  Tue Feb 9 22:08:44 2016 -0800
Added a bunch of cool test features. refs #16341

diff --git src/hg/js/d3.dendrograms.js src/hg/js/d3.dendrograms.js
index f7cadb1..9118264 100644
--- src/hg/js/d3.dendrograms.js
+++ src/hg/js/d3.dendrograms.js
@@ -1,690 +1,842 @@
 Copyright (c) 2013, Ken-ichi Ueda
 2015 UCSC Chris Eisenhart 
 d3.dendrogram.makeCartesianDendrogram(selector, nodes, options)
 	Generates a cartesian (flat) dendrogram from a set of .json data.  The branch lengths are
 	scaled acording to the 'length' field in the .json file, buttons are automatically generated 
 	for every .json field, in the leaf nodes only, not in this list, [x, y, name, kids, length, 
 	colorGroup, parent, depth, rootDist]. 
 		selector: selector of an element that will contain the SVG (a div id). 
 		nodes: A Javascript object of nodes, most commonly a .json file parsed into javascript. 
 				Width of the vis, will attempt to set a default based on the width of
 				the container.
 				Height of the vis, will attempt to set a default based on the height
 				of the container.
 				Pre-constructed d3 vis.
 				Pre-constructed d3 tree layout.
 				Function for retrieving an array of children given a node. Default is
 				to assume each node has an attribute called "children" that contains the
 				nodes children. 
 				Function that creates the d attribute for an svg:path. Defaults to a
 				right-angle diagonal.
 				Skip the background lines for context. 
 				Make a dendrogram instead of a dendrogram.
 d3.dendrogram.makeRadialDendrogram(selector, nodes, options)
 	Generates a radial (circular) dendrogram from a set of .json data. The dendrogram displays
 	internal node size based on the number of children nodes and intenal node color based of the
 	.json field "whiteToBlack" which is expected to be a rgb color.  Buttons are automatically
 	generated to control internal node color, these buttons correspond to the .json fields
 	[whiteToBlack, whiteToBlackSqrt, whiteToBlackQuad]. Additionally buttons are automatically 
 	generated for every .json field, in the leaf nodes only, not in this list, [x, y, name, kids, 
 	length, colorGroup, parent, depth, rootDist]. 
 		selector: selector of an element that will contain the SVG (a div id). 
 		nodes: A Javascript object of nodes, most commonly a .json file parsed into javascript. 
 				Width of the vis, will attempt to set a default based on the width of
 				the container.
 				Height of the vis, will attempt to set a default based on the height
 				of the container.
 				Pre-constructed d3 vis.
 				Pre-constructed d3 tree layout.
 				Function for retrieving an array of children given a node. Default is
 				to assume each node has an attribute called "children" that contains the
 				nodes children. 
 				Function that creates the d attribute for an svg:path. Defaults to a
 				right-angle diagonal.
 				Skip the background lines for context. 
 				Make a dendrogram instead of a dendrogram.
 	Computes the angles for the graph, the user can override this if needed. 
 d3.dendrogram.leafColors(val, layer, shift, selector)
 	This function is used by the buttons to color the leaf nodes. It should not be 
 d3.dendrogram.nodeColors(val, selector)
 	This function is used by the buttons in the radial dendrogram to color the 
 	internal nodes.  It should not be modified.
 Internal functions:
 	updateLegend(val, layer, vis, shift)
 		Update the legend to correspond to the current set of meta data.  
 	scaleBranchLengths(nodes, w)
 		Scale the branch lengths to correspond to the 'length' field in the json data. 
 	addLeafButton(title, count, layer, shift, dropdownSelector, graph) 
 		Adds a leaf button to the dropdown skeleton. 
 	addNodeButton(dropdownSelector, val, graph, title)
 		Adds a node button to the dropdown skeleton.
 		Builds a bootstrap dropdown menu skeleton.  
+// The color alphabet that was proposed in "A Colour Alphabet and the Limits of Colour Coding" by Paul Green-Armytage 10 August 2010 
+// The color alphabet capitalizes the number of visibly unqiue colors. 
