915f56e3f34f66d58bf6573dc4dfddd068bd4090 angie Tue Apr 19 13:36:48 2016 -0700 Simplify the generation of hgGateway's dbDbTaxonomy tree info and support mirrors better: new hg.conf setting hgGateway.dbDbTaxonomy enables tree display and specifies relative URL to file. Instead of dbDbTaxonomy.{hgwdev,rr}.js, there is only one dbDbTaxonomy.js, built from hgcentraltest (hgwdev). hgGateway.c's HTML output includes JS encoding the set of active genomes+taxIds. hgGateway.js uses that to prune the tree so it contains only active genomes; now we can use the hgwdev tree on the RR and see only RR species. Also updated dbDbTaxonomy.js to get the latest hgwdev species as of 4/18/16. refs #15277 diff --git src/hg/js/dbDbTaxonomy.js src/hg/js/dbDbTaxonomy.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..037e7ed --- /dev/null +++ src/hg/js/dbDbTaxonomy.js @@ -0,0 +1,1089 @@ +/* jshint maxlen: false, unused: false */ +var dbDbTree = ["root", 1, null, +[ ["cellular organisms", 131567, null, + [ ["Eukaryota", 2759, null, + [ ["Opisthokonta", 33154, null, + [ ["Metazoa", 33208, null, + [ ["Eumetazoa", 6072, null, + [ ["Bilateria", 33213, null, + [ ["Deuterostomia", 33511, null, + [ ["Chordata", 7711, null, + [ ["Craniata", 89593, null, + [ ["Vertebrata", 7742, null, + [ ["Gnathostomata", 7776, null, + [ ["Teleostomi", 117570, null, + [ ["Euteleostomi", 117571, null, + [ ["Sarcopterygii", 8287, null, + [ ["Dipnotetrapodomorpha", 1338369, null, + [ ["Tetrapoda", 32523, null, + [ ["Amniota", 32524, null, + [ ["Mammalia", 40674, null, + [ ["Theria", 32525, null, + [ ["Eutheria", 9347, "Eutheria", + [ ["Boreoeutheria", 1437010, null, + [ ["Euarchontoglires", 314146, "Euarchontoglires", + [ ["Primate", 9443, "Primates", + [ ["Haplorrhini", 376913, null, + [ ["Simiiformes", 314293, null, + [ ["Catarrhini", 9526, "Catarrhini", + [ ["Hominoidea", 314295, null, + [ ["Hominidae", 9604, "Hominidae", + [ ["Homininae", 207598, null, + [ ["Homo", 9605, null, + [ ["Human", 9606, "Homo sapiens" ] ] ], + ["Pan", 9596, null, + [ ["Chimp", 9598, "Pan troglodytes" ], + ["Bonobo", 9597, "Pan paniscus" ] ] ], + ["Gorilla", 9592, null, + [ ["Gorilla gorilla", 9593, null, + [ ["Gorilla", 9595, "Gorilla gorilla gorilla" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Ponginae", 607660, null, + [ ["Pongo", 9599, null, + [ ["Orangutan", 9601, "Pongo abelii" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Hylobatidae", 9577, null, + [ ["Nomascus", 325165, null, + [ ["Gibbon", 61853, "Nomascus leucogenys" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Cercopithecoidea", 314294, null, + [ ["Cercopithecidae", 9527, null, + [ ["Cercopithecinae", 9528, null, + [ ["Chlorocebus", 392815, null, + [ ["Green monkey", 60711, "Chlorocebus sabaeus" ] ] ], + ["Macaca", 9539, null, + [ ["Crab-eating macaque", 9541, "Macaca fascicularis" ], + ["Rhesus", 9544, "Macaca mulatta" ] ] ], + ["Papio", 9554, null, + [ ["Baboon (anubis)", 9555, "Papio anubis" ], + ["Papio hamadryas", 9557, null, + [ ["Baboon (hamadryas)", 9562, "Papio hamadryas hamadryas" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Colobinae", 9569, null, + [ ["Nasalis", 43779, null, + [ ["Proboscis monkey", 43780, "Nasalis larvatus" ] ] ], + ["Rhinopithecus", 542827, null, + [ ["Golden snub-nosed monkey", 61622, "Rhinopithecus roxellana" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Platyrrhini", 9479, null, + [ ["Cebidae", 9498, null, + [ ["Callitrichinae", 9480, null, + [ ["Callithrix", 9481, null, + [ ["Marmoset", 9483, "Callithrix jacchus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Saimiriinae", 378850, null, + [ ["Saimiri", 9520, null, + [ ["Saimiri boliviensis", 27679, null, + [ ["Squirrel monkey", 39432, "Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Tarsiiformes", 376912, null, + [ ["Tarsiidae", 9475, null, + [ ["Tarsius", 9476, null, + [ ["Tarsier", 9478, "Tarsius syrichta" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Strepsirrhini", 376911, null, + [ ["Lemuriformes", 376915, null, + [ ["Cheirogaleidae", 30615, null, + [ ["Microcebus", 13149, null, + [ ["Mouse lemur", 30608, "Microcebus murinus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Lorisiformes", 376917, null, + [ ["Galagidae", 40297, null, + [ ["Otolemur", 30610, null, + [ ["Bushbaby", 30611, "Otolemur garnettii" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Glires", 314147, "Glires", + [ ["Rodentia", 9989, null, + [ ["Sciurognathi", 33553, null, + [ ["Muroidea", 337687, null, + [ ["Muridae", 10066, null, + [ ["Murinae", 39107, null, + [ ["Mus", 10088, null, + [ ["Mus", 862507, null, + [ ["Mouse", 10090, "Mus musculus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Rattus", 10114, null, + [ ["Rat", 10116, "Rattus norvegicus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Cricetidae", 337677, null, + [ ["Arvicolinae", 39087, null, + [ ["Microtus", 10053, null, + [ ["Prairie vole", 79684, "Microtus ochrogaster" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Cricetinae", 10026, null, + [ ["Cricetulus", 10028, null, + [ ["Chinese hamster", 10029, "Cricetulus griseus" ] ] ], + ["Mesocricetus", 10035, null, + [ ["Golden hamster", 10036, "Mesocricetus auratus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Neotominae", 337963, null, + [ ["Peromyscus", 10040, null, + [ ["Peromyscus maniculatus", 10042, null, + [ ["Prairie deer mouse", 230844, "Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Spalacidae", 337664, null, + [ ["Spalacinae", 10061, null, + [ ["Nannospalax", 30636, null, + [ ["Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat", 1026970, "Nannospalax galili" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Dipodidae", 30648, null, + [ ["Dipodinae", 35737, null, + [ ["Jaculus", 48867, null, + [ ["Lesser Egyptian jerboa", 51337, "Jaculus jaculus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Heteromyidae", 10015, null, + [ ["Dipodomyinae", 38662, null, + [ ["Dipodomys", 10016, null, + [ ["Kangaroo rat", 10020, "Dipodomys ordii" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Sciuridae", 55153, null, + [ ["Xerinae", 337726, null, + [ ["Marmotini", 337730, null, + [ ["Ictidomys", 1141640, null, + [ ["Squirrel", 43179, "Ictidomys tridecemlineatus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Hystricognathi", 