  Wed Jun 8 17:06:40 2016 -0700
Limit the length of gbMembers.keyList to avoid buffer overflow (and wasted space).  refs #17327 notes 98, 100, 101.

diff --git src/hg/lib/wikiLink.c src/hg/lib/wikiLink.c
index fc7b2b6..572e87f 100644
--- src/hg/lib/wikiLink.c
+++ src/hg/lib/wikiLink.c
@@ -1,627 +1,637 @@
 /* wikiLink - interoperate with a wiki site (share user identities). */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "autoUpgrade.h"
 #include "cartDb.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "web.h"
 #include "wikiLink.h"
 // Flag to indicate that loginValidateCookies has been called:
 static boolean alreadyAuthenticated = FALSE;
 // Set by loginValidateCookies, used by wikiLinkUserName
 static boolean authenticated = FALSE;
 // User name from remote login cookies
 static char *remoteUserName = NULL;
 // If we need to change some cookies, store cookie strings here in case loginValidateCookies
 // is called multiple times (e.g. validate before cookie-writing, then later write cookies)
 static struct slName *cookieStrings = NULL;
 char *loginSystemName()
 /* Return the wiki host specified in hg.conf, or NULL.  Allocd here. */
 return cloneString(cfgOption(CFG_LOGIN_SYSTEM_NAME));
 boolean loginSystemEnabled()
 /* Return TRUE if login.systemName  parameter is defined in hg.conf . */
 #ifdef USE_SSL
 return (cfgOption(CFG_LOGIN_SYSTEM_NAME) != NULL);
 return FALSE;
 boolean wikiLinkEnabled()
 /* Return TRUE if all wiki.* parameters are defined in hg.conf . */
 return ((cfgOption(CFG_WIKI_HOST) != NULL) &&
 static char *wikiLinkLoggedInCookie()
 /* Return the cookie name specified in hg.conf as the wiki logged-in cookie. */
 return cfgOption(CFG_WIKI_LOGGED_IN_COOKIE);
 static char *wikiLinkUserNameCookie()
 /* Return the cookie name specified in hg.conf as the wiki user name cookie. */
 return cfgOption(CFG_WIKI_USER_NAME_COOKIE);
 static char *loginIdKeyCookie()
 /* Return the name of the login system <id>_<key> cookie.  Do not free result. */
 static char defaultCookie[512];
 char *cookie = cfgOption(CFG_LOGIN_IDKEY_COOKIE);
 if (isEmpty(cookie))
     char *centralDbPrefix = cfgOptionDefault(CFG_CENTRAL_COOKIE, "central");
     safef(defaultCookie, sizeof(defaultCookie), "%s.hgLoginToken", centralDbPrefix);
     cookie = defaultCookie;
 return cookie;
 static char *loginUserNameCookie()
 /* Return the name of the login system user name cookie.  Do not free result. */
 static char defaultCookie[512];
 char *cookie = cfgOption(CFG_LOGIN_USER_NAME_COOKIE);
 if (isEmpty(cookie))
     char *centralDbPrefix = cfgOptionDefault(CFG_CENTRAL_COOKIE, "central");
     safef(defaultCookie, sizeof(defaultCookie), "%s.hgLoginUserName", centralDbPrefix);
     cookie = defaultCookie;
 return cookie;
 static uint getCookieIdKey(char **retKey
                          , boolean *retReplaceOld                 // TODO: remove in July 2016
 /* The cookie may have either just a number <idx> or <idx>_<key>.  Return idx;
  * key defaults to NULL, and is placed in retKey if retKey is non-NULL. */
 uint idx = 0;
 char *key = NULL;
 char *cookieIdKeyStr = findCookieData(loginIdKeyCookie());
 // BEGIN TODO: remove in July 2016
 // If login cookies are not set, but wiki cookies are, accept their values but replace them later
 if (isEmpty(cookieIdKeyStr) && wikiLinkEnabled())
     cookieIdKeyStr = findCookieData(wikiLinkLoggedInCookie());
     if (retReplaceOld && isNotEmpty(cookieIdKeyStr))
         *retReplaceOld = TRUE;
 // END TODO: remove in July 2016
 if (isNotEmpty(cookieIdKeyStr))
     char copy[strlen(cookieIdKeyStr)+1];
     safecpy(copy, sizeof(copy), cookieIdKeyStr);
     char *p = strchr(copy, '_');
     if (p != NULL)
         *p++ = '\0';
     idx = (uint)atoll(copy);
     key = (p) ? cloneString(p) : NULL;
 if (retKey)
     *retKey = key;
 return idx;
 static uint getMemberIdx(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *userName)
 /* Return userName's idx value in gbMembers.  Return 0 if not found. */
 char query[512];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select idx from gbMembers where userName='%s'", userName);
 return (uint)sqlQuickLongLong(conn, query);
 static boolean haveKeyList(struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Return true if gbMembers has column keyList. */
 if (sqlColumnExists(conn, "gbMembers", "keyList"))
     return TRUE;
     autoUpgradeTableAddColumn(conn, "gbMembers", "keyList", "longblob", FALSE, "NULL");
     return sqlColumnExists(conn, "gbMembers", "keyList");
 static boolean isValidKey(struct sqlConnection *conn, uint idx, char *userName, char *key)
 /* Return TRUE if gbMembers has a row that maps idx to userName and key. */
 boolean isValid = FALSE;