+var colorAlphabet = ["#015eff", "#fc0a18","#0cc402", "#aea7a5", "#ff15ae", "#d99f07", "#11a5fe", "#037e43", "#ba4455", "#d10aff", "#9354a6", "#7b6d2b", "#08bbbb", "#95b42d", "#b54e04", "#ee74ff", "#2d7593", "#e19772","#fa7fbe", "#fe035b", "#aea0db", "#905e76", "#92b27a", "#03c262"];
 if (!d3) { throw "d3 wasn't included!";}
 	d3.dendrogram = {}; 
-	var colors=d3.scale.category20();
-	var legendRectSize=20;
-	var legendSpacing=4;
+	var colors=d3.scale.category20().range(colorAlphabet); 
+	var legendRectSize=10;
+	var legendSpacing=3;
 	var currentLegend=-1;
 	var radius=0; 
 	d3.dendrogram.rightAngleDiagonal=function (){
 		var projection = function(d) { return [d.y, d.x]; };
 		var path = function(pathData) {
 			return "M" + pathData[0] + ' ' + pathData[1] + " " + pathData[2];
 		function diagonal(diagonalPath, i) {
 			var source = diagonalPath.source,
 				target = diagonalPath.target,
 				midpointX = (source.x + target.x) / 2,
 				midpointY = (source.y + target.y) / 2,
 				pathData = [source, {x: target.x, y: source.y}, target];
 			pathData = pathData.map(projection);
 			return path(pathData);
 		diagonal.projection = function(x) {
 			if (!arguments.length) return projection;
 			projection = x;
 			return diagonal;
 		diagonal.path = function(x) {
 			if (!arguments.length) return path;
 			path = x;
 			return diagonal;
 		return diagonal;
 	d3.dendrogram.leafColors = function(val, layer, shift,title, selector){
 		var vis = d3.select(selector).select("svg");
 		var first = 1;
 		var node = vis.selectAll("g."+ layer + "Leaf");
-		colors = d3.scale.category20();
-		if (layer == "middle"){colors = d3.scale.category20b();} 
-		if (layer == "outer"){colors = d3.scale.category20c();} 
+		colors=d3.scale.category20().range(colorAlphabet); 
 			.style("fill", function(d){
 				// This block links the extra leaf json fields to a specific value (count). This value
 				// is provided when the buttons are written in the main function. 
 				if (d.name != " "){	
+					if (val==1)
+					return d3.rgb(d.colorGroup);
 					var count = 0;
 					for (var key in d) {
 						if (d.hasOwnProperty(key)){
 							if (key != "x" && key!="y" && key!= "name" && key!="kids" && key!="length" && key!="colorGroup" && key!="parent" && key!="depth" && key!="rootDist"){
 								if (count == val){
 									count += 1;
 									return colors(d[key]);
 							count += 1;
 					else{return 'none';}
 		.attr("transform","translate(" + shift + "," + 0 + ")");
 		var legend=vis.selectAll('g.' + layer + 'Legend').remove();
 		updateLegend(colors.domain(), layer, vis, title, shift);
 	d3.dendrogram.nodeColors = function(val, selector){
 		var vis = d3.select(selector).selectAll("svg");
 		var node=vis.selectAll("g.internalNode").selectAll("circle")
 			if (d.name === " "){
-				if (val==1) return d3.rgb(d.colorGroup);
 				if (val==2) return d3.rgb(d.whiteToBlack);
+				if (val==5) return d3.rgb(d.whiteToBlack);
 				if (val==3) return d3.rgb(d.whiteToBlackSqrt);
 				if (val==4) return d3.rgb(d.whiteToBlackQuad);
-			});
+			})
+		.attr("r", function(d){
+			if (d.name === " "){
+				if (val ==5) return 2; 	
+				else return 1 + Math.sqrt(d.kids);
+				}
+			}) 
+		;
 	updateLegend = function(val, layer, vis, title, shift){
 		var legend=vis.selectAll('g.'+layer+'Legend').data(val);
 		var temp = 200; 
 		var horz, vert;
 		var first = 1; 
 				.attr('class',layer+ 'Legend')
 				.attr('transform', function (d, i){
 					var height=legendRectSize + legendSpacing;
 					var offset= height * colors.domain().length / 2;
 					if (layer=="inner"){
 						horz=(-2 * legendRectSize) + (2*radius) + 45 ;
-						vert=(i * height - offset) + (radius*(1/2)) + 100;
+						vert=(i * height - offset) + (radius*(1/2)) + 80;
 						if (first){
-								.style("font-size","20px")
+								.style("font-size","16px")
-								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-45)+ ")")
+								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-15)+ ")")
