ea5b4301814c1df9f2a0f3b2d9e0d2f06b22635e braney Tue May 24 18:37:10 2016 -0700 hgTables support , some display changes, and a better hgc page for longTabix diff --git src/hg/hgTables/schema.c src/hg/hgTables/schema.c index 03075e1..4befc14 100644 --- src/hg/hgTables/schema.c +++ src/hg/hgTables/schema.c @@ -611,58 +611,62 @@ showSchemaWithAsObj(db, table, ct, asObj); asObjectFree(&asObj); } else errAbort("Unrecognized customTrack type %s", type); } static void showSchemaHub(char *db, char *table) /* Show schema on a hub track. */ { struct trackDb *tdb = hashMustFindVal(fullTableToTdbHash, table); hubConnectAddDescription(db, tdb); char *type = cloneFirstWord(tdb->type); if (sameString(type, "bigBed")) showSchemaBigBed(table, tdb); +else if (sameString(type, "longTabix")) + showSchemaLongTabix(table, tdb); else if (sameString(type, "bam")) showSchemaBam(table, tdb); else if (sameString(type, "vcfTabix")) showSchemaVcf(table, tdb, TRUE); else { hPrintf("Binary file of type %s stored at %s<BR>\n", type, trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl")); printTrackHtml(tdb); } } static void showSchemaWiki(struct trackDb *tdb, char *table) /* Show schema for the wikiTrack. */ { hPrintf("<B>User annotations to UCSC genes or genome regions</B><BR>\n"); showSchemaDb(wikiDbName(), tdb, table); printTrackHtml(tdb); } static void showSchema(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb, char *table) /* Show schema to open html page. */ { boolean isTabix = FALSE; if (isHubTrack(table)) showSchemaHub(db, table); else if (isBigBed(database, table, curTrack, ctLookupName)) showSchemaBigBed(table, tdb); +else if (isLongTabixTable(table)) + showSchemaLongTabix(table, tdb); else if (isBamTable(table)) showSchemaBam(table, tdb); else if (isVcfTable(table, &isTabix)) showSchemaVcf(table, tdb, isTabix); else if (isCustomTrack(table)) showSchemaCt(db, table); else if (sameWord(table, WIKI_TRACK_TABLE)) showSchemaWiki(tdb, table); else showSchemaDb(db, tdb, table); } void doTableSchema(char *db, char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Show schema around table (which is not described by curTrack). */ {