  Tue May 10 09:09:35 2016 -0700
Editing news release about new Gateway refs #15277

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
index b78e373..c9342a9 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
 <!-- News Section ============================================- -->  
 <TABLE style="background-color:#888888; width: 100%; border-width: 0px; border-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px">
     <TABLE style="background-color:#fffee8; width: 100%; border-width: 0px; border-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px">
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                  <font size="4"><a name="TOC"></a><b>&nbsp; News</b></font><a href="http://www.twitter.com/GenomeBrowser" target="_blank"><img src="http://twitter-badges.s3.amazonaws.com/t_small-a.png" title="Follow &#64;GenomeBrowser on Twitter" alt="Follow &#64;GenomeBrowser on Twitter" style="vertical-align:text-bottom; margin-left: 15px;"></a>
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                  style="vertical-align:text-bottom; margin-left: 15px;"
                  alt="Genome Browser Facebook page"></a>
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                 SRC="images/news.jpg" ALT="" ALIGN="right" BORDER=0></A>
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           To receive announcements of new genome 
           assembly releases, new software features, updates and 
           training seminars by email, subscribe to the
           <A HREF="http://groups.google.com/a/soe.ucsc.edu/group/genome-announce?hl=en"
           TARGET=_blank>genome-announce</A> mailing list. Please see our
           <a href="http://genome.ucsc.edu/blog"
           target=_blank>blog</a> for posts about Genome Browser tools, features, projects and more.
     <!-- start news -->
    <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>10 May 2016 - New Gateway Page!</b></font>
   The UCSC Genome Browser team is proud to announce a newly designed 
   <a href="../cgi-bin/hgGateway" target="_blank">Gateway web page</a>.
   While the main functionality remains unchanged as a gateway to all available
   genome browsers on all available genome assemblies, several helpful new
   features have been added:</p>
   <li>Autocomplete search for any genome browser, genome version, or public hub</li>
-  <li>Browse available genome browser species by scrolling through a visual
+  <li>Species browsing by scrolling through a visual
   &quot;tree&quot; menu based on phylogenetic order</li>
   <li>Quick access shortcuts to popular browsers</li>
   <li>New style and color scheme</li>
   Please see our new <a href="https://youtu.be/5zc9sqd4SD4"
   target="_blank">UCSC Genome Browser Gateway video</a>
   for an introduction to these new features. As we continue to expand our
   collection of high-quality, reviewed data by adding more genome assemblies
   to our public site, the new autocomplete search functionality provides an
   improved method for navigating to genome assemblies. As an alternative to
   scrolling through long drop-down menus of genome assembly options, you can
   now simply enter assembly search terms for autocomplete recognition,
   providing quick access to your genome assembly of interest.</p>
   Please note the following differences in navigation, which used to appear
   as links directly from the previous version of the Gateway web page. New
   navigation for the following tools can all be found in the top horizontal
   blue menu bar:</p>
   <li>Browser Reset: &quot;Genome Browser&quot; > &quot;Reset All User Settings&quot;</li>
   <li>Track Search: &quot;Genome Browser&quot; > &quot;Track Search&quot;</li>
   <li>Add Custom Tracks: &quot;My Data&quot; > &quot;Custom Tracks&quot;</li>
   <li>Track Hubs: &quot;My Data&quot; > &quot;Track Hubs&quot;</li>
   <li>Configure Tracks and Display: &quot;Genome Browser&quot; > &quot;Configure&quot;</li>
   We would like to acknowledge the following people for their contributions
   to the new Gateway: original art by Jeff West Design, concept by Robert Kuhn,
   software design by Angie Hinrichs, and quality assurance by Cath Tyner.</p>
 <!-- start archives -->
 <!--staged for future release   
         <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>10 May 2016 - New Gateway Page!</b>: </font>
         The UCSC Genome Browser team is proud to announce a newly designed
         <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgGateway" target="_blank">Gateway web page</a>.
         Please see our <a href="https://youtu.be/5zc9sqd4SD4"
         target="_blank">UCSC Genome Browser Gateway video</a>
         for an introduction to these new features.
         <a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#051016">Read more</a>. 
 	<font color="#006666" size="4"><b>22 Apr 2016
 	- Data from the Lens PatSeq Database Now Available</b>: </font>
 	We are pleased to announce the release of a set of tracks containing data from the
 	<a href="https://www.lens.org/" target="_blank">Lens</a>
 	PatSeq database in the UCSC Genome Browser.
 	<a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#042216">Read more</a>.
         <font color="#006666" size="4"><b>19 April 2016
         - New Genotyping Tissue Expression Track for hg19 and hg38!</b>: </font>
         We are excited to announce the release of a new track based on data from the 
         <a href="http://commonfund.nih.gov/GTEx/index" 
 	TARGET = _BLANK>Genotyping Tissue Expression Consortium</a> V6 data freeze. 
 	<a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#042016">Read more</a>.
             </TD><TD WIDTH=15>