3.rgb(d.whiteToBlackSqrt);\n"); 
-fprintf(outputFile,"\t\t\t\tif (val==2) return d3.rgb(d.whiteToBlackQuad);\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	function load() {\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	var data;\n\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	d3.json(\"testClustersWMeta.json\", function(error,json){\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"		if (error) return console.warn(error);\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"		data = json;\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"			d3.dendrogram.makeCartesianDendrogram('#phylogram', data, {\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"			width: %i,\n", width); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"			height: %i,\n", height); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"			});\n\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"			d3.dendrogram.makeRadialDendrogram('#dendrogram', data,{\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"			radius: %i,\n", radius); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"			});\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"		});\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"  	}\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\">\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"  body { font-family: \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, sans-serif; }\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"  td { vertical-align: top; }\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"</style>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"</head>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"<body onload=\"load()\">\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"<table>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"  <tr>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	<td>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	  <h1>Phylogram</h2>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	  <div id='phylogram'></div>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	</td>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	<td>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	  <h1>Dendrogram</h1>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	  <div id='dendrogram'></div>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"	</td>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"  </tr>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"</table>\n"); 
+    fprintf(outputFile,"</body>\n");
+    fprintf(outputFile,"</html>\n"); 
 void expData(char *matrixFile, char *outDir, char *descFile)
 /* Read matrix and names into a list of bioExpVectors, run hacTree to
  * associate them, and write output. */
     verbose(2,"Start binary clustering of the expression matrix by euclidean distance (expMatrixToJson).\n");
     clock_t begin, end; 
     begin = clock(); 
     convertInput(matrixFile, descFile, clCSV); 
     struct bioExpVector *list = bioExpVectorListFromFile(catTwoStrings(matrixFile,".transposedMatrix"));
     verbose(2,"%lld allocated after bioExpVectorListFromFile\n", (long long)carefulTotalAllocated());
     FILE *f = mustOpen(catTwoStrings(outDir,".json"),"w");
     struct lm *localMem = lmInit(0);
     int size = fillInNames(list, catTwoStrings(matrixFile,".cellNames"));
     /* Allocate new string that is a concatenation of two strings. */
     struct hacTree *clusters = NULL;
     if (clMultiThreads)
 	verbose(2,"Using %i threads. \n", clThreads);  
 	clusters = hacTreeMultiThread(clThreads, (struct slList *)list, localMem,
 						slBioExpVectorDistance, slBioExpVectorMerge, NULL, NULL);
 	verbose(2,"Using 1 threads. \n");  
 	clusters = hacTreeFromItems((struct slList *)list, localMem,
 						    slBioExpVectorDistance, slBioExpVectorMerge, NULL, NULL);
     struct slRef *orderedList = getOrderedLeafList(clusters);
     printHierarchicalJson(f, clusters);
     FILE *htmlF = mustOpen(catTwoStrings(outDir,".html"),"w");
     // Remove temporary files
     char cleanup[1024], cleanup2[1024];
     safef(cleanup, 1024, "rm %s.cellNames", matrixFile); 
     safef(cleanup2, 1024, "rm %s.transposedMatrix", matrixFile); 
     end = clock(); 
     verbose(2,"%lld allocated at end. The program took %f seconds to complete.\n", (long long)carefulTotalAllocated(), (double)(end-begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
     verbose(2,"Completed binary clustering of the expression matrix by euclidean distance (expMatrixToJson).\n");
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
     optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
     clCSV = optionExists("CSV");
     clMultiThreads = optionExists("multiThreads");
     clThreads = optionInt("threads", clThreads);
     clMemLim = optionInt("memLim", clMemLim); 
     clDescFile = optionVal("descFile", clDescFile);
     if (argc != 3)
     expData(argv[1], argv[2], clDescFile);
     return 0;