  Tue Feb 9 15:25:15 2016 -0800
Tear out partial C implementation of gene expression boxplot. We will use R. refs #15645

diff --git src/hg/hgc/gtexClick.c src/hg/hgc/gtexClick.c
index 1bcaf75..337d186 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/gtexClick.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/gtexClick.c
@@ -1,407 +1,203 @@
 /* Details pages for GTEx tracks */
 /* Copyright (C) 2015 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hvGfx.h"
 #include "trashDir.h"
 #include "hgc.h"
 #include "gtexGeneBed.h"
 #include "gtexTissue.h"
 #include "gtexSampleData.h"
 #include "gtexUi.h"
 struct tissueSampleVals
 /* RPKM expression values for multiple samples */
     struct tissueSampleVals *next;
     char *name;         /* GTEx tissue name */
     char *description;  /* GTEx tissue description */
     int color;          /* GTEx tissue color */
     int count;          /* number of samples */
     double *vals;       /* RPKM values */
     double min, max;    /* minimum, maximum value */
     double q1, median, q3;      /* quartiles */
     struct slDouble *valList;   /* used to create val array */
 /* R implementation.  Invokes R script */
 void drawGtexRBoxplot(struct gtexGeneBed *gtexGene, struct tissueSampleVals *tsvList,
                         boolean doLogTransform)
 /* Draw a box-and-whiskers plot from GTEx sample data, using R boxplot */
-/* Create R data frame
-      This is a tab-sep file, a row per sample, with columns for sample, tissue, rpkm */
+/* Create R data frame.  This is a tab-sep file, one row per sample, 
+ * with columns for sample, tissue, rpkm */
 struct tempName dfTn;
 trashDirFile(&dfTn, "hgc", "gtexGene", ".df.txt");
 FILE *f = fopen(dfTn.forCgi, "w");
 if (f == NULL)
     errAbort("can't create temp file %s", dfTn.forCgi);
 fprintf(f, "sample\ttissue\trpkm\n");
 struct tissueSampleVals *tsv;
 int sampleId=1;
 int i;
 for (tsv = tsvList; tsv != NULL; tsv = tsv->next)
     int count = tsv->count;
     for (i=0; i<count; i++)
         fprintf(f, "%d\t%s\t%0.3f\n", sampleId++, tsv->name, tsv->vals[i]);
 // Plot to PNG file
 struct tempName pngTn;
 trashDirFile(&pngTn, "hgc", "gtexGene", ".png");
 char cmd[256];
 /* Exec R in quiet mode, without reading/saving environment or workspace */
-//safef(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "Rscript --gui=X11 --vanilla --slave hgcData/gtexBoxplot.R %s %s %s",  
 safef(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "Rscript --vanilla --slave hgcData/gtexBoxplot.R %s %s %s %s",  
                                 gtexGene->name, dfTn.forCgi, pngTn.forHtml, 
                                 doLogTransform ? "log=TRUE" : "log=FALSE");
 int ret = system(cmd);
 if (ret == 0)
     printf("<IMG SRC = \"%s\" BORDER=1><BR>\n", pngTn.forHtml);
     //printf("<IMG SRC = \"%s\" BORDER=1 WIDTH=%d HEIGHT=%d><BR>\n",
                     //pngTn.forHtml, imageWidth, imageHeight);
                     //pngTn.forHtml, 900, 500);
-/* C implementation (partial -- currently lacks axes and labels) */
-/* Dimensions of image parts */
-int pad = 2;
-int margin = 1;
-//int graphHeight = 400;
-int graphHeight = 325;
-//int barWidth = 3;
-int barWidth = 12;
-int titleHeight = 30;
-int xAxisHeight = 100;
-int yAxisWidth = 50;
-int axisMargin = 5;
-/* Dimensions of image overall and our portion within it. */
-int imageWidth, imageHeight, innerWidth, innerHeight, innerXoff, innerYoff;
-int plotWidth, plotHeight;      /* just the plot */
-void setImageDims(int expCount)
-/* Set up image according to count */
-innerHeight = graphHeight + 2*pad;
-innerWidth = pad + expCount*(pad + barWidth);
-plotWidth = innerWidth + 2*margin;