 								.attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)
 								.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing)
-								.text(title);
+								.text(function (){
+									if (title.length > 15){
+										return title.substring(0,14)+"...";
+										}
+									return title; 
+									});
-								.style("font-size","20px")
+								.style("font-size","16px")
-								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-65)+ ")")
+								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-35)+ ")")
 								.attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)
 								.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing)
 							first =0;
 					if (layer=="middle"){
 						horz=(-2 * legendRectSize) + (2 * radius) + 232 ;
-						vert=(i * height - offset) + (radius*(1/2)) + 100;
+						vert=(i * height - offset) + (radius*(1/2)) + 80;
 						if (first){
-								.style("font-size","20px")
+								.style("font-size","16px")
-								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-45)+ ")")
+								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-15)+ ")")
 								.attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)
 								.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing)
-								.text(title);
+								.text(function (){
+									if (title.length > 15){
+										return title.substring(0,14)+"...";
+										}
+									return title; 
+									});
-								.style("font-size","20px")
+								.style("font-size","16px")
-								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-65)+ ")")
+								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-35)+ ")")
 								.attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)
 								.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing)
 							first =0;
 					if (layer=="outer"){
 						horz=(-2 * legendRectSize) + (2 * radius) + 420;
-						vert=(i * height - offset)+ (radius*(1/2)) + 100;
+						vert=(i * height - offset)+ (radius*(1/2) +80 );
 						if (first){
-								.style("font-size","20px")
+								.style("font-size","16px")
-								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-45)+ ")")
+								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-15)+ ")")
 								.attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)
 								.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing)
-								.text(title);
+								.text(function (){
+									if (title.length > 15){
+										return title.substring(0,14)+"...";
+										}
+									return title; 
+									});
-								.style("font-size","20px")
+								.style("font-size","16px")
-								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-65)+ ")")
+								.attr("transform", "translate(" + (horz-45) + "," + (vert-35)+ ")")
 								.attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)
 								.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing)
 							first =0;
 					return 'translate(' + horz + ',' + vert + ')';
 			.attr('width', legendRectSize)
 			.attr('height', legendRectSize)
 			.style('fill', colors)
 			.style('stroke', colors);
-			.style("font-size","14px")
+			.style("font-size","12px")
+			.style("font-weight","bold")
 			.attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)
 			.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing)
 			.text(function (d){return d;});
 	scaleBranchLengths = function (nodes, w) {
 	// Visit all nodes and adjust y pos width distance metric
 		var visitPreOrder = function(root, callback) {
 			if (root.children) {
 				for (var i = parseInt(root.children.length) - 1; i >= 0; i--){
 					visitPreOrder(root.children[i], callback);
 		visitPreOrder(nodes[0], function(node) {
 			node.rootDist = (node.parent ? node.parent.rootDist : 0) + (parseInt(node.length) || 0);
 		var rootDists = nodes.map(function(n) { return n.rootDist; });
 		var yscale = d3.scale.linear()
 			.domain([0, d3.max(rootDists)])
 			.range([0, w]);
 		visitPreOrder(nodes[0], function(node) {