33550, null, + [ ["Bathyergidae", 10167, null, + [ ["Heterocephalus", 10180, null, + [ ["Naked mole-rat", 10181, "Heterocephalus glaber" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Caviidae", 10139, null, + [ ["Cavia", 10140, null, + [ ["Guinea pig", 10141, "Cavia porcellus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Chinchillidae", 10150, null, + [ ["Chinchilla", 10151, null, + [ ["Chinchilla", 34839, "Chinchilla lanigera" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Octodontidae", 10158, null, + [ ["Octodon", 10159, null, + [ ["Brush-tailed rat", 10160, "Octodon degus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Lagomorpha", 9975, null, + [ ["Leporidae", 9979, null, + [ ["Oryctolagus", 9984, null, + [ ["Rabbit", 9986, "Oryctolagus cuniculus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Ochotonidae", 9976, null, + [ ["Ochotona", 9977, null, + [ ["Pika", 9978, "Ochotona princeps" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Dermoptera", 30656, null, + [ ["Cynocephalidae", 30657, null, + [ ["Galeopterus", 482536, null, + [ ["Malayan flying lemur", 482537, "Galeopterus variegatus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Scandentia", 9392, null, + [ ["Tupaiidae", 9393, null, + [ ["Tupaia", 9394, null, + [ ["Chinese tree shrew", 246437, "Tupaia chinensis" ], + ["Tree shrew", 37347, "Tupaia belangeri" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Laurasiatheria", 314145, "Laurasiatheria", + [ ["Insectivora", 9362, null, + [ ["Erinaceidae", 9363, null, + [ ["Erinaceinae", 30577, null, + [ ["Erinaceus", 9364, null, + [ ["Hedgehog", 9365, "Erinaceus europaeus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Soricidae", 9376, null, + [ ["Soricinae", 183663, null, + [ ["Sorex", 9379, null, + [ ["Shrew", 42254, "Sorex araneus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Talpidae", 9373, null, + [ ["Condylura", 143301, null, + [ ["Star-nosed mole", 143302, "Condylura cristata" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Cetartiodactyla", 91561, null, + [ ["Suina", 35497, null, + [ ["Suidae", 9821, null, + [ ["Sus", 9822, null, + [ ["Pig", 9823, "Sus scrofa" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Ruminantia", 9845, null, + [ ["Pecora", 35500, null, + [ ["Bovidae", 9895, null, + [ ["Bovinae", 27592, null, + [ ["Bos", 9903, null, + [ ["Cow", 9913, "Bos taurus" ], + ["Wild yak", 72004, "Bos mutus" ] ] ], + ["Bison", 9900, null, + [ ["Bison bison", 9901, null, + [ ["Bison", 43346, "Bison bison bison" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Bubalus", 9918, null, + [ ["Water buffalo", 89462, "Bubalus bubalis" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Antilopinae", 9948, null, + [ ["Pantholops", 59537, null, + [ ["Tibetan antelope", 59538, "Pantholops hodgsonii" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Caprinae", 9963, null, + [ ["Capra", 9922, null, + [ ["Domestic goat", 9925, "Capra hircus" ] ] ], + ["Ovis", 9935, null, + [ ["Sheep", 9940, "Ovis aries" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Cetacea", 9721, null, + [ ["Odontoceti", 9722, null, + [ ["Delphinidae", 9726, null, + [ ["Orcinus", 9732, null, + [ ["Killer whale", 9733, "Orcinus orca" ] ] ], + ["Tursiops", 9738, null, + [ ["Dolphin", 9739, "Tursiops truncatus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Lipotidae", 119500, null, + [ ["Lipotes", 118796, null, + [ ["Yangtze river dolphin", 118797, "Lipotes vexillifer" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Physeteridae", 9750, null, + [ ["Physeter", 9753, null, + [ ["Sperm whale", 9755, "Physeter catodon" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Mysticeti", 9761, null, + [ ["Balaenopteridae", 9765, null, + [ ["Balaenoptera", 9766, null, + [ ["Balaenoptera acutorostrata", 9767, null, + [ ["Minke whale", 310752, "Balaenoptera acutorostrata scammoni" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Tylopoda", 9834, null, + [ ["Camelidae", 9835, null, + [ ["Camelus", 9836, null, + [ ["Bactrian camel", 419612, "Camelus ferus" ] ] ], + ["Vicugna", 30539, null, + [ ["Alpaca", 30538, "Vicugna pacos" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Perissodactyla", 9787, null, + [ ["Equidae", 9788, null, + [ ["Equus", 9789, null, + [ ["Equus", 35510, null, + [ ["Horse", 9796, "Equus caballus" ], + ["Przewalski horse", 9798, "Equus przewalskii" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Rhinocerotidae", 9803, null, + [ ["Ceratotherium", 9806, null, + [ ["Ceratotherium simum", 9807, null, + [ ["White rhinoceros", 73337, "Ceratotherium simum simum" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Carnivora", 33554, null, + [ ["Caniformia", 379584, null, + [ ["Canidae", 9608, null, + [ ["Canis", 9611, null, + [ ["Canis lupus", 9612, null, + [ ["Dog", 9615, "Canis lupus familiaris" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Odobenidae", 9705, null, + [ ["Odobenus", 9706, null, + [ ["Odobenus rosmarus", 9707, null, + [ ["Pacific walrus", 9708, "Odobenus rosmarus divergens" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Mustelidae", 9655, null, + [ ["Mustelinae", 169418, null, + [ ["Mustela", 9665, null, + [ ["Mustela putorius", 9668, null, + [ ["Ferret", 9669, "Mustela putorius furo" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Phocidae", 9709, null, + [ ["Leptonychotes", 9712, null, + [ ["Weddell seal", 9713, "Leptonychotes weddellii" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Ursidae", 9632, null, + [ ["Ailuropoda", 9645, null, + [ ["Panda", 9646, "Ailuropoda melanoleuca" ] ] ], + ["Ursus", 9639, null, + [ ["Polar bear", 29073, "Ursus maritimus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Feliformia", 379583, null, + [ ["Felidae", 9681, null, + [ ["Felinae", 338152, null, + [ ["Felis", 9682, null, + [ ["Cat", 9685, "Felis catus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Pantherinae", 338153, null, + [ ["Panthera", 9688, null, + [ ["Panthera tigris", 9694, null, + [ ["Amur tiger", 74533, "Panthera tigris altaica" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Chiroptera", 9397, null, + [ ["Megachiroptera", 30559, null, + [ ["Pteropodidae", 9398, null, + [ ["Pteropodinae", 77225, null, + [ ["Pteropus", 9401, null, + [ ["Megabat", 132908, "Pteropus vampyrus" ], + ["Black flying-fox", 