  Wed Sep 14 11:47:52 2016 -0700
finally committing all missing pieces of the crispr track pipeline, refs #17235

diff --git src/utils/doCrispr.sh src/utils/doCrispr.sh
index 35f7c47..c3570fd 100755
--- src/utils/doCrispr.sh
+++ src/utils/doCrispr.sh
@@ -1,131 +1,133 @@
 set -euo pipefail
 # script to create a crispr track for an assembly
 # has only two arguments: the genome db and the gene track to use
 # steps:
 # - get 200bp-regions around exons
 # - get the 20bp-GG sequences in them
 # - take only the unique ones and split these into chunks
 set -e
 set -o pipefail
 # path to a git clone of the crispor github repo, must be under /hive
 if [ ! -f $CRISPOR/crispor.py ]; then
     echo error: cannot find $CRISPOR/crispor.py
     exit 1
-# path to the crispr track tools, should be on /hive, from kent/src/utils/crisprTrack
+# path to the crispr track pipeline scripts
+# look at ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/crisprTrack/README.txt for
+# more info about these scripts in there
+crisprTrack= /hive/data/outside/crisprTrack/scripts
 if [[ -z "$1" || -z "$2" ]]; then
     echo to build a crispr track, you need to specify two arguments:
     echo 1 - genome db
     echo 2 - name of a gene track
     exit 1
 if [ ! -f $genomeFname ]; then
     echo error: $genomeFname not found - make sure that you have bwa indexed this genome in crispor
     exit 1
 mkdir /hive/data/genomes/$db/bed/crispr
 cd /hive/data/genomes/$db/bed/crispr
 echo `date` $USER >> doCrispr.log
 echo gene track: $geneTrackName >> doCrispr.log
 mkdir -p ranges
 # select fields explicitly: some dbs have bin fields, others don't
 echo getting genes
 hgsql $db -NB -e 'select name,chrom,strand,txStart,txEnd,cdsStart,cdsEnd,exonCount,exonStarts,exonEnds from '$geneTrackName' where chrom not like "%_alt" and chrom not like "%hap%"; '  > ranges/genes.gp
 echo Number of transcripts: >> doCrispr.log
 echo `wc -l ranges/genes.gp` >> doCrispr.log
 echo break genes into exons and add 200 bp on each side
 genePredToBed ranges/genes.gp stdout | grep -v hap | grep -v chrUn | bedToExons stdin stdout | awk '{$2=$2-200; $3=$3+200; $6="+"; print}'| bedClip stdin /hive/data/genomes/$db/chrom.sizes stdout | grep -v _alt | grep -i -v hap > ranges/ranges.bed
 echo get sequence. this can take 10-15 minutes due to our old twoBit.c bug
 echo featureBits of target ranges >> doCrispr.log
 featureBits $db ranges/ranges.bed -faMerge -fa=ranges/ranges.fa -minSize=20 -bed=stdout | cut -f-3 2>> doCrispr.log > crisprRanges.bed 
 echo split the sequence file into pieces for the cluster
 mkdir -p ranges/inFa/ ranges/outGuides
 # split sequences into smaller parts
 faSplit sequence ranges/ranges.fa 100 ranges/inFa/
 echo find all guides in the pieces
 # now pull out all potential guide sequences within these ranges in .bed and .fa
 # don't know how to do $var expansion in heredoc, so using simple loop, not template/gensub2
 for i in ranges/inFa/*.fa; do echo python $crisprTrack/findGuides.py {check in exists inFa/`basename $i`} {check in exists $chromSizesPath} outGuides/`basename $i .fa`.bed {check out exists outGuides/`basename $i`}; done > ranges/jobList
 # actually just a few minutes on the cluster
 ssh ku "cd `pwd`/ranges; para freeBatch; para make jobList"
 echo concat all guides that were found
 cat ranges/outGuides/*.fa | grep -v \> > allGuides.txt
 cat ranges/outGuides/*.bed > allGuides.bed
 echo preparing the biggest cluster job, specificity alignment:
 echo filtering and splitting guide sequences into small pieces
 mkdir -p specScores/jobs/inFa specScores/jobs/outGuides specScores/jobs/outOffs
 # the next step will take 30 mins or so
 # It will create 1 million tiny files for the cluster jobs.
 # splitGuidesSpecScore.py will remove all non-unique sequences from allGuides.txt
 # it will also re-format the guide sequences into the weird format required by the CRISPOR
 # script: separate them by NNNN and append the artificial AGG PAM, so CRISPOR accepts 
 # these sequences and finds off-targets for them. The NNNN are needed so CRISPOR won't find 
 # any guides in overlaps of two guide sequences, as CRISPOR ignores all guides with Ns.
 # however, CRISPOR will still find guides in all sequences that start with CC, which
 # will waste a bit of CPU.
 python $crisprTrack/splitGuidesSpecScore.py allGuides.txt specScores/jobs/inFa specScores/jobNames.txt
 echo creating a jobList file from the pieces
 # make the big jobList file, I used python, but not really necessary
 python $crisprTrack/makeSpecJoblist.py specScores/jobNames.txt $CRISPOR $db specScores/jobList
 ssh ku "cd `pwd`/specScores; para freeBatch; para make jobList"
 # also calc the efficiency scores
 python $crisprTrack/splitGuidesEffScore.py $chromSizesPath allGuides.bed effScores/jobs effScores/jobNames.txt
 # cannot get $db substitution to work with a bash heredoc
 for i in `find effScores/jobs/bed -type f`; do echo /cluster/software/bin/python $crisprTrack/jobCalcEffScores.py $CRISPOR $db {check in exists jobs/bed/`basename $i`} {check out exists jobs/out/`basename $i .bed`.tab}; done > effScores/jobList
 ssh ku "cd `pwd`/effScores; para freeBatch; para make jobList"
 # now concat the cluster job output back into two files
 # around 10 mins each
 find specScores/jobs/outGuides -type f | xargs cut -f-4 > specScores.tab
 find effScores/jobs/out/ -type f | xargs cat > effScores.tab
 echo Number of guides >> doCrispr.log
 echo `wc -l specScores.tab` >> doCrispr.log
 echo Number of guides >> doCrispr.log
 echo `wc -l specScores.tab` >> doCrispr.log
 echo converting off-targets
 mkdir specScores/catJobs/inFnames specScores/catJobs/out/ -p
 echo specScores/jobs/outOffs/*.tab | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -e s/specScores/../g > specScores/otFnames.txt
 splitFile specScores/otFnames.txt 20 specScores/catJobs/inFnames/otJob
 for i in specScores/catJobs/inFnames/otJob*; do fname=`basename $i`; echo python /hive/groups/browser/crisprTrack/convOffs.py $db {check in exists inFnames/$fname} {check out exists out/$fname};  done > specScores/catJobs/jobList
 echo concating and indexing the off-targets 
 catAndIndex specScores/catJobs/out offtargets.tab offtargets.offsets.tab
 # create the bigBed file
 # approx 30 mins on human
 echo creating a bigBed file
 time python $crisprTrack/createBigBed.py $db allGuides.bed specScores.tab effScores.tab offtargets.offsets.tab
 ln -s `pwd`/crispr.bb /gbdb/$db/bbi/crispr.bb
 hgBbiDbLink $db crisprTargets /gbdb/$db/bbi/crispr.bb
 hgLoadBed $db crisprRanges crisprRanges.bed