-plotHeight = innerHeight + 2*margin;
-imageWidth = plotWidth + yAxisWidth;
-imageHeight = plotHeight + xAxisHeight + titleHeight;
-innerXoff = yAxisWidth + margin;
-innerYoff = titleHeight + margin;
-struct rgbColor rgbFromIntColor(int color)
-return (struct rgbColor){.r=COLOR_32_BLUE(color), .g=COLOR_32_GREEN(color), .b=COLOR_32_RED(color)};
-int valToY(double val, double maxVal, int height)
-/* Convert a value from 0 to maxVal to 0 to height-1 */
-double scaled = val/maxVal;
-int y = scaled * (height-1);
-return height - 1 - y;
-int cmpTissueSampleValsMedianScore(const void *va, const void *vb)
-/* Compare RPKM scores */
-const struct tissueSampleVals *a = *((struct tissueSampleVals **)va);
-const struct tissueSampleVals *b = *((struct tissueSampleVals **)vb);
-if (a->median == b->median)
-    return 0;
-return (a->median > b->median ? 1: -1);
-void drawPointSmear(struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int height,
-    struct tissueSampleVals *tsv, double maxExp, int colorIx, double midClipMin, double midClipMax)
-/* Draw a point for each sample value. */
-int i, size = tsv->count;
-double *vals = tsv->vals;
-// Min becomes max after valToY because graph flipped
-int yMin = valToY(midClipMax, maxExp, height);
-int yMax = valToY(midClipMin, maxExp, height);
-for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
-    {
-    double exp = vals[i];
-    int y = valToY(exp, maxExp, height);
-    if (y < yMin || y > yMax)
-        {
-        y += yOff;
-        hvGfxDot(hvg, xOff-1, y, colorIx);
-        hvGfxDot(hvg, xOff+1, y, colorIx);
-        hvGfxDot(hvg, xOff, y-1, colorIx);
-        hvGfxDot(hvg, xOff, y+1, colorIx);
-        }
-    }
-void drawBoxAndWhiskers(struct hvGfx *hvg, int fillColorIx, int x, int y, 
-                struct tissueSampleVals *tsv, double maxExp)
-/* Draw a box-and-whiskers element of a Tukey-type box plot. Code mostly from JK */
-struct rgbColor lineColor = {.r=128, .g=128, .b=128};
-int lineColorIx = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, lineColor.r, lineColor.g, lineColor.b);
-int medianColorIx = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,0,0,0);
-int whiskColorIx = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,192,192,192);
-double xCen = x + barWidth/2;
-if (tsv->count > 1)
-    {
-    /* Cache a few fields from tsv in local variables */
-    double q1 = tsv->q1, q3 = tsv->q3, median = tsv->median;
-    /* Figure out position of first quarter, median, and third quarter in screen Y coordinates */
-    int yQ1 = valToY(q1, maxExp, graphHeight) + y;
-    int yQ3 = valToY(q3, maxExp, graphHeight) + y;
-    int yMedian = valToY(median, maxExp, graphHeight);
-    /* Draw a filled box that covers the middle two quarters */
-    int qHeight = yQ1 - yQ3 + 1;
-    hvGfxOutlinedBox(hvg, x,  yQ3, barWidth, qHeight, fillColorIx, lineColorIx);
-    /* Figure out whiskers as 1.5x distance from median to nearest quarter */
-    double iq3 = q3 - median;
-    double iq1 = median - q1;
-    double whisk1 = q1 - 1.5 * iq1;
-    double whisk2 = q3 + 1.5 * iq3;
-    /* If whiskers extend past min or max point, clip them */
-    if (whisk1 < tsv->min)
-        whisk1 = tsv->min;
-    if (whisk2 > tsv->max)
-        whisk2 = tsv->max;
-    /* Convert whiskers to screen coordinates and do some sanity checks */
-    int yWhisk1 = valToY(whisk1, maxExp, graphHeight) + y;
-    int yWhisk2 = valToY(whisk2, maxExp, graphHeight) + y;
-    assert(yQ1 <= yWhisk1);
-    assert(yQ3 >= yWhisk2);
-    /* Draw horizontal lines of whiskers and median */
-    hvGfxBox(hvg, x, yWhisk1, barWidth, 1, whiskColorIx);