 char query[512];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select userName, keyList from gbMembers where idx = %u", idx);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row;
 if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     if (sameString(row[0], userName))
         struct slName *validKeyList = slNameListFromString(row[1], ',');
         isValid = slNameInListUseCase(validKeyList, key);
 return isValid;
 static void deleteKey(struct sqlConnection *conn, uint idx, char *key)
 /* Remove key from idx row's comma-separated keyList. */
 char query[2048];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select keyList from gbMembers where idx = %u", idx);
-char buf[1024];
+char buf[2048];
 char *keyListStr = sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, buf, sizeof(buf));
 if (isNotEmpty(keyListStr))
     struct slName *keyList = slNameListFromString(keyListStr, ',');
     struct slName *keyToDelete = slNameFind(keyList, key);
     if (keyToDelete)
         slRemoveEl(&keyList, keyToDelete);
         char *newListStr = slNameListToString(keyList, ',');
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update gbMembers set keyList='%s' where idx = %u",
                  newListStr, idx);
         sqlUpdate(conn, query);
 static void insertKey(struct sqlConnection *conn, uint idx, char *key)
 /* Add a new entry to gbMembers.keyList for idx. */
 char query[2048];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select keyList from gbMembers where idx = %u", idx);
-char buf[1024];
+char buf[2048];
 char *keyListStr = sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, buf, sizeof(buf));
-if (isNotEmpty(keyListStr))
+if (isEmpty(keyListStr))
+    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update gbMembers set keyList='%s' where idx = %u", key, idx);
+    {
+    // Orphaned keys can pile up when we test this feature by editing or deleting cookies,
+    // or when cookies aren't working properly.
+    // If there are many more keys in keyListStr than we would expect a user to have
+    // (e.g. 5 devices * 3 browsers = 15 keys, 28 chars per key = 420 chars, so say 1000 chars)
+    // then delete the oldest key(s) to avoid buffer overflow.
+    char *p;
+    while (strlen(keyListStr) > 1000 && (p = strrchr(keyListStr, ',')) != NULL)
+        *p = '\0';
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update gbMembers set keyList='%s,%s' where idx = %u",
              key, keyListStr, idx);
-    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update gbMembers set keyList='%s' where idx = %u", key, idx);
+    }
 sqlUpdate(conn, query);
 char *getCookieDomainString()
 /* Get a string that will look something like " domain=.ucsc.edu;" if central.domain
  * is defined, otherwise just "".  Don't free result. */
 static char domainString[256];
 char *domain = cloneString(cfgOption(CFG_CENTRAL_DOMAIN));
 if (domain != NULL && strchr(domain, '.') != NULL)
     safef(domainString, sizeof(domainString), " domain=%s;", domain);
     domainString[0] = '\0';
 return domainString;
 #define NO_EXPIRE_COOKIE_DATE "Thu, 31-Dec-2037 23:59:59 GMT"
 #define EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE "Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT"
 struct slName *newCookieString(char *name, char *value)
 /* Return a cookie string that sets cookie to value if non-empty and
  * deletes/invalidates the cookie if value is empty or NULL. */
 char *domain = getCookieDomainString();
 char cookieString[2048];
 if (isNotEmpty(value))
     // Set the cookie to value
     safef(cookieString, sizeof(cookieString), "%s=%s;%s path=/; expires="NO_EXPIRE_COOKIE_DATE,
           name, value, domain);
     // Invalidate the cookie
     safef(cookieString, sizeof(cookieString), "%s=;%s path=/; expires="EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE,
           name, domain);
 return slNameNew(cookieString);
 static struct slName *loginUserNameCookieString(char *userName)
 /* Return a cookie string that sets userName cookie to userName if non-empty and
  * deletes/invalidates the cookie if empty/NULL. */
 return newCookieString(loginUserNameCookie(), cgiEncodeFull(userName));
 static struct slName *loginIdKeyCookieString(uint idx, char *key)
 /* Return a cookie string that sets ID cookie to idKey if idKey is non-empty and
  * deletes/invalidates the cookie if empty/NULL. */
 char newVal[1024];
 if (isNotEmpty(key))
     safef(newVal, sizeof(newVal), "%u_%s", idx, key);
     safef(newVal, sizeof(newVal), "%u", idx);
 return newCookieString(loginIdKeyCookie(), idx ? newVal : NULL);
 static char *makeNewKey()
 /* Return a new random key using the same number of bits that we use for
  * {userDb,sessionDb}.sessionKey */
 // at least 128 bits of protection, 33 for the world population size.
