  Wed Feb 10 11:44:27 2016 -0800
correct spelling code review refs #16795

diff --git src/hg/lib/ncbiRefSeqLink.sql src/hg/lib/ncbiRefSeqLink.sql
index 1981107..999e6c1 100644
--- src/hg/lib/ncbiRefSeqLink.sql
+++ src/hg/lib/ncbiRefSeqLink.sql
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
 # ncbiRefSeqLink.sql was originally generated by the autoSql program, which also 
 # generated ncbiRefSeqLink.c and ncbiRefSeqLink.h.  This creates the database representation of
 # an object which can be loaded and saved from RAM in a fairly 
 # automatic way.
 #Metadata for NCBI RefSeq tracks
 CREATE TABLE ncbiRefSeqLink (
     id varchar(255) not null,	# id for this gene or curated item
-    status varchar(255) not null,	# Inferrred, Model, Predicted, Provisional, Reviewed, Validated, Unknown
+    status varchar(255) not null,	# Inferred, Model, Predicted, Provisional, Reviewed, Validated, Unknown
     name varchar(255) not null,	# gene name
     product varchar(255) not null,	# product
     mrnaAcc varchar(255) not null,	# transcript_id
     protAcc varchar(255) not null,	# protein_id
     locusLinkId varchar(255) not null,	# locus link identifier, from Dbxref
-    omimId varchar(255) not null,	# omim identifier, from Dbxref
+    omimId varchar(255) not null,	# OMIM identifier, from Dbxref
     hgnc varchar(255) not null,	# HGNC identifier, from Dbxref
     genbank varchar(255) not null,	# genbank identifier from Dbxref
     pseudo varchar(255) not null,	# 'true' if pseudo gene, or n/a
     gbkey varchar(255) not null,	# genbank key: Gene, mRNA, ncRNA, rRNA, tRNA, etc...
     source varchar(255) not null,	# source: RefSeq, tRNAscan-SE, Gnomon, Curated Genomic, BestRefSeq
     gene_biotype varchar(255) not null,	# bio type: protein_coding, pseudogene, C_region, J_segment_pseudogene, other
     gene_synonym varchar(255) not null,	# list of synonym names
     ncrna_class varchar(255) not null,	# type of RNA: miRNA, lncRNA, snoRNA, etc...
     note varchar(255) not null,	# other notes from genbank record
     description longblob not null,	# description from rna gbff record via gbProcess
     PRIMARY KEY(id)