  Thu Sep 15 17:08:36 2016 -0700
Changing htmlSafef to use %s|none| instead of %-s because %-s has some legitimate uses in html output which means left-justifying the text. Jim uses it in hgBlat. This will make it more general, although it is longer to read and write. For sqlSafef, there was no legitimate expected need to have left-justified output in the production of a SQL statement.

diff --git src/lib/htmshell.c src/lib/htmshell.c
index d227321..9c43c48 100644
--- src/lib/htmshell.c
+++ src/lib/htmshell.c
@@ -1,1228 +1,1226 @@
 /* htmshell - a shell to wrap around programs that generate
  * html files.  Write the html initial stuff (<head>, <body>, etc.)
  * and the final stuff too.  Also catch errors here so that
  * the html final stuff is written even if the program has
  * to abort.
  * This also includes a few routines to write commonly used
  * html constructs such as images, horizontal lines. etc.
  * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "errAbort.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 jmp_buf htmlRecover;
 boolean htmlWarnBoxSetUpAlready=FALSE;
 static bool NoEscape = FALSE;
 static bool errorsNoHeader = FALSE;
 void htmlSuppressErrors()
 /* Do not output a http header for error messages. Makes sure that very early
  * errors are not shown back to the user but trigger a 500 error, */
 errorsNoHeader = TRUE;
 void htmlNoEscape()
 NoEscape = TRUE;
 void htmlDoEscape()
 NoEscape = FALSE;
 void htmlVaEncodeErrorText(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Write an error message encoded against XSS. */
 char warning[1024];
 int sz = vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(warning, sizeof(warning), format, args, TRUE);
 if (sz < 0)
     safecpy(warning, sizeof(warning), "Low level error in htmlSafef. See error logs for details.");
     vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", warning);
 void htmlVaParagraph(char *line, va_list args)
 /* Print a line in it's own paragraph. */
 fputs("<P>", stdout);
 vfprintf(stdout, line, args);
 fputs("</P>\n", stdout);
 void htmlParagraph(char *line, ...)
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, line);
 htmlVaParagraph(line, args);
 void htmlVaCenterParagraph(char *line, va_list args)
 /* Center a line in it's own paragraph. */
 fputs("<P ALIGN=\"CENTER\">", stdout);
 vfprintf(stdout, line, args);
 fputs("</P>\n", stdout);
 void htmlCenterParagraph(char *line, ...)
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, line);
 htmlVaCenterParagraph(line, args);
 void htmlHorizontalLine()
 /* Print a horizontal line. */
 printf("<HR ALIGN=\"CENTER\">");
 void htmHorizontalLine(FILE *f)
 /* Print a horizontal line. */
 fprintf(f, "<HR ALIGN=\"CENTER\">");
 void htmlNbSpaces(int count)
 /* Print a number of non-breaking spaces. */
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
 void htmTextOut(FILE *f, char *s)
 /* Print out string to file, if necessary replacing > with &gt; and the like */
 char c;
 if (NoEscape)
     fputs(s, f);
 while ((c = *s++) != 0)
     switch (c)
 	case '>':
 	    fputs("&gt;", f);
 	case '<':
 	    fputs("&lt;", f);
 	case '&':
 	    fputs("&amp;", f);
 	case '"':
 	    fputs("&quot;", f);
 	    fputc(c, f);
 void htmlTextOut(char *s)
 /* Print out string, if necessary replacing > with &gt; and the like */
 htmTextOut(stdout, s);
 char *htmlTextStripTags(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with all html tags stripped out */
 if (s == NULL)
     return NULL;
 char *scrubbed = needMem(strlen(s));
 char *from=s;
 char *to=scrubbed;
 while (*from!='\0')
     if (*from == '<')
         while (*from!='\0' && *from != '>')
         if (*from == '\0')  // The last open tag was never closed!
         *to++ = *from++;
 return scrubbed;
 char *htmlTextReplaceTagsWithChar(char *s, char ch)
 /* Returns a cloned string with all html tags replaced with given char (useful for tokenizing) */
 if (s == NULL)
     return NULL;
 char *scrubbed = needMem(strlen(s) + 1);
 char *from=s;
 char *to=scrubbed;
     if (*from == '<')
         *to++ = ch;
         while (*from!='\0' && *from != '>')
         if (*from == '\0')  // The last open tag was never closed!
         *to++ = *from++;
 *to = '\0';
 return scrubbed;
 char *htmlWarnEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with newlines replaced by BR tag.
    Meant to be displayed with warn popup box. */
 int size = strlen(s);
 size += countChars(s,'\n') * 4;
 char *cleanQuote = needMem(size+1);
 strSwapStrs(cleanQuote, size,"\n","<BR>" ); // use BR tag for new lines
 if (cgiClientBrowser(NULL,NULL,NULL) == btFF) // Firefox
     strSwapStrs(cleanQuote, size, "&#124;", "<BR>"); // replace with BR tag
     strSwapStrs(cleanQuote, size, "&#x0A;", "<BR>"); // replace with BR tag
 return cleanQuote;
 int htmlEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize)
 /* Replaces required punctuation characters with html entities to fight XSS. 
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 boolean FF = FALSE;
 if (cgiClientBrowser(NULL,NULL,NULL) == btFF)
     FF = TRUE;
 int total = 0;
 char c = 0;
     int size = 1;
     char *newString = NULL; 
     if (c == '&') { size = 5; newString = "&amp;"; } // '&' start a control char
     if (c == '>') { size = 4; newString = "&gt;" ; } // '>' close of tag
     if (c == '<') { size = 4; newString = "&lt;" ; } // '<' open  of tag
     if (c == '\n') 
 	size = 6;
 	if (FF)
 	    newString = "&#124;"; // FF does not support!  Use "&#124;" for '|' instead
 	    newString = "&#x0A;"; // '\n' is supported on some browsers
     if (c == '/')  { size = 6; newString = "&#x2F;"; } // forward slash helps end an HTML entity
     if (c == '"')  { size = 6; newString = "&quot;"; } // double quote
     if (c == '\'') { size = 5; newString = "&#39;" ; } // single quote
     if (out)
 	if (outSize > 0 && (total+size+1) > outSize) // 1 for terminator
 	    *out = 0;
 	    return -1;
 	if (size == 1)
 	    *out++ = c;
 	    strncpy(out, newString, size);
 	    out += size;
     total += size;
     } while (c != 0);
 return total - 1; // do not count terminating 0
 int htmlEncodeTextSize(char *s)
 /* Returns what the encoded size will be after replacing characters with html codes or entities. */
 return htmlEncodeTextExtended(s, NULL, 0);
 char *htmlEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with quotes replaced by html codes.
    Changes ',",\n and >,<,& to code equivalents.
    This differs from cgiEncode as it handles text that will
    be displayed in an html page or tooltip style title.  */
 int size = htmlEncodeTextSize(s);
 char *out = needMem(size+1);
 htmlEncodeTextExtended(s, out, size+1);
 return out;
 int nonAlphaNumericHexEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize, 
    char *prefix, char *postfix, int encodedSize)
 /* For html tag attributes, it replaces non-alphanumeric characters
  * with <prefix>HH<postfix> hex codes to fight XSS.
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 int total = 0;
 char c = 0;
     int size = 1;
     if (!isalnum(c)) // alpha-numeric
 	size = encodedSize;
     if (c == 0)
 	size = 1;    // do not encode the terminating 0
     if (out)
 	if (outSize > 0 && (total+size+1) > outSize) // 1 for terminator
 	    *out = 0;
 	    return -1;
 	if (size == 1)
 	    *out++ = c;
 	    char x;
 	    char *pf = prefix;
 	    while ((x = *pf++) != 0)
 		*out++ = x;
 	    char h1 = (c >> 4 ) + 0x30; if (h1 > 0x39) h1 += 7;
 	    *out++ = h1;
 	    char h2 = (c & 0xF) + 0x30; if (h2 > 0x39) h2 += 7;
 	    *out++ = h2;
 	    pf = postfix;
 	    while ((x = *pf++) != 0)
 		*out++ = x;
     total += size;
     } while (c != 0);
 return total - 1; // do not count terminating 0
 int attrEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize)
 /* For html tag attributes, it replaces non-alphanumeric characters
  * with html entities &#xHH; to fight XSS.
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 return nonAlphaNumericHexEncodeTextExtended(s, out, outSize, "&#x", ";", 6);
 int attrEncodeTextSize(char *s)
 /* Returns what the encoded size will be after replacing characters with escape codes. */
 return attrEncodeTextExtended(s, NULL, 0);
 char *attributeEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with non-alphanumeric characters replaced by escape codes. */
 int size = attrEncodeTextSize(s);
 char *out = needMem(size+1);
 attrEncodeTextExtended(s, out, size+1);
 return out;
 int cssEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize)
 /* For CSS, it replaces non-alphanumeric characters with "\HH " to fight XSS.
  * (Yes, the trailing space is critical.)
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 return nonAlphaNumericHexEncodeTextExtended(s, out, outSize, "\\", " ", 4);
 int cssEncodeTextSize(char *s)
 /* Returns what the encoded size will be after replacing characters with escape codes. */
 return cssEncodeTextExtended(s, NULL, 0);
 char *cssEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with non-alphanumeric characters replaced by escape codes. */
 int size = cssEncodeTextSize(s);
 char *out = needMem(size+1);
 cssEncodeTextExtended(s, out, size+1);
 return out;
 int javascriptEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize)
 /* For javascript, it replaces non-alphanumeric characters with "\xHH" to fight XSS.
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 return nonAlphaNumericHexEncodeTextExtended(s, out, outSize, "\\x", "", 4);
 int javascriptEncodeTextSize(char *s)
 /* Returns what the encoded size will be after replacing characters with escape codes. */
 return javascriptEncodeTextExtended(s, NULL, 0);
 char *javascriptEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with non-alphanumeric characters replaced by escape codes. */
 int size = javascriptEncodeTextSize(s);
 char *out = needMem(size+1);
 javascriptEncodeTextExtended(s, out, size+1);
 return out;
 int urlEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize)
 /* For URL parameters, it replaces non-alphanumeric characters with "%HH" to fight XSS.
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 return nonAlphaNumericHexEncodeTextExtended(s, out, outSize, "%", "", 3);
 int urlEncodeTextSize(char *s)
 /* Returns what the encoded size will be after replacing characters with escape codes. */
 return urlEncodeTextExtended(s, NULL, 0);
 char *urlEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with non-alphanumeric characters replaced by escape codes. */
 int size = urlEncodeTextSize(s);
 char *out = needMem(size+1);
 urlEncodeTextExtended(s, out, size+1);
 return out;
 char *htmlWarnStartPattern()
 /* Return starting pattern for warning message. */
 return "<!-- HGERROR-START -->\n";
 char *htmlWarnEndPattern()
 /* Return ending pattern for warning message. */
 return "<!-- HGERROR-END -->\n";
 void htmlWarnBoxSetup(FILE *f)
 /* Creates an invisible, empty warning box than can be filled with errors
  * and then made visible. */
 // Only set this up once per page
 if (htmlWarnBoxSetUpAlready)
 // NOTE: Making both IE and FF work is almost impossible.  Currently, in IE, if the message
 // is forced to the top (calling this routine after <BODY> then the box is not resizable
 // (dynamically adjusting to its contents). But if this setup is done later in the page
 // (at first warning), then IE does resize it.  Why?
 // FF3.0 (but not FF2.0) was resizable with the following, but it took some experimentation.
 // Remember what worked nicely on FF3.0:
 //      "var app=navigator.appName.substr(0,9); "
 //      "if(app == 'Microsoft') {warnBox.style.display='';} 
 //       else {warnBox.style.display=''; warnBox.style.width='auto';}"
 fprintf(f, "<script type='text/javascript'>\n");
 fprintf(f, "document.write(\"<center>"
             "<div id='warnBox' style='display:none;'>"
             "<CENTER><B id='warnHead'></B></CENTER>"
             "<UL id='warnList'></UL>"
             "<CENTER><button id='warnOK' onclick='hideWarnBox();return false;'></button></CENTER>"
 fprintf(f,"function showWarnBox() {"
             "var warnBox=document.getElementById('warnBox');"
             "warnBox.style.display=''; warnBox.style.width='65%%';"
             "window.scrollTo(0, 0);"
 fprintf(f,"function hideWarnBox() {"
             "var warnBox=document.getElementById('warnBox');"
             "var endOfPage = document.body.innerHTML.substr(document.body.innerHTML.length-20);"
             "if(endOfPage.lastIndexOf('-- ERROR --') > 0) { history.back(); }"
           "}\n"); // Note OK button goes to prev page when this page is interrupted by the error.
 fprintf(f,"window.onunload = function(){}; // Trick to avoid FF back button issue.\n");
 void htmlVaWarn(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Write an error message. */
 va_list argscp;
 va_copy(argscp, args);
 htmlWarnBoxSetup(stdout); // sets up the warnBox if it hasn't already been done.
 char warning[1024];
 // html-encode arguments to fight XSS
 int sz = vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(warning, sizeof(warning), format, args, TRUE);
 if (sz < 0)
     safecpy(warning, sizeof(warning), "Low level error in htmlSafef. See error logs for details.");
 // Replace newlines with BR tag
 char *warningBR = htmlWarnEncode(warning); 
 // Javascript-encode the entire message because it is
 // going to appear as a javascript string literal
 // as it gets appended to the warnList html.
 // JS-encoding here both allows us to use any character in the message
 // and keeps js-encodings in events like onmouseover="stuff %s|js| stuff" secure.
 char *jsEncodedMessage = javascriptEncode (warningBR); 
 printf("<script type='text/javascript'>{showWarnBox();"
 	"var warnList=document.getElementById('warnList');"
 	"warnList.innerHTML += '<li>%s</li>';}</script><!-- ERROR -->\n", jsEncodedMessage); 
 				     // NOTE that "--ERROR --" is needed at the end of this print!!
 /* Log useful CGI info to stderr */
 /* write warning/error message to stderr so they get logged. */
 vfprintf(stderr, format, argscp);
 fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 void htmlVaBadRequestAbort(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Print out an HTTP header 400 status code (Bad Request) and message,
  * then exit with error.  For use as an errAbort handler. */
 puts("Status: 400\r");
 puts("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r");
 if (format != NULL)
     vfprintf(stdout, format, args);
     fprintf(stdout, "\n");
 void htmlAbort()
 /* Terminate HTML file. */
 longjmp(htmlRecover, -1);
 void htmlMemDeath()
 errAbort("Out of memory.");
 static void earlyWarningHandler(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Write an error message so user can see it before page is really started. */
 static boolean initted = FALSE;
 if (!initted && !errorsNoHeader)
     htmlStart("Very Early Error");
     initted = TRUE;
 printf("%s", htmlWarnStartPattern());
 printf("%s", htmlWarnEndPattern());
 static void earlyAbortHandler()
 /* Exit close web page during early abort. */
 void htmlPushEarlyHandlers()
 /* Push stuff to close out web page to make sensible error
  * message during initialization. */
 static char *htmlStyle =
     "<STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\">"
     ".hiddenText {background-color: silver}"
     ".normalText {background-color: white}"
 char *htmlStyleUndecoratedLink =
 /* Style that gets rid of underline of links. */
    "<STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\"> "
    "<!-- "
    "A {text-decoration: none} "
 // optional style set by theme, added after main style and thus
 // can overwrite main style settings
 static char *htmlStyleTheme = NULL;
 void htmlSetStyle(char *style)
 /* Set document wide style. A favorite style to
  * use for many purposes is htmlStyleUndecoratedLink
  * which will remove underlines from links.
  * Needs to be called before htmlStart or htmShell. */
 htmlStyle = style;
 static char *htmlStyleSheet = NULL;
 void htmlSetStyleSheet(char *styleSheet)
 /* Set document wide style sheet by adding css name to HEAD part.
  * Needs to be called before htmlStart or htmShell. */
 htmlStyleSheet = styleSheet;
 static char *htmlFormClass = NULL;
 void htmlSetFormClass(char *formClass)
 /* Set class in the BODY part. */
 htmlFormClass = formClass;
 void htmlSetStyleTheme(char *style)
 /* Set theme style. Needs to be called before htmlStart or htmShell. */
 htmlStyleTheme = style;
 static char *htmlBackground = NULL;
 void htmlSetBackground(char *imageFile)
 /* Set background - needs to be called before htmlStart
  * or htmShell. */
 htmlBackground = imageFile;
 static int htmlBgColor = 0xFFFFFF;
 boolean gotBgColor = FALSE;
 void htmlSetBgColor(int color)
 /* Set background color - needs to be called before htmlStart
  * or htmShell. */
 htmlBgColor = color;
 gotBgColor = TRUE;
 void htmlSetCookie(char* name, char* value, char* expires, char* path, char* domain, boolean isSecure)
 /* create a cookie with the given stats */
 char* encoded_name;
 char* encoded_value;
 char* encoded_path = NULL;
 encoded_name = cgiEncode(name);
 encoded_value = cgiEncode(value);
 if(path != NULL)
 	encoded_path = cgiEncode(path);
 printf("Set-Cookie: %s=%s; ", encoded_name, encoded_value);
 if(expires != NULL)
     printf("expires=%s; ", expires);
 if(path != NULL)
     printf("path=%s; ", encoded_path);
 if(domain != NULL)
     printf("domain=%s; ", domain);
 if(isSecure == TRUE)
 void printBodyTag(FILE *f)
 // print starting BODY tag, including any appropriate attributes (class, background and bgcolor). 
 fprintf(f, "<BODY");
 struct slName *classes = NULL;
 slNameAddHead(&classes, "cgi");
 char *scriptName = cgiScriptName();
     char buf[FILENAME_LEN];
     splitPath(scriptName, NULL, buf, NULL);
     slNameAddHead(&classes, cloneString(buf));
 if (htmlFormClass != NULL )
     slNameAddHead(&classes, htmlFormClass);
 fprintf(f, " CLASS=\"%s\"", slNameListToString(classes, ' '));
 if (htmlBackground != NULL )
     fprintf(f, " BACKGROUND=\"%s\"", htmlBackground);
 if (gotBgColor)
     fprintf(f, " BGCOLOR=\"#%X\"", htmlBgColor);
 void _htmStartWithHead(FILE *f, char *head, char *title, boolean printDocType, int dirDepth)
 /* Write out bits of header that both stand-alone .htmls
  * and CGI returned .htmls need, including optional head info */
 if (printDocType)
     fputs("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\">\n", f);
     char *browserVersion;
     if (btIE == cgiClientBrowser(&browserVersion, NULL, NULL) && *browserVersion < '8')
         fputs("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\">\n", f);
         fputs("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" "
     // Strict would be nice since it fixes atleast one IE problem (use of :hover CSS pseudoclass)
 fputs("<HTML>", f);
 fprintf(f,"<HEAD>\n%s<TITLE>%s</TITLE>\n", head, title);
 if (endsWith(title,"Login - UCSC Genome Browser")) 
     fprintf(f,"\t<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html;CHARSET=iso-8859-1\">\n");
 fprintf(f, "\t<META http-equiv=\"Content-Script-Type\" content=\"text/javascript\">\n");
 if (htmlStyle != NULL)
     fputs(htmlStyle, f);
 if (htmlStyleSheet != NULL)
     fprintf(f,"<link href=\"%s\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">\n", htmlStyleSheet);
 if (htmlStyleTheme != NULL)
     fputs(htmlStyleTheme, f);
 void htmlStart(char *title)
 /* Write the start of an html from CGI */
 _htmStartWithHead(stdout, "", title, TRUE, 1);
 void htmStartWithHead(FILE *f, char *head, char *title)
 /* Write the start of a stand alone .html file, plus head info */
 _htmStartWithHead(f, head, title, TRUE, 1);
 void htmStart(FILE *f, char *title)
 /* Write the start of a stand alone .html file. */
 htmStartWithHead(f, "", title);
 void htmStartDirDepth(FILE *f, char *title, int dirDepth)
 /* Write the start of a stand alone .html file.  dirDepth is the number of levels
  * beneath apache root that caller's HTML will appear to the web client.
  * E.g. if writing HTML from cgi-bin, dirDepth is 1; if trash/body/, 2. */
 _htmStartWithHead(f, "", title, TRUE, dirDepth);
 /* Write the end of an html file */
 void htmEnd(FILE *f)
 fputs("\n</BODY>\n</HTML>\n", f);
 /* Write the end of a stand-alone html file */
 void htmlEnd()
 void htmlBadVar(char *varName)
 /* Display centered image file. */
 void htmlImage(char *fileName, int width, int height)
 printf("<P ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><IMG SRC=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%d\" HEIGHT=\"%d\" ALIGN=\"BOTTOM\" BORDER=\"0\"></P>", fileName, width, height);
 void htmErrOnlyShell(void (*doMiddle)())
 /* Wrap error recovery around call to doMiddle. */
 int status;
 /* Set up error recovery. */
 status = setjmp(htmlRecover);
 /* Do your main thing. */
 if (status == 0)
 void htmEmptyShell(void (*doMiddle)(), char *method)
 /* Wrap error recovery and and input processing around call to doMiddle. */
 int status;
 /* Set up error recovery (for out of memory and the like)
  * so that we finish web page regardless of problems. */
 status = setjmp(htmlRecover);
 /* Do your main thing. */
 if (status == 0)
 /* Wrap an html file around the passed in function.
  * The passed in function is already in the body. It
  * should just make paragraphs and return.
 void htmShell(char *title, void (*doMiddle)(), char *method)
 /* Preamble. */
 /* Call wrapper for error handling. */
 htmEmptyShell(doMiddle, method);
 /* Post-script. */
 /* Wrap an html file around the passed in function.
  * The passed in function is already in the body. It
  * should just make paragraphs and return.
  * Method should be "query" or "get" or "post".
 param title - The HTML page title
 param head - The head text: can be a refresh directive or javascript
 param method - The function pointer to execute in the middle
 param method - The browser request method to use
 void htmShellWithHead( char *title, char *head, void (*doMiddle)(), char *method)
 /* Preamble. */
 printf("<HEAD>%s<TITLE>%s</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n\n", head, title);
 htmlWarnBoxSetup(stdout);// Sets up a warning box which can be filled with errors as they occur
 /* Call wrapper for error handling. */
 htmEmptyShell(doMiddle, method);
 /* Post-script. */
 /* Include an HTML file in a CGI */
 void htmlIncludeFile(char *path)
 char *str = NULL;
 size_t len = 0;
 if (path == NULL)
     errAbort("Program error: including null file");
 if (!fileExists(path))
     errAbort("Missing file %s", path);
 readInGulp(path, &str, &len);
 if (len <= 0)
     errAbort("Error reading included file: %s", path);
 /* Include an HTML file in a CGI.
  *   The file path is relative to the web server document root */
 void htmlIncludeWebFile(char *file)
 char path[256];
 char *docRoot = "/usr/local/apache/htdocs";
 safef(path, sizeof path, "%s/%s", docRoot, file);
 /* ===== HTML printf-style escaping functions ===== */
 int htmlSafefAbort(boolean noAbort, char *format, ...)
 /* handle noAbort stderror logging and errAbort */
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 if (noAbort)
     vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
     vaErrAbort(format, args);
 return -1;
 #define htmlSafefPunc 0x01  // using char 1 as special char to denote strings needing escaping
-enum htmlSafefEncoding {dummyzero, html, js, css, attr, url};
+enum htmlSafefEncoding {dummyzero, none, html, js, css, attr, url};
 int htmlEscapeAllStrings(char *buffer, char *s, int bufSize, boolean noAbort)
 /* Escape all strings. *
  * Returns final size not including terminating 0. 
  * User needs to pre-allocate enough space that escape functions will never run out of space.
  * This function should be efficient on statements with many strings to be escaped. */
 char *sOrig = s;
 int sz = 0;
 int remainder = bufSize;
 boolean done = FALSE;
 while (1)
     char *start = strchr(s, htmlSafefPunc);
     char *end = NULL;
     if (start)
     	end = strchr(start+1, htmlSafefPunc); // skip over punc mark
 	if (!end)
 	    return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Unexpected error in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s]", sOrig);
 	// just copy remainder of the input string to output
     	start = strchr(s, 0); // find end of string
 	done = TRUE;	
     // move any non-escaped part
     int moveSize = start - s;
     if (moveSize > remainder)
 	return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Buffer too small in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s] bufSize = %d", sOrig, bufSize);
     memmove(buffer, s, moveSize);
     buffer += moveSize;
     sz += moveSize;
     remainder -= moveSize;
     if (done)
 	if (remainder < 1)
 	    return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Buffer too small for terminating zero in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s] bufSize = %d", sOrig, bufSize);
 	*buffer++ = 0;  // terminating 0
 	// do not include term 0 in sz count;
     // escape the quoted part
     s = start + 1;
     *end = 0;  // mark end of "input" string, replacing htmlSafefPunc. input string is temporary anyway.
     int escSize;
     char enc = *(end+1);
     if (enc == (enum htmlSafefEncoding) html)
 	escSize = htmlEncodeTextExtended(s,buffer,remainder);
     else if (enc == (enum htmlSafefEncoding) js)
 	escSize = javascriptEncodeTextExtended(s,buffer,remainder);
     else if (enc == (enum htmlSafefEncoding) css)
 	escSize = cssEncodeTextExtended(s,buffer,remainder);
     else if (enc == (enum htmlSafefEncoding) attr)
 	escSize = attrEncodeTextExtended(s,buffer,remainder);
     else if (enc == (enum htmlSafefEncoding) url)
 	escSize = urlEncodeTextExtended(s,buffer,remainder);
 	return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Unexpected error in htmlEscapeAllStrings. (enum htmlSafefEncoding)=%c", *(end+1));
     *end = htmlSafefPunc;  // restore mark, helps error message
     if (escSize < 0)
 	return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Buffer too small for escaping in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s] bufSize = %d", sOrig, bufSize);
     buffer += escSize;
     sz += escSize;
     remainder -= escSize;
     s = end + 2; // skip past htmlSafefPunc and htmlSafefEncoding (encoding type)
 return sz;
 char htmlSpecifierToEncoding(char *format, int *pI, boolean noAbort)
 /* translate specifier to encoding type */
 int i = *pI + 1;
 int cnt =  0;
 char enc;
 char spec[7+1];  // only check for 7 characters after |spec| starts.
 spec[0] = 0;
 if (format[i] == '|')
     while (TRUE)
 	char c = format[i++];
 	if ((c == 0) || (cnt >= 7)) // end of format string
 	    i = *pI + 1;
 	    spec[0] = 0;
 	if (c == '|')
 	    spec[cnt] = 0; // terminate spec
 	    if (cnt == 0) // double || escapes itself
 		i--;      // retain the last | char
 	    spec[cnt++] = c;
 if (sameString(spec,"js"))
     enc  = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) js;
 else if (sameString(spec,"css"))
     enc = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) css;
 else if (sameString(spec,"attr"))
     enc = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) attr;
 else if (sameString(spec,"url"))
     enc = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) url;
 else if (sameString(spec,""))
     enc = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) html;
+else if (sameString(spec,"none"))
+    enc = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) none;
     htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Unknown spec [%s] in format string [%s].", spec, format);
     return 0;
 *pI = i - 1;
 return enc;
 int vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(char* buffer, int bufSize, char *format, va_list args, boolean noAbort)
 /* VarArgs Format string to buffer, vsprintf style, only with buffer overflow
  * checking.  The resulting string is always terminated with zero byte.
  * Automatically escapes string values.
  * This function should be efficient on statements with many strings to be escaped. */
 int formatLen = strlen(format);
 char *newFormat = NULL;
 int newFormatSize = 2*formatLen + 1;
 newFormat = needMem(newFormatSize);
 char *nf = newFormat;
 char *lastPct = NULL;
 int escStringsCount = 0;
 char c = 0;
 int i = 0;
 boolean inPct = FALSE;
-boolean isNegated = FALSE;
 while (i < formatLen)
     c = format[i];
     *nf++ = c;
     if (c == '%' && !inPct)
 	inPct = TRUE;
 	lastPct = nf - 1;  // remember where the start was.
     else if (c == '%' && inPct)
 	inPct = FALSE;
     else if (inPct) 
 	if (c == 'l')
 	    { // used to handle 'l' long
 	else if (strchr("diuoxXeEfFgGpcs",c))
 	    inPct = FALSE;
 	    // we finally have the expected format
 	    // finally, the string we care about!
 	    if (c == 's')
-		if (!isNegated) // Not a Pre-escaped String
+		char enc = htmlSpecifierToEncoding(format, &i, noAbort);
+		if (enc == 0)
+		    return -1;
+		if (enc != (enum htmlSafefEncoding) none) // Not a Pre-escaped String
 		    // go back and insert htmlSafefPunc before the leading % char saved in lastPct
 		    // move the accumulated %s descriptor
 		    memmove(lastPct+1, lastPct, nf - lastPct); // this is typically very small, src and dest overlap.
 		    *lastPct = htmlSafefPunc;
 		    *nf++ = htmlSafefPunc;
-		    char enc = htmlSpecifierToEncoding(format, &i, noAbort);
-		    if (enc == 0)
-			return -1;
 		    *nf++ = enc;
-	    isNegated = FALSE;
 	else if (strchr("+-.1234567890",c))
-	    if (c == '-')
-		isNegated = TRUE;
+	    // Do nothing.
 	    return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "String format not understood in vaHtmlSafef: %s", format);
 int sz = 0; 
 boolean overflow = FALSE;
 if (escStringsCount > 0)
     int tempSize = bufSize + 3*escStringsCount;  // allow for temporary escPunc chars + spectype-char
     char *tempBuf = needMem(tempSize);
     sz = vsnprintf(tempBuf, tempSize, newFormat, args);
     /* note that some versions return -1 if too small */
     if (sz != -1 && sz + 1 <= tempSize)
 	sz = htmlEscapeAllStrings(buffer, tempBuf, bufSize, noAbort);
 	overflow = TRUE;
     sz = vsnprintf(buffer, bufSize, newFormat, args);
     /* note that some version return -1 if too small */
     if ((sz < 0) || (sz >= bufSize))
 	overflow = TRUE;
 if (overflow)
     buffer[bufSize-1] = (char) 0;
     htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "buffer overflow, size %d, format: %s", bufSize, format);
     sz = -1;
 return sz;
 int htmlSafef(char* buffer, int bufSize, char *format, ...)
 /* Format string to buffer, vsprintf style, only with buffer overflow
  * checking.  The resulting string is always terminated with zero byte. 
  * Escapes string parameters. */
 int sz;
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 sz = vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(buffer, bufSize, format, args, TRUE);
 return sz;