 int numBits = 128 + 33;
 return cartDbMakeRandomKey(numBits);
 struct slName *loginLoginUser(char *userName, uint idx)
 /* Return cookie strings to set for user so we'll recognize that user is logged in.
  * Call this after validating userName's password. */
 alreadyAuthenticated = TRUE;
 authenticated = TRUE;
 char *key = NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 if (haveKeyList(conn))
     key = makeNewKey();
     insertKey(conn, idx, key);
 slAddHead(&cookieStrings, loginIdKeyCookieString(idx, key));
 slAddHead(&cookieStrings, loginUserNameCookieString(userName));
 return cookieStrings;
 struct slName *loginLogoutUser()
 /* Return cookie strings to set (deleting the login cookies). */
 alreadyAuthenticated = TRUE;
 authenticated = FALSE;
 cookieStrings = NULL;
 char *key = NULL;
 uint idx = getCookieIdKey(&key, NULL);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 if (haveKeyList(conn) && key)
     deleteKey(conn, idx, key);
 slAddHead(&cookieStrings, loginIdKeyCookieString(0, NULL));
 slAddHead(&cookieStrings, loginUserNameCookieString(NULL));
 // BEGIN TODO: remove in July 2016
 if (wikiLinkEnabled())
     slAddHead(&cookieStrings, newCookieString(wikiLinkLoggedInCookie(), NULL));
     slAddHead(&cookieStrings, newCookieString(wikiLinkUserNameCookie(), NULL));
 // END TODO: remove in July 2016
 return cookieStrings;
 static char *getRemoteCookiePrefix(char *wikiHost)
 /* Try to guess what cookie prefix wikiHost will use, to tide us over for release 333.
  * It's better to set hg.conf's login.tokenCookie and login.userNameCookie than to rely on this. */
 if (sameString("genome.ucsc.edu", wikiHost))
     return "hguid";
 if (startsWith("hgwbeta.", wikiHost))
     return "hguid.hgwbeta";
 if (startsWith("genome-test.", wikiHost) || startsWith("hgwdev.", wikiHost))
     return "hguid.genome-test";
 return NULL;
 static char *getRemoteCookieVal(char *cfgCookieName, char *remoteCookiePrefix, char *suffix)
 /* Return the value of the remote login cookie.  If the cookie name is not specified in hg.conf,
  * make a guess to tide us over for release 333.  Do not free result. */
 char *cookie = cfgOption(cfgCookieName);
 if (isNotEmpty(cookie))
     return findCookieData(cookie);
 if (remoteCookiePrefix)
     char defaultCookie[512];
     safef(defaultCookie, sizeof(defaultCookie), "%s.%s", remoteCookiePrefix, suffix);
     return findCookieData(defaultCookie);
 return NULL;
 static void remoteHostBypass()
 /* If a remote host was used for login, redirecting back to this server, then this server's
  * central database does not have the correct login token -- so we can't validate cookies.
