  Sat Jun 11 14:25:14 2016 -0700
Store the sort/filter state of jQuery-DataTables-enabled tables in hgSession and hgPublicSessions to the cart, without including that state in saved sessions.  Block IE versions before 11 from seeing the DataTables table version, due to checkbox issues.  Bonus: fix for a minor session deletion bug. refs #15312, #17509

diff --git src/hg/hgPublicSessions/hgPublicSessions.c src/hg/hgPublicSessions/hgPublicSessions.c
index c42dc7f..f70dc2b 100644
--- src/hg/hgPublicSessions/hgPublicSessions.c
+++ src/hg/hgPublicSessions/hgPublicSessions.c
@@ -1,283 +1,298 @@
 /* hgPublicSessions - A gallery for hgTracks sessions. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2016 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "web.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "ra.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "hPrint.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "sessionThumbnail.h"
+#include "jsHelper.h"
 struct galleryEntry
 /* Holds data for a single session in the gallery*/
     struct galleryEntry *next;
     char *userName;
     char *realName;
     char *sessionName;
     char *settings;
     char *db;
     char *firstUse;
     char *imgPath;
     char *imgUri;
     struct dyString *sessionUrl;
     unsigned long useCount;
 /* Global Variables */
 struct cart *cart;             /* CGI and other variables */
 struct hash *oldVars = NULL;
 struct galleryEntry *galLoad(char **row)
 /* Load a session entry from a row.  A row consists of:
  * 0. gbMembers.realName
  * 1. namedSessionDb.userName
  * 2. gbMembers.idx
  * 3. namedSessionDb.sessionName
  * 4. namedSessionDb.useCount
  * 5. namedSessionDb.settings
  * 6. namedSessionDb.contents
  * 7. namedSessionDb.firstUse */
 char *dbIdx, *dbEnd;
 struct galleryEntry *ret;
 ret->realName = cloneString(row[0]);
 ret->userName = cloneString(row[1]);
 cgiDecodeFull(ret->userName, ret->userName, strlen(ret->userName));
 ret->sessionName = cloneString(row[3]);
 cgiDecodeFull(ret->sessionName, ret->sessionName, strlen(ret->sessionName));
 ret->sessionUrl = dyStringCreate("hgS_doOtherUser=submit&hgS_otherUserName=%s&hgS_otherUserSessionName=%s", row[1], row[3]);
 ret->imgPath = sessionThumbnailFilePath(row[2], row[3], row[7]);
 if (fileExists(ret->imgPath))
     ret->imgUri = sessionThumbnailFileUri(row[2], row[3], row[7]);
     ret->imgUri = NULL;
 ret->useCount = sqlUnsignedLong(row[4]);
 ret->settings = cloneString(row[5]);
 if (startsWith("db=", row[6]))
     dbIdx = row[6] + 3;
     dbIdx = strstr(row[6], "&db=") + 4;
 if (dbIdx != NULL)
     dbEnd = strchr(dbIdx, '&');
     if (dbEnd != NULL)
         ret->db = cloneStringZ(dbIdx, dbEnd-dbIdx);
         ret->db = cloneString(dbIdx);
     ret->db = cloneString("n/a");
 ret->firstUse = cloneString(row[7]);
 char *spacePt = strchr(ret->firstUse, ' ');
 if (spacePt != NULL) *spacePt = '\0';
 return ret;
 void deleteGallery (struct galleryEntry **pGal)
 /* Free all memory associated with a gallery entry */
 struct galleryEntry *gal;
 if ((gal = *pGal) != NULL)
 struct galleryEntry *galleryFetch()
 /* Return an slList of gallery entries fetched from hgcentral */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
 struct galleryEntry *gal, *galList = NULL;
 char otherConstraints[80] = "", query[2048], **row;
 sqlSafef (query, sizeof(query),
     "select m.realName, s.userName, m.idx, s.sessionName, s.useCount, s.settings, s.contents, s.firstUse from "
     "%s s left join gbMembers m on m.userName = s.userName where shared = 2%s limit 30"
     , namedSessionTable, otherConstraints);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     gal = galLoad(row);
     slAddHead (&galList, gal);
 return galList;
-void doGalleryIncludes()
-/* Print external links to the jquery js and css files used for this CGI.  Unfortunately
- * this conflicts a bit with the jquery we inherit from cartWebStart().  Hope
- * to resolve that some day by figuring out what's preventing us from updating
- * our jquery version elsewhere */
-printf ("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" "
-        "href=\"https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.12/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css\">\n");
-printf ("<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
-        "src=\"https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.3.min.js\"></script>\n");
-printf ("<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf8\" "
-        "src=\"https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.12/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js\"></script>\n");
 void galleryDisplay(struct galleryEntry *galList)
 /* Print a table containing the gallery data from galList */
 struct galleryEntry *thisSession = galList;
 /* Hide the orderable columns and disable ordering on the visible columns
  * https://datatables.net/reference/option/columnDefs for more info.
