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guidelines for seeking online scientific help.
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do not post confidential information to our public forums.
Website and data questions:
Publicly searchable, interactive discussion forum for questions about the
- UCSC Genome Browser software, annotation database, genome assemblies, and
- release cycles (high volume).
+ UCSC Genome Browser software, annotation database, genome assemblies, bug
+ reports and release cycles (high volume).
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Comments and suggestions:
Suggestion Box
Private forum for suggesting new tracks, utilities, and other features for
the Genome Browser.
Mirror and source code questions:
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setup and maintenance of Genome Browser mirrors. Commercial use of the source
code and binaries requires a license.
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Genome Browser announcements:
Notifications from the Genome Browser project team about new software and
data releases, and other items of interest to Genome Browser users (low
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Genome Browser Training Program:
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training department or visit
our signup page.
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