-    hvGfxBox(hvg, x, yWhisk2, barWidth, 1, whiskColorIx);
-    /* Draw median, 2 thick */
-    hvGfxBox(hvg, x, y + yMedian-1, barWidth, 2, medianColorIx);
-    /* Draw lines from mid quarters to whiskers */
-    hvGfxBox(hvg, xCen, yWhisk2, 1, yQ3 - yWhisk2, whiskColorIx);
-    hvGfxBox(hvg, xCen, yQ1, 1, yWhisk1 - yQ1, whiskColorIx);
-    /* Draw any outliers outside of whiskers */
-    drawPointSmear(hvg, xCen, y, graphHeight, tsv, maxExp, lineColorIx, whisk1, whisk2);
-    }
-void drawGtexBoxplot(struct gtexGeneBed *gtexGene, struct tissueSampleVals *tsList, double maxVal,
-                        boolean doLogTransform)
-/* Draw a box-and-whiskers plot from GTEx sample data */
-/* Sort by score descending.  (Tissue list is alpha sorted by tissue name) */
-slSort(&tsList, cmpTissueSampleValsMedianScore);
-/* Initialize graphics for Box-and-whiskers plot */
-struct tempName pngTn;
-trashDirFile(&pngTn, "hgc", "gtexGene", ".png");
-struct hvGfx *hvg = hvGfxOpenPng(imageWidth, imageHeight, pngTn.forCgi, FALSE);
-//hvGfxSetClip(hvg, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); // needed ?
-int x=innerXoff + pad, y = innerYoff + pad;
-struct tissueSampleVals *tsv;
-/* Draw boxes */
-for (tsv = tsList; tsv != NULL; tsv = tsv->next)
-    {
-    struct rgbColor fillColor = rgbFromIntColor(tsv->color);
-    int fillColorIx = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, fillColor.r, fillColor.g, fillColor.b);
-    drawBoxAndWhiskers(hvg, fillColorIx, x, y, tsv, maxVal);
-    x += barWidth + pad;
-    }
-/* Draw title */
-int blackColorIx = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 0,0,0);
-char title[256];
-// TODO: get tissue count and release from tables 
-safef(title, sizeof(title), "%s Gene Expression in 53 Tissues from GTEx (V4 release, 2014) - %s", 
-                gtexGene->name, doLogTransform ? "log10(RPKM+1)" : "(RPKM)");
-hvGfxTextCentered(hvg, 0, innerYoff, imageWidth, titleHeight, blackColorIx, mgMediumFont(), title);
-/* Draw axes */
-x = innerXoff - margin;
-/* Y axis, tick marks, and labels */
-hvGfxLine(hvg, x, innerYoff, x, plotHeight, blackColorIx);
-/* For now, just mark the max value */
-char buf[16];
-safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d -", round(maxVal));
-hvGfxText(hvg, x-24, innerYoff-8, blackColorIx, mgMediumFont(), buf);
-/* X axis */
-y = innerYoff + plotHeight;
-hvGfxLine(hvg, innerXoff, y, plotWidth, y, blackColorIx);
-// TODO: Title, tick marks and labels
-// TODO: Y axis tick marks and labels (45 degree or vertical)
-// Approaches:  Expand memgvx or use postscript to rotate
-printf("<IMG SRC = \"%s\" BORDER=1><BR>\n", pngTn.forHtml);
-/*printf("<IMG SRC = \"%s\" BORDER=1 WIDTH=%d HEIGHT=%d><BR>\n",
-                pngTn.forHtml, imageWidth, imageHeight);
 struct gtexGeneBed *getGtexGene(char *item, char *table)
 /* Retrieve gene info for this item from the main track table */
 struct gtexGeneBed *gtexGene = NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 char **row;
 char query[512];
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 if (sqlTableExists(conn, table))
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where name = '%s'", table, item);
     sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
     row = sqlNextRow(sr);
     if (row != NULL)
         gtexGene = gtexGeneBedLoad(row);
 return gtexGene;
 struct tissueSampleVals *getTissueSampleVals(struct gtexGeneBed *gtexGene, boolean doLogTransform,
                                                 double *maxValRet)
 /* Get sample data for the gene.  Optionally log10 it. Return maximum value seen */
 // TODO: support version table name.  Likely move to lib.
