  Mon Apr 18 14:40:36 2016 -0700
Updating image for gtex announcement, refs #15645

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
index ca02c37..085b3cd 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
@@ -64,31 +64,33 @@
   <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>19 April 2016
   - New Genotyping Tissue Expression Track for hg19 and hg38!</b></font>
   We are excited to announce the release of a new track based on data from the 
   <a href="http://commonfund.nih.gov/GTEx/index" TARGET = _BLANK>
   Genotyping Tissue Expression Consortium</a> V6 data freeze. This track displays tissue-specific
   gene expression for a single gene based on RNA-Seq data. The original data for this 
   track can be found at the <a href="http://www.gtexportal.org/home" target = _blank>GTEX Portal</a> 
   hosted by the Broad Institute.
   This track also features a new display method that extends the traditional Genome Browser 
   display &mdash; a bar graph! Each bar graph depicts the expression level (in RPKM) of the 
   various tissues assayed by the GTEX Consortium, and is specific to each gene, not the graph's 
   vertical location in the browser! 
-  <center><img src="images/gtexAnnounceExample.png"></center>
+  <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgTracks?hgS_doLoadUrl=submit&hgS_loadUrlName=http://hgwdev.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/sessions/gtexAnnouncementSession" 
+  target=_blank>
+  <center><img src="images/gtexAnnounceExample.png" width=75%></center></a>
   Notice how the blue gene-model underneath the graph extends past the end of the graph? This gene
   model represents the target of the RNA-Seq experiment, and the graph displays the RPKM levels
   across many different tissues for the <em>entire</em> gene. Traditionally the 3 purple bars 
   would be associated with the intron of TCAP gene, in this case those three bars indicate that 
   the entire gene is highly expressed in cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue. Clicking on the graph 
   brings up a description page which displays a more detailed box and whisker plot of the RPKM 
   data, as well as a description about all the methods used in the generation of the data. 
   Credit goes to Kate Rosenbloom for implementing this feature.
   <font color="#006666" size="4"><b> 15 April 2016 -
   dbSNP 146 Available for hg19 and hg38</b></font>