  Fri Apr 29 09:30:10 2016 -0700
add knownAttrs table to capture what's in the wgEncodeGencodeAttrs table

diff --git src/hg/lib/knownAttrs.as src/hg/lib/knownAttrs.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92cab9c
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/lib/knownAttrs.as
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+table knownAttrs
+"Fields in Gencode attrs table that aren't in kgXref"
+    (
+    string kgID;            "Known Gene ID"
+    string geneId;          "ENSG* locus identifier"
+    string geneStatus;      "KNOWN or NOVEL"
+    string geneType;        "gene function"
+    string transcriptName;  "transcript Name"
+    string transcriptType;  "transcript Type"
+    string transcriptStatus;"KNOWN or NOVEL or PUTATIVE"
+    string havanaGeneId;    "Havana project Id"
+    string ccdsId;          "CCDS project Id"
+    string supportLevel;    "transcript support level"
+    string transcriptClass; "pseudo, nonCoding, coding, or problem"
+    )