 			node.y = yscale(node.rootDist);
 		return yscale;
 	addLeafButton = function (title, count, layer, shift, dropdownSelector, graph) {
 		var leafButton = "<button onclick=\"d3.dendrogram.leafColors("+count+",\'"+layer+"\',"+shift+", \'"+title+"\', \'"+graph+"\')\">"+title+"</button>"; 
 	addNodeButton = function (dropdownSelector, val, graph, title) {
 		d3.select(dropdownSelector).append("li").html("<button onclick=\"d3.dendrogram.nodeColors("+val+",'"+graph+"')\">"+title+"</button>"); 
 	makeDropdownSkeleton = function (treeType){
 		var dropdown = d3.select("#dropdown").append("ul").attr("style","list-style-type:none;display:inline-flex");
 		if (treeType == "Dendro"){
 			var interiorNodeDropdown = dropdown.append("li").attr("class","dropdown");
 				interiorNodeDropdown.append("button").attr("class","btn btn-default dropdown-toggle")
 					.attr("type", "button").attr("data-toggle","dropdown").html("Inner "+treeType+" nodes").append("span").attr("class","caret"); 
 				interiorNodeDropdown.append("ul").attr("class","dropdown-menu").html("<div id=interiorDendroNodes </div>"); 
 		var innerDropdown = dropdown.append("li").attr("class","dropdown");
 			innerDropdown.append("button").attr("class","btn btn-default dropdown-toggle")
 				.attr("type", "button").attr("data-toggle","dropdown").html("Inner "+treeType+" nodes").append("span").attr("class","caret"); 
 			innerDropdown.append("ul").attr("class","dropdown-menu").html("<div id=inner"+treeType+"Leaves </div>"); 
 		var middleDropdown = dropdown.append("li").attr("class","dropdown");
 			middleDropdown.append("button").attr("class","btn btn-default dropdown-toggle")
 				.attr("type", "button").attr("data-toggle","dropdown").html("Middle "+treeType+"  nodes").append("span").attr("class","caret"); 
 			middleDropdown.append("ul").attr("class","dropdown-menu").html("<div id=middle"+treeType+"Leaves </div>"); 
 		var outerDropdown = dropdown.append("li").attr("class","dropdown");
 			outerDropdown.append("button").attr("class","btn btn-default dropdown-toggle")
 				.attr("type", "button").attr("data-toggle","dropdown").html("Outer "+treeType+" nodes").append("span").attr("class","caret"); 
 			outerDropdown.append("ul").attr("class","dropdown-menu").html("<div id=outer"+treeType+"Leaves </div>"); 
 	d3.dendrogram.makeCartesianDendrogram =function (selector, data, options) {
-		options = options || {};
 		function zoom() {
 			svgGroup.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");
+		options = options || {};
 		// define the zoomListener which calls the zoom function on the "zoom" event constrained within the scaleExtents
-		var zoomListener = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([0.1, 3]).on("zoom", zoom);
 		var viewerWidth = $(document).width();
 	    var viewerHeight = $(document).height();
 		var w = options.width || d3.select(selector).style('width') || d3.select(selector).attr('width'),
 			h = options.height || d3.select(selector).style('height') || d3.select(selector).attr('height');
 		var tree = options.tree || d3.layout.cluster()
 		    .size([h, w])
 		    .sort(function(node) { return node.children ? parseInt(node.children.length) : -1; })
 		    .children(options.children || function(node) {
 				return node.children;
+		var zoomListener = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([0.01, 10])
+				.on("zoom", zoom);
 		var diagonal = options.diagonal || d3.dendrogram.rightAngleDiagonal();
-		var vis = options.vis || d3.select(selector).append("svg")
-			//.attr("width", w + 300)
-			//.attr("height", h + 30)
+		var vis = options.vis || d3.select(selector)
+			.append("svg")
 				.attr("width", viewerWidth)
 				.attr("height", viewerHeight)
 				.attr("class", "overlay")
+		d3.select(selector).select("svg").append ("rect")
+			.attr("width",w).attr("height",h)
+			.style("fill", "none")
+			.style("stroke","black")
+			.style("stroke-width","5")
+			.style("opacity","0.5");
 		var svgGroup = vis.append("g")
