  Wed Feb 10 13:39:27 2016 -0800
changes to allow for GenBank metadata to be held in a common table.  #16809

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
index 94009f9..5761ea8 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
@@ -597,45 +597,45 @@
     if (genomicCodon != 'X' && rnaCodon != 'X' && protEquivalent(genomicCodon, rnaCodon))
         return(GRAYIX_CDS_SYN_PROT);     // yellow, "synonymous" protein 
     return peptideToGrayIx(genomicCodon, codonFirstColor);
 static void getGenbankCds(char *acc, struct genbankCds* cds)
 /* Get cds start and stop from genbank tables, if available. Otherwise it
  * does nothing */
 static boolean first = TRUE, haveGbCdnaInfo = FALSE;
+struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 if (first)
-    haveGbCdnaInfo = hTableExists(database, "gbCdnaInfo");
+    haveGbCdnaInfo = sqlTableExists(conn, gbCdnaInfoTable);
     first = FALSE;
 if (haveGbCdnaInfo)
     char query[256], buf[256], *cdsStr;
-    struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
-    sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select cds.name from gbCdnaInfo,cds where (acc = '%s') and (gbCdnaInfo.cds = cds.id)", acc);
+    sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select c.name from %s g,%s c where (acc = '%s') and (g.cds = c.id)", gbCdnaInfoTable, cdsTable, acc);
     cdsStr = sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, buf, sizeof(buf));
     if (cdsStr != NULL)
         genbankCdsParse(cdsStr, cds);
-    hFreeConn(&conn);
 static void getCdsFromTbl(char *acc, char *baseColorSetting, struct genbankCds* cds)
 /* Get CDS from a specified table, doing nothing if not found */
 char *p = skipToSpaces(baseColorSetting);
 char *cdsSpecTbl = skipLeadingSpaces(p);
 if (*cdsSpecTbl == '\0')
     errAbort("%s table requires a table name as an argument", BASE_COLOR_USE_CDS);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnDbTbl(cdsSpecTbl, &cdsSpecTbl, database);
 // allow multiple, but only use the first, since transMapGene table might have
 // multiple entries for same gene from different source dbs.
 struct cdsSpec *cdsSpec
     = sqlQueryObjs(conn, (sqlLoadFunc)cdsSpecLoad, sqlQueryMulti,
                    "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id=\"%s\"", cdsSpecTbl, acc);