  Mon Jan 11 12:44:58 2016 -0800
fixup usage message to clearly explain what this does and allow stdin as an input argument no redmine

diff --git src/utils/bedCollapse.pl src/utils/bedCollapse.pl
index 2e9b0d7..8dc6825 100755
--- src/utils/bedCollapse.pl
+++ src/utils/bedCollapse.pl
@@ -1,50 +1,59 @@
 #!/bin/env perl
 # bedCollapse - combine adjacent bed elements into one element
 # DO NOT EDIT the /cluster/bin/scripts copy of this file --
 # edit ~/kent/src/utils/bedCollapse.pl instead.
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 my $argc = scalar(@ARGV);
 if ($argc < 1) {
-    printf STDERR "usage: bedCollapse.pl <file.bed>\n";
+    printf STDERR "usage: bedCollapse.pl [file.bed] > collapsed.bed\n";
     printf STDERR "will combine adjacent bed elements into one element\n";
     printf STDERR "This is working on only columns 2 and 3, the column 4\n";
     printf STDERR "output is the size of the element.\n";
+    printf STDERR "NOTE: This is not like bedSingleCover.pl, this collapse\n";
+    printf STDERR "      only works on exactly adjacent elements as determined\n";
+    printf STDERR "      by column 2 from 'sort -k1,1 -k2,2n' of the input bed file\n";
+    printf STDERR "      where chromEnd of the previous element is == chromStart\n";
+    printf STDERR "      of the next element.\n";
     exit 255
-my $file = shift;
+my $bedFile = shift;
 my $chr = "";
 my $prevEnd = 0;
 my $start = 0;
 my $end = 0;
 my $size = 0;
-open (FH, "sort -k1,1 -k2,2n $file|") or die "can not read $file";
+if ($bedFile =~ m/^stdin$/) {
+  open (FH, "grep -v '^ *#' /dev/stdin | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n |") or die "can not read /dev/stdin";
+} else {
+  open (FH, "grep -v '^ *#' $bedFile | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n|") or die "can not read $bedFile";
 while (my $line = <FH>) {
     chomp $line;
     my ($c, $s, $e, $rest) = split('\s+', $line, 4);
     $size = $end - $start;
     if (length($chr) > 1) {
 	if ($chr ne $c) {
 	    printf "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", $chr, $start, $end, $size;
 	    $chr = $c; $start = $s; $end = $e;
 	} else {
 	    if ($s == $end) {
 		$end = $e;
 	    } else {
 		printf "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", $chr, $start, $end, $size;
 		$chr = $c; $start = $s; $end = $e;
     } else {
 	$chr = $c; $start = $s; $end = $e;
 $size = $end - $start;
 printf "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", $chr, $start, $end, $size;
 close (FH);