 				.attr("transform", "translate(20, 20)");
+		d3.select(selector).select("svg").on("wheel.zoom",null); 
+		d3.select(selector).select("svg").on("mousewheel.zoom",null); 
 		var nodes = tree(data);
-		var legendRectSize = 10; 
-		var legendSpacing = 10; 
+		var legendRectSize = 6; 
+		var legendSpacing = 6; 
 		var yscale; 	
 		if (options.skipBranchLengthScaling) {
 		  	yscale = d3.scale.linear()
 				.domain([0, w])
 				.range([0, w]);
 			yscale = scaleBranchLengths(nodes, w);
 		if (!options.skipTicks) {
 			  		.attr('y1', 0)
 			  		.attr('y2', h)
 			  		.attr('x1', yscale)
 			  		.attr('x2', yscale)
-			  		.attr("stroke", "#ddd");
+			  		.attr("stroke", "#ddd")
+					.attr("stroke-width","3px");
 			  		.attr("class", "rule")
 			  		.attr("x", yscale)
 			  		.attr("y", 0)
 			  		.attr("dy", -3)
 			  		.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
 			  		.attr('font-size', '8px')
 			  		.attr('fill', '#ccc')
 			  		.text(function(d) { return Math.round(d*100) / 100; });
 		var link = svgGroup.selectAll("path.link")
 				.attr("class", "link")
 				.attr("d", diagonal)
 				.attr("fill", "none")
 				.attr("stroke", "#aaa")
-				.attr("stroke-width", "2px");
+				.attr("stroke-width", "1px");
 		var first = 1; 
 		var innerNodes = svgGroup.selectAll("g.innerNode")
 				.attr("class", function(n) {
 				  	if (n.children) {
 						if (n.depth === 0) {
 					  		return "root node";
 						} else {
 					  		return "inner node";
 						if (first){
 							var count = 0;
 								for (var key in n) {
 									if (n.hasOwnProperty(key)) 
 										if (key != "x" && key!="y" && key!= "name" && key!="kids" && key!="length" && key!="colorGroup" && key!="parent" && key!="depth" && key!="rootDist")
 											addLeafButton(key, count, 'inner', 0, '#innerPhyloLeaves', '#phylogram') ;
 											addLeafButton(key, count, 'middle', 0, '#middlePhyloLeaves', '#phylogram'); 
 											addLeafButton(key, count, 'outer', 0, '#outerPhyloLeaves', '#phylogram'); 
 										count += 1;
 							first = 0;
 						return "innerLeaf";
 				.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + (d.y) + "," + (d.x) + ")"; });
 		var innerLeaves = svgGroup.selectAll("g.innerLeaf")
 				.attr("r", '3') 
 				.style("fil", 'none');
 		var middleLeaves = svgGroup.selectAll("g.middleLeaf")
 				.attr("class", function(n) {
 			  		if (n.children) {
 						return "nill";
 							return "middleLeaf";
 			.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + (d.y +10 ) + "," + d.x + ")"; })
 				.attr("r", '3')
 				.style("fil", 'none'); 
 		var outerLeaves = svgGroup.selectAll("g.outerLeaf")
 			.attr("class", function(n) {
 			  	if (n.children) {
 					return "nill";
 					return "outerLeaf";
 			.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + (d.y+20 ) + "," + d.x + ")"; });
 				.attr("r", '3')
 				.attr('stroke',  'black')
 				.style("stroke-width", ".25px")
 				.attr('fill', 'greenYellow')
 				.attr('fill', 'black'); 
 				.attr("r", 10)
 				.style("fill", function(d){
 					if (d.name !==" "){return "d.whiteToBlack";}
 				.attr('stroke', '#369')
 				.attr('stroke-width', '2px');
 		if (!options.skipLabels){
 			  		.attr("dx", -6)
 			  		.attr("dy", -6)
 			  		.attr("text-anchor", 'end')
 			  		.attr('font-size', '8px')
 			  		.attr('fill', '#ccc')
 			  		.text(function(d) { return d.length; });
 					.attr("dx", 8)
 					.attr("dy", 3)
 					.attr("text-anchor", "start")
 					.attr('font-family', 'Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif')
 					.attr('font-size', '6px')
 					.attr('fill', 'black')
 					.text(function(d) { return d.name + ' ('+d.length+')'; });
 		return {tree: tree, vis: vis};
 	d3.dendrogram.makeRadialDendrogram = function(selector, data, options) {
+		function zoom() {
+			svgGroup.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");
+			}
 		options = options || {};
 		radius = (options.radius || 700) / 2; // Global for the legend placement. See function updateLegend.