9402, "Pteropus alecto" ] ] ], + ["Eidolon", 58062, null, + [ ["Straw colored fruit bat", 77214, "Eidolon helvum" ] ] ], + ["Rousettus", 9406, null, + [ ["Egyptian rousette", 9407, "Rousettus aegyptiacus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Microchiroptera", 30560, null, + [ ["Megadermatidae", 9409, null, + [ ["Megaderma", 9412, null, + [ ["Indian false vampire", 9413, "Megaderma lyra" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Mormoopidae", 59445, null, + [ ["Pteronotus", 59475, null, + [ ["Parnell's mustached bat", 59476, "Pteronotus parnellii" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Rhinolophidae", 58055, null, + [ ["Rhinolophinae", 186995, null, + [ ["Rhinolophus", 49442, null, + [ ["Greater horseshoe bat", 59479, "Rhinolophus ferrumequinum" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Vespertilionidae", 9431, null, + [ ["Eptesicus", 29077, null, + [ ["Big brown bat", 29078, "Eptesicus fuscus" ] ] ], + ["Myotis", 9434, null, + [ ["Brandt's myotis (bat)", 109478, "Myotis brandtii" ], + ["David's myotis (bat)", 225400, "Myotis davidii" ], + ["Microbat", 59463, "Myotis lucifugus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Pholidota", 9971, null, + [ ["Manidae", 9972, null, + [ ["Manis", 9973, null, + [ ["Chinese pangolin", 143292, "Manis pentadactyla" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Afrotheria", 311790, "Afrotheria", + [ ["Proboscidea", 9779, null, + [ ["Elephantidae", 9780, null, + [ ["Loxodonta", 9784, null, + [ ["Elephant", 9785, "Loxodonta africana" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Sirenia", 9774, null, + [ ["Trichechidae", 9775, null, + [ ["Trichechus", 9776, null, + [ ["Trichechus manatus", 9778, null, + [ ["Manatee", 127582, "Trichechus manatus latirostris" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Chrysochloridae", 9389, null, + [ ["Chrysochlorinae", 745257, null, + [ ["Chrysochloris", 185452, null, + [ ["Cape golden mole", 185453, "Chrysochloris asiatica" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Hyracoidea", 9810, null, + [ ["Procaviidae", 9811, null, + [ ["Procavia", 9812, null, + [ ["Rock hyrax", 9813, "Procavia capensis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Macroscelidea", 28734, null, + [ ["Macroscelididae", 28735, null, + [ ["Elephantulus", 28736, null, + [ ["Cape elephant shrew", 28737, "Elephantulus edwardii" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Tenrecidae", 9369, null, + [ ["Tenrecinae", 176113, null, + [ ["Echinops", 9370, null, + [ ["Tenrec", 9371, "Echinops telfairi" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Tubulidentata", 9815, null, + [ ["Orycteropodidae", 9816, null, + [ ["Orycteropus", 9817, null, + [ ["Orycteropus afer", 9818, null, + [ ["Aardvark", 1230840, "Orycteropus afer afer" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Xenarthra", 9348, null, + [ ["Cingulata", 948951, null, + [ ["Dasypodidae", 9359, null, + [ ["Dasypus", 9360, null, + [ ["Armadillo", 9361, "Dasypus novemcinctus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Pilosa", 948950, null, + [ ["Folivora", 948953, null, + [ ["Megalonychidae", 227508, null, + [ ["Choloepus", 9357, null, + [ ["Sloth", 9358, "Choloepus hoffmanni" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Metatheria", 9263, null, + [ ["Diprotodontia", 38609, null, + [ ["Macropodidae", 9307, null, + [ ["Macropus", 9312, null, + [ ["Wallaby", 9315, "Macropus eugenii" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Dasyuromorphia", 38608, null, + [ ["Dasyuridae", 9277, null, + [ ["Sarcophilus", 9304, null, + [ ["Tasmanian devil", 9305, "Sarcophilus harrisii" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Didelphimorphia", 38605, null, + [ ["Didelphidae", 9265, null, + [ ["Didelphinae", 126287, null, + [ ["Monodelphis", 13615, null, + [ ["Opossum", 13616, "Monodelphis domestica" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Prototheria", 9254, null, + [ ["Monotremata", 9255, null, + [ ["Ornithorhynchidae", 9256, null, + [ ["Ornithorhynchus", 9257, null, + [ ["Platypus", 9258, "Ornithorhynchus anatinus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Sauropsida", 8457, null, + [ ["Sauria", 32561, null, + [ ["Archelosauria", 1329799, null, + [ ["Archosauria", 8492, null, + [ ["Dinosauria", 436486, null, + [ ["Saurischia", 436489, null, + [ ["Theropoda", 436491, null, + [ ["Coelurosauria", 436492, null, + [ ["Aves", 8782, null, + [ ["Neognathae", 8825, null, + [ ["Galloanserae", 1549675, null, + [ ["Galliformes", 8976, null, + [ ["Phasianidae", 9005, null, + [ ["Phasianinae", 9072, null, + [ ["Gallus", 9030, null, + [ ["Chicken", 9031, "Gallus gallus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Meleagridinae", 466552, null, + [ ["Meleagris", 9102, null, + [ ["Turkey", 9103, "Meleagris gallopavo" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Perdicinae", 466544, null, + [ ["Coturnix", 9090, null, + [ ["Japanese quail", 93934, "Coturnix japonica" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Anseriformes", 8826, null, + [ ["Anatidae", 8830, null, + [ ["Anas", 8835, null, + [ ["Mallard duck", 8839, "Anas platyrhynchos" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Bucerotiformes", 57379, null, + [ ["Bucerotidae", 57380, null, + [ ["Buceros", 175829, null, + [ ["Buceros rhinoceros", 175835, null, + [ ["Rhinoceros hornbill", 175836, "Buceros rhinoceros silvestris" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Caprimulgiformes", 8902, null, + [ ["Caprimulgidae", 48283, null, + [ ["Caprimulginae", 48286, null, + [ ["Caprimulgus", 48284, null, + [ ["Chuck-will's-widow", 279965, "Caprimulgus carolinensis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Charadriiformes", 8906, null, + [ ["Charadriidae", 8907, null, + [ ["Charadrius", 50391, null, + [ ["Killdeer", 50402, "Charadrius vociferus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Ciconiiformes", 8920, null, + [ ["Pteroclidae", 56295, null, + [ ["Pterocles", 56296, null, + [ ["Yellow-throated sandgrouse", 240206, "Pterocles gutturalis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Coliiformes", 57384, null, + [ ["Coliidae", 57385, null, + [ ["Colius", 57409, null, + [ ["Speckled mousebird", 57412, "Colius striatus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Columbiformes", 