  * Then set up the ordering drop-down menu */
-printf ("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
-"$(document).ready(function () {\n"
+printf ("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
+printf("$(document).ready(function () {\n"
     "    $('#sessionTable').DataTable({\"columnDefs\": [{\"visible\":false, \"targets\":[2,3]},\n"
     "                                                   {\"orderable\":false, \"targets\":[0,1]}\n"
     "                                                  ],\n"
-"                                       \"order\":[3,'desc']});\n"
+    "                                       \"dom\":\"lftip\",\n"
+    "                                       \"stateSave\":true,\n"
+    "                                       \"stateSaveCallback\": %s,\n"
+    "                                       \"stateLoadCallback\": %s,\n"
     "                                });\n"
-"function changeSort() {\n"
+    /* Recover previous sorting choice from the cart settings, if available */
+    "    var startOrder = $('#sessionTable').DataTable().order();\n"
+    "    if (startOrder[0][0] == 3) {\n"
+    "        if (startOrder[0][1] == \"asc\") {\n"
+    "            $('#sortMethod').val(\"useAsc\");\n"
+    "        } else {\n"
+    "            $('#sortMethod').val(\"useDesc\");\n"
+    "        }\n"
+    "    } else {\n"
+    "        if (startOrder[0][0] == 2) {\n"
+    "            if (startOrder[0][1] == \"asc\") {\n"
+    "                $('#sortMethod').val(\"dateAsc\");\n"
+    "            } else {\n"
+    "                $('#sortMethod').val(\"dateDesc\");\n"
+    "            }\n"
+    "        } else {\n"
+    "            $('#sessionTable').DataTable().order([3,'desc']).draw();\n"
+    "            $('#sortMethod').val(\"useDesc\");\n"
+    "        }\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "});\n",
+    jsDataTableStateSave(hgPublicSessionsPrefix), jsDataTableStateLoad(hgPublicSessionsPrefix, cart));
+printf ("function changeSort() {\n"
     "    var newSort = document.getElementById('sortMethod').value;\n"
     "    var theTable = $('#sessionTable').DataTable();\n"
     "    if (newSort == \"useDesc\") {theTable.order([3,'desc']).draw(); }\n"
     "    if (newSort == \"useAsc\") {theTable.order([3,'asc']).draw(); }\n"
     "    if (newSort == \"dateDesc\") {theTable.order([2,'desc']).draw(); }\n"
     "    if (newSort == \"dateAsc\") {theTable.order([2,'asc']).draw(); }\n"
+    "}\n");
 printf ("<p>\n");
 printf ("<b>Sort by:</b> <select id=\"sortMethod\" onchange=\"changeSort()\">\n");
 printf ("\t\t<option value=\"useDesc\">Popularity (descending)</option>\n");
 printf ("\t\t<option value=\"useAsc\">Popularity (ascending)</option>\n");
 printf ("\t\t<option value=\"dateDesc\">Creation (newest first)</option>\n");
 printf ("\t\t<option value=\"dateAsc\">Creation (oldest first)</option>\n");
 printf ("</select></p>\n");
-printf ("<table id=\"sessionTable\" class=\"display compact\" width=\"100%%\">\n"
+printf ("<table id=\"sessionTable\" class=\"sessionTable stripe hover row-border compact\" width=\"100%%\">\n"
     "    <thead>"
     "        <tr>"
     "            <th>Screenshot</th>\n"
     "            <th>Session Properties</th>\n"
     "            <th>Creation Date</th>\n"
     "            <th>Use Count</th>\n"
     "        </tr>\n"
     "    </thead>\n");
 printf ("<tbody>\n");
 while (thisSession != NULL)
     char *settingString = NULL;
     printf ("\t<tr>\n");
     if (isNotEmpty(thisSession->imgUri))
         printf ("\t\t<td><a href=\"../cgi-bin/hgTracks?%s\">",
         printf ("<img src=\"%s\" class=\"sessionThumbnail\"></a></td>\n", thisSession->imgUri);
         printf ("\t\t<td><center><nobr>Screenshot not available</nobr><br>\n");
         printf ("\t\t<a href=\"../cgi-bin/hgTracks?%s\">Click Here</a> to view</center></td>\n",
     struct hash *settingsHash = raFromString(thisSession->settings);
     settingString = (char*) hashFindVal(settingsHash, "description");
     if (settingString == NULL)
         settingString = "";
         settingString = replaceChars(settingString, "\\\\", "\\__ESC__");
         settingString = replaceChars(settingString, "\\r", "\r");
         settingString = replaceChars(settingString, "\\n", "\n");
         settingString = replaceChars(settingString, "\\__ESC__", "\\");
     printf ("\t\t<td><b>Description:</b> %s<br>\n", settingString);
     printf ("\t\t<b>Author:</b> %s<br>\n", thisSession->userName);
     printf ("\t\t<b>Session Name:</b> %s<br>\n", thisSession->sessionName);
     printf ("\t\t<b>Genome Assembly:</b> %s<br>\n", thisSession->db);
     printf ("\t\t<b>Creation Date:</b> %s<br>\n", thisSession->firstUse);
     printf ("\t\t<b>Views:</b> %ld\n", thisSession->useCount);
     printf ("\t\t</td>\n");
     struct tm creationDate;
     strptime(thisSession->firstUse, "%Y-%m-%d", &creationDate);
     /* Hidden columns */
     printf ("\t\t<td>%ld</td>\n", mktime(&creationDate));
     printf ("\t\t<td>%ld</td>\n", thisSession->useCount);
     printf ("\t</tr>\n");
     thisSession = thisSession->next;
 printf ("</tbody>\n");
 printf ("</table>\n");
 void showGalleryTab ()
 /* Rather boring now, but a placeholder against the day that there's also a "favorites" tab */
 struct galleryEntry *galList = galleryFetch();
 void doMiddle(struct cart *theCart)
 /* Set up globals and make web page */
 cart = theCart;
 char *db = cartUsualString(cart, "db", hDefaultDb());
 cartWebStart(cart, db, "Public Sessions");
+/* Not in a form; can't use cartSaveSession() to set up an hgsid input */
+printf ("<script>var common = {hgsid:\"%s\"};</script>\n", cartSessionId(cart));
-printf("<p>Our users have marked the following sessions as being of "
-    "interest to the community."
-    "<br>See the <a href=\"../goldenPath/help/hgSessionHelp.html\" "
-    "target=_blank>Sessions User's Guide</a> "
-    "for more information on how to add your sessions to this page.<p/>\n");
+printf("<p>Sessions allow users to save snapshots of the Genome Browser "
+"and its current configuration, including displayed tracks, position, "
+"and custom track data. The Public Sessions tool allows users to easily "
+"share those sessions that they deem interesting with the rest of the "
+"world's researchers. You can add your own sessions to this list by "
+"checking the appropriate box on the "
+"<a href=\"../cgi-bin/hgSession?%s\">Session Management</a> page.</p>\n"
+"<p>See the "
+"<a href=\"../goldenPath/help/hgSessionHelp.html\">Sessions User's Guide</a> "
+"for more information.\n</p>", cartSidUrlString(cart));
-printf ("<p>You can adjust the settings for your own sessions on\n"
-    "the <a href=\"hgSession?%s\">Sessions</a> page.\n</p>",
-    cartSidUrlString(cart));
 /* Null terminated list of CGI Variables we don't want to save
  * permanently. */
 char *excludeVars[] = {"Submit", "submit", NULL,};
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 cgiSpoof(&argc, argv);
 cartEmptyShell(doMiddle, hUserCookie(), excludeVars, oldVars);
 return 0;