 		var tree = options.tree || d3.layout.cluster()
 			.size([360, radius - 45]);
+		var zoomListener = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1, 3])
+			.on("zoom", zoom); 
 		var diagonal=d3.svg.diagonal.radial()
 			.projection(function(d){return [d.y, d.x / 180 * Math.PI];});
-		var vis=d3.select(selector)
+		var width = (radius * 2) + 570, 
+			height = (radius * 2) + 50; 
+		var vis = options.vis || d3.select(selector)
-				.attr("width", (radius * 2) + 550)
-				.attr("height", radius * 2) 
-				.append("g") 
+				.attr("width", width)
+				.attr("height", height)
+				.attr("class", "overlay")
+				.call(zoomListener);
+		vis.append ("rect")
+			.attr("width",width).attr("height",height)
+			.style("fill", "none")
+			.style("stroke","black")
+			.style("stroke-width","5")
+			.style("opacity","0.5");
+		var svgGroup = vis.append("g")
 				.attr("transform","translate(" + (radius) + "," + radius + ")");
+		d3.select("svg").on("wheel.zoom",null); 
+		d3.select("svg").on("mousewheel.zoom",null); 
 		var tooltip = d3.select(selector)
 			.attr('class', 'tooltip')
 		var legendRectSize=20;
 		var legendSpacing=4;
 		var currentLegend=-1;
 		var nodes=tree.nodes(data);
-		var link=vis.selectAll("path.link")
+		var link=svgGroup.selectAll("path.link")
 				.attr("class", "link")
 				.attr("fill", "none")
 				.attr("stroke", "#aaa")
-				.attr("stroke-width", "2px")
+				.attr("stroke-width", "1px")
 				.attr("d", diagonal); 	
 		makeDropdownSkeleton("Dendro");//Looks for the div 'dropdown' and generates the outer list and buttons
 		// For the radial display the interior node color options are constant (calculated on the backend in the C code)
+		addLeafButton("distance", 1, 'inner', 15, '#innerDendroLeaves', '#dendrogram'); 
+		addLeafButton("distance", 1, 'middle', 25, '#middleDendroLeaves', '#dendrogram'); 
+		addLeafButton("distance", 1, 'outer', 35, '#outerDendroLeaves', '#dendrogram') ;
 		addNodeButton("#interiorDendroNodes" ,2, selector, "Tpm distance"); 
 		addNodeButton("#interiorDendroNodes" ,3, selector, "Square root tpm distance"); 
 		addNodeButton("#interiorDendroNodes" ,4, selector, "Quad root tpm distance"); 
+		addNodeButton("#interiorDendroNodes" ,5, selector, "Make nodes smaller"); 
 		var first = 1; 
-		var innerNodes = vis.selectAll("g")
+		var innerNodes = svgGroup.selectAll("g")
 				.attr("class", function(n) {
 			  		if (n.children) {
 				  		return "internalNode";
 						if (first){
 							var count = 0;
 							for (var key in n) {
 								if (n.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
 									if (key != "x" && key!="y" && key!= "name" && key!="kids" && key!="length" && key!="colorGroup" && key!="parent" && key!="depth" && key!="rootDist"){
-										addLeafButton(key, count, 'inner', 5, '#innerDendroLeaves', '#dendrogram'); 
-										addLeafButton(key, count, 'middle', 17, '#middleDendroLeaves', '#dendrogram'); 
-										addLeafButton(key, count, 'outer', 29, '#outerDendroLeaves', '#dendrogram') ;
+										addLeafButton(key, count, 'inner', 15, '#innerDendroLeaves', '#dendrogram'); 
+										addLeafButton(key, count, 'middle', 25, '#middleDendroLeaves', '#dendrogram'); 
+										addLeafButton(key, count, 'outer', 35, '#outerDendroLeaves', '#dendrogram') ;
