  Tue Feb 16 12:49:01 2016 -0800
move logfile creation via tee a few lines down in gbib's script. This is necessary because tee's exec will
create a new subshell, which looks like an already running updateBrowser
script and will trigger the main part to stop. refs #16838

diff --git src/browserbox/root/ src/browserbox/root/
index 5956e4a..8f98202 100755
--- src/browserbox/root/
+++ src/browserbox/root/
@@ -111,65 +111,67 @@
 wget -q --tries=1 --timeout=10 --spider -O /dev/null
 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
     echoDebug GBiB has no connection to, cannot update now
     exit 3
 # check flag file if run with no parameter (=from cron)
 if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] ; then
    # check a flag file to see if anything on hgdownload actually changed
    if /root/urlIsNotNewerThanFile $UPDATEFLAG /root/lastUpdateTime.flag
        exit 0
-# keep a log of all output of this script and the date
-echo --------------------------------- >> $LOGFILE
-date  >> $LOGFILE
-echo --------------------------------- >> $LOGFILE
-exec >> >(tee -a $LOGFILE) 2>&1
 # unless already calling self, update self and call self unless doing only cgis
 # self-updates are not done when suppressed with notSelf and also not in hgwdev-mode to allow testing of local changes
 # Internal sidenote: if you want hgwdev CGIs and also the current hgwdev update
 # script, do a gbibCoreUpdateBeta+updateBrowser hgwdev
 # gbibCoreUpdateBeta ends with -Beta because it is used during beta time, to
 # test the current dev update script The update script itself has only a
 # two-stage release process, beta and final, as the alpha version of the script
 # is on the GBiB of the developer itself.
 # the file /root/gbibSkipUpdate allows to skip one single auto-update
 if [[ ( "$BASH_ARGV" != "notSelf" && "$1" != "hgwdev" ) && ( ! -e /root/gbibSkipNextUpdate ) ]] ; then
     echo getting new update script
     # we got three VMs where was 0 bytes, so doing download/move now
     wget -O /root/ -q && mv /root/ /root/
     chmod a+x /root/
     /root/ $1 notSelf
     exit 0
 rm -f /root/gbibSkipNextUpdate
 # check if any hgMirror jobs are running right now
 # check if the group id file exists and also if any processes exist with this group id
 # note that the .pid actually contains a group id, not a process id
 if [ -f /tmp/ ] && [ "$(ps x -o pgid | grep $(cat /tmp/ | wc -l)" != "0" ] ; then
     echo a hgMirror job is running right now, not updating
     exit 4
+# --- now do the update ---
+# keep a log of all output of this script and the date
+echo --------------------------------- >> $LOGFILE
+date  >> $LOGFILE
+echo --------------------------------- >> $LOGFILE
+exec >> >(tee -a $LOGFILE) 2>&1
 # not done, as old customTrash tables will be in innoDb format
 # and can't be read if we deactivate it now
 # deactivate inno-db support in mysql. Saves 400-500MB of RAM.
 #if ! grep skip-innodb /etc/mysql/my.cnf > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
     #echo - Switching off inno-db in /etc/mysql/my.cnf
     #sed -i '/^.mysqld.$/a skip-innodb' /etc/mysql/my.cnf
     #sed -i '/^.mysqld.$/a default-storage-engine=myisam' /etc/mysql/my.cnf
     #service mysql restart
 # activate the apt repo 'main' and 'universe' so we can install external software
 if ! apt-cache policy r-base | grep "Unable to locate" > /dev/null; then
    if ! grep '^deb trusty main universe multiverse$' /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null; then
        echo - Activating the main Ubuntu package repository
        echo 'deb trusty main universe multiverse' >> /etc/apt/sources.list