  * Fall back on the old method of just accepting whatever cookies we get.  Unfortunately
  * we'll have to take a guess at what those cookies are, although hg.conf can override. */
 char *wikiHost = cfgOption(CFG_WIKI_HOST);
 if (isEmpty(wikiHost) || sameString(wikiHost, "HTTPHOST") || sameString(wikiHost, hHttpHost()))
 alreadyAuthenticated = TRUE;
 cookieStrings = NULL;
 char *cookiePrefix = getRemoteCookiePrefix(wikiHost);
 char *userName = getRemoteCookieVal(CFG_LOGIN_USER_NAME_COOKIE, cookiePrefix, "hgLoginUserName");
 char *idKey = getRemoteCookieVal(CFG_LOGIN_IDKEY_COOKIE, cookiePrefix, "hgLoginToken");
 authenticated = (isNotEmpty(userName) && isNotEmpty(idKey));
 if (isNotEmpty(userName))
     remoteUserName = cloneString(userName);
     cgiDecodeFull(remoteUserName, remoteUserName, strlen(remoteUserName));
 // BEGIN TODO: remove in July 2016
 if (! authenticated && wikiLinkEnabled())
     // Accept old wiki cookies for now
     char *wikiUserName = findCookieData(wikiLinkUserNameCookie());
     char *wikiLoggedIn = findCookieData(wikiLinkLoggedInCookie());
     if (isNotEmpty(wikiLoggedIn) && isNotEmpty(wikiUserName))
         authenticated = TRUE;
         remoteUserName = wikiUserName;
 // END TODO: remove in July 2016
 static char *getLoginUserName()
 /* Get the (CGI-decoded) value of the login userName cookie. */
 char *userName = cloneString(findCookieData(loginUserNameCookie()));
 if (isNotEmpty(userName))
     cgiDecodeFull(userName, userName, strlen(userName));
 return userName;
 struct slName *loginValidateCookies()
 /* Return possibly empty list of cookie strings for the caller to set.
  * If login cookies are obsolete but (formerly) valid, the results sets updated cookies.
  * If login cookies are present but invalid, the result deletes/expires the cookies.
  * Otherwise returns NULL (no change to cookies). */
 if (alreadyAuthenticated)
     return cookieStrings;
 alreadyAuthenticated = TRUE;
 authenticated = FALSE;
 char *userName = getLoginUserName();
 // BEGIN TODO: remove in July 2016
 // If we're using values from old wiki cookies, replace the cookies.
 boolean replaceOldCookies = FALSE;
 if (isEmpty(userName) && wikiLinkEnabled())
     userName = findCookieData(wikiLinkUserNameCookie());
     if (isNotEmpty(userName))
         replaceOldCookies = TRUE;
 boolean deleteCookies = FALSE;
 // END TODO: remove in July 2016
 char *cookieKey = NULL;
 uint cookieIdx = getCookieIdKey(&cookieKey, &replaceOldCookies);
 if (userName && cookieIdx)
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
     if (haveKeyList(conn))
         uint memberIdx = getMemberIdx(conn, userName);        // TODO: remove in July 2016
         // Check userName and cookieKey vs gbMembers' userName and keyList for cookieIdx
         boolean keyIsValid = isValidKey(conn, cookieIdx, userName, cookieKey);
         if (keyIsValid)
             authenticated = TRUE;
 // BEGIN TODO: remove in July 2016
         // For the first couple months, also accept gbMembers.idx to smooth the transition.
         else if (cookieKey == NULL && cookieIdx == memberIdx)
             authenticated = TRUE;
             // Create and store a new key, and make a cookie string with the new key.
             char *newKey = makeNewKey();
             insertKey(conn, cookieIdx, newKey);
             slAddHead(&cookieStrings, loginIdKeyCookieString(cookieIdx, newKey));
 // END TODO: remove in July 2016
             // Invalid key; delete cookies
             deleteCookies = TRUE;                                      // TODO: remove in July 2016
             slAddHead(&cookieStrings, loginIdKeyCookieString(0, NULL));
             slAddHead(&cookieStrings, loginUserNameCookieString(NULL));
         // gbMembers does not have keyList column -- just use gbMembers.idx
         uint memberIdx = getMemberIdx(conn, userName);
         if (cookieIdx == memberIdx)
             authenticated = TRUE;
 // BEGIN TODO: remove in July 2016
 // Delete the cookies that we used to use and make sure the new cookies are set.
 if (replaceOldCookies)
     slAddHead(&cookieStrings, newCookieString(wikiLinkLoggedInCookie(), NULL));
     slAddHead(&cookieStrings, newCookieString(wikiLinkUserNameCookie(), NULL));
     if (cookieStrings == NULL)
         slAddHead(&cookieStrings, loginIdKeyCookieString(cookieIdx, cookieKey));
     if (! deleteCookies)
         slAddHead(&cookieStrings, loginUserNameCookieString(userName));
 // END TODO: remove in July 2016
 return cookieStrings;
 char *wikiLinkHost()
 /* Return the wiki host specified in hg.conf, or NULL.  Allocd here. 