 								count += 1;
 							first = 0;
 						return "g.innerLeaf";
 				.attr("transform", function(d){return "rotate(" + (d.x - 90) + ")translate(" + d.y + ")";});
-		var interiorNodes = vis.selectAll("g.internalNode")
+		var temp = 1; 
+		var temp2; 
+		var interiorNodes =svgGroup.selectAll("g.internalNode")
-				.on("mouseover", function(d) {
-					tooltip.transition()
-					.duration(200)
-					.style("opacity", .9);
-					result = "Contributing genes: " + d.contGenes + "<br/>";
-					for (var n in d.geneList){
-						result = result + n + " " + d.geneList[n] + "<br/>"; 
-						}
-					tooltip.html(result)
-					.style("left", (d3.event.pageX + 5) + "px")
-					.style("top", (d3.event.pageY - 28) + "px");
-					})
-				.on("mouseout", function(d) {
-					tooltip.transition()
-					.duration(500)
-					.style("opacity", 0);
-					}
-				   )
 				.attr("r", function(d){
 					if (d.name==" "){
 					return 1 + Math.sqrt(d.kids);}
 					else{return 0;}
 				.style("fill", function(d){
 					if (d.name==" "){return d.whiteToBlack;}
 					else{return "none";}})
+				.on("click", function(d) {
+					d3.select(this).style("fill", "red"); 
+					if (temp ==2) {
+						console.log(temp2);
+						temp2.style("fill", d.whiteToBlack);
+						for (var temp3 in d){console.log(temp3);}
+						} 
+					tooltip.transition()
+					.duration(200)
+					.style("opacity", 0.9);
+					result = "<table border=\"1\">";  //"Contributing genes" + "</td><td>" +d.contGenes + "td/>";
+					count = 1;
+					result = result +"<tr><td colspan=\"4\" style=\"font-size:14px;text-align:center\">Internal node meta data</td>"; 
+					//result = result +"<td></td><td></td></tr>"; 
+					for (var key in d) {
+						if (d.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+							if (key == "number" || key == "rootDist" || key == "kids" || key == "tpmDistance" || key == "length" || key == "contGenes" || key == "normalizedDistance" || key == "depth")
+								{
+								if (count == 1){
+									count = 2; 
+									result = result +"<tr><td style=\"font-size:10px;\">" + key + "</td><td style=\"font-size:10px;\">" + d[key] + "</td>"; 
+									}
+								else{
+									count = 1; 
+									result = result +"<td style=\"font-size:10px;\">" + key + "</td><td style=\"font-size:10px;\">" + d[key] + "</td></tr>"; 
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					count = 1;
+					result = result +"<tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"font-size:14px\">Top 10 contributing genes </td><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"font-size:14px\">TPM value contributed</td>"; 
+					//result = result +"<td></td><td></td></tr>"; 
+					for (var n in d.geneList){
+						//result = result + n + " " + d.geneList[n] + "<br/>"; 
+						if (count == 1){
+							count = 2; 
+							result = result +"<tr><td style=\"font-size:10px\">" + n + "</td><td style=\"font-size:10px\">" + d.geneList[n] + "</td>"; 
+							}
+						else{
+							count = 1; 
+							result = result +"<td style=\"font-size:10px\">" + n + "</td><td style=\"font-size:10px\">" + d.geneList[n] + "</td></tr>"; 
+							}
+						}
+					result = result + "</table"; 
+					tooltip.html(result)
+					.style("right", "160px")
