- The UCSC Genome Browser team is proud to announce that we will soon release
- a newly designed Gateway, which will be live on the public site Tuesday afternoon
- (PDT), May 10th, 2016. Another announcement will be shared Tuesday with further
- details and a demonstration video.
- While the main functionality remains unchanged as a gateway to all available genome
- browsers, several helpful new features have been added:
- A new style and color scheme
- Here is sneak picture of the new Gateway web page.
- We hope that you will enjoy the new Gateway page next week! As always, we invite your
- questions, comments, and suggestions as directed through the details on our Contact Us web page.
- 22 Apr 2016
- - Data from the Lens PatSeq Database Now Available
- We are pleased to announce the release of a set of tracks showing the genomic mapping of
- biomedical sequences submitted as part of patent application documents worldwide. The sequence
- data, mappings and associated patent information were obtained from the
- PatSeq database provided by
- The Lens. The PatSeq data are
- mapped to the genome, and the individual sequence features within the tracks are then
- color-coded to indicate their status within the associated patent documents.
- Track details pages show information about the patent documents in which the sequences
- are referenced, and provide a link to The Lens PatSeq Analyzer tool for the given chromosome
- range. The PatSeq data are divided into two tracks: a bulk patent track for sequences affiliated
- with patents in which more than 100 sequences were submitted, and a non-bulk patent track
- for all other sequences. These tracks are currently present on the human (hg19), mouse (mm10),
- and Ebola virus (eboVir3) genomes.
- Thanks to our collaborators at The Lens, Osmat Jefferson and Deniz Koellhofer, for providing the
- data and feedback on the visualization. Thank you to Max Haeussler and Matthew Speir, members of
- the UCSC Genome Browser team, for their efforts in creating these tracks.
- 20 April 2016
- - New GTEx Gene Expression Track for hg19 and hg38
- We are excited to announce the release of a new gene expression track based on data from the NIH
- Genotype-Tissue Expression
- (GTEx) project.
- This track displays tissue-specific gene expression based on RNA-seq in 53 tissues from 570
- donors obtained from the GTEx 'midpoint' data release (V6, October 2015).
- The original data for this
- track can be found at the GTEX Portal
- hosted by the Broad Institute.
- This track also features a new gene expression display method that extends the traditional Genome
- Browser display — a horizontal bar graph. Every gene is annotated by a graph with colored
- bars, each of which corresponds to a specific tissue assayed by the GTEx project. Within
- a graph, the bar color indicates the tissue type, using GTEx conventions, and the bar height
- depicts the median expression level (in RPKM).
- To quickly view the tissue and expression level represented by a bar in the tracks display,
- mouse over the bar in the graph.
- The complete tissue color legend is shown on the
- track configuration page,
- and can also be popped up for viewing alongside the track using the right-click menu.
- Below the bar graph, a line is shown indicating the gene extent that was used to generate the
- annotation, colored by gene class using GENCODE conventions
- (e.g. blue for protein-coding,
- green for non-coding).
- User alert: In the figure above, do you notice how the bar graph sometimes extends past the
- righthand end of the associated gene annotation? This is because all bar graphs in the
- display are the same width (and have the same tissue ordering) to facilitate comparison.
- For example, in this figure (which may also be viewed
- here),
- the three tall bars in the annotation of the TCAP gene indicate that this entire gene is
- highly expressed in cardiac and skeletal muscle. It does not indicate that there are
- expression peaks in the intergenic region beyond the gene!
- Similar to other Genome Browser track displays, clicking on the graph will bring up a description
- page that shows a detailed box-and-whiskers plot of
- the RPKM data, as well as a description of the methods used to generate the data.
- Credit goes to Kate Rosenbloom and Christopher Lee for the implementation and testing of this
- feature.
+ 10 May 2016 - New Gateway Page!
+ The UCSC Genome Browser team is proud to announce a newly designed
+ Gateway web page.
+ While the main functionality remains unchanged as a gateway to all available
+ genome browsers on all available genome assemblies, several helpful new
+ features have been added:
+ - Autocomplete search for any genome browser, genome version, or public hub
+ - Browse available genome browser species by scrolling through a visual
+ "tree" menu based on phylogenetic order
+ - Quick access shortcuts to popular browsers
+ - New style and color scheme
+ Please see our new UCSC Genome Browser Gateway video
+ for an introduction to these new features. As we continue to expand our
+ collection of high-quality, reviewed data by adding more genome assemblies
+ to our public site, the new autocomplete search functionality provides an
+ improved method for navigating to genome assemblies. As an alternative to
+ scrolling through long drop-down menus of genome assembly options, you can
+ now simply enter assembly search terms for autocomplete recognition,
+ providing quick access to your genome assembly of interest.
+ Please note the following differences in navigation, which used to appear
+ as links directly from the previous version of the Gateway web page. New
+ navigation for the following tools can all be found in the top horizontal
+ blue menu bar:
+ - Browser Reset: "Genome Browser" > "Reset All User Settings"
+ - Track Search: "Genome Browser" > "Track Search"
+ - Add Custom Tracks: "My Data" > "Custom Tracks"
+ - Track Hubs: "My Data" > "Track Hubs"
+ - Configure Tracks and Display: "Genome Browser" > "Configure"
+ We would like to acknowledge the following people for their contributions
+ to the new Gateway: original art by Jeff West Design, concept by Robert Kuhn,
+ software design by Angie Hinrichs, and quality assurance by Cath Tyner.
22 Apr 2016
- Data from the Lens PatSeq Database Now Available:
We are pleased to announce the release of a set of tracks containing data from the
PatSeq database in the UCSC Genome Browser.
Read more.
19 April 2016
- - New Genotyping Tissue Expression Track for hg19 and hg38!
+ - New Genotyping Tissue Expression Track for hg19 and hg38!:
We are excited to announce the release of a new track based on data from the
Genotyping Tissue Expression Consortium V6 data freeze.
- Read more.
- 15 April 2016 -
- dbSNP 146 Available for hg19 and hg38:
- We are pleased to announce the release of four tracks derived
- from NCBI dbSNP Build 146 data.
- Read more.
- 15 April 2016
- - Genome Browsers for Gorilla, Rhesus, and Crab-Eating Macacque Now Available.
- Read more.
+ Read more.