  Mon Feb 22 09:29:19 2016 -0800
Replacing updateTimesDb.csh with a new script, New script is written in bash. New script has the same functionality as the old one, but features an improved and more compact output format. refs #16553

diff --git src/utils/qa/updateTimesDb.csh src/utils/qa/updateTimesDb.csh
deleted file mode 100755
index c77dcd3..0000000
--- src/utils/qa/updateTimesDb.csh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-source `which qaConfig.csh`
-#  03-31-04
-#  added command line db
-#  added second db in case of proteinsYYMMDD updates
-#  will take one or two databases on command line
-#  looks for second one on beta
-#  if only one db listed, looks for it on dev and beta
-#  will show if a table has been added or dropped
-set db=""
-set dbBeta=""
-if ($1 == "") then
-  echo
-  echo "  gets list of update times for entire database from dev."
-  echo "  will compare to database on beta with different name, if needed."
-  echo "  also shows tables that were on beta but on dev."
-  echo
-  echo "    usage: databaseDev, [databaseBeta]"
-  echo
-  exit
-  set db=$1
-  if ($2 == "") then
-    # no second db
-    echo "databaseDev set to $db"
-    echo "no db provided for Beta. setting to: $db"
-    set dbBeta=$db
-  else
-    set dbBeta=$2
-    echo "dbBeta = $2"
-  endif
-# these files of table names are used by other programs, 
-# including proteins.csh:
-hgsql -N -e "SHOW TABLES" $db | sort > $db.tables
-hgsql -N -h $sqlbeta -e "SHOW TABLES" $dbBeta | sort > $dbBeta.beta.tables
-echo "getting update times: $db"
-echo "getting update times: $dbBeta"
-foreach table (`cat $db.tables`)
-  echo $table
-  echo "============="
-  set dev=`hgsql -N -e 'SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "'$table'"' $db \
-      | awk '{print $13, $14}'`
-  if ($dbBeta == "") then
-    echo "using same database name for beta as for dev: " $db
-  else
-    echo "using databases:  dev: $db  beta: $dbBeta"
-  endif
-  set beta=`hgsql -h $sqlbeta -N -e 'SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "'$table'"' \
-      $dbBeta | awk '{print $13, $14}'`
-  echo "."$dev
-  echo "."$beta
-  echo
-# --------------------------------------------
-#  check tables that are on beta only:
-comm -13 $db.tables $dbBeta.beta.tables > xxBetaOnlyxx
-set betaOnly=`wc -l xxBetaOnlyxx | gawk '{print $1}'`
-if ($betaOnly != 0) then
-  echo
-  echo "these tables were on the beta verson, but are not on dev:"
-  echo
-  foreach table (`cat xxBetaOnlyxx`)
-    echo $table
-    echo "============="
-    set dev=`hgsql -N -e 'SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "'$table'"' $db \
-        | awk '{print $13, $14}'`
-    if ($dbBeta == "") then
-      echo "using same database name for beta as for dev: " $db
-      set beta=`hgsql -h $sqlbeta -N -e 'SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "'$table'"' \
-          $db | awk '{print $13, $14}'`
-    else
-      echo "using databases:  dev: $db  beta: $dbBeta"
-      set beta=`hgsql -h $sqlbeta -N -e 'SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "'$table'"' \
-          $dbBeta | awk '{print $13, $14}'`
-    endif
-    echo "."$dev
-    echo "."$beta
-    echo
-  end
-  echo
-  echo database on dev : $db
-  echo database on beta: $dbBeta
-  echo
-rm -f xxBetaOnlyxx