+					.style("top", "500px"); 
+					temp = 2;
+					temp2 = d3.select(this); 
+					})
 				.style("stroke", "black")
 				.style("stroke-width", ".25px");
-		var innerLeaves = vis.selectAll("g.innerLeaf")
+		var trueLeaves = svgGroup.selectAll("g.trueLeaf")
-				.attr("class", "innerLeaf")
+				.attr("class", "trueLeaf")
 				.attr("transform",function(d){return "rotate(" + (d.x - 90) + ")translate(" + d.y + ")";});
-		innerLeaves.append("circle")
+		var temp4 =1; 
+		var temp5; 
+		trueLeaves.append("circle")
 			.attr("r", function(d){
-				if (d.name !==" "){return 4;}})
+				if (d.name !==" "){return 2;}})
 			.style("fill", function(d){
 				if (d.name !==" "){return "d.whiteToBlack";}
-			.attr("transform","translate(" + 5 + "," + 0 + ")");
+			.attr("transform","translate(" + 5 + "," + 0 + ")")
+			.on("click", function(d) {
+				d3.select(this).style("fill", "red"); 
+				if (temp4 ==2) {
+					console.log(temp5);
+					temp5.style("fill", d.whiteToBlack);
+					for (var temp3 in d){console.log(temp3);}
+					} 
+				tooltip.transition()
+				.duration(200)
+				.style("opacity", 0.9);
+				result = "<table border=\"1\">";  
+				count = 1;
+				result = result +"<tr><td colspan=\"4\" style=\"font-size:14px;text-align:center\">Inner leaf meta data</td>"; 
+				for (var key in d) {
+					if (d.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+						if (key != "x" && key!="y" && key!="kids" && key!="colorGroup" && key!="parent")
+							{
+							var sub1 = key, sub2 = d[key]; 
+							if (typeof key === 'string' && key.length > 20)
+								{
+								sub1 = key.substring(0,19)+"...";
+								}
+							if (typeof d[key] === 'string' && d[key].length > 20)
+								{
+								sub2 = d[key].substring(0,19)+"...";
+								}
+							console.log(key, sub1, d[key],sub2); 
+							if (count == 1){
+								count = 2; 
+								result = result +"<tr><td style=\"font-size:10px;\">" + sub1 + "</td><td style=\"font-size:10px;\">" + sub2 + "</td>"; 
+								}
+							else{
+								count = 1; 
+								result = result +"<td style=\"font-size:10px;\">" + sub1 + "</td><td style=\"font-size:10px;\">" + sub2 + "</td></tr>"; 
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				result = result + "</table"; 
+				tooltip.html(result)
+				.style("right", "100px")
+				.style("top", "500px"); 
+				temp4 = 2;
+				temp5 = d3.select(this); 
+				});
-		var middleLeaves = vis.selectAll("g.middleLeaf")
+		var innerLeaves = svgGroup.selectAll("g.innerLeaf")
+			.data(nodes).enter()
+			.append("g")
+				.attr("class", "innerLeaf")
+				.attr("transform",function(d){return "rotate(" + (d.x - 90) + ")translate(" + d.y + ")";})
+				.append("circle")
+					.attr("r",4)
+					.style("fill","none");
+		var middleLeaves = svgGroup.selectAll("g.middleLeaf")
 				.attr("class", "middleLeaf")
 				.attr("transform",function(d){return "rotate(" + (d.x - 90) + ")translate(" + d.y + ")";})	
 					.attr("r", 4)
-		var outerLeaves = vis.selectAll("g.outerLeaf")
+		var outerLeaves = svgGroup.selectAll("g.outerLeaf")
 				.attr("class", "outerLeaf")
 				.attr("transform",function(d){return "rotate(" + (d.x - 90) + ")translate(" + d.y + ")";})
 					.attr("r", 4)
-		return {tree: tree, vis: vis};
+		return {tree: tree, vis: svgGroup};