 struct hash *tsHash = hashNew(0);
 struct tissueSampleVals *tsv;
 struct hashEl *hel;
 struct slDouble *val;
 double maxVal = 0;
 struct gtexSampleData *sd = NULL;
 char query[256];
 char **row;
 char *sampleDataTable = "gtexSampleData";
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn("hgFixed");
 assert(sqlTableExists(conn, sampleDataTable));
-sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where geneId='%s'", sampleDataTable, gtexGene->geneId);
+sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where geneId='%s'", 
+                sampleDataTable, gtexGene->geneId);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     sd = gtexSampleDataLoad(row);
     if ((hel = hashLookup(tsHash, sd->tissue)) == NULL)
         hashAdd(tsHash, sd->tissue, tsv);
         tsv = (struct tissueSampleVals *)hel->val;
     maxVal = max(maxVal, sd->score);
     val = slDoubleNew(sd->score);
     slAddHead(&tsv->valList, val);
 /*  Fill in tissue descriptions, fill values array and calculate stats for plotting
         Then make a list, suitable for sorting by tissue or score
     NOTE: Most of this not needed for R implementation */
 struct gtexTissue *tis = NULL, *tissues = gtexGetTissues();
 struct tissueSampleVals *tsList = NULL;
 int i;
 if (doLogTransform)
     maxVal = log10(maxVal+1.0);
 for (tis = tissues; tis != NULL; tis = tis->next)
     tsv = hashFindVal(tsHash, tis->name);
     if (tsv == NULL)
         /* no non-zero values for this tissue/gene */
         val = slDoubleNew(0.0);
         slAddHead(&tsv->valList, val);
     tsv->name = tis->name;
     tsv->description = tis->description;
     tsv->color = tis->color;
     int count = tsv->count = slCount(tsv->valList);
     double *vals = AllocArray(tsv->vals, count);
     for (i=0; i<count; i++)
         val = slPopHead(&tsv->valList);
         if (doLogTransform)
             vals[i] = log10(val->val+1.0);
             vals[i] = val->val;
     doubleBoxWhiskerCalc(tsv->count, tsv->vals, 
                                 &tsv->min, &tsv->q1, &tsv->median, &tsv->q3, &tsv->max);
     slAddHead(&tsList, tsv);
 if (maxValRet != NULL)
     *maxValRet = maxVal;
 return tsList;
 void doGtexGeneExpr(struct trackDb *tdb, char *item)
 /* Details of GTEx gene expression item */
 struct gtexGeneBed *gtexGene = getGtexGene(item, tdb->table);
 if (gtexGene == NULL)
     errAbort("Can't find gene %s in GTEx gene table %s\n", item, tdb->table);
 genericHeader(tdb, item);
 // TODO: link to UCSC gene
 printf("<b>Gene:</b> %s<br>", gtexGene->name);
 char query[256];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
         "select kgXref.description from kgXref, knownToEnsembl where knownToEnsembl.value='%s' and knownToEnsembl.name=kgXref.kgID", gtexGene->transcriptId);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 char *desc = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
 if (desc != NULL)
     printf("<b>Description:</b> %s<br>\n", desc);
 printf("<b>Ensembl ID:</b> %s<br>\n", gtexGene->geneId);
 printf("<a target='_blank' href='http://www.gtexportal.org/home/gene/%s'>View at GTEx portal</a><br>\n", gtexGene->geneId);
 boolean doLogTransform = cartUsualBooleanClosestToHome(cart, tdb, FALSE, GTEX_LOG_TRANSFORM,
 double maxVal = 0.0;
 struct tissueSampleVals *tsvs = getTissueSampleVals(gtexGene, doLogTransform, &maxVal);
-// TODO: Remove one
-char *viz = cgiUsualString("viz", "R");
-if (sameString(viz, "C"))
-    drawGtexBoxplot(gtexGene, tsvs, maxVal, doLogTransform);
 drawGtexRBoxplot(gtexGene, tsvs, doLogTransform);