  * Returns hostname from http request if hg.conf entry is HTTPHOST.
  * */
 char *wikiHost = cfgOption(CFG_WIKI_HOST);
 if (isEmpty(wikiHost) || sameString(wikiHost, "HTTPHOST"))
     wikiHost = hHttpHost();
 return cloneString(wikiHost);
 char *wikiLinkUserName()
 /* Return the user name specified in cookies from the browser, or NULL if 
  * the user doesn't appear to be logged in. */
 if (loginSystemEnabled())
     if (! alreadyAuthenticated)
         errAbort("wikiLinkUserName: loginValidateCookies must be called first.");
     char *userName = getLoginUserName();
     if (isEmpty(userName) && isNotEmpty(remoteUserName))
         userName = remoteUserName;
     if (isEmpty(userName) && wikiLinkEnabled())                   // TODO: remove in July 2016
         userName = findCookieData(wikiLinkUserNameCookie());      // TODO: remove in July 2016
     if (authenticated)
         return cloneString(userName);
 else if (wikiLinkEnabled())
     char *wikiUserName = findCookieData(wikiLinkUserNameCookie());
     char *wikiLoggedIn = findCookieData(wikiLinkLoggedInCookie());
     if (isNotEmpty(wikiLoggedIn) && isNotEmpty(wikiUserName))
         return cloneString(wikiUserName);
     errAbort("wikiLinkUserName called when wiki is not enabled (specified "
         "in hg.conf).");
 return NULL;
 static char *encodedHgSessionReturnUrl(char *hgsid)
 /* Return a CGI-encoded hgSession URL with hgsid.  Free when done. */
 char retBuf[1024];
 char *cgiDir = cgiScriptDirUrl();
 safef(retBuf, sizeof(retBuf), "http%s://%s%shgSession?hgsid=%s",
       cgiAppendSForHttps(), cgiServerNamePort(), cgiDir, hgsid);
 return cgiEncode(retBuf);
 char *wikiLinkUserLoginUrlReturning(char *hgsid, char *returnUrl)
 /* Return the URL for the wiki user login page. */
 char buf[2048];
 if (loginSystemEnabled())
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
         cgiAppendSForHttps(), wikiLinkHost(), returnUrl);
     if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
         errAbort("wikiLinkUserLoginUrl called when wiki is not enabled (specified "
             "in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
         wikiLinkHost(), returnUrl);
 char *wikiLinkUserLoginUrl(char *hgsid)
 /* Return the URL for the wiki user login page with return going to hgSessions. */
 char *retUrl = encodedHgSessionReturnUrl(hgsid);
 char *result = wikiLinkUserLoginUrlReturning(hgsid, retUrl);
 return result;
 char *wikiLinkUserLogoutUrlReturning(char *hgsid, char *returnUrl)
 /* Return the URL for the wiki user logout page. */
 char buf[2048];
 if (loginSystemEnabled())
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
         cgiAppendSForHttps(), wikiLinkHost(), returnUrl);
     if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
         errAbort("wikiLinkUserLogoutUrl called when wiki is not enable (specified "
             "in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
          wikiLinkHost(), returnUrl);
 char *wikiLinkUserLogoutUrl(char *hgsid)
 /* Return the URL for the wiki user logout page that returns to hgSessions. */
 char *retEnc = encodedHgSessionReturnUrl(hgsid);
 char *result = wikiLinkUserLogoutUrlReturning(hgsid, retEnc);
 return result;
 char *wikiLinkUserSignupUrl(char *hgsid)
 /* Return the URL for the user signup  page. */
 char buf[2048];
 char *retEnc = encodedHgSessionReturnUrl(hgsid);
 if (loginSystemEnabled())
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
         cgiAppendSForHttps(), wikiLinkHost(), retEnc);
     if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
         errAbort("wikiLinkUserLogoutUrl called when wiki is not enable (specified "
             "in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
          wikiLinkHost(), retEnc);
 char *wikiLinkChangePasswordUrl(char *hgsid)
 /* Return the URL for the user change password page. */
 char buf[2048];
 char *retEnc = encodedHgSessionReturnUrl(hgsid);
 if (loginSystemEnabled())
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
         cgiAppendSForHttps(), wikiLinkHost(), retEnc);
     if (! wikiLinkEnabled())
         errAbort("wikiLinkUserLogoutUrl called when wiki is not enable (specified "
             "in hg.conf).");
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf),
          wikiLinkHost(), retEnc);