  Fri Sep 16 22:40:13 2016 -0700
refs #177282. fixes textarea xss vulnerability in cheapcgi.c visible in hgVai. Added functions to allow outputs of large but indeterminate size such as dyString and file streams like fprintf.

diff --git src/lib/htmshell.c src/lib/htmshell.c
index 9c43c48..a8996b5 100644
--- src/lib/htmshell.c
+++ src/lib/htmshell.c
@@ -1,1226 +1,1306 @@
 /* htmshell - a shell to wrap around programs that generate
  * html files.  Write the html initial stuff (<head>, <body>, etc.)
  * and the final stuff too.  Also catch errors here so that
  * the html final stuff is written even if the program has
  * to abort.
  * This also includes a few routines to write commonly used
  * html constructs such as images, horizontal lines. etc.
  * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "errAbort.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 jmp_buf htmlRecover;
 boolean htmlWarnBoxSetUpAlready=FALSE;
 static bool NoEscape = FALSE;
 static bool errorsNoHeader = FALSE;
 void htmlSuppressErrors()
 /* Do not output a http header for error messages. Makes sure that very early
  * errors are not shown back to the user but trigger a 500 error, */
 errorsNoHeader = TRUE;
 void htmlNoEscape()
 NoEscape = TRUE;
 void htmlDoEscape()
 NoEscape = FALSE;
 void htmlVaEncodeErrorText(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Write an error message encoded against XSS. */
 char warning[1024];
-int sz = vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(warning, sizeof(warning), format, args, TRUE);
+int sz = vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(warning, sizeof(warning), format, args, TRUE, FALSE);
 if (sz < 0)
     safecpy(warning, sizeof(warning), "Low level error in htmlSafef. See error logs for details.");
     vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", warning);
 void htmlVaParagraph(char *line, va_list args)
 /* Print a line in it's own paragraph. */
 fputs("<P>", stdout);
 vfprintf(stdout, line, args);
 fputs("</P>\n", stdout);
 void htmlParagraph(char *line, ...)
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, line);
 htmlVaParagraph(line, args);
 void htmlVaCenterParagraph(char *line, va_list args)
 /* Center a line in it's own paragraph. */
 fputs("<P ALIGN=\"CENTER\">", stdout);
 vfprintf(stdout, line, args);
 fputs("</P>\n", stdout);
 void htmlCenterParagraph(char *line, ...)
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, line);
 htmlVaCenterParagraph(line, args);
 void htmlHorizontalLine()
 /* Print a horizontal line. */
 printf("<HR ALIGN=\"CENTER\">");
 void htmHorizontalLine(FILE *f)
 /* Print a horizontal line. */
 fprintf(f, "<HR ALIGN=\"CENTER\">");
 void htmlNbSpaces(int count)
 /* Print a number of non-breaking spaces. */
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
 void htmTextOut(FILE *f, char *s)
 /* Print out string to file, if necessary replacing > with &gt; and the like */
 char c;
 if (NoEscape)
     fputs(s, f);
 while ((c = *s++) != 0)
     switch (c)
 	case '>':
 	    fputs("&gt;", f);
 	case '<':
 	    fputs("&lt;", f);
 	case '&':
 	    fputs("&amp;", f);
 	case '"':
 	    fputs("&quot;", f);
 	    fputc(c, f);
 void htmlTextOut(char *s)
 /* Print out string, if necessary replacing > with &gt; and the like */
 htmTextOut(stdout, s);
 char *htmlTextStripTags(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with all html tags stripped out */
 if (s == NULL)
     return NULL;
 char *scrubbed = needMem(strlen(s));
 char *from=s;
 char *to=scrubbed;
 while (*from!='\0')
     if (*from == '<')
         while (*from!='\0' && *from != '>')
         if (*from == '\0')  // The last open tag was never closed!
         *to++ = *from++;
 return scrubbed;
 char *htmlTextReplaceTagsWithChar(char *s, char ch)
 /* Returns a cloned string with all html tags replaced with given char (useful for tokenizing) */
 if (s == NULL)
     return NULL;
 char *scrubbed = needMem(strlen(s) + 1);
 char *from=s;
 char *to=scrubbed;
     if (*from == '<')
         *to++ = ch;
         while (*from!='\0' && *from != '>')
         if (*from == '\0')  // The last open tag was never closed!
         *to++ = *from++;
 *to = '\0';
 return scrubbed;
 char *htmlWarnEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with newlines replaced by BR tag.
    Meant to be displayed with warn popup box. */
 int size = strlen(s);
 size += countChars(s,'\n') * 4;
 char *cleanQuote = needMem(size+1);
 strSwapStrs(cleanQuote, size,"\n","<BR>" ); // use BR tag for new lines
 if (cgiClientBrowser(NULL,NULL,NULL) == btFF) // Firefox
     strSwapStrs(cleanQuote, size, "&#124;", "<BR>"); // replace with BR tag
     strSwapStrs(cleanQuote, size, "&#x0A;", "<BR>"); // replace with BR tag
 return cleanQuote;
 int htmlEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize)
 /* Replaces required punctuation characters with html entities to fight XSS. 
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 boolean FF = FALSE;
 if (cgiClientBrowser(NULL,NULL,NULL) == btFF)
     FF = TRUE;
 int total = 0;
 char c = 0;
     int size = 1;
     char *newString = NULL; 
     if (c == '&') { size = 5; newString = "&amp;"; } // '&' start a control char
     if (c == '>') { size = 4; newString = "&gt;" ; } // '>' close of tag
     if (c == '<') { size = 4; newString = "&lt;" ; } // '<' open  of tag
     if (c == '\n') 
 	size = 6;
 	if (FF)
 	    newString = "&#124;"; // FF does not support!  Use "&#124;" for '|' instead
 	    newString = "&#x0A;"; // '\n' is supported on some browsers
     if (c == '/')  { size = 6; newString = "&#x2F;"; } // forward slash helps end an HTML entity
     if (c == '"')  { size = 6; newString = "&quot;"; } // double quote
     if (c == '\'') { size = 5; newString = "&#39;" ; } // single quote
     if (out)
 	if (outSize > 0 && (total+size+1) > outSize) // 1 for terminator
 	    *out = 0;
 	    return -1;
 	if (size == 1)
 	    *out++ = c;
 	    strncpy(out, newString, size);
 	    out += size;
     total += size;
     } while (c != 0);
 return total - 1; // do not count terminating 0
 int htmlEncodeTextSize(char *s)
 /* Returns what the encoded size will be after replacing characters with html codes or entities. */
 return htmlEncodeTextExtended(s, NULL, 0);
 char *htmlEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with quotes replaced by html codes.
    Changes ',",\n and >,<,& to code equivalents.
    This differs from cgiEncode as it handles text that will
    be displayed in an html page or tooltip style title.  */
 int size = htmlEncodeTextSize(s);
 char *out = needMem(size+1);
 htmlEncodeTextExtended(s, out, size+1);
 return out;
 int nonAlphaNumericHexEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize, 
    char *prefix, char *postfix, int encodedSize)
 /* For html tag attributes, it replaces non-alphanumeric characters
  * with <prefix>HH<postfix> hex codes to fight XSS.
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 int total = 0;
 char c = 0;
     int size = 1;
     if (!isalnum(c)) // alpha-numeric
 	size = encodedSize;
     if (c == 0)
 	size = 1;    // do not encode the terminating 0
     if (out)
 	if (outSize > 0 && (total+size+1) > outSize) // 1 for terminator
 	    *out = 0;
 	    return -1;
 	if (size == 1)
 	    *out++ = c;
 	    char x;
 	    char *pf = prefix;
 	    while ((x = *pf++) != 0)
 		*out++ = x;
 	    char h1 = (c >> 4 ) + 0x30; if (h1 > 0x39) h1 += 7;
 	    *out++ = h1;
 	    char h2 = (c & 0xF) + 0x30; if (h2 > 0x39) h2 += 7;
 	    *out++ = h2;
 	    pf = postfix;
 	    while ((x = *pf++) != 0)
 		*out++ = x;
     total += size;
     } while (c != 0);
 return total - 1; // do not count terminating 0
 int attrEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize)
 /* For html tag attributes, it replaces non-alphanumeric characters
  * with html entities &#xHH; to fight XSS.
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 return nonAlphaNumericHexEncodeTextExtended(s, out, outSize, "&#x", ";", 6);
 int attrEncodeTextSize(char *s)
 /* Returns what the encoded size will be after replacing characters with escape codes. */
 return attrEncodeTextExtended(s, NULL, 0);
 char *attributeEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with non-alphanumeric characters replaced by escape codes. */
 int size = attrEncodeTextSize(s);
 char *out = needMem(size+1);
 attrEncodeTextExtended(s, out, size+1);
 return out;
 int cssEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize)
 /* For CSS, it replaces non-alphanumeric characters with "\HH " to fight XSS.
  * (Yes, the trailing space is critical.)
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 return nonAlphaNumericHexEncodeTextExtended(s, out, outSize, "\\", " ", 4);
 int cssEncodeTextSize(char *s)
 /* Returns what the encoded size will be after replacing characters with escape codes. */
 return cssEncodeTextExtended(s, NULL, 0);
 char *cssEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with non-alphanumeric characters replaced by escape codes. */
 int size = cssEncodeTextSize(s);
 char *out = needMem(size+1);
 cssEncodeTextExtended(s, out, size+1);
 return out;
 int javascriptEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize)
 /* For javascript, it replaces non-alphanumeric characters with "\xHH" to fight XSS.
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 return nonAlphaNumericHexEncodeTextExtended(s, out, outSize, "\\x", "", 4);
 int javascriptEncodeTextSize(char *s)
 /* Returns what the encoded size will be after replacing characters with escape codes. */
 return javascriptEncodeTextExtended(s, NULL, 0);
 char *javascriptEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with non-alphanumeric characters replaced by escape codes. */
 int size = javascriptEncodeTextSize(s);
 char *out = needMem(size+1);
 javascriptEncodeTextExtended(s, out, size+1);
 return out;
 int urlEncodeTextExtended(char *s, char *out, int outSize)
 /* For URL parameters, it replaces non-alphanumeric characters with "%HH" to fight XSS.
  * out result must be large enough to receive the encoded string.
  * Returns size of encoded string or -1 if output larger than outSize. 
  * To just get the final encoded size, pass in NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
  * To output without checking sizes, pass in non-NULL for out and 0 for outSize. 
 return nonAlphaNumericHexEncodeTextExtended(s, out, outSize, "%", "", 3);
 int urlEncodeTextSize(char *s)
 /* Returns what the encoded size will be after replacing characters with escape codes. */
 return urlEncodeTextExtended(s, NULL, 0);
 char *urlEncode(char *s)
 /* Returns a cloned string with non-alphanumeric characters replaced by escape codes. */
 int size = urlEncodeTextSize(s);
 char *out = needMem(size+1);
 urlEncodeTextExtended(s, out, size+1);
 return out;
 char *htmlWarnStartPattern()
 /* Return starting pattern for warning message. */
 return "<!-- HGERROR-START -->\n";
 char *htmlWarnEndPattern()
 /* Return ending pattern for warning message. */
 return "<!-- HGERROR-END -->\n";
 void htmlWarnBoxSetup(FILE *f)
 /* Creates an invisible, empty warning box than can be filled with errors
  * and then made visible. */
 // Only set this up once per page
 if (htmlWarnBoxSetUpAlready)
 // NOTE: Making both IE and FF work is almost impossible.  Currently, in IE, if the message
 // is forced to the top (calling this routine after <BODY> then the box is not resizable
 // (dynamically adjusting to its contents). But if this setup is done later in the page
 // (at first warning), then IE does resize it.  Why?
 // FF3.0 (but not FF2.0) was resizable with the following, but it took some experimentation.
 // Remember what worked nicely on FF3.0:
 //      "var app=navigator.appName.substr(0,9); "
 //      "if(app == 'Microsoft') {warnBox.style.display='';} 
 //       else {warnBox.style.display=''; warnBox.style.width='auto';}"
 fprintf(f, "<script type='text/javascript'>\n");
 fprintf(f, "document.write(\"<center>"
             "<div id='warnBox' style='display:none;'>"
             "<CENTER><B id='warnHead'></B></CENTER>"
             "<UL id='warnList'></UL>"
             "<CENTER><button id='warnOK' onclick='hideWarnBox();return false;'></button></CENTER>"
 fprintf(f,"function showWarnBox() {"
             "var warnBox=document.getElementById('warnBox');"
             "warnBox.style.display=''; warnBox.style.width='65%%';"
             "window.scrollTo(0, 0);"
 fprintf(f,"function hideWarnBox() {"
             "var warnBox=document.getElementById('warnBox');"
             "var endOfPage = document.body.innerHTML.substr(document.body.innerHTML.length-20);"
             "if(endOfPage.lastIndexOf('-- ERROR --') > 0) { history.back(); }"
           "}\n"); // Note OK button goes to prev page when this page is interrupted by the error.
 fprintf(f,"window.onunload = function(){}; // Trick to avoid FF back button issue.\n");
 void htmlVaWarn(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Write an error message. */
 va_list argscp;
 va_copy(argscp, args);
 htmlWarnBoxSetup(stdout); // sets up the warnBox if it hasn't already been done.
 char warning[1024];
 // html-encode arguments to fight XSS
-int sz = vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(warning, sizeof(warning), format, args, TRUE);
+int sz = vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(warning, sizeof(warning), format, args, TRUE, FALSE);
 if (sz < 0)
     safecpy(warning, sizeof(warning), "Low level error in htmlSafef. See error logs for details.");
 // Replace newlines with BR tag
 char *warningBR = htmlWarnEncode(warning); 
 // Javascript-encode the entire message because it is
 // going to appear as a javascript string literal
 // as it gets appended to the warnList html.
 // JS-encoding here both allows us to use any character in the message
 // and keeps js-encodings in events like onmouseover="stuff %s|js| stuff" secure.
 char *jsEncodedMessage = javascriptEncode (warningBR); 
 printf("<script type='text/javascript'>{showWarnBox();"
 	"var warnList=document.getElementById('warnList');"
 	"warnList.innerHTML += '<li>%s</li>';}</script><!-- ERROR -->\n", jsEncodedMessage); 
 				     // NOTE that "--ERROR --" is needed at the end of this print!!
 /* Log useful CGI info to stderr */
 /* write warning/error message to stderr so they get logged. */
 vfprintf(stderr, format, argscp);
 fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 void htmlVaBadRequestAbort(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Print out an HTTP header 400 status code (Bad Request) and message,
  * then exit with error.  For use as an errAbort handler. */
 puts("Status: 400\r");
 puts("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r");
 if (format != NULL)
     vfprintf(stdout, format, args);
     fprintf(stdout, "\n");
 void htmlAbort()
 /* Terminate HTML file. */
 longjmp(htmlRecover, -1);
 void htmlMemDeath()
 errAbort("Out of memory.");
 static void earlyWarningHandler(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Write an error message so user can see it before page is really started. */
 static boolean initted = FALSE;
 if (!initted && !errorsNoHeader)
     htmlStart("Very Early Error");
     initted = TRUE;
 printf("%s", htmlWarnStartPattern());
 printf("%s", htmlWarnEndPattern());
 static void earlyAbortHandler()
 /* Exit close web page during early abort. */
 void htmlPushEarlyHandlers()
 /* Push stuff to close out web page to make sensible error
  * message during initialization. */
 static char *htmlStyle =
     "<STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\">"
     ".hiddenText {background-color: silver}"
     ".normalText {background-color: white}"
 char *htmlStyleUndecoratedLink =
 /* Style that gets rid of underline of links. */
    "<STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\"> "
    "<!-- "
    "A {text-decoration: none} "
 // optional style set by theme, added after main style and thus
 // can overwrite main style settings
 static char *htmlStyleTheme = NULL;
 void htmlSetStyle(char *style)
 /* Set document wide style. A favorite style to
  * use for many purposes is htmlStyleUndecoratedLink
  * which will remove underlines from links.
  * Needs to be called before htmlStart or htmShell. */
 htmlStyle = style;
 static char *htmlStyleSheet = NULL;
 void htmlSetStyleSheet(char *styleSheet)
 /* Set document wide style sheet by adding css name to HEAD part.
  * Needs to be called before htmlStart or htmShell. */
 htmlStyleSheet = styleSheet;
 static char *htmlFormClass = NULL;
 void htmlSetFormClass(char *formClass)
 /* Set class in the BODY part. */
 htmlFormClass = formClass;
 void htmlSetStyleTheme(char *style)
 /* Set theme style. Needs to be called before htmlStart or htmShell. */
 htmlStyleTheme = style;
 static char *htmlBackground = NULL;
 void htmlSetBackground(char *imageFile)
 /* Set background - needs to be called before htmlStart
  * or htmShell. */
 htmlBackground = imageFile;
 static int htmlBgColor = 0xFFFFFF;
 boolean gotBgColor = FALSE;
 void htmlSetBgColor(int color)
 /* Set background color - needs to be called before htmlStart
  * or htmShell. */
 htmlBgColor = color;
 gotBgColor = TRUE;
 void htmlSetCookie(char* name, char* value, char* expires, char* path, char* domain, boolean isSecure)
 /* create a cookie with the given stats */
 char* encoded_name;
 char* encoded_value;
 char* encoded_path = NULL;
 encoded_name = cgiEncode(name);
 encoded_value = cgiEncode(value);
 if(path != NULL)
 	encoded_path = cgiEncode(path);
 printf("Set-Cookie: %s=%s; ", encoded_name, encoded_value);
 if(expires != NULL)
     printf("expires=%s; ", expires);
 if(path != NULL)
     printf("path=%s; ", encoded_path);
 if(domain != NULL)
     printf("domain=%s; ", domain);
 if(isSecure == TRUE)
 void printBodyTag(FILE *f)
 // print starting BODY tag, including any appropriate attributes (class, background and bgcolor). 
 fprintf(f, "<BODY");
 struct slName *classes = NULL;
 slNameAddHead(&classes, "cgi");
 char *scriptName = cgiScriptName();
     char buf[FILENAME_LEN];
     splitPath(scriptName, NULL, buf, NULL);
     slNameAddHead(&classes, cloneString(buf));
 if (htmlFormClass != NULL )
     slNameAddHead(&classes, htmlFormClass);
 fprintf(f, " CLASS=\"%s\"", slNameListToString(classes, ' '));
 if (htmlBackground != NULL )
     fprintf(f, " BACKGROUND=\"%s\"", htmlBackground);
 if (gotBgColor)
     fprintf(f, " BGCOLOR=\"#%X\"", htmlBgColor);
 void _htmStartWithHead(FILE *f, char *head, char *title, boolean printDocType, int dirDepth)
 /* Write out bits of header that both stand-alone .htmls
  * and CGI returned .htmls need, including optional head info */
 if (printDocType)
     fputs("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\">\n", f);
     char *browserVersion;
     if (btIE == cgiClientBrowser(&browserVersion, NULL, NULL) && *browserVersion < '8')
         fputs("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\">\n", f);
         fputs("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" "
     // Strict would be nice since it fixes atleast one IE problem (use of :hover CSS pseudoclass)
 fputs("<HTML>", f);
 fprintf(f,"<HEAD>\n%s<TITLE>%s</TITLE>\n", head, title);
 if (endsWith(title,"Login - UCSC Genome Browser")) 
     fprintf(f,"\t<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html;CHARSET=iso-8859-1\">\n");
 fprintf(f, "\t<META http-equiv=\"Content-Script-Type\" content=\"text/javascript\">\n");
 if (htmlStyle != NULL)
     fputs(htmlStyle, f);
 if (htmlStyleSheet != NULL)
     fprintf(f,"<link href=\"%s\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">\n", htmlStyleSheet);
 if (htmlStyleTheme != NULL)
     fputs(htmlStyleTheme, f);
 void htmlStart(char *title)
 /* Write the start of an html from CGI */
 _htmStartWithHead(stdout, "", title, TRUE, 1);
 void htmStartWithHead(FILE *f, char *head, char *title)
 /* Write the start of a stand alone .html file, plus head info */
 _htmStartWithHead(f, head, title, TRUE, 1);
 void htmStart(FILE *f, char *title)
 /* Write the start of a stand alone .html file. */
 htmStartWithHead(f, "", title);
 void htmStartDirDepth(FILE *f, char *title, int dirDepth)
 /* Write the start of a stand alone .html file.  dirDepth is the number of levels
  * beneath apache root that caller's HTML will appear to the web client.
  * E.g. if writing HTML from cgi-bin, dirDepth is 1; if trash/body/, 2. */
 _htmStartWithHead(f, "", title, TRUE, dirDepth);
 /* Write the end of an html file */
 void htmEnd(FILE *f)
 fputs("\n</BODY>\n</HTML>\n", f);
 /* Write the end of a stand-alone html file */
 void htmlEnd()
 void htmlBadVar(char *varName)
 /* Display centered image file. */
 void htmlImage(char *fileName, int width, int height)
 printf("<P ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><IMG SRC=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%d\" HEIGHT=\"%d\" ALIGN=\"BOTTOM\" BORDER=\"0\"></P>", fileName, width, height);
 void htmErrOnlyShell(void (*doMiddle)())
 /* Wrap error recovery around call to doMiddle. */
 int status;
 /* Set up error recovery. */
 status = setjmp(htmlRecover);
 /* Do your main thing. */
 if (status == 0)
 void htmEmptyShell(void (*doMiddle)(), char *method)
 /* Wrap error recovery and and input processing around call to doMiddle. */
 int status;
 /* Set up error recovery (for out of memory and the like)
  * so that we finish web page regardless of problems. */
 status = setjmp(htmlRecover);
 /* Do your main thing. */
 if (status == 0)
 /* Wrap an html file around the passed in function.
  * The passed in function is already in the body. It
  * should just make paragraphs and return.
 void htmShell(char *title, void (*doMiddle)(), char *method)
 /* Preamble. */
 /* Call wrapper for error handling. */
 htmEmptyShell(doMiddle, method);
 /* Post-script. */
 /* Wrap an html file around the passed in function.
  * The passed in function is already in the body. It
  * should just make paragraphs and return.
  * Method should be "query" or "get" or "post".
 param title - The HTML page title
 param head - The head text: can be a refresh directive or javascript
 param method - The function pointer to execute in the middle
 param method - The browser request method to use
 void htmShellWithHead( char *title, char *head, void (*doMiddle)(), char *method)
 /* Preamble. */
 printf("<HEAD>%s<TITLE>%s</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n\n", head, title);
 htmlWarnBoxSetup(stdout);// Sets up a warning box which can be filled with errors as they occur
 /* Call wrapper for error handling. */
 htmEmptyShell(doMiddle, method);
 /* Post-script. */
 /* Include an HTML file in a CGI */
 void htmlIncludeFile(char *path)
 char *str = NULL;
 size_t len = 0;
 if (path == NULL)
     errAbort("Program error: including null file");
 if (!fileExists(path))
     errAbort("Missing file %s", path);
 readInGulp(path, &str, &len);
 if (len <= 0)
     errAbort("Error reading included file: %s", path);
 /* Include an HTML file in a CGI.
  *   The file path is relative to the web server document root */
 void htmlIncludeWebFile(char *file)
 char path[256];
 char *docRoot = "/usr/local/apache/htdocs";
 safef(path, sizeof path, "%s/%s", docRoot, file);
 /* ===== HTML printf-style escaping functions ===== */
-int htmlSafefAbort(boolean noAbort, char *format, ...)
+int htmlSafefAbort(boolean noAbort, int errCode, char *format, ...)
 /* handle noAbort stderror logging and errAbort */
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 if (noAbort)
     vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
     vaErrAbort(format, args);
-return -1;
+return errCode;
 #define htmlSafefPunc 0x01  // using char 1 as special char to denote strings needing escaping
 enum htmlSafefEncoding {dummyzero, none, html, js, css, attr, url};
-int htmlEscapeAllStrings(char *buffer, char *s, int bufSize, boolean noAbort)
+int htmlEscapeAllStrings(char *buffer, char *s, int bufSize, boolean noAbort, boolean noWarnOverflow)
 /* Escape all strings. *
  * Returns final size not including terminating 0. 
  * User needs to pre-allocate enough space that escape functions will never run out of space.
  * This function should be efficient on statements with many strings to be escaped. */
 char *sOrig = s;
 int sz = 0;
 int remainder = bufSize;
 boolean done = FALSE;
 while (1)
     char *start = strchr(s, htmlSafefPunc);
     char *end = NULL;
     if (start)
     	end = strchr(start+1, htmlSafefPunc); // skip over punc mark
 	if (!end)
-	    return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Unexpected error in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s]", sOrig);
+	    return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, -2, "Unexpected error in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s]", sOrig);
 	// just copy remainder of the input string to output
     	start = strchr(s, 0); // find end of string
 	done = TRUE;	
     // move any non-escaped part
     int moveSize = start - s;
     if (moveSize > remainder)
-	return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Buffer too small in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s] bufSize = %d", sOrig, bufSize);
+	if (noWarnOverflow) return -1; // speed
+	return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, -1, "Buffer too small in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s] bufSize = %d", sOrig, bufSize);
     memmove(buffer, s, moveSize);
     buffer += moveSize;
     sz += moveSize;
     remainder -= moveSize;
     if (done)
 	if (remainder < 1)
-	    return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Buffer too small for terminating zero in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s] bufSize = %d", sOrig, bufSize);
+	    if (noWarnOverflow) return -1; // speed
+	    return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, -1, "Buffer too small for terminating zero in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s] bufSize = %d", sOrig, bufSize);
 	*buffer++ = 0;  // terminating 0
 	// do not include term 0 in sz count;
     // escape the quoted part
     s = start + 1;
     *end = 0;  // mark end of "input" string, replacing htmlSafefPunc. input string is temporary anyway.
     int escSize;
     char enc = *(end+1);
     if (enc == (enum htmlSafefEncoding) html)
 	escSize = htmlEncodeTextExtended(s,buffer,remainder);
     else if (enc == (enum htmlSafefEncoding) js)
 	escSize = javascriptEncodeTextExtended(s,buffer,remainder);
     else if (enc == (enum htmlSafefEncoding) css)
 	escSize = cssEncodeTextExtended(s,buffer,remainder);
     else if (enc == (enum htmlSafefEncoding) attr)
 	escSize = attrEncodeTextExtended(s,buffer,remainder);
     else if (enc == (enum htmlSafefEncoding) url)
 	escSize = urlEncodeTextExtended(s,buffer,remainder);
-	return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Unexpected error in htmlEscapeAllStrings. (enum htmlSafefEncoding)=%c", *(end+1));
+	return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, -2, "Unexpected error in htmlEscapeAllStrings. (enum htmlSafefEncoding)=%c", *(end+1));
     *end = htmlSafefPunc;  // restore mark, helps error message
     if (escSize < 0)
-	return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Buffer too small for escaping in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s] bufSize = %d", sOrig, bufSize);
+	if (noWarnOverflow) return -1; // speed
+	return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, -1, "Buffer too small for escaping in htmlEscapeAllStrings. s=[%s] bufSize = %d", sOrig, bufSize);
     buffer += escSize;
     sz += escSize;
     remainder -= escSize;
     s = end + 2; // skip past htmlSafefPunc and htmlSafefEncoding (encoding type)
 return sz;
 char htmlSpecifierToEncoding(char *format, int *pI, boolean noAbort)
 /* translate specifier to encoding type */
 int i = *pI + 1;
 int cnt =  0;
 char enc;
 char spec[7+1];  // only check for 7 characters after |spec| starts.
 spec[0] = 0;
 if (format[i] == '|')
     while (TRUE)
 	char c = format[i++];
 	if ((c == 0) || (cnt >= 7)) // end of format string
 	    i = *pI + 1;
 	    spec[0] = 0;
 	if (c == '|')
 	    spec[cnt] = 0; // terminate spec
 	    if (cnt == 0) // double || escapes itself
 		i--;      // retain the last | char
 	    spec[cnt++] = c;
 if (sameString(spec,"js"))
     enc  = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) js;
 else if (sameString(spec,"css"))
     enc = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) css;
 else if (sameString(spec,"attr"))
     enc = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) attr;
 else if (sameString(spec,"url"))
     enc = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) url;
 else if (sameString(spec,""))
     enc = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) html;
 else if (sameString(spec,"none"))
     enc = (enum htmlSafefEncoding) none;
-    htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "Unknown spec [%s] in format string [%s].", spec, format);
+    htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, -2, "Unknown spec [%s] in format string [%s].", spec, format);
     return 0;
 *pI = i - 1;
 return enc;
-int vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(char* buffer, int bufSize, char *format, va_list args, boolean noAbort)
+int vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(char* buffer, int bufSize, char *format, va_list args, boolean noAbort, boolean noWarnOverflow)
 /* VarArgs Format string to buffer, vsprintf style, only with buffer overflow
  * checking.  The resulting string is always terminated with zero byte.
  * Automatically escapes string values.
+ * Returns count of bytes written or -1 for overflow or -2 for other errors.
  * This function should be efficient on statements with many strings to be escaped. */
 int formatLen = strlen(format);
 char *newFormat = NULL;
 int newFormatSize = 2*formatLen + 1;
 newFormat = needMem(newFormatSize);
 char *nf = newFormat;
 char *lastPct = NULL;
 int escStringsCount = 0;
 char c = 0;
 int i = 0;
 boolean inPct = FALSE;
 while (i < formatLen)
     c = format[i];
     *nf++ = c;
     if (c == '%' && !inPct)
 	inPct = TRUE;
 	lastPct = nf - 1;  // remember where the start was.
     else if (c == '%' && inPct)
 	inPct = FALSE;
     else if (inPct) 
 	if (c == 'l')
 	    { // used to handle 'l' long
 	else if (strchr("diuoxXeEfFgGpcs",c))
 	    inPct = FALSE;
 	    // we finally have the expected format
 	    // finally, the string we care about!
 	    if (c == 's')
 		char enc = htmlSpecifierToEncoding(format, &i, noAbort);
 		if (enc == 0)
-		    return -1;
+		    return -2;
 		if (enc != (enum htmlSafefEncoding) none) // Not a Pre-escaped String
 		    // go back and insert htmlSafefPunc before the leading % char saved in lastPct
 		    // move the accumulated %s descriptor
 		    memmove(lastPct+1, lastPct, nf - lastPct); // this is typically very small, src and dest overlap.
 		    *lastPct = htmlSafefPunc;
 		    *nf++ = htmlSafefPunc;
 		    *nf++ = enc;
 	else if (strchr("+-.1234567890",c))
 	    // Do nothing.
-	    return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "String format not understood in vaHtmlSafef: %s", format);
+	    return htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, -2, "String format not understood in vaHtmlSafef: %s", format);
 int sz = 0; 
 boolean overflow = FALSE;
 if (escStringsCount > 0)
     int tempSize = bufSize + 3*escStringsCount;  // allow for temporary escPunc chars + spectype-char
     char *tempBuf = needMem(tempSize);
     sz = vsnprintf(tempBuf, tempSize, newFormat, args);
     /* note that some versions return -1 if too small */
     if (sz != -1 && sz + 1 <= tempSize)
-	sz = htmlEscapeAllStrings(buffer, tempBuf, bufSize, noAbort);
+	sz = htmlEscapeAllStrings(buffer, tempBuf, bufSize, noAbort, noWarnOverflow);
 	overflow = TRUE;
     sz = vsnprintf(buffer, bufSize, newFormat, args);
     /* note that some version return -1 if too small */
     if ((sz < 0) || (sz >= bufSize))
 	overflow = TRUE;
 if (overflow)
     buffer[bufSize-1] = (char) 0;
-    htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, "buffer overflow, size %d, format: %s", bufSize, format);
+    if (!noWarnOverflow)
+	htmlSafefAbort(noAbort, -1, "buffer overflow, size %d, format: %s", bufSize, format);
     sz = -1;
 return sz;
 int htmlSafef(char* buffer, int bufSize, char *format, ...)
 /* Format string to buffer, vsprintf style, only with buffer overflow
  * checking.  The resulting string is always terminated with zero byte. 
  * Escapes string parameters. */
 int sz;
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
-sz = vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(buffer, bufSize, format, args, TRUE);
+sz = vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(buffer, bufSize, format, args, FALSE, FALSE);
 return sz;
+void vaHtmlDyStringPrintf(struct dyString *ds, char *format, va_list args)
+/* VarArgs Printf append to dyString
+ * Strings are escaped according to format type. */
+/* attempt to format the string in the current space.  If there
+ * is not enough room, increase the buffer size and try again */
+int avail, sz;
+while (TRUE)
+    {
+    va_list argscp;
+    va_copy(argscp, args);
+    avail = ds->bufSize - ds->stringSize;
+    if (avail <= 0)
+        {
+        /* Don't pass zero sized buffers to vsnprintf, because who knows
+         * if the library function will handle it. */
+        dyStringBumpBufSize(ds, ds->bufSize+ds->bufSize);
+        avail = ds->bufSize - ds->stringSize;
+        }
+    sz = vaHtmlSafefNoAbort(ds->string + ds->stringSize, avail, format, argscp, FALSE, TRUE);
+    va_end(argscp);
+    /* note that some version return -1 if too small */
+    if ((sz < 0) || (sz >= avail))
+	{
+        dyStringBumpBufSize(ds, ds->bufSize+ds->bufSize);
+	}
+    else
+        {
+        ds->stringSize += sz;
+        break;
+        }
+    }
+void htmlDyStringPrintf(struct dyString *ds, char *format, ...)
+/* VarArgs Printf append to dyString
+ * Strings are escaped according to format type. */
+va_list args;
+va_start(args, format);
+vaHtmlDyStringPrintf(ds, format, args);
+void vaHtmlFprintf(FILE *f, char *format, va_list args)
+/* fprintf using html encoding types */
+struct dyString *ds = newDyString(1024);
+vaHtmlDyStringPrintf(ds, format, args);
+fputs(ds->string, f);  // does not append newline
+void htmlFprintf(FILE *f, char *format, ...)
+/* fprintf using html encoding types */
+va_list args;
+va_start(args, format);
+vaHtmlFprintf(f, format, args);
+void htmlPrintf(char *format, ...)
+/* fprintf using html encoding types */
+va_list args;
+va_start(args, format);
+vaHtmlFprintf(stdout, format, args);