8929, null, + [ ["Columbidae", 8930, null, + [ ["Columba", 8931, null, + [ ["Rock pigeon", 8932, "Columba livia" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Coraciiformes", 8936, null, + [ ["Leptosomidae", 188342, null, + [ ["Leptosomus", 188343, null, + [ ["Cuckoo roller", 188344, "Leptosomus discolor" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Meropidae", 57386, null, + [ ["Merops", 57420, null, + [ ["Northern carmine bee-eater", 57421, "Merops nubicus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Cuculiformes", 8940, null, + [ ["Cuculidae", 8941, null, + [ ["Cuculus", 33592, null, + [ ["Common cuckoo", 55661, "Cuculus canorus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Falconiformes", 8948, null, + [ ["Accipitridae", 56259, null, + [ ["Accipitrinae", 8955, null, + [ ["Aquila", 8960, null, + [ ["Aquila chrysaetos", 8962, null, + [ ["Golden eagle", 216574, "Aquila chrysaetos canadensis" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Haliaeetus", 8968, null, + [ ["Bald eagle", 52644, "Haliaeetus leucocephalus" ], + ["White-tailed eagle", 8969, "Haliaeetus albicilla" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Falconidae", 8949, null, + [ ["Falco", 8952, null, + [ ["Peregrine falcon", 8954, "Falco peregrinus" ], + ["Saker falcon", 345164, "Falco cherrug" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Gaviiformes", 30411, null, + [ ["Gaviidae", 30412, null, + [ ["Gavia", 37038, null, + [ ["Red-throated loon", 37040, "Gavia stellata" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Gruiformes", 9108, null, + [ ["Cariamidae", 54378, null, + [ ["Cariama", 54379, null, + [ ["Red-legged seriema", 54380, "Cariama cristata" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Eurypygidae", 54381, null, + [ ["Eurypyga", 54382, null, + [ ["Sunbittern", 54383, "Eurypyga helias" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Gruidae", 9109, null, + [ ["Balearica", 30413, null, + [ ["Balearica regulorum", 925459, null, + [ ["Crowned crain", 100784, "Balearica regulorum gibbericeps" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Mesitornithidae", 54372, null, + [ ["Mesitornis", 54373, null, + [ ["Brown roatelo", 54374, "Mesitornis unicolor" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Otididae", 54375, null, + [ ["Chlamydotis", 172679, null, + [ ["Houbara bustard", 187382, "Chlamydotis macqueenii" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Musophagiformes", 56301, null, + [ ["Musophagidae", 56302, null, + [ ["Tauraco", 56303, null, + [ ["Red crested turaco", 121530, "Tauraco erythrolophus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Opisthocomiformes", 30416, null, + [ ["Opisthocomidae", 30417, null, + [ ["Opisthocomus", 30418, null, + [ ["Hoatzin", 30419, "Opisthocomus hoazin" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Passeriformes", 9126, null, + [ ["Acanthisittidae", 38633, null, + [ ["Acanthisitta", 57067, null, + [ ["Rifleman", 57068, "Acanthisitta chloris" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Corvoidea", 192204, null, + [ ["Corvidae", 28725, null, + [ ["Corvus", 30420, null, + [ ["American crow", 85066, "Corvus brachyrhynchos" ], + ["Corvus cornix", 181096, null, + [ ["Hooded crow", 932674, "Corvus cornix cornix" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Muscicapidae", 36291, null, + [ ["Ficedula", 36292, null, + [ ["Collared flycatcher", 59894, "Ficedula albicollis" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Paridae", 9153, null, + [ ["Pseudopodoces", 181118, null, + [ ["Tibetan ground jay", 181119, "Pseudopodoces humilis" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Passerellidae", 1729112, null, + [ ["Zonotrichia", 44387, null, + [ ["White-throated sparrow", 44394, "Zonotrichia albicollis" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Passeroidea", 175121, null, + [ ["Estrildidae", 37611, null, + [ ["Estrildinae", 40155, null, + [ ["Taeniopygia", 59728, null, + [ ["Zebra finch", 59729, "Taeniopygia guttata" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Fringillidae", 9133, null, + [ ["Carduelinae", 37599, null, + [ ["Serinus", 9134, null, + [ ["Canary", 9135, "Serinus canaria" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Pipridae", 114313, null, + [ ["Manacus", 196036, null, + [ ["Golden-collared manakin", 328815, "Manacus vitellinus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Thraupidae", 400783, null, + [ ["Geospiza", 48881, null, + [ ["Medium ground finch", 48883, "Geospiza fortis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Pelecaniformes", 9205, null, + [ ["Ardeidae", 8899, null, + [ ["Egretta", 56073, null, + [ ["Little egret", 188379, "Egretta garzetta" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Pelecanidae", 30444, null, + [ ["Pelecanus", 33617, null, + [ ["Dalmatian pelican", 36300, "Pelecanus crispus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Phaethontidae", 30445, null, + [ ["Phaethon", 37044, null, + [ ["White-tailed tropicbird", 97097, "Phaethon lepturus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Phalacrocoracidae", 9206, null, + [ ["Phalacrocorax", 9207, null, + [ ["Great cormorant", 9209, "Phalacrocorax carbo" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Threskiornithidae", 33574, null, + [ ["Nipponia", 128389, null, + [ ["Crested ibis", 128390, "Nipponia nippon" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Phoenicopteriformes", 9214, null, + [ ["Phoenicopteridae", 9215, null, + [ ["Phoenicopterus", 9216, null, + [ ["Phoenicopterus ruber", 9217, null, + [ ["American flamingo", 9218, "Phoenicopterus ruber ruber" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Piciformes", 9219, null, + [ ["Picidae", 9220, null, + [ ["Picoides", 36302, null, + [ ["Downy woodpecker", 118200, "Picoides pubescens" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Procellariiformes", 30449, null, + [ ["Procellariidae", 30451, null, + [ ["Procellariinae", 85546, null, + [ ["Fulmarus", 30454, null, + [ ["Northern fulmar", 30455, "Fulmarus glacialis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Psittaciformes", 9223, null, + [ ["Psittacidae", 9224, null, + [ ["Amazona", 12929, null, + [ ["Parrot", 241585, "Amazona vittata" ] ] ], + ["Ara", 9225, null, + [ ["Scarlet macaw", 176014, "Ara macao" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Psittaculidae", 1545690, null, + [ ["Melopsittacus", 13145, null, + [ ["Budgerigar", 13146, "Melopsittacus undulatus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Sphenisciformes", 9230, null, + [ ["Spheniscidae", 9231, null, + [ ["Aptenodytes", 9232, null, + [ ["Emperor penguin", 9233, "Aptenodytes forsteri" ] ] ], + ["Pygoscelis", 9237, null, + [ ["Adelie penguin", 9238, "Pygoscelis adeliae" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Strigiformes", 30458, null, + [ ["Tytonidae", 30462, null, + [ ["Tyto", 56312, null, + [ ["Barn owl", 56313, "Tyto alba" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Trochiliformes", 9241, null, + [ ["Trochilidae", 9242, null, + [ ["Calypte", 9243, null, + [ ["Anna's hummingbird", 9244, "Calypte anna" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Trogoniformes", 56308, null, + [ ["Trogonidae", 56309, null, + [ ["Apaloderma", 57396, null, + [ ["Bar tailed trogon", 57397, "Apaloderma vittatum" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Palaeognathae", 8783, null, + [ ["Apterygiformes", 8819, null, + [ ["Apterygidae", 8820, null, + [ ["Apteryx", 8821, null, + [ ["Apteryx australis", 8822, null, + [ ["Brown kiwi", 202946, "Apteryx australis mantelli" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Struthioniformes", 8798, null, + [ ["Struthionidae", 8799, null, + [ ["Struthio", 8800, null, + [ ["Struthio camelus", 8801, null, + [ ["Ostrich", 441894, "Struthio camelus australis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Tinamiformes", 8802, null, + [ ["Tinamidae", 8803, null, + [ ["Tinamus", 30467, null, + [ ["White throated tinamou", 94827, "Tinamus guttatus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Crocodylia", 1294634, null, + [ ["Alligatoridae", 1294636, null, + [ ["Alligatorinae", 34915, null, + [ ["Alligator", 8495, null, + [ ["American alligator", 8496, "Alligator mississippiensis" ], + ["Chinese alligator", 38654, "Alligator sinensis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Longirostres", 1298654, null, + [ ["Crocodylidae", 8493, null, + [ ["Crocodylus", 8500, null, + [ ["Saltwater crocodile", 8502, "Crocodylus porosus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Gavialidae", 1294635, null, + [ ["Gavialinae", 94833, null, + [ ["Gavialis", 94834, null, + [ ["Gharial", 94835, "Gavialis gangeticus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Testudines", 8459, null, + [ ["Cryptodira", 8464, null, + [ ["Durocryptodira", 1579337, null, + [ ["Americhelydia", 1579336, null, + [ ["Chelonioidea", 27791, null, + [ ["Cheloniidae", 8465, null, + [ ["Chelonia", 8468, null, + [ ["Green seaturtle", 8469, "Chelonia mydas" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Testudinoidea", 8486, null, + [ ["Emydidae", 8476, null, + [ ["Chrysemys", 8477, null, + [ ["Chrysemys picta", 8479, null, + [ ["Painted turtle", 8478, "Chrysemys picta bellii" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Trionychia", 1579275, null, + [ ["Trionychidae", 34907, null, + [ ["Apalone", 55533, null, + [ ["Spiny softshell turtle", 55534, "Apalone spinifera" ] ] ], + ["Pelodiscus", 204969, null, + [ ["Chinese softshell turtle", 13735, "Pelodiscus sinensis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Lepidosauria", 8504, null, + [ ["Squamata", 8509, null, + [ ["Bifurcata", 1329961, null, + [ ["Unidentata", 1329950, null, + [ ["Episquamata", 1329912, null, + [ ["Toxicofera", 1329911, null, + [ ["Iguania", 8511, null, + [ ["Iguanidae", 8515, null, + [ ["Polychrotinae", 81957, null, + [ ["Anolis", 28376, null, + [ ["Lizard", 28377, "Anolis carolinensis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Serpentes", 8570, null, + [ ["Colubroidea", 34989, null, + [ ["Colubridae", 8578, null, + [ ["Natricinae", 169862, null, + [ ["Thamnophis", 34999, null, + [ ["Garter snake", 35019, "Thamnophis sirtalis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Henophidia", 34979, null, + [ ["Pythonidae", 34984, null, + [ ["Python", 37579, null, + [ ["Burmese python", 176946, "Python bivittatus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Amphibia", 8292, null, + [ ["Batrachia", 41666, null, + [ ["Anura", 8342, null, + [ ["Pipoidea", 30319, null, + [ ["Pipidae", 8352, null, + [ ["Xenopodinae", 8360, null, + [ ["Xenopus", 8353, null, + [ ["Silurana", 8363, null, + [ ["X. tropicalis", 8364, "Xenopus tropicalis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Neobatrachia", 8416, null, + [ ["Ranoidea", 30352, null, + [ ["Dicroglossidae", 685122, null, + [ ["Dicroglossinae", 1191378, null, + [ ["Nanorana", 120497, null, + [ ["Tibetan frog", 125878, "Nanorana parkeri" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Coelacanthimorpha", 118072, null, + [ ["Coelacanthiformes", 7894, null, + [ ["Coelacanthidae", 7895, null, + [ ["Latimeria", 7896, null, + [ ["Coelacanth", 7897, "Latimeria chalumnae" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Actinopterygii", 7898, null, + [ ["Actinopteri", 186623, null, + [ ["Neopterygii", 41665, null, + [ ["Teleostei", 32443, null, + [ ["Osteoglossocephalai", 1489341, null, + [ ["Clupeocephala", 186625, null, + [ ["Otomorpha", 186634, null, + [ ["Ostariophysi", 32519, null, + [ ["Otophysa", 186626, null, + [ ["Cypriniphysae", 186627, null, + [ ["Cypriniformes", 7952, null, + [ ["Cyprinoidea", 30727, null, + [ ["Cyprinidae", 7953, null, + [ ["Danio", 7954, null, + [ ["Zebrafish", 7955, "Danio rerio" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Characiphysae", 186628, null, + [ ["Characiformes", 7991, null, + [ ["Characoidei", 1489739, null, + [ ["Characidae", 7992, null, + [ ["Characidae incertae sedis", 533331, null, + [ ["Astyanax clade", 883878, null, + [ ["Astyanax", 7993, null, + [ ["Mexican tetra (cavefish)", 7994, "Astyanax mexicanus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Euteleosteomorpha", 1489388, null, + [ ["Neoteleostei", 123365, null, + [ ["Eurypterygia", 123366, null, + [ ["Ctenosquamata", 123367, null, + [ ["Acanthomorphata", 123368, null, + [ ["Euacanthomorphacea", 123369, null, + [ ["Percomorphaceae", 1489872, null, + [ ["Carangaria", 1489904, null, + [ ["Pleuronectiformes", 8252, null, + [ ["Pleuronectoidei", 30942, null, + [ ["Cynoglossidae", 30947, null, + [ ["Cynoglossinae", 603456, null, + [ ["Cynoglossus", 106173, null, + [ ["Tongue sole", 244447, "Cynoglossus semilaevis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Eupercaria", 1489922, null, + [ ["Eupercaria incertae sedis", 1489923, null, + [ ["Moronidae", 42148, null, + [ ["Dicentrarchus", 13488, null, + [ ["European sea bass", 13489, "Dicentrarchus labrax" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Perciformes", 8111, null, + [ ["Cottioidei", 8100, null, + [ ["Gasterosteales", 1490020, null, + [ ["Gasterosteidae", 69291, null, + [ ["Gasterosteus", 69292, null, + [ ["Stickleback", 69293, "Gasterosteus aculeatus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Notothenioidei", 8205, null, + [ ["Nototheniidae", 8206, null, + [ ["Notothenia", 8207, null, + [ ["Black rockcod", 8208, "Notothenia coriiceps" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Scorpaenoidei", 8107, null, + [ ["Sebastidae", 274692, null, + [ ["Sebastinae", 274705, null, + [ ["Sebastes", 34820, null, + [ ["Flag rockfish", 72099, "Sebastes rubrivinctus" ], + ["Tiger rockfish", 72089, "Sebastes nigrocinctus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Tetraodontiformes", 31022, null, + [ ["Tetraodontoidei", 31028, null, + [ ["Tetradontoidea", 32517, null, + [ ["Tetraodontidae", 31031, null, + [ ["Takifugu", 31032, null, + [ ["Fugu", 31033, "Takifugu rubripes" ], + ["Yellowbelly pufferfish", 433684, "Takifugu flavidus" ] ] ], + ["Tetraodon", 47144, null, + [ ["Tetraodon", 99883, "Tetraodon nigroviridis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Ovalentaria", 1489908, null, + [ ["Atherinomorphae", 1489913, null, + [ ["Beloniformes", 76071, null, + [ ["Adrianichthyoidei", 28781, null, + [ ["Adrianichthyidae", 47757, null, + [ ["Oryziinae", 8088, null, + [ ["Oryzias", 8089, null, + [ ["Medaka", 8090, "Oryzias latipes" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Cyprinodontiformes", 28738, null, + [ ["Cyprinodontoidei", 8087, null, + [ ["Cyprinodontidae", 8076, null, + [ ["Cyprinodontinae", 136836, null, + [ ["Cyprinodontini", 136838, null, + [ ["Cyprinodon", 28741, null, + [ ["Sheepshead minnow", 28743, "Cyprinodon variegatus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Poeciliidae", 8079, null, + [ ["Poeciliinae", 586240, null, + [ ["Poecilia", 8080, null, + [ ["Amazon molly", 48698, "Poecilia formosa" ], + ["Guppy", 8081, "Poecilia reticulata" ] ] ], + ["Xiphophorus", 8082, null, + [ ["Southern platyfish", 8083, "Xiphophorus maculatus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Cichlomorphae", 1489910, null, + [ ["Cichliformes", 1489911, null, + [ ["Cichlidae", 8113, null, + [ ["African cichlids", 319095, null, + [ ["Pseudocrenilabrinae", 318546, null, + [ ["Haplochromini", 319058, null, + [ ["Haplochromis", 8121, null, + [ ["Burton's mouthbreeder", 8153, "Haplochromis burtoni" ] ] ], + ["Maylandia", 143623, null, + [ ["Maylandia zebra complex", 57445, null, + [ ["Zebra mbuna", 106582, "Maylandia zebra" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Pundamilia", 195936, null, + [ ["Pundamilia nyererei", 303518, "Pundamilia nyererei" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Lamprologini", 319069, null, + [ ["Neolamprologus", 32506, null, + [ ["Princess of Burundi", 32507, "Neolamprologus brichardi" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Oreochromini", 1315725, null, + [ ["Oreochromis", 8139, null, + [ ["Nile tilapia", 8128, "Oreochromis niloticus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Ovalentaria incertae sedis", 1489909, null, + [ ["Pomacentridae", 30863, null, + [ ["Stegastes", 80992, null, + [ ["Bicolor damselfish", 144197, "Stegastes partitus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Paracanthomorphacea", 1489838, null, + [ ["Zeiogadaria", 1489841, null, + [ ["Gadariae", 1489843, null, + [ ["Gadiformes", 8043, null, + [ ["Gadoidei", 1489845, null, + [ ["Gadidae", 8045, null, + [ ["Gadus", 8048, null, + [ ["Atlantic cod", 8049, "Gadus morhua" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Protacanthopterygii", 41705, null, + [ ["Esociformes", 8007, null, + [ ["Esocidae", 8008, null, + [ ["Esox", 8009, null, + [ ["Northern pike", 8010, "Esox lucius" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Elopocephalai", 1489340, null, + [ ["Elopocephala", 186624, null, + [ ["Elopomorpha", 32521, null, + [ ["Anguilliformes", 7933, null, + [ ["Anguillidae", 7934, null, + [ ["Anguilla", 7935, null, + [ ["Japanese eel", 7937, "Anguilla japonica" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Holostei", 1489100, null, + [ ["Semionotiformes", 7914, null, + [ ["Lepisosteidae", 7915, null, + [ ["Lepisosteus", 7916, null, + [ ["Spotted gar", 7918, "Lepisosteus oculatus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Chondrichthyes", 7777, null, + [ ["Holocephali", 7863, null, + [ ["Chimaeriformes", 7864, null, + [ ["Callorhinchidae", 7865, null, + [ ["Callorhinchus", 7866, null, + [ ["Elephant shark", 7868, "Callorhinchus milii" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Cyclostomata", 1476529, null, + [ ["Hyperoartia", 117569, null, + [ ["Petromyzontiformes", 7745, null, + [ ["Petromyzontidae", 7746, null, + [ ["Lethenteron", 94988, null, + [ ["Arctic lamprey", 980415, "Lethenteron camtschaticum" ] ] ], + ["Petromyzon", 7756, null, + [ ["Lamprey", 7757, "Petromyzon marinus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Cephalochordata", 7735, null, + [ ["Branchiostomidae", 7736, null, + [ ["Branchiostoma", 7737, null, + [ ["Lancelet", 7739, "Branchiostoma floridae" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Tunicata", 7712, null, + [ ["Ascidiacea", 7713, null, + [ ["Enterogona", 183770, null, + [ ["Phlebobranchia", 7716, null, + [ ["Cionidae", 7717, null, + [ ["Ciona", 7718, null, + [ ["C. intestinalis", 7719, "Ciona intestinalis" ], + ["C. savignyi", 51511, "Ciona savignyi" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Echinodermata", 7586, null, + [ ["Eleutherozoa", 133551, null, + [ ["Echinozoa", 7624, null, + [ ["Echinoidea", 7625, null, + [ ["Euechinoidea", 7638, null, + [ ["Echinacea", 7674, null, + [ ["Echinoida", 7675, null, + [ ["Strongylocentrotidae", 31181, null, + [ ["Strongylocentrotus", 7664, null, + [ ["S. purpuratus", 7668, "Strongylocentrotus purpuratus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Protostomia", 33317, null, + [ ["Ecdysozoa", 1206794, null, + [ ["Panarthropoda", 88770, null, + [ ["Arthropoda", 6656, null, + [ ["Mandibulata", 197563, null, + [ ["Pancrustacea", 197562, null, + [ ["Hexapoda", 6960, null, + [ ["Insecta", 50557, null, + [ ["Dicondylia", 85512, null, + [ ["Pterygota", 7496, null, + [ ["Neoptera", 33340, null, + [ ["Endopterygota", 33392, null, + [ ["Diptera", 7147, null, + [ ["Brachycera", 7203, null, + [ ["Muscomorpha", 43733, null, + [ ["Eremoneura", 480118, null, + [ ["Cyclorrhapha", 480117, null, + [ ["Schizophora", 43738, null, + [ ["Acalyptratae", 43741, null, + [ ["Ephydroidea", 43746, null, + [ ["Drosophilidae", 7214, null, + [ ["Drosophilinae", 43845, null, + [ ["Drosophilini", 46877, null, + [ ["Drosophilina", 46879, null, + [ ["Drosophiliti", 186285, null, + [ ["Drosophila", 7215, null, + [ ["Sophophora", 32341, null, + [ ["melanogaster group", 32346, null, + [ ["melanogaster subgroup", 32351, null, + [ ["D. melanogaster", 7227, "Drosophila melanogaster" ], + ["D. erecta", 7220, "Drosophila erecta" ], + ["D. sechellia", 7238, "Drosophila sechellia" ], + ["D. simulans", 7240, "Drosophila simulans" ], + ["D. yakuba", 7245, "Drosophila yakuba" ] ] ], + ["ananassae subgroup", 32347, null, + [ ["ananassae species complex", 545632, null, + [ ["D. ananassae", 7217, "Drosophila ananassae" ] ] ], + ["bipectinata species complex", 186282, null, + [ ["D. bipectinata", 42026, "Drosophila bipectinata" ] ] ] ] ], + ["elegans subgroup", 32348, null, + [ ["D. elegans", 30023, "Drosophila elegans" ] ] ], + ["eugracilis subgroup", 32349, null, + [ ["D. eugracilis", 29029, "Drosophila eugracilis" ] ] ], + ["ficusphila subgroup", 32350, null, + [ ["D. ficusphila", 30025, "Drosophila ficusphila" ] ] ], + ["montium subgroup", 32352, null, + [ ["D. kikkawai", 30033, "Drosophila kikkawai" ] ] ], + ["rhopaloa subgroup", 65962, null, + [ ["D. rhopaloa", 1041015, "Drosophila rhopaloa" ] ] ], + ["suzukii subgroup", 32353, null, + [ ["D. biarmipes", 125945, "Drosophila biarmipes" ], + ["D. suzukii", 28584, "Drosophila suzukii" ] ] ], + ["takahashii subgroup", 32354, null, + [ ["D. takahashii", 29030, "Drosophila takahashii" ] ] ] ] ], + ["obscura group", 32355, null, + [ ["pseudoobscura subgroup", 32358, null, + [ ["D. miranda", 7229, "Drosophila miranda" ], + ["D. persimilis", 7234, "Drosophila persimilis" ], + ["D. pseudoobscura", 7237, "Drosophila pseudoobscura", + [ ["D. pseudoobscura", 46245, "Drosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscura" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["willistoni group", 32365, null, + [ ["willistoni subgroup", 32367, null, + [ ["D. willistoni", 7260, "Drosophila willistoni" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Drosophila", 32281, null, + [ ["immigrans group", 32304, null, + [ ["nasuta subgroup", 32307, null, + [ ["D. albomicans", 7291, "Drosophila albomicans" ] ] ] ] ], + ["repleta group", 32321, null, + [ ["mulleri subgroup", 32324, null, + [ ["mojavensis species complex", 198037, null, + [ ["D. mojavensis", 7230, "Drosophila mojavensis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["virilis group", 32335, null, + [ ["D. virilis", 7244, "Drosophila virilis" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Hawaiian Drosophila", 504493, null, + [ ["picture wing clade", 48384, null, + [ ["grimshawi clade", 48301, null, + [ ["grimshawi group", 48302, null, + [ ["grimshawi subgroup", 32378, null, + [ ["D. grimshawi", 7222, "Drosophila grimshawi" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Calyptratae", 43742, null, + [ ["Muscoidea", 43754, null, + [ ["Muscidae", 7366, null, + [ ["Muscinae", 43910, null, + [ ["Muscini", 57894, null, + [ ["Musca", 7369, null, + [ ["Musca", 44052, null, + [ ["M. domestica", 7370, "Musca domestica" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Nematocera", 7148, null, + [ ["Culicomorpha", 43786, null, + [ ["Culicoidea", 41827, null, + [ ["Culicidae", 7157, null, + [ ["Anophelinae", 43816, null, + [ ["Anopheles", 7164, null, + [ ["Cellia", 44534, null, + [ ["Pyretophorus", 44537, null, + [ ["gambiae species complex", 44542, null, + [ ["A. gambiae", 7165, "Anopheles gambiae" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Coleoptera", 7041, null, + [ ["Polyphaga", 41084, null, + [ ["Cucujiformia", 41088, null, + [ ["Tenebrionoidea", 71527, null, + [ ["Tenebrionidae", 7065, null, + [ ["Tenebrionidae incertae sedis", 1304792, null, + [ ["Tribolium", 7069, null, + [ ["T. castaneum", 7070, "Tribolium castaneum" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Hymenoptera", 7399, null, + [ ["Apocrita", 7400, null, + [ ["Aculeata", 7434, null, + [ ["Apoidea", 34735, null, + [ ["Apidae", 7458, null, + [ ["Apinae", 70987, null, + [ ["Apini", 83321, null, + [ ["Apis", 7459, null, + [ ["A. mellifera", 7460, "Apis mellifera" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Nematoda", 6231, null, + [ ["Chromadorea", 119089, null, + [ ["Rhabditida", 6236, null, + [ ["Rhabditoidea", 55879, null, + [ ["Rhabditidae", 6243, null, + [ ["Peloderinae", 55885, null, + [ ["Caenorhabditis", 6237, null, + [ ["C. elegans", 6239, "Caenorhabditis elegans" ], + ["C. angaria", 860376, "Caenorhabditis angaria" ], + ["C. brenneri", 135651, "Caenorhabditis brenneri" ], + ["C. briggsae", 6238, "Caenorhabditis briggsae" ], + ["C. japonica", 281687, "Caenorhabditis japonica" ], + ["C. remanei", 31234, "Caenorhabditis remanei" ], + ["C. sp. 5 ju800", 497829, "Caenorhabditis sinica" ], + ["C. sp. 7 ju1286", 1094335, "Caenorhabditis afra" ], + ["C. sp. 9 ju1422", 1611254, "Caenorhabditis nigoni" ], + ["C. tropicalis", 1561998, "Caenorhabditis tropicalis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Heterorhabditidae", 33254, null, + [ ["Heterorhabditis", 37861, null, + [ ["H. bacteriophora/m31e", 37862, "Heterorhabditis bacteriophora" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Panagrolaimoidea", 55746, null, + [ ["Panagrolaimidae", 114848, null, + [ ["Panagrellus", 6232, null, + [ ["Microworm", 6233, "Panagrellus redivivus" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Strongyloididae", 6246, null, + [ ["Strongyloides", 6247, null, + [ ["Threadworm", 34506, "Strongyloides ratti" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Strongylida", 6308, null, + [ ["Ancylostomatoidea", 33277, null, + [ ["Ancylostomatidae", 33278, null, + [ ["Ancylostomatinae", 53469, null, + [ ["Ancylostoma", 29169, null, + [ ["A. ceylanicum", 53326, "Ancylostoma ceylanicum" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Bunostominae", 53477, null, + [ ["Necator", 51030, null, + [ ["N. americanus", 51031, "Necator americanus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Trichostrongyloidea", 6314, null, + [ ["Haemonchidae", 126387, null, + [ ["Haemonchinae", 33260, null, + [ ["Haemonchus", 6288, null, + [ ["Barber pole worm", 6289, "Haemonchus contortus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Ascaridida", 6249, null, + [ ["Ascaridoidea", 33256, null, + [ ["Ascarididae", 6250, null, + [ ["Ascaris", 6251, null, + [ ["Pig roundworm", 6253, "Ascaris suum" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Diplogasterida", 50827, null, + [ ["Neodiplogasteridae", 54124, null, + [ ["Pristionchus", 54125, null, + [ ["P. exspectatus", 1195656, "Pristionchus exspectatus" ], + ["P. pacificus", 54126, "Pristionchus pacificus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Spirurida", 6274, null, + [ ["Filarioidea", 6295, null, + [ ["Onchocercidae", 6296, null, + [ ["Brugia", 6278, null, + [ ["Filarial worm", 6279, "Brugia malayi" ] ] ], + ["Dirofilaria", 6286, null, + [ ["Dog heartworm", 6287, "Dirofilaria immitis" ] ] ], + ["Loa", 7208, null, + [ ["Eye worm", 7209, "Loa loa" ] ] ], + ["Onchocerca", 6281, null, + [ ["O. volvulus", 6282, "Onchocerca volvulus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Tylenchida", 6300, null, + [ ["Aphelenchina", 1182516, null, + [ ["Aphelenchoidea", 120862, null, + [ ["Aphelenchoididae", 33823, null, + [ ["Bursaphelenchus", 6324, null, + [ ["Pine wood nematode", 6326, "Bursaphelenchus xylophilus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Tylenchina", 33283, null, + [ ["Tylenchoidea", 33284, null, + [ ["Meloidogynidae", 315429, null, + [ ["Meloidogyninae", 33285, null, + [ ["Meloidogyne", 189290, null, + [ ["M. hapla", 6305, "Meloidogyne hapla" ], + ["Meloidogyne incognita group", 654580, null, + [ ["M. incognita", 6306, "Meloidogyne incognita" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Enoplea", 119088, null, + [ ["Dorylaimia", 1457286, null, + [ ["Trichocephalida", 6329, null, + [ ["Trichinellidae", 6332, null, + [ ["Trichinella", 6333, null, + [ ["Trichinella", 6334, "Trichinella spiralis" ] ] ] ] ], + ["Trichuridae", 119093, null, + [ ["Trichuris", 36086, null, + [ ["Whipworm", 68888, "Trichuris suis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Lophotrochozoa", 1206795, null, + [ ["Mollusca", 6447, null, + [ ["Gastropoda", 6448, null, + [ ["Heterobranchia", 216305, null, + [ ["Euthyneura", 216307, null, + [ ["Euopisthobranchia", 6496, null, + [ ["Aplysiomorpha", 6497, null, + [ ["Aplysioidea", 216318, null, + [ ["Aplysiidae", 6498, null, + [ ["Aplysia", 6499, null, + [ ["Sea hare", 6500, "Aplysia californica" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Cnidaria", 6073, null, + [ ["Anthozoa", 6101, null, + [ ["Hexacorallia", 6102, null, + [ ["Actiniaria", 6103, null, + [ ["Edwardsiidae", 45349, null, + [ ["Nematostella", 45350, null, + [ ["Starlet sea anemone", 45351, "Nematostella vectensis" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Fungi", 4751, null, + [ ["Dikarya", 451864, null, + [ ["Ascomycota", 4890, null, + [ ["saccharomyceta", 716545, null, + [ ["Saccharomycotina", 147537, null, + [ ["Saccharomycetes", 4891, null, + [ ["Saccharomycetales", 4892, null, + [ ["Saccharomycetaceae", 4893, null, + [ ["Saccharomyces", 4930, null, + [ ["S. cerevisiae", 4932, "Saccharomyces cerevisiae", + [ ["S. cerevisiae", 559292, "Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Alveolata", 33630, null, + [ ["Apicomplexa", 5794, null, + [ ["Aconoidasida", 422676, null, + [ ["Haemosporida", 5819, null, + [ ["Plasmodiidae", 1639119, null, + [ ["Plasmodium", 5820, null, + [ ["Plasmodium (Laverania)", 418107, null, + [ ["P. falciparum", 5833, "Plasmodium falciparum", + [ ["Plasmodium falciparum 3d7", 36329, "Plasmodium falciparum 3D7" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Ciliophora", 5878, null, + [ ["Intramacronucleata", 431838, null, + [ ["Spirotrichea", 33829, null, + [ ["Stichotrichia", 194286, null, + [ ["Sporadotrichida", 693921, null, + [ ["Oxytrichidae", 57506, null, + [ ["Oxytrichinae", 1001750, null, + [ ["Oxytricha", 5943, null, + [ ["Oxytricha trifallax", 1172189, "Oxytricha trifallax" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Bacteria", 2, null, + [ ["Proteobacteria", 1224, null, + [ ["Gammaproteobacteria", 1236, null, + [ ["Pseudomonadales", 72274, null, + [ ["Moraxellaceae", 468, null, + [ ["Acinetobacter", 469, null, + [ ["Acinetobacter calcoaceticus/baumannii complex", 909768, null, + [ ["Acinetobacter baumannii", 470, null, + [ ["Acinetobacter baumannii", 1100841, "Acinetobacter baumannii TYTH-1" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], +["Viruses", 10239, null, + [ ["ssRNA viruses", 439488, null, + [ ["ssRNA negative-strand viruses", 35301, null, + [ ["Mononegavirales", 11157, null, + [ ["Filoviridae", 11266, null, + [ ["Ebolavirus", 186536, null, + [ ["Zaire ebolavirus", 186538, "Zaire ebolavirus" ], + ["Bundibugyo ebolavirus", 565995, "Bundibugyo virus" ], + ["Reston ebolavirus", 186539, "Reston ebolavirus" ], + ["Sudan ebolavirus", 186540, "Sudan ebolavirus" ], + ["Tai forest ebolavirus", 186541, "Tai Forest ebolavirus" ] ] ], + ["Marburgvirus", 186537, null, + [ ["Marburg virus", 11269, "Marburg marburgvirus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage", 35278, null, + [ ["Nidovirales", 76804, null, + [ ["Coronaviridae", 11118, null, + [ ["Coronavirinae", 693995, null, + [ ["Betacoronavirus", 694002, null, + [ ["Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus", 694009, null, + [ ["SARS coronavirus", 227859, "SARS coronavirus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], + ["Retro-transcribing viruses", 35268, null, + [ ["Retroviridae", 11632, null, + [ ["Orthoretrovirinae", 327045, null, + [ ["Betaretrovirus", 140052, null, + [ ["MMTV", 11757, "Mouse